Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 3

  “Jessica,” Danny said now, his tone quiet as he took her hand. “I realize how angry you are right now, but I know that you can solve this. So stop being so sad.”

  “Danny, you make it sound so easy.”

  “But it is, sweet, you love him, he loves you. Work from there.”

  Squeezing her fingers he made a note to call on Kenny when he came back to town.

  “Now, drink your coffee, Mrs. Williams. You need to sober up. You’re going to have a rough morning tomorrow.”


  Zoe couldn’t help smiling. Dinner was a lovely affair done at the Davenly Prague. The staff had arranged a beautiful dinner setting in a private dining room on the second floor. They wined and dined amid laughter and conversation that lifted Zoe’s spirits. Having these three people around always cured her depressive moods.

  When the waiters brought in coffee, Kenny leaned back in his chair; an arm slung over Zoe’s chair and sighed with contentment.

  “I haven’t had such a lovely evening in forever. I’m glad I stopped by,” Kenny said.

  Athena smiled at the picture the two made seated beside each other. They were so relaxed. They could be mistaken for siblings. It was endearing how much Kenny got protective over Zoe.

  “We should do it more often then,” Athena said.

  “The both of you are always so busy.” Thaddeus pointed out, as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. “What are we going to do about that? I barely see you.”

  “We’ll slow down.” Zoe soothed her uncle. “I’m free now, as soon as I get a few things done here, I’ll be in Athens. You’ll see me until you get tired of it.”

  “I doubt that. You’ll be preparing to get married and leave me.” Thad complained. “You’ll get so involved in your happiness and neglect even calling me.”

  Athena shook her head in amusement at the expert whining her husband was putting up and winked at Kenny when Zoe got up to hug her uncle.

  “Uncle Thad, I’ll call you a lot of times. Just coz I’ll be married doesn’t mean I won’t have problems. In fact, I’ll need you more than ever.”

  “Sweetheart,” Thaddeus sighed hugging her back. “You know, I’ll be there for you. Anything you need, yes?”

  “I know.” Zoe kissed the top of his head and returned to her seat. “Speaking of which, Robbie is wondering if Gabriella will come to the wedding. Will you please ask her for me?”

  They all paused at this and studied her as she carefully picked up her wine glass and sipped her red wine.

  Kenny cleared his throat and asked, “Are you sure you want her there?”

  “She’s my mother,” Zoe said quietly, “she should be there.”

  “I’ll call,” Thaddeus said. “I know Danny will be there. Of course Jessica will be too since Kenny’s the best man.”

  “One thing,” Zoe said staring into her glass. “I want Gabriella to come because she wants to, because she’s supporting us. Not because you tell her to Uncle Thad. So don’t try to persuade her if she says no.”

  “Zoe,” Athena sighed, “your mother is a hard person. She’s—

  “I’m tired of it.” Zoe cut in firmly. “For the first time in my life, I’m really happy. I want this wedding to be a happy occasion. So, if she doesn’t want to be there, don’t force her to be.”

  “Zoe.” Kenny shook his head, rubbing her arm gently. “It will be alright.”

  “Yes, it will be.” Zoe agreed, smiling at them all. “Things will be just fine.”

  They were all quite aware of how much Zoe wanted Gabriella to make it to that wedding. When Kenny met Thad’s gaze, he also realized that the older man would do anything to ensure Gabriella came.

  Conversation moved to more pleasant matters. They talked until Zoe’s eyes started drooping and they all decided to retire and meet for breakfast before they left. Kenny offered to escort Zoe to her suite and once they got there he helped her open her door.

  Handing her the key card, he smiled. “Robbie?”

  Zoe’s gaze met his silver grey one. “He’s fine.”

  “You miss him.” Kenny deduced he could see it in her eyes.

  “I can’t help it.”

  “I understand,” Kenny said. Leaning down, he dropped a kiss on her cheek and hugged her. “Get some sleep. You’re dead on your feet.”

