Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 19

  The door slammed and Tevin winced as the sound reached him. He hadn’t meant for it to get quite so ugly, but someone had needed to say something. It really was getting pathetic to watch Marjorie try to win Robbie.

  “Who was that?” Mick asked, appearing at the door, his eyes sleepy. He’d obviously just woken up, since he still wore shorts and an old t-shirt.

  “Who else,” Tevin answered sinking into a couch tired. “She doesn’t seem to be getting it through her head.”

  “How can she see the truth when we’re in beautiful Dublin, enjoying the sights and sleeping in castles? Women like Marjorie can’t look beyond that,” Mick answered strolling into sprawl on the second couch. “I thought being substituted for another woman was usually a no-no for most women.”

  “Apparently not Marjorie,” Tevin said, rubbing his stinging cheek gently. “I hate to say it but she’s got guts.”

  “Yeah,” Mick sighed. “Robbie’s over the cliff about Zoe. I don’t see how she can ignore something so obvious.”


  She couldn’t, Marjorie thought as she rode the elevator down. She just couldn’t allow it to stop her. One of these days, Robbie was going to see her and fall in love with her as deeply as she was with him. He just had to.

  She’d invested everything she had in him. But he didn’t seem to notice. How deeply it hurt to remember the night he got drunk and came up to his suite. Finding her, he’d proceeded to kiss her senseless. He’d been so amazingly tender, she’d felt like she was floating and then he’d called her Zoe.

  Zoe! How she hated that woman.

  What kind of hold did Zoe have over Robbie? How was it possible that even now, with her gone, Robbie was still so stuck on her?


  Lying on the bed in Ron’s suite, Robbie stared at the high ceiling and wondered at the same thing. He was trying to escape Marjorie’s clinging while he thought sober, what he needed to do to move on.

  It was time to move on.

  He knew it, especially when Marjorie was around, but something was holding him back. Closing his eyes, Robbie wasn’t too surprised when his thoughts returned to the first time he’d met Zoe, Three years ago….


  Chapter Twelve

  After a tour in Asia, Robbie decided to visit his best friend, Kenny, to catch up. He’d barely settled in before Kenny surprised him.

  “I’m getting married. I’d like you to be my best man.”

  The announcement had stunned him. It seemed unlikely that Kenneth Williams, tycoon extraordinaire, would decide to take that leap so easily.

  “You are kidding me,” Robbie said. “Kenny, you can’t get married. You’re Kenny.”

  “What? I can’t fall in love?” Kenny asked handing Robbie a glass of scotch, “or is it because I’m marrying before you.”

  “I’ve just never imagined you married,” Robbie said with a chuckle. “Have I met her?”

  “Of course, Jessica Castille of the Castille Co., you were introduced at some textile sponsorship at a party.”

  “Ah yes, she’s Gabriella Castille’s second daughter,” Robbie said. “Strange girl, she’s very—, put together.”

  “Thank you for censoring. She and I have been friends for a while. Next thing I know, I can’t seem to live without her. I asked her to marry me and the wedding is being planned. I’ve been waiting for you to come back.”

  “Wow,” Robbie said eyes wide. “You’ve certainly surprised me, mate. But I’m happy for you. I guess a toast is in order, to you and your lovely bride-to-be.”

  Kenny grinned, “To us.”

  After the toast, Kenny asked how the band was doing.

  “The next album is in the works. Although we’re really behind schedule, lack of inspiration on my part. We need to make it fly and we’re all in a bad place.”

  “How are the guys doing?”

  “Tevin is out with his women, Ron and Mick went searching for adrenaline on the slopes in Aspen. Leaving the manager and producer to pull their hair out and bug me.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “Enough it seems, shocking me with impeding nuptials. Jessica has certainly slain the largest dragon.”

  “Ha,” Kenny laughed. “I’d like to remind you that when it happens to you. I’ll be there to remind you of this moment.”

