Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 13

“Are you kidding me?” Kenny had asked staring at the tall man standing by the windows, his frame in a loose white shirt and slacks, and his feet in sandals. Thaddeus was anything but relaxed in his stance. “Of course, you never kid. This is just another idea from Zoe. She’s put you up to this, hasn’t she? She’s isolating herself. Why?”

  “If I knew Kenny, you’d be the first to know,” Thaddeus answered quietly.

  “Find out,” Kenny demanded. “Try and find out.”

  “It’s not as easy as you think,” Thaddeus answered. “Something is going on that she’s finding difficult to share. I’m not going to push her until it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “And when is that going to be?” Kenny asked. “When the situation is like Paris again?”

  “I’d watch what I say next very carefully, Williams,” Thaddeus said turning to look at Kenny with very cold eyes. The sight made Jessica shiver and Kenny swallow hard. “What I say right now goes. She needs space and time. I’m giving it to her; it doesn’t do to have you questioning that.”

  “Damn it, do you think this is easy for me?” Kenny said then, his tone apologetic. “I’m worried.”

  “We are also worried,” Thaddeus said. “But, she’s here and we’re keeping a sharp eye on her. I’m fulfilling a promise I made a while ago. I’m sure you recall what it is. It was made that first time she had to play in Berlin. She asked we give her time and protection if she ever needed it. I can’t do anything else but that. You do understand Kenny, don’t you?”

  Kenny held blue eyes for a moment then because he had also made promises, he nodded in agreement.

  “Fine, but—,” he sighed. “Ask her to call me.”

  “I will. But I won’t make her,” Thaddeus said.

  “Even that,” Kenny asked, hurt in his eyes, it bothered Thaddeus to see it there.

  “I’m sorry, Kenny,” Thaddeus said. “But you’re welcome to keep an old man company for lunch.”

  “You’re no old man,” Jessica said, trying to diffuse the tension in the room.

  Thaddeus chuckled. “You are charming. Come, my dear, I want to show you my home. Maybe I can entice you to come visit me again.”

  Jessica stood up and squeezing Kenny’s shoulder in reassurance, she followed Thaddeus out into the foyer, leaving Kenny alone.

  Now, thinking about that trip, Kenny wondered if he should have been more persistent. Zoe hadn’t called him. His pride didn’t allow him to go back to Athens. Like Robbie, he felt hurt and betrayed that she was choosing to keep to herself. Unlike Robbie, he knew that she was not with that man everyone was calling her boyfriend. He was well aware of whom Franco Antonio was.

  The question was should he tell Robbie? Would it make a difference at this point?

  Turning his chair back to his desk, he shrugged that thought away.

  McClaire had refused to take any of his calls since that awful day at the penthouse. Perhaps Thaddeus was right. Maybe time would help. Shaking his head, Kenny picked up the next folder on his inbox. It was better to concentrate on the things that he could control.


  Chapter Nine

  It was raining again. New York was starting to be like London, Robbie thought as the limousine drove through traffic. It rained like it was never going to stop. He wasn’t sure he wanted it to stop. The gloomy atmosphere that came with the rain suited his mood perfectly. As the car stopped, he pulled the lapels of his long leather coat together and got out. Oblivious to the security that surrounded him, he stepped into t he rain.

  As they hurried into the airport, they walked through noisy crowds headed for the private jet terminal. He was bone tired. Tight muscles on his shoulders protested as he grabbed hold of a rail on the moving escalator. It was a subtle reminder that the week in New York had been the toughest yet.

  The album launch had meant interviews, appearances, photo shoots, performances, all of which had climaxed with the GQ magazine party. Tevin, Ron and Mick had left soon after to fly back to London for an appearance with the BBC world music. He’d been left behind to do an interview with the Fuse.

  Stepping on to another ascending escalator, Robbie put his hands in his pocket and glanced around him taking in the scenery. As they came up to the second floor, his gaze narrowed on a petite woman with long black hair down her back. Her profile made his heart skip in excitement and for a moment he was sure it was her.