  “You too,” Zoe said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Kenny waited until her door was closed and the key chain was on before he headed down the hallway with the Davenly company logo on the carpet to his own suite, a smile lingering on his lips at the incredible evening.


  Chapter Two


  The next morning dawned with snowy weather. The white stuff fell steadily covering every inch of the city and making the atmosphere dreary and cold. Zoe sat at her vanity table wrapped in a warm white sweater staring out the windows. She’d really been looking forward to a day out spent sightseeing.

  Letting a sigh slip, she stood up and headed for the living area in her suite. Turning on the television for noise, she started picking up the music sheets she’d been scribbling on the entire week. Some of it would get used, she thought, pausing to read a few notations. Some of it would be discarded or re-written. Such was the process of good music compositions. She loved music. Music in any shape or form was like a balm to her soul. She couldn’t live without it. Was it any wonder that she was now about to marry a musician?

  Not that Robbie’s appeal was only his music. He was one gorgeous man. Raven hair that was always long and shaggy in that rakish way, green eyes that thrilled her, the sexiest mouth. He sometimes smiled at her and she just stared at him. He understood her love affair with music. He knew her obsessions with musical instruments. She knew his. When it came to guitars, Robbie was absolutely obsessed. He had an entire collection of them at their home in London.

  A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts and she placed the sheets of music on a stool. Hurrying to the door, she looked in the peep hole before she pulled it open to admit Kelly.

  “I brought your baby. It was well taken care of through the night. The security in this hotel is absolutely helpful.”

  Zoe took the case Kelly handed her and rushed for the coffee table. Placing the case on it, she opened the snaps and pushed the cover open to reveal her prized possession. The violin was a Stradivarius. It was three hundred years old and worth more than a Dubai island. It was insured for theft, damage, and all other kinds of disasters that could occur but Zoe was quite aware that she’d be devastated to lose it. The instrument meant more to her than a piece of wood and strings. Nothing could replace it.

  “I’ve missed you.” She sighed over it, running a finger over the finished wood. “Tell me something good Kelly.” She closed the case. “Can I make it to Greece tomorrow?”

  “You have two photo shoots, an appearance at a benefit this afternoon, an interview with a talk show. I’d give it afternoon tomorrow.” Kelly arranged papers that needed Zoe’s signature on a coffee table. “I also think Chris wants to have a meeting with you.”

  Zoe groaned at that last one. She took a pen from Kelly’s briefcase and started signing papers, her gaze moving over the details swiftly. She knew what Chris wanted. There was no way she was going to give it to him, especially now that she was about to get married to Robbie. There were just too many secrets that came with that country for her.

  She’d never make a cross over to the United States.


  “You said never,” Athena said with a laugh to her husband. “I told you she’d get married one day.”

  “Well,” Thaddeus shook his head, his gaze focused on a souvenir mug that was displayed on the shelf. They were browsing the gift shop in the hotel lobby while they waited for Kenny and Zoe.

  “A man can always hope. She’s my little girl. I’m supposed to be protective of her always.”

/>   “You do a very good job of it, my love.” Athena assured him, touching a little golden angel figurine. Her gaze shifted from the figure to her husband.

  Time had only made his features more striking. At forty-five, Thaddeus was still as potent as the day she’d met him. His eyes were a sharp blue, his hair blonde. She made sure he kept it stylishly cut. His skin boasted a healthy golden tone. A tribute to the Greek sun she supposed. It made him look vital.

  When he smiled, like he was now, little wrinkles appeared at his eyes and the corners of his mouth. Was it a wonder she was so in love with him? She could sit and study him for hours, and she’d find something new to love about him. They would be married seven years, this year. She was even more in love with him now if that was possible.

  Thad had given her every thing and more. She had love, a wonderful life, a career she loved, and their children, Zoe, who was a daughter to her, and Zan, their beautiful six year old son. How lucky she was.

  “What is that secret smile?” Thaddeus asked.

  Athena grinned. “I just remembered how adamant you were about not marrying me. You can be so stubborn.”

