Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 12

  “Stop day dreaming, here have an apple,” Athena said holding out a red apple to Zoe. “Do you realize you don’t try to change your habits?”

  Zoe smiled as they moved on to the next vendor. “Change what habits?”

  “You always have day dreamed while I’m trying to buy groceries. It worries me. Before I used to think you’ll get lost or stolen, now I’m worried you’ll get mauled and stolen.” Athena elaborated. “It doesn’t change.”

  “Athena you are just a worrying kind of person,” Zoe said as they stopped and Athena perused broccoli heads. “I know you’re angry with me about what I did. I realize you want an explanation, but right now, I don’t have one that will make you happy.”

  “The explanation must be a very stupid one then,” Athena said glancing at her for a moment. “I’m not ever going to agree with what you’ve done. Because, my love—, don’t shake your head—, because I saw how you were with Robbie.”


  “You are perfect for each other,” Athena said pointing at broccoli she wanted for the seller. “It was great. I thought to myself, now here is a man I can give my support. Robbie is a good man for you. So, I’m angry with you for hurting him the way you have. But, I want you to know that you always come first. I love you, and as much as your decision annoys me, I can’t do anything but support you.”

  Zoe understood that this was a small concession when it came to Athena. It would not get any better until the truth was all out. Since she wasn’t ready to confide that to Athena, she’d have to take this.

  “Does that mean you won’t pester me anymore about it?” Zoe asked biting into her apple.

  “It just means I’ll be patient. I’ll try to understand what I don’t know,” Athena said with a wink. “I’m this way only because I care; you know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Zoe said with a shrug.

  “Good. Then if you won’t talk to me, talk to Sylvia,” Athena said finishing with the broccoli.

  “I knew you’d demand something,” Zoe said on a sigh. “I guess I could do that.”

  “I’ll have Tony drive you there for your appointments, just in case,” Athena said

  “I can drive myself,” Zoe said with a frown.

  “Tony will drive you,” Athena said firmly. She would make sure that Zoe actually went for her appointments. It was all that was left to do. “Now come on, we need some mackerels. They’re your favorite, right? I think we can convince Alain to make them tonight.”

  “We should take him some cake from Zeus’s café,” Zoe said with a shy smile. “I know he likes it even though he denies it.”

  “Really,” Athena’s eyes widened. “Is that the way of it? Why didn’t you ever say something? I’m going to exploit that.”

  Zoe laughed and Athena smiled at the sound. She’d really missed hearing that laugh around the house.


  The next month went by quickly. Thaddeus spent his time keeping a keen eye on Zoe and playing the protector when her family tried to see her. It was an easy role for him, because he’d played it before. Except this time he hated doing it, especially when Kenny was falling victim. It had surprised him to see Kenny and Jessica show up at the villa on a weekend. It had just been luck that Athena had decided to take Zoe and Zan along to check on their home at the Aledeus Island.

  Kenny had demanded to know what was causing the rift with Zoe. Thad had been glad to answer he didn’t know because that was a truth he could give. Thankfully, Kenny had decided to leave soon after taking a confused Jessica with him.

  He was happy that Zoe kept her appointments with Sylvia. Tony, Zoe’s bodyguard and driver, made sure she got there and drove her back. The rest of the time, Zoe spent in her room, playing the piano or violin and at the beach collecting shells with Zan. She refused to discuss her falling out with Robbie and even stayed away from Kelly and Chris. Thaddeus was aware that they were all treating this as the vacation she’d asked for before the alleged wedding. Which was all well and good, he just wished she’d try and collect her life again.


  At the beginning of July, Christine Pendleton got a call from the editor of GQ magazine. Haden had been voted the ultimate rock band. The magazine was offering to do a major campaign with the band and give them sponsorship for their next album tour. An opportunity Christine pushed for because the band had just finished their album, a work of art that was dubbed ‘Broken.’

  She had actually wept through the recording. Robbie McClaire had out done himself on this one. She was starting to think his heart should be broken more often.

