Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 18

  “Good morning, Mr. Avinoff,” she said in greeting.

  “I should have known,” he said with a sigh. “Let me guess, you’re an heiress of something. Your type doesn’t work too much.”

  “So cynical,” Zoe said smiling at him. “We work fine.”

  “Ah huh,” he said. “Are you coming in?”

  Zoe stared at him for a moment then without answering; she raised the window back up and turned off the car. Stepping out of the vehicle, she tossed the keys to Tony who caught them expertly.

  “Just for a while,” she answered Demetrius.

  He grinned at her and gave Tony a friendly wave as they headed for the school.

  “You’re really good. I heard it when you played. If you don’t mind there is a piece I’d love for you to play. Would you do it?”

  “If you ask nicely,” Zoe said with a laugh at his enthusiasm.

  “I won’t beg you,” Demetrius said, reaching for the door, he pulled it open for her. “I can persuade very well though.”

  “Really,” Zoe asked with a smile.

  “Well, obviously. You’re here, aren’t you?” Demetrius said with a knowing look.

  She laughed again at his arrogant thoughts, if he only knew.

  She stayed with the orchestra for the better part of the day. At first, she simply sat in, listening to them work. Then as time passed and Demetrius forced her opinion she relaxed and started working with them. By the end of the session, afternoon had crept in.

  “The orchestra is going out to a beach party, come along,” Demetrius said when he found her seated in the audience chairs.

  “I don’t know...” Zoe started to protest, and then remembering that the villa was filled with her family, she changed her mind. “I’ll only stay a short time.”

  “Excellent,” Demetrius said with a genuine smile.

  “You’ll love it.” A young man named Tim said when she agreed. “The party never ends, it just sort of progresses into the night.”

  Zoe found herself bumming a ride with Demetrius to the beach party. When they got there, they found people had already started the festivities. Food was laid out on tables, and someone was busy starting fires to cook fish and arranging bonfires for the night. Music filled the air and cocktails were being passed around. She was sure they would have grappa in them.

  “Here,” Demetrius handed her a glass filled with a pineapple colored concoction. “Enjoy.”

  “Thanks,” Zoe said moving to take a sit on a bench, her gaze moving to the waves crashing on the beach. “It’s beautiful here.”

  “You can say that again,” Demetrius said, sitting beside her, his gaze lingering on her luxurious hair. She was fascinating. She was a mixture of contradictions, music obviously lived in her, but her fragile emotions made him want to hold her.

  “Don’t stare at me,” Zoe said turning to look at him. “Demetrius, you can’t like me that way. I’m not available.”

  “He is lucky,” Demetrius said quietly, meeting her gaze. At her questioning frown, he nodded to her right hand, “the one who gave you that ring. He is lucky.”

  Zoe studied him for a moment, then because she did not want to think about his words she said, “Ask me to dance, Demetrius.”

  He grinned. “Will you dance with me?”

  “Yes,” Zoe said, placing her glass down, “come on my friend, and let’s dance.”


  “I’m worried,” Kenny said pacing the sun room that evening. It was ten o’clock at night and no one had heard or seen Zoe all day. “She was upset. We shouldn’t have let her leave. And where is that Tony who is supposed to take care of her?”

  “I’m going to get a neck problem if you don’t stop pacing,” Jessica said as she sipped her coffee. “She’ll come back. How about we think of something else, like how good the chef is. I love him. If he were in London, I’d poach him.”

  “You’re glowing tonight.” Kenny noted, his eyes moving appreciatively over her figure. She was in a pale green summer dress. Her skin was warm in the light; the sun had already managed to give her some color. Her blue eyes were sparkling. Jessica seemed very relaxed.

  “You look handsome too,” Jessica said winking at him. “I love this place. It’s so beautiful. I could get used to it.”

  “Is that Jessica the corporate queen talking?” Kenny teased her.

  “I’ve not been so relaxed in a while. Considering the reasons why we’re here, I can just imagine how great it would be to visit at an easier time.”

  Kenny was just about to sit beside Jessica when they heard the commotion in the foyer. Getting up, they both hurried out to investigate.