  She took his hand in hers. Thaddeus chuckled; his gaze fell to their clasped hands.

  “I didn’t realize how much I was missing then. Now, I know. And, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  “If it wasn’t for Zoe,” Athena mused, “we wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’d have found you,” Thaddeus said, leaning down to brush her lips with a soft kiss. He touched her strawberry blonde hair with his other hand. Brushing at the long strands held back by a clip.

  “Of course,” Athena said, looking up into his eyes. “It would have taken a bit longer.”

  He was about to protest when she lifted an eyebrow at him. The elegant arch made him acquiesce. “Yes, it would have taken longer.”

  “I know you don’t like to discuss those days,” Athena said squeezing the hand she held when he closed his eyes. “No, Thad. I know you. I know what this month means to both you and Zoe. Obviously, that is why you’re protective of her right now. But I want you to know, to remember that something good came out of it. What we have is precious. Remember that.”

  “Why do you say this?” Thad asked opening his eyes to search Athena’s green ones.

  “You’ve been thinking about it.” Athena reached up to caress his jaw with her free hand. “It’s also April and both of you always act very different this month. It’s like some sort of twisted anniversary thing in your heads. Zoe’s can’t be helped, but you, I have to remind you that there’s me and Zan. We love you.”

  Thad sighed and pulled his wife into his arms. Hugging her tightly and burying his face in her jasmine scented hair. Breathing in the sweet flowery scent, he thanked the lucky stars that had brought her into his life.

  “I love you,” he murmured into her hair. The words came straight from his heart.


  Kenny watched Thad and Athena through the glass windows envy reflected in his eyes. The two of them were so obviously in love. He wondered how they managed to keep so happy. Seven years of marriage seemed to have only brought them closer. As for him, his marriage was crumbling each day it seemed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d kissed his wife. Sighing, he shrugged off the melancholy and headed for the elevators. He needed to get Zoe for breakfast.

  As he rode the elevator up, Thad’s comment about them ending up together came to him. It was strange but he’d never really thought of Zoe that way. She was his little sister. Their bond was so strong that he’d do anything for her. He had done things for her he wouldn’t do for anyone else. But have her as a lover that would be wrong.

  And it wasn’t because she was not beautiful. Zoella was a stunning woman. Even on a bad hair day, she looked gorgeous. He’d fought off millions of suitors through the years.

  It was just that, Zoe would always be the little bad tempered fourteen year old he’d first met in Ohio. She’d been pushing her bike home, and he’d been driving in from college. He’d stopped his car to allow her to cross the entrance to his house and she’d given him an annoyed look. He’d befriended her to piss her off. Even offered to drive her home and have her bike fixed. The little minx had sworn at him and called him a pervert.

  Laughing to himself at the memory, he knocked on her hotel room door and was not surprised when Kelly Jones pulled open the door.

  “Morning Kels,” he greeted.

  “Williams,” Kelly answered. Theirs was a love/hate relationship. “No scandals, we are riding out a very smooth tour so far. I don’t want to hear about lovey-dovey hugs in the lobby.”

  “Yes madam,” Kenny said hiding a smile from the five foot eight inches dominatrix. Kelly was the type of woman who could make men shiver and not in pleasure. He strolled through to the open bedroom.

  Zoe was busy pulling on black half boots over a pair of black slacks. She didn’t stop when he came in.

  “Kenny, could you please find the wedding planner’s business card in my purse for me. I know I stuck it in there. I can’t find it and Kelly is being annoying about it.”

  She zipped up one shoe, and then turned to the other.

  Kenny shook his head at the picture she made, and headed for her vanity table. The large black bag was already open. He’d rummaged in it so many times before it was familiar. He needed her wallet. Chances were the card was in there.

  “I just saw your aunt and uncle hugging in the gift shop.”

  “Are they being soppy lovers again?” Zoe asked a smile in her words.