  Shaking her head at the mean thought, she buzzed her assistant and told her to find Gloria Swanson, the Haden manager.


  “This coffee is disgusting. Can you tell me why you’d do this?” Robbie demanded of the waiter at the coffee shop. “Give me your notepad; this is what you’ll do for me.”

  “But sir—

  “I’m paying for the goddamned coffee, my friend.” Robbie cut in taking the pad out of the young man’s hand. “Now do what I write here, a person has to have decent coffee in the morning.”

  “My God Robbie,” Mick shook his head staring at Robbie with wide eyes. “I think too much tequila isn’t good for you. Why don’t you just drink the coffee like it is?”

  “It tastes like shit.”

  “Who gives a darn?” Mick chuckled, sitting back on the plush leather chair. “You do realize a cup of coffee cost like gold in here. They are supposed to be the best.”

  “I’ve had better. Get off it,” Robbie snapped. “My head’s still throbbing.”

  “It’s all that booze you took in last night. I thought we’re going to have to pump blood into you today to dilute the tequila.” Mick laughed.

  “I don’t remember,” Robbie said on a sigh. “I have to go to the penthouse today. The accountant wants to meet with me and deal with a few details.”

  “You want company?” Mick asked.

  “No.” Robbie shook his head, he didn’t want witnesses when he walked into the place and fell apart. It had been a one month and two weeks since he’d gone back to that house.

  “I’ll be fine.” He added quietly for his own benefit.

  “You know I’m going to rub the coffee thing in for a while,” Mick said, picking up his own. It was better to steer away from touchy subjects and dwell on lightness. “I can’t believe you’re acting like an idiot.”

  “Get off it, I said.” Robbie frowned at him. “I don’t want to hear it now.”

  “Oh yeah,” Mick teased. “We’ll see about that.”


  That afternoon, Robbie stood at the entrance into the penthouse he’d called home for three years and shivered. He kept away from this place like it was a plague. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d set foot in the place. He preferred to sleep in hotel rooms or at Tevin’s apartment. Sometimes he slept at the recording studio.

  Shaking his head, he fitted the key into the lock and swung the door open. A familiar scent hit him hard.


  He’d missed that scent so much. Standing at the open doors, Robbie felt paralyzed by the explosion of scents assaulting his nostrils.

  Was she here?

  Steadying himself with a short breath, he felt his heart clench when he glanced around the house. There were vases of flowers in every available surface area. Gardenias, lots of them, he thought in surprise. They were obviously the cause of the scent in the air. Closing the door behind him, he wondered what had gotten into Maria.

  Dropping his keys on a table, he touched the petals of one flower delicately. It was so soft. Like her skin, he thought. Closing his eyes he ordered the pain away.

  “Master Robbie, buon pomeriggio.” Maria greeted pulling him out of his thoughts.

  “Hi Maria,” Robbie answered, moving to kiss her cheek. “Are you alright?

  “Just fine,” Maria said. “Are you hungry?”

  “No.” Robbie said frowning. “Why are there so many flowers, Maria?”

  “Flowers,” Maria asked, and then glanced at the gardenias she continued. “You don’t remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  “Last night, you call me and ordered me to make sure I got them all over the place.”

  “I did?” Robbie said in surprise, “why?”

  “I think you said it was an anniversary today,” Maria said. “You were very adamant. I did so because you said you’d come sleep here and wanted to find them in here.”

  Oh God, Robbie ran a hand down his face. “I’m sorry Maria. If I was rude—

  “No, no.” Maria soothed. “I understand. It’s not easy, I miss her too.”

  “Yes.” Robbie sighed. “Is the accountant here?”

  “Not yet,” Maria said.

  “Tell him to wait in the study when he comes,” Robbie said. “I’ll just have a look around. Please get rid of the flowers for me.”

  “Yes of course.” Maria answered and watched him head up the stairs. She dialed the front desk immediately and demanded for the cleaning staff to come get the flowers.