  And then she turned and he looked away.

  It wasn’t her. It was never her.

  He got off the escalator and followed the two men hired to protect him while he was on American soil.

  Thanks to an incident with an over eager fan at the hotel the band members had been staying at, he now needed security with him at all times. Gloria and Christine were getting paranoid. An attendant met him at the boarding entrance; she greeted him with a smile,

  “Good morning Mr. McClaire. Your guest is already onboard.”

  “Guest,” Robbie frowned, his flight was supposed to be solo.

  The frown had the two bodyguards hurrying into the plane before him. Curiosity made him follow. He grinned at the sight that met him.

  During the past week, he’d met an old flame who’d been interviewing him. She was a freelance writer named Marjorie Adams. They had dated on and off a couple of years ago, but it had never been a relationship. Theirs had been a bond of passion, if he remembered correctly. She was smoking hot and she now stood a few feet away in a very illegal dress, her luscious smile directed at him. The two security men held each one of her arms, but she still managed to look sexy.

  “Robbie, please tell your minions to let go. I’m not into orgies.”

  Always the hell cat, Robbie thought, noting that her stunning red hair was falling down her back in waves. He’d always had a weakness for long hair and bad tempered women.

  “Didn’t know your tastes had changed,” Robbie said lazily, giving a slight nod to the two men. They released her immediately and said swift goodbyes to him before they left. Once alone, Robbie asked, “What are you doing here, Marjorie?”

  “Soliciting a fuck,” she said, watching him under lowered eyelashes. He knew her well enough to know she’d probably gotten a call from Tevin. “I’ve told you before rock star, I’m here for you.”

  “I’m sure,” Robbie said when she moved closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing her delectable body into him, he slightly remembered their old heat.

  Long before Zoe, Marjorie had once made his blood boil; now it was a lukewarm sensation and only because she was a very sensual creature. She used that gift to her advantage too.

  To solidify that thought, she blew on his lips making him groan.

  “I’ve missed you.” Marjorie breathed, trailing kisses along his jaw and down his neck. Her hands roamed inside his coat, her fingers unbuttoning his black shirt. “I have a whole week off; we can go stay at your place. I’ll—

  “Tevin’s place,” Robbie interrupted, sinking his fingers into her hair and pulling her head back so that he could look into her eyes. “For two days only, I have an album to promote.”

  “Well, I’ll just be along,” Marjorie purred, having opened his shirt, she ran her hands over his chiseled abdomen, “by your side.”

  “You’ll get bored.”

  “We can have sex during the breaks you get,” Marjorie replied to that comment.

  Kissing her hard, he said against her lips. “This is just sex, Marjorie.”

  “Even better,” Marjorie said rubbing her hand against his trousers.

  She knew that but she still wanted him. When they had been together before, she’d known that these feelings she had were not those of a groupie. Not like everyone else imagined she was. Being in this man’s arms, the power of his presence filling her so deeply was a drug. She’d craved this drug for three whole years. Now that he was free, she was not about to let go. She was in love with him, she thou
ght as they kissed. She was not going to let him go this time.

  Aware that the plane was about to take off, Robbie walked her back until they reached the door that opened into a bedroom. He would spend the entire flight in it with Marjorie. Everything else could just disappear.


  Sleep was getting harder, Zoe thought as she strolled along the beach at dawn on Saturday. Her feet were bare and the tide washed over them, the cool water soaking the long skirts of her white dress. Pulling the edges of the warm sweater she wore, she wondered how far this state she was in could last.

  Nightmares kept her up in the night, and a broken heart plagued her during the day. Music was no longer a relief. She’d often found solace in it, but the notes made her sad for Robbie now.

  The breeze blew her hair into her face and she sighed. Lifting a hand to push it back, she hoped for relief, in whatever shape or form. She just needed something to tell her that she was doing the right thing. The past month was filled with moments she’d seriously considered going back to London and trying to explain it all to Robbie, if only to ease the ache in her heart.