  “No woman will ever turn me into the sappy man you are now,” Robbie boasted. “Speaking of which, I’m the best man, it is my prerogative to take you out for drinks. We can celebrate.” Grinning, Robbie stood up. “Afterwards, I’ll meet your woman and tell her all about you. All those women you have stashed in exotic islands.”

  “This won’t be a prank project, Robbie McClaire.” Kenny warned remembering that their friendship had once depended on the number of pranks a man could pull in a week. They’d been about twelve or so.

  “Come on, Kenny, you’re going to be a married man.” Robbie urged.


  Kenny’s wedding was a July affair. It took place in a scenic chapel in Brighton where the Castille estate was. The reception was hosted by Gabriella Castille who insisted on the best for her daughter. It was the talk of the town.

  At the chapel, Robbie stood loyally beside Kenny and to his left, was Danny Castille. They all wore black tuxedos their hair neatly slicked back. Three handsome gentlemen who made every woman stop and stare when they first walked into the chapel.

  “I feel like a wondrous artifact on display,” Robbie joked as another young woman nodded toward them and frantically whispered to her companion. “You owe us for this one, Williams.”

  “Support is all you get,” Kenny answered making both Danny and Robbie chuckle.

  She walked in at that moment.

  It was the way she walked in that made Robbie stare, like a spring breeze floating into a stifled summer heat. Her raven hair, long and wavy, swung around her. She wore a forest green empire waist dress. Her skin so golden, it seemed out of place in this world of socialites and successful business men and women.

  Then she looked at him and smiled a sweet dimpled smile. His heart dropped at her feet.

  “She came,” Kenny murmured in pleasure beside him. The tone triggered an alert in Robbie’s head and for a moment he was jealous that Kenny was referring to the same woman. “My friend, the one I tell you about?”

  “The one you knew from the States?” Robbie asked consoling himself with the fact that there were three other women standing.

  “Yes,” Kenny said with a slight smile. “This is a red letter day. I’m very happy.”

  Robbie could only nod at this, happy for his friend, though his gaze firmly remained on the exotic beauty in green. Through the ceremony, he kept catching glimpses of her when he could. He couldn’t believe it, but here was a woman he really wanted to know and talk to.

  Forcing concentration on the proceedings, Robbie smiled as Jessica spoke her vows promising to love Kenny for better or worse. Handing over the rings Kenny had given him; Robbie wondered if he’d ever be brave enough to make such a commitment to any woman.

  When the ceremony ended, his gaze flew to the back, immediately searching out the mysterious woman. The disappointment at not seeing her was unbelievable.

  “Where did she go?” The question came out before he knew he’d asked it.

  “Who,” Danny asked as they walked out behind the groom.

  Robbie shook his head as they passed the pew she’d sat in, “Never mind.”

  Enduring a few pictures required of him outside the church, Robbie escaped and went in search of her. The chapel wasn’t too large. It was a medium sized building with gardens surrounding it. Walking along the paths, Robbie hoped that she hadn’t left.

  “…Kelly, I’ll do it. I know it’s important to Chris. No. Don’t worry about me, I’m not upset. I just want to get away for a while.”

  The voice was softly accented, a hint of Italy, perh
aps he couldn’t be sure.

  “I told you I won’t be a coward. And there won’t be a mess to clean up, I’m behaving myself.”

  Heart pounding, Robbie walked around a bush and there she was. She was seated on a garden bench, the sunlight casting her hair into rich mink. She seemed unreal.

  “I’ll be at the hotel soon. Don’t worry, Cara. I’ll be fine, ciao.”

  She hung up and Robbie saw a quiver as she put her phone away. Letting out a short breath she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply as if she was trying to calm down.

  “You need a flower,” Robbie said plucking one from the bush beside him.

  Her eyes flew open in a panic and he tried for a smile.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I saw you sigh and – well—

  God! He was acting like a primary school student. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so tongue tied before a woman. When she kept staring at him like he was a nut, Robbie decided to plunge. Walking very slowly to her, he held out the gardenia flower.

  “My mother, she used to tell me that flowers make you smile. The scent is therapeutic. Try it,” he said.