  “Oh Tony,” Zoe was saying when they got there. “You’re so sweet. Did I ever tell you that? You manage to put up with me even when I’m,” she hiccupped, “so messed up.”

  Kenny could only shake his head when he realized that Zoe was drunk. Tony, who had been carrying her, put her feet down and tried to steady her. She swayed and held her hands out to hold on to Tony.

  “Whoa, the world is spinning,” she said, and then chuckled.

  Kenny took Zoe from Tony and swung her effortlessly into his arms.

  “Where have you been?” Kenny asked as he headed for the stairs. Jessica followed them after thanking Tony.

  “Kenny Williams,” Zoe said in answer, her head rolling back so that it rested on his shoulder. “You broke my heart today. You- you made me sad.”

  “It wasn’t my intention.” Kenny soothed. He was grateful when Jessica opened the door to Zoe’s room for him. “You got yourself drunk. You’ll have the worst headache in the morning.”

  “I-I suppose.” Zoe sighed, as Kenny laid her on the bed. She curled up into a ball, hugging a pillow hard. Closing her eyes, she said quietly, “It beats the nightmares.”

  Kenny stared at her his own heart breaking. Jessica moved to the closet and decided to find a nightgown. Glancing around the room, Kenny realized that some time during the day someone had cleaned up the mess Zoe had made in the morning. The place looked clean and neat. Unlike the occupant on the bed who was literally a certified mess.

  “Kenny,” Jessica said walking back into the bedroom. “Why don’t you go on to our room? I’ll join you in a while.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, hating to leave Zoe now that she was back.

  “Go on,” Jessica said quietly meeting his gaze. “Let me do this.”

  He knew why she was asking, and since it was part of the reason they were here, he nodded and leaned down to press a kiss on Zoe’s forehead. She murmured in answer and he left them.

  Left alone with her sister, Jessica studied the young woman curled on the large bed, her empathy rising. There was something so tragic about the picture her small sister made. Her long hair was a mass of black that covered the pillows. Her eyelashes were long and curled on her cheeks. It had been so long since she’d been this close to Zoe. It was hard to imagine the usual hostility emanating from this fragile sweet person before her.

  Letting a sigh escape, Jessica placed the night gown she held; it was a silky ivory garment from Vera Wang, on the bed and hurried to the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later with a wet warm towel and proceeded to wipe Zoe’s face gently.

  “Stop,” Zoe grumbled trying to turn her face away but Jessica was persuasive. She urged Zoe to sit up.

  “You should get comfortable,” Jessica said.

  Running the cloth around Zoe’s neck, she placed the towel on the nightstand and proceeded to help Zoe out of her clothes into her night gown.

  “I can take care of myself.” Zoe slurred tiredly when Jessica made her lift her arms so that she could slip the gown on.

  “I know you can.” Jessica responded gently. Reaching for the covers, she pulled them down and helped Zoe get in between them. “But once in a while, everyone needs a little help.”

  Zoe sighed as her head hit the soft pillows.
Jessica pulled the covers over her sister and brushed a caressing hand over the wild hair. In seconds, Zoe was asleep and Jessica sat on the bed watching her sleep. There were so many things she wanted to say to her.

  “I love you, Zoe,” she said quietly, leaning forward, she pressed a kiss on Zoe’s cheek and then got up and left the room, making sure to turn off the lights.


  The sound of music floated down to the living room the next morning. Athena was watching Gabriella play with Zan, while Danny and Kenny talked about business. Looking up in concern, her gaze collided with Jessica’s before it found the clock. It was just turning ten.

  Getting up she said, “Gabby, stay with Zan a moment please.”

  “Sure,” Gabriella said.

  Jessica got up too and despite Athena’s frown, she followed her up the stairs to the second floor.

  “You shouldn’t come,” Athena said as she opened the bedroom door without knocking.

  “I want to.” Jessica insisted.

  The balcony doors were open in the room; a breeze was playfully moving the white sheer curtains. The bed was unmade, and the clothes Jessica had helped remove the night before were over the couch in the corner.