  But, the thought of discussing Steve Harden chilled her to the bone. For some reason, talking about him solidified his existence in her life. Something she just wanted to forget all together. What he’d done to her..., she shook her head as tears stung her eyes.

  It mortified her to know that it still hurt so much even after eight years.

  Her personal hell still existed in very many degrees. She couldn’t imagine having such a painful part of her life shared with anyone else. Especially the media, the things they would say. Her actions after that nightmare would be analyzed and judged. Shivering at the thought, she decided her decision was right.

  Her walk took her around to the front of the house where she picked up the dailies. Strolling up the driveway slowly, she opened up the magazine that she’d found in the mailbox. It was mostly entertainment news on the local scene. Athens was a busy city she mused rifling through the pages. She was about to abandon her perusal when she saw the picture.

  It was center page, the picture glossy and full length. Robbie McClaire, the love of her life, was wrapped around a red head with legs that started at her neck. Slapping the magazine shut, she stalked up the stairs into the house.


  “What’s the problem?” Thad asked his wife; when he came down to find Athena pacing in the dining room. She looked so worried; he thought something had happened to Zan.

  “She won’t open the door,” Athena despaired. “She’s been crying in there non-stop. I can’t take it.”

  “Calm down, pethi mou,” Thaddeus soothed. “What’s happened? Something must have happened.”

  “How do I know when she won’t talk to anyone?” Athena asked pointing a finger upstairs. “She’s breaking apart now. Keeping quiet is not helping her.”

  “Mamma,” Zan said from the doorway.

  Athena’s voice was raised, and realizing that he was scared, she cursed under her breath and hurried over to her son and picked him up.

  Thad realized then that the boy was getting heavy for her slender frame. He watched her shower Zan’s face with kisses.

  “Don’t pay attention to your mamma.” Athena soothed Zan, sitting him on the table. “I’m fine.”

  “Did Papa do something bad?” Zan asked glancing accusingly at his father.

  “No.” Athena hugged him against her bosom. “Mamma is just upset with the world.”

  “The world,” Zan said in amusement. “Papa, will you make Mamma put a coin in my swear jar? She used a bad word earlier.”

  Thad smiled at his son and moved to hug them both.

  “I’ll do that son,” Thaddeus said dropping a kiss on Zan’s head. “Take care of Mamma while I go check on Zoe.”

  “Okay,” Zan said.

  Thaddeus nodded and dropped a kiss on Athena’s forehead before he left.

  Walking up the stairs, Thaddeus realized that no music was coming from the second floor. The silence scared him and he found himself hurrying to the door Athena had just spent the morning knocking on. Could Kenny have been right? He refused to think about the possibility.

  He didn’t bother to knock. He knew she wouldn’t open it. Instead, he reached for a master key that was attached to his car keys and opened the door.

  Walking through the living area, he entered the darkened bedroom. As usual it was a mess but that hardly mattered. His main concern was the figure huddled on the floor by the piano, her long hair covering her face.

  “Leave me alone,” she said not lifting her head.

  “Athena is worried sick about you,” Thaddeus said coming to crouch before her. Reaching out, he pushed the dark hair out of her face. Her eyes were swollen from crying, her cheeks streaked with the tears. “Tell me why you’re mourning now. It’s been three months since you left him.”

  “It’s not important,” Zoe said trying to shrug it off. Her voice was rough with emotion.

  “Don’t do that.” Thaddeus sighed, sitting down on the carpet cross legged.

  That’s when he noticed the magazine beside her. The pages opened to a center page picture. Reaching for it, his eyes narrowed when he saw McClaire. So the boy was done, he thought sadly. He’d rather hoped the young man would have more fight in him for his niece. He’d needed Robbie McClaire to be persistent.

  Tossing the magazine away, he said, “You don’t need him. He can do nothing for you now if he is done. Snap out of this now.”