  “Who are you?”

  Robbie hid a smile encouraged when she took the flower. The question, though defensive, told him that she was just wary, perhaps a bit prickly on the outside. Her soft conversation a minute ago had been enough to tell him that she was a tad vulnerable.

  “My name is Robbie,” he said. “I’m the best man.”

  She smiled, revealing dimples on her cheeks. “Shouldn’t you be serving the bride and groom?”

  “I’d rather be talking to a beautiful woman.” Robbie grinned. “May I sit?”

  She paused and for a moment he thought she’d refuse. She was reluctant and just when he was beginning to sweat, she nodded slowly. Moving closer, he took a seat keeping a respectable distance between them even though he wanted to be much closer.

  Swallowing hard, he said, “What is your name?”

  “Is it important?” she asked, staring at the garden around them.

  “At this particular moment, yes it is.”

  “Does that line work for you?”

  “Not usually, but I’m really hoping it works now,” Robbie said.

  She chuckled and brought the flower up to smell it. “Your mother sounds like a wise woman.”

  “She was.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize she passed away.”

  “I was very young,” Robbie said surprised at how easy it was to discuss his mother with her. He usually never talked about his past with anyone. “But I do remember she smiled a lot and she loved life.”

  Her gaze shifted then and he felt it move slowly over him taking in every detail. His shoulder length black hair that tended to be wavy courtesy of his Irish heritage, green eyes and sharp nose, strong jaw and a mouth that broke into a crooked smile. His manager Gloria Swanson called it a sexy smile.

  He kept fit, his body trim and healthy. In his black suit, he hoped he would pass for dashing if it would help persuade this woman to like him a bit.

  “My name is Zoe,” she said quietly. “I’m the—

  “Excuse me, Miss Mya?” a young woman said interrupting from out of nowhere. Robbie frowned at her with an unwelcome expression.

  “Yes,” Zoe said looking at the woman.

  “You are needed by Mrs. Castille. She’s waiting in the chapel office.”

  “Right,” Zoe sighed. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Alright,” the young woman left as quietly as she’d appeared.

  “Must you go?” Robbie asked, meeting Zoe’s dark gaze.

  “I do,” Zoe answered. “It was nice meeting you, Robbie.”

  She stood up and ran her hand down her thigh as though she were nervous.

  Robbie stood up too. “I’ll see you at the reception. Please say you’ll be there.”

  “I –uh- I’m not sure,” Zoe said. “I’ve got to go. Enjoy the reception.”

  Offering her hand, he took it slowly. The initial contact was a bit of surprise for both of them. It was a connection he didn’t understand but wanted to pursue. She pulled away and was gone before he could say anymore.


  An hour later, Robbie stopped at the terrace doors and stared at the party in the expansive gardens. He’d just spent his afternoon searching the crowd for Zoe.

  “Where have you been?” Danny asked coming up on to the terrace.

  Robbie swiped a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and loosened his tie, “Increasing my frustration.”

  “Scary,” Danny shook his head. “Are there too many women after you?”

  “I just want one and she seems elusive. I’ve been searching all over the place. I want her.”

  “You sound like a spoiled child,” Danny said chuckling when Robbie gave him a sour look.

  His gaze traveling the length of the gardens, Robbie answered, “I am spoiled.”

  He was about to continue when he saw her. She was striding with purpose into the house using another side entrance. She was flanked by two men in suits. He knew their type well. They were bodyguards.

  “Excuse me,” Robbie said to Danny, hurrying into the house after her. He was determined to have a conversation with her, perhaps get her number. Placing his glass on a table, he went into the hallway.

  He didn’t search long this time. He found her in what he assumed was the drawing room. The one door was closed while the other was wide open and he could see her standing by the window. No sign of the bodyguards, smiling, he moved to enter the room, but she sighed and spoke.

  “I always tried to imagine what this moment would feel like.” The words were soft and so very emotional, Robbie felt his heart clench. “I wondered if I’d be selfish and act like a bitch to your wife. It would be expected, you know.”