  Heading for the bedroom, Robbie climbed the stairs slowly trying to prepare for the impact of being in there. Surrounded by the memories they’d shared in that room. It was difficult not to mourn that. He missed it...missed their relationship together.

  Opening the doors, he stood at the threshold, his gaze fixed on the bed, their bed...their room. There were times when he had come in just like this, and found Zoe sleeping in the bed. He’d stand over it just watching her. Then he’d move around and slip in beside her, and she’d curl up against him like a kitten. He still remembered the first night she’d done that. He’d been lying on the bed beside her, awake trying to work out his emotions about them. Then she’d moved, still asleep, she’d placed her head on his chest and curled up.

  Shaking his head to send the memory away, he went to the closet. Throwing the doors open, expecting to find her stuff gone, he was surprised to see the neat line of clothes still in place. Her stuff was still here.

  Hadn’t she said she’ come back for it?

  He’d tried to get rid of it, but the empty racks had hurt too much and he’d abandoned the task.

  Maria had arranged everything again. To find that it was all still here, he shook his head again and decided to ignore it. He needed clothes, so he grabbed a suitcase and threw it on the bed. Heading back to the closet, he walked in determined to ignore her stuff, but he couldn’t help stopping when he saw a short black dress with silver studs at the waist. She’d worn it the last time they’d gone out. Touching the fabric gently reminded him of how she’d looked that night.

  Closing his eyes the memory filled his mind. It had been around seven o’clock in the evening. They were running late for dinner with his band mates. The problem was as they tried to get dressed, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Zoe had laughed pulling away from him.

  “Tev will kill us,” she’d said, putting on the black fitted dress. Its zipper was low on her back so she’d turned to him for help. He’d come up behind her and was going to help her zip up, but he’d ended up dropping kisses down her back.

  Turning around, Zoe hugged him and murmured. “I love you.”

  His eyes flew open to escape the memory. His heart ached so much; he had to breathe in and out for a moment. It was too much. He couldn’t seem to get her out of his system. She was like a virus. Nothing seemed to get her out, not other women, not alcohol, not work. It killed him that she found it so easy to leave him for another man. Another man!

  She’d dug herself so deep into his heart it was killing him to try and get her out. While for her, she hadn’t even batted an eyelash.

  She had no right to fall in love with anyone, he thought.

  Clenching his fists, he kicked the rack of clothes and tipped it over. How the hell was he supposed to survive the rest of his life? It angered him to think that she was living it up while he suffered this way.

  “Damn you, Zoe.” He swore.

  “Master Robbie,” Maria called from the doorway, “the accountant is here.”

  Breathing out his anger, he swallowed hard before answering. “I’ll be right down.”

  “Yes,” Maria said.

  “And Maria,” Robbie said coming out of the closet. “I’m-uh-I’m sorry. I can’t seem to quit making a mess for you.”

  Maria glanced into the closet and saw the clothes on the floor. Her gaze traveled back to Robbie’s and she smiled slightly. “Don’t apologize. I’ll see to it.”

  Robbie nodded and started for the door. “Will you send some clothes for me to Tevin’s apartment?”

  “Of course, go on now.”

  Robbie nodded and hurried out of the room and his torturous memories.


  Signing papers needed by a construction company, Kenny nodded at his executive assistant and watched the young man hurry out of his office. Once the door was safely shut, he stared at the ink pen he had in his hand. It had been a gift given to him by Zoe for his birthday, a few years before she’d met Robbie McClaire.

  Those days, he’d known most everything about her.

  Not like now, he thought with bitterness mixed with worry. He still wasn’t over the disastrous trip to Athens. He imagined that Thaddeus had probably treated him that way out of love.

  Dropping the pen on his desk, he swung his chair around to stare out the window. Zoe had called Davenly Tower the lair because of the view it provided. London was so beautiful at his feet. The sight of it usually calmed him down but at the moment he barely saw it.

  It was ironic now that Zoe was away from him, his marriage was getting better. With each day he moved further away from Zoe, his relationship with Jessica improved.