  “I can’t.” Zoe sobbed, shaking her head. “I’ve tried. It was working before because we were both alone, but now—

  She wiped tears away. “It hurts too much. The music makes it hurt more. It just hurts.”

  “Come here,” Thaddeus said pulling her into his arms, her head against his chest as he held her tightly. It was surprising to realize that she was still so fragile. It was as though he was holding his sixteen year old niece again.

  “You’ll get over him. Things will get easier,” he said gently. “You’ll move on.”

  “I love him so much,” Zoe confessed. “I hate to lose him. I know I hurt him, but I can’t let him go.”

  “You don’t need him.” Thaddeus repeated again. “What’s done is done. Now, concentrate on getting better. Talk to Sylvia, find something to keep you busy, I think it’s better when you’re not idle.”

  Brushing his fingers through her hair, Thaddeus rocked her gently. “I don’t like to see you sad, Zoella. I never have. Won’t you tell me what’s making you this way?”

  “I really want to sometime,” Zoe said closing her eyes. “But—

  She paused. “You’ve helped me get this far. Now—

  “You want to help yourself.” Thaddeus finished. “You realize you’re punishing yourself this way.”

  “There’s no reward without pain,” Zoe said with a little chuckle. Pulling back she looked into her uncle’s eyes. “I’m going to be okay.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Thaddeus said, wiping her cheeks with his palms. There were shadows under her eyes, she was obviously not sleeping.

  Zoe looked at his tailored grey suit and sighed. “Your suit is getting wrinkled.”

  “Due to your need to mope, sweetheart, try and get some sun, your skin looks so pale. Stop scaring Athena. You have her cursing and getting her fined by Zan.”

  “That does sound scary,” Zoe said on a sigh, “fine.”

  “Good. Now come with me, we can have breakfast,” Thaddeus said standing up and pulling her up along with him.


  “Now, Zoella,” Thaddeus said firmly, giving her no room to protest. “Breakfast is in Alain’s kitchen.”


  Gabriella Castille walked into the Davenly Corporation offices on Monday morning determined to get a few answers. She’d spent the past two months acting as though Zoe’s problems didn’t matter but
she couldn’t stand by anymore. Especially after that photograph she’d seen in the dailies of McClaire with another woman.

  Her daughter might be estranged but she wasn’t about to see her hurt by a drugged boozing bastard either. The only person allowed to fight with Zoella was her mother.

  Nodding to herself at that thought, she was glad to see the receptionist at the front desk rushing around when she saw her.

  “Signora Castille,” the young lady said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were expected today. I must call upstairs for you.”

  “Tell me, young lady, you must be new,” Gabriella said her head held high as she continued heading for the elevators. “How long have you worked here?”

  “A month madam,” the young lady said.

  “I’ll be kind then,” Gabriella said as the elevator doors opened. “I don’t need to be announced. Now run along.”

  The young lady stopped in her tracks and stared as the elevator doors closed. Laughing to herself in the elevator, Gabriella adjusted her hand bag and watched the numbers change on the elevator.


  Kenny was at the worktable by the large windows in his office busy inspecting plans that were meant for a Mykonos project. His architect had brought them in the morning and he wanted to go through them slowly. Everything had to be perfect; he didn’t want any problems when construction began.

  He was studying the underground parking lot when the door opened to admit Gabriella. Hiding a sigh, he smiled.

  “Mother, hello,” he said.

  “You hide irritation well,” Gabriella said accepting a kiss on her cheek before she moved around the desk to sit on his chair. “What are you working on?”

  “I’m going through plans that arrived today. I need to approve them by the end of the day,” Kenny said, studying his mother in-law.

  She looked regal as always. He’d always imagined her as a woman who didn’t take anything lying down. She was hard and very set in her ways when it suited her. Other times, she surprised people with decisions they didn’t expect. He’d known her for close to ten years now. He still didn’t understand her at all.

  “Mother, what do you need from me?” he asked straightening up. He would study the plans after she was gone.