  The sound of coughing over the music had Jessica hurrying to the bathroom while Athena lowered the volume on the music system and followed.

  Zoe was bent over the toilet losing whatever meager contents her stomach held. Her heart twisting at the sight, Jessica moved closer and gathered the mass of hair falling around Zoe’s face, she held it back gently.

  “Bad night,” Athena asked, when Zoe stopped and leaned back exhausted. Athena turned the water faucet on and wetted a face cloth from the rack. Squeezing it under the running water, she teased. “You’re not pregnant are you?”

  Zoe gave a grimace as she took the cloth from Athena and wiped her face.

  “If I didn’t feel like shit, I’d smack you hard, at the cost of Uncle Thad’s wrath.”

  Jessica chuckled and a startled Zoe looked around in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “Helping,” Athena said firmly, watching Zoe rub her stomach and flush the toilet. “What did you drink?”

  “Grappa,” Zoe answered with a sigh. “It must have been too much.” She frowned at Jessica’s presence. “I don’t remember much.”

  “This is becoming a habit, agape mou.” Athena sighed well aware that Zoe had taken to drinking wine bottles by the number. It was becoming something to worry about.

  Zoe could only shrug, remembering that she’d been at a party but didn’t know how she’d made it home. How much had she drunk and had she embarrassed herself?

  “What time did I get home?”

  “Ten o’clock,” Jessica answered. “Kenny carried you upstairs.” When she saw Zoe stare down at the night gown, she added. “I got you into the night gown.”

  Athena studied Jessica for a moment before her gaze returned to Zoe. Zoe pressed the wet cloth to her forehead trying to ease the pain in her head. Unlike the one in her heart that would never disappear. It was always there, always aching; it hurt so much sometimes she could barely breathe. No matter what she did to forget, it remained. Shoving her hair out of her face, she sighed,

  “I’m fine now,” she said hoping Jessica would leave.

  It was weird having her be so agreeable.

  “Ha!” Athena said. “That’s what you say, what you do suggests different things.”

  It was difficult to see Zoe this way. Knowing the reason was even harder. It was obvious Zoe was trying to forget reality.

  “What’s happened to you? You were stronger than this,” Athena said.

  Zoe got up and without looking at Jessica she said, “Life happened.”

  Turning on the shower in the large glass cubicle, she said, “I gotta shower.”

  “It can’t keep going like this,” Athena said firmly.

  “I’m not sure how it can’t,” Zoe answered.

  Shaking her head as Athena and Jessica left, Zoe prayed for strength through the next weeks. No matter how much she tried to avoid it, she was going to face her family whether she liked it or not. It was just a question of how brave she was, wasn’t it? Removing her night gown, she stepped under the hot shower, hoping by the end of it she’d have the back bone needed to deal with Gabriella Castille.


  Alain loved to cook. He could do it twenty-four/seven. Now that what seemed like the entire Castille clan was in-house, he didn’t hold back when it came to meals. Lunch time was a treat, he thought as he supervised the sous chefs who were helping him.

  It was to be served alfresco. The wait staff was busy making sure the place settings were expertly done. The butler was having a blast directing the entire process. As was expected, Athena kept coming in to ask about progress. He was starting to worry about the woman. She seemed to have ascended to a higher level of anxiety. Not to mention Zoella was now a drunk. What was the household coming to?

  The drunk came into the kitchen, making him smile at the surprised look on her face when she saw the army of helpers. She’d managed to pull on something nice instead of the usual skinny jeans and top. The silver grey dress suited her perfectly. Her long hair falling down her back was an added bonus. Zoe looked gorgeous.

  “Alain, are we feeding the city?” she asked when she saw him.

  “This is how a kitchen runs, darling,” Alain said motioning for a young woman to clean pineapples needed for dessert. “You look delicious yourself, hot date?”

  Zoe shrugged; she’d never admit to anyone that she wanted to look fabulous when she met her family formally. It wouldn’t do to have Gabriella look down her nose at her.

  “I’m a girl; I can dress up whenever I want,” Zoe said to Alain. “Can I get a coffee?”