  It should make him happy, he thought. He loved Jessica very much and the fact that they were moving away from the abyss was a positive sign. But still, he worried and wondered. His thoughts constantly returned to their visit to Athens three weeks ago.

  The weather had been great that Saturday. They’d arrived in Athens at around eleven o’clock in the morning. Jessica had been very excited about the trip. Her bright smile had lifted up his mood.

  “It’s been a while since I visited Athens,” Jessica said. “I forgot how bright everything is.”

  “It is charming. Do you remember Villa Thermopolis?” Kenny asked as they entered a waiting grey Town Car.

  “Vaguely, Uncle Thad always visits London, never the other way round.” Jessica sighed. “I’ve missed a lot.”

  “Not too much,” Kenny assured her. “You know Zoe loves this city. She changes the moment she lands here. She’s more relaxed, not like when she’s in London. Here, she’s just Zoe.”

  “I’d imagine. She is Zoella Mya after all, that kind of hype requires a large amount of energy.” Jessica had said her gaze on her husband as he talked. He seemed nervous, which was very unlike him. Though he wasn’t mentioning it, she could see that it mattered to him to see Zoe. “I remember my father telling me about this school our grandfather started. He called it Athens Music School. It was supposed to be a creative arts school.”

  “Ah, yes,” Kenny had nodded. “AMS is still there. Zoe attended it when she was here in Athens.”

  “I’d love to see it,” Jessica had said quietly. “See part of my history in this city.”

  “We will pass right by it on our way to the villa.” Kenny had assured her as the driver navigated through impossible traffic.

  An hour and a half later, the car pulled into the beautiful estate that Villa Thermopolis stood on. They were met at the entrance by a butler who showed them into an airy elegant living room that had Jessica in awe. Windows showed off an exquisite view of all sides of the villa, the front lawn, the beach, and a beautif
ul garden. Terrace doors that led to the beach stood open letting in air that was tinged with salt. It was a beautiful place to live.

  “Kenny!” Thaddeus had greeted them coming in with a wide smile. “I’m glad to see you brought Jess along this time.”

  “Hello Uncle Thad,” Jessica said accepting a kiss and hug from her uncle. “You have a beautiful home here.”

  “Thank you, you are welcome to it anytime,” Thaddeus answered. To Kenny he said, “I didn’t realize you were free this month.”

  “I decided to make the trip only a few days ago. Jessica agreed to come along,” Kenny said as he took a seat on the couch. “How are you? How’s the family?”

  “We’re fine. In fact you just missed them,” Thaddeus said, ringing for the butler. “Athena has taken everyone to the Island house. They will be back on Monday morning.”

  “Aledeus,” Jessica asked.

  “Yes,” Thaddeus answered. “You still remember?”

  “I could never forget. Papa always used to talk about it and how you two grew up there. I’ve always loved that place. Is Olivia still there?”

  “Yes, she is,” Thaddeus said. “Those were great days. Now the place stays empty except for skeleton staff. Sometimes I rent it to keep it up. It’s not good for a house like that to remain empty.”

  “Of course,” Jessica agreed.

  Two maids came in then carrying trays laden with refreshments. After they set up everything, they hurried out and Jessica offered to pour coffee for the gentlemen.

  “I’ve come to see Zoe, and ask about what’s going on with her,” Kenny said then.

  Thaddeus looked at him for a moment then answered, “She’s with Athena.”

  “I want to see her,” Kenny said. “She’s got to explain what’s happening to me.”

  “That is out of the question,” Thaddeus said placing his cup of coffee down. “Not right now.”

  “You can’t always protect her when she screws up, Thad,” Kenny snapped. “Not from me anyway, we’ve been through too much already for that.”

  “It’s not about you and I, it’s about Zoella,” Thaddeus said standing up to pace to the open terrace doors. “I wish I could help you, but this time I’m not going to. She’s not seeing any one, including Chris Stone.”