  She turned to her left, and then smiled at someone Robbie couldn’t see. The expression on her face made Robbie ache. He wanted to go and hug her tight. Stepping back so she wouldn’t see him, he listened as she continued.

  “Or maybe, I thought, I’d smile and be happy for you. Act very gracious and be such a sweetheart to your woman,” she said. “But—,”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m none of those things. None of them appeal to me because I’m just—, I’m sad. I feel like I’m losing you. You’ve always been there, now that you’re married—

  “Nothing will change,” Kenny said surprising Robbie so much, he had to hold back a gasp. To his horror, Kenny moved into view and gently took Zoe into his arms holding her tightly. It made Robbie’s blood boil with jealousy. “You know that.”

  “No, I don’t know that. You don’t either,” Zoe said her voice muffled in Kenny’s chest. “You seriously can’t stand here and tell me that despite this connection you’ve forged with Jess, things will be same as always. Nothing is ever going to be the same and you know it. I can’t help but be impossible about this. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s because you refuse to let anyone else close. If you’d let Jess in—

  “Never,” Zoe pulled back, tears streaming down her cheeks. Angry, she wiped them away and turned from Kenny. Breathing out, she put her hand over her mouth. “I-uh-I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so– I – don’t- God!”

  Kenny pulled her back in his arms and held on as she turned into him to cling.

  “I won’t tell her. I won’t say anything, sweetheart.”

  “Kenny,” Zoe sobbed out wrapping arms around his waist. “Don’t hate me for this. But I can’t seem to help it. You’re mine. I don’t want to give you up.”

  “I understand.” Kenny soothed, rubbing her back gently. “I do. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m just glad you came today.”

  Robbie couldn’t watch anymore. Leaning on the wall, he tried to hold down the bile of jealousy climbing up. If he hadn’t just be
en at Kenny’s wedding, he’d have thought that Zoe was his lover, although, maybe she was.

  How could this happen?

  The woman he wanted was his oldest, best friend’s lover.

  Mistress, he adjusted bitterly.

  The sound of clicking heels had him opening his eyes in time to see Jessica walking toward him. She looked so happy; it catapulted him in to motion. Pushing off the wall, he hurried to her. Grabbing her hands, he hugged her.

  Making sure he could be heard down the hall, he said, “How is the bride doing, ready for the honeymoon? You look gorgeous today.”

  “You’re such a charmer, McClaire.” Jessica laughed. “I don’t think I could be any happier. Having the Prince of Rock around just makes the day so special.”

  “I’m just Robbie today, love. It’s your day,” Robbie said, pulling back to study her.

  Her blue-green eyes sparkled with excitement. She couldn’t seem to stop smiling. The white Valentino gown was stunning against her delicate skin. He wanted to beat Kenny for doing this to such a beautiful woman.

  “Have you seen my husband?” Jessica said giggling after asking the question. “How did that sound? It tickles, I can’t believe I have one now.”

  Robbie laughed with her and was relieved when he saw Kenny emerge from the drawing room.

  “Here he comes you keep a tight leash on him now.”

  Jessica grinned as Kenny came up to them. “Don’t worry, Robbie. I plan on hanging on to this one. Right, Mr. Williams.”

  “Absolutely,” Kenny agreed smiling at Jessica.

  Robbie stepped back and watched as Jessica clung to her husband’s arm.

  They started for the door and Robbie said, “I’ll catch up in a minute.”

  Kenny nodded and once Robbie saw them leave, he hurried back to the drawing room. He ran into Zoe as she was coming out. She’d composed herself though her eyes were still red.

  He didn’t stop to think.

  “You’re a piece of work,” Robbie stated, angry that he still wanted to know her. “How could you?”

  Zoe stared. “What’s your problem?”

  “This is his wedding. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Robbie spat out bitterly. “His wife is around, she could have seen you.”

  “You’re crazy,” Zoe said, moving to pass him but Robbie wouldn’t allow it. Glaring at her, he warned.