  “As long as you promise to eat my food,” Alain warned surprising the kitchen staff when he moved to pour her the cup of coffee himself. “I made it extra strong for you.”

  “Alain, you’re the best.” Zoe grinned at him as she took the mug. “I’ll be in the garden. Don’t tell Aunt Athena yet for fifteen minutes. I need time.”

  Alain noting the well hidden strain nodded and watched her stroll out into the backyard behind a waiter carrying table napkins.


  “You always did love your coffee,” Danny said to his sister when he found her in the garden. “It’s steaming hot out here and here you are drinking coffee.”

  Zoe smiled and placing her cup on the bench she stood up to hug her big brother tightly, allowing him to lift her a bit as he did so.

  “Danny, I’ve missed you,” she said as she pulled back. Touching his dark hair, she continued. “You’re still as handsome may be more so.”

  “Tell that to the ladies,” Danny teased dropping kisses on her dimples.

  The action was so natural Zoe felt nostalgic for her youth. Those days when she’d been eight, her brother around fourteen, he’d made it a habit of kissing her dimples when she looked sad.

  “Smile for me,” he said.

  She grinned at the familiar words. ‘I can’t believe those ladies are slacking. My brother is such a great catch.”

  Danny waited for her to sit down and reclaim her coffee before he sat beside her. “I’m not in a hurry. I’ve still got time. Besides, I work too much these days.”

  “Castille Textile can afford a day or two off for its C.E.O. You can’t dedicate your entire life to work, Danny.”

  “Look who’s talking,” Danny said with a knowing look. “You work more than I do.”

  “Well, mine is different,” Zoe said looking away to stare at the flowers growing around them. “It’s all I’ll ever have.”

  “Don’t make me pinch your cheeks,” Danny said in answer. Reaching for her right hand, he noted the exquisite ring she still wore, but didn’t comment.

  He was not going to discuss Robbie McClaire unless she brought it up. ??
?I know having us all here is different—

  “Disturbing is the likely word, Danny.”

  “Well, all sorts of words to describe strange, but it’s only happening coz they all love you in their own way.”

  Zoe sipped her coffee slowly trying to digest that comment. “I stopped hoping a long time ago. I know what usually lies underneath it all. It is self-preservation for each of them. They are afraid of what could happen if that bastard walks. I won’t take the brunt of it this time, Danny.”

  Meeting his gaze, she shook her head. “I’m still recovering from the last time.”

  “I understand,” Danny said. “But—, it’s different this time.”

  “No one can convince me of that. Not even you, Danny,” she said quietly. “Not even you.”

  “Fine,” Danny said, leaning closer he tugged a strand of her hair. “I guess time will have to prove me right. Te amo, cara.”

  “Te amo,” Zoe said, smiling she leaned into him.


  “I want to come along,” Marjorie Adams insisted.

  “No,” Tevin Whittaker said, his blue eyes glaring at the red head. “You don’t get it do you? A serious relationship is not what McClaire needs right now. We’re on tour; things can get tense at times. We don’t need relationship troubles along too.”

  “He’s been fine before.” Marjorie countered. “You didn’t complain the entire time he played the U.K. Why is Europe different?”

  “You’re blinded by lust,” Tevin said harshly. “You can’t see that he doesn’t even pay attention to what you’re up to when you two aren’t getting it on.”

  “Don’t be mean coz you’re not getting any,” Marjorie said. “I don’t care for what you’re implying.”

  “Oh yeah,” Tevin said quietly. “Well how about this, groupies know their place, Adams. You certainly don’t qualify for a higher definition.”

  “You called me a couple months ago. I didn’t ask you to bring me here,” Marjorie said bitterly. “Knowing how I felt you brought me to him. You can’t push me away so easily, Tevin.”

  “But, I won’t have to,” Tevin said. “He’ll do it for me when he calls you Zoe again at night.”

  She slapped him hard, the momentum making Tevin turn his head away. Anger had Marjorie stalking out of the living room and heading for the front door aware that Tevin was right all the way.