  “They always are. I’m envious,” Kenny said his hand moving over a pack of chewing gum, pencils, tissues and then a diary. Women’s purses were like treasure chests. “I want to ask what they’re doing right.”

  “Loving each other,” Zoe said finishing with her shoe. Straightening up, she tugged the heavy white sweater into place and ran a hand through her hair. “We can only hope to be like them.”

  “That’s true.” Kenny sighed, and then was going to say more when his hand passed over a bottle of pills. Reading the prescription, he looked at Zoe.

  “How many times have you been seeing Dr. Sylvia lately?”

  “Oh, on and off,” Zoe said, her tone dismissive.

  Dr. Sylvia Hellinski was Zoe’s psychiatrist. Sylvia had been her doctor for eight years now.

  Kenny persisted.

  “How many times?” he asked.

  Zoe sighed. “Not many Kenny. I haven’t even needed to take the pills. As you see, the bottle is almost full.”

  “No nightmares?” Kenny asked.

  “None, I must be getting better,” Zoe said with a small smile. “Don’t worry; I’ll rush to her if something happens.”

  “I can’t help worrying,” Kenny said dropping the pills back into her bag. “You have to take care of yourself.”

  “I am,” Zoe said moving to sit on the edge of the large bed. Kenny found her wallet and searched through the pockets. He found the card.

  “I knew it.” Zoe exclaimed with a happy laugh.

  Kenny grinned as she jumped to take it. Rushing out of the room, she found Kelly to brag. “I told you so. Now, I’m going for breakfast. Then I will be all yours.”

  Kelly, not impressed by the little show of triumph, took the card

  “No scandals,” she warned.

  “No scandals.” Zoe agreed and crossed her heart. “I promise.”

  “I know you two.” Kelly warned as they left. “I mean what I say.”

  “Yes Kelly,” they answered as the door closed.

  “She’s going to quit one of these days,” Kenny said when Zoe stopped chuckling at the elevators.

  “She’s been threatening us for four years now,” Zoe said relaxed. “I’m not worried.”

  “That’s what you say now. Wait until she’s gone.” Kenny warned with an amused look when the elevator doors ope

  Zoe poked his ribs under the sports jacket he wore. “Quit scaring me. No office today?”

  “My flight is in the afternoon. I figured I’ll play hooky for a few hours.” He was dressed casually in a black polo neck and blue jeans. His sports jacket was also black giving him that elegance that only his confidence could give.

  “How is Jessica? I forgot to ask last night,” Zoe asked into the comfortable silence.

  “I don’t know,” Kenny answered, his gaze fixed on the changing numbers of the elevator, “Haven’t been to London in a while. I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “Kenny,” Zoe sighed, moving closer to him for a hug. “I hate to see you this way. You love her so much.”

  “It’s not enough anymore,” Kenny said, glancing down at her dark hair pressed against his chest. “We fight and scream about everything. I can’t stand it.”

  “Is it because of me?” Zoe asked bluntly. She was well aware of how her sister felt about their relationship. “I know—

  “Don’t blame yourself.” Kenny cut her off, rubbing her back. “She’s drawn conclusions that suit her and closed her eyes from the truth. I can’t allow you to blame yourself for it.”

  Too late, Zoe thought.

  She was going to talk to Jessica soon. Straighten this out. It wasn’t fair to Kenny after all he’d done for her.

  “I’m sorry things are like that for you, Kenny.”

  “I’m sorry too,” Kenny replied, pulling back.

  He smiled at her. When she smiled back, he stuck his fingers into the dimples that appeared at her cheeks. “I wonder why you and I never got together.”

  “Because,” she smirked at him, “we know too much about each other. It would destroy the chemistry. Besides, we seem to have a penchant for pain and passion.”

  Kenny laughed. “Yeah, me pain, you passion.”

  “That’s right.” The elevator opened and she pulled him out. “Let’s find the love birds and get me fed. I’m starved.”

  A photo journalist chose that moment to snap a photograph, doing so discreetly and with rapid succession. When he was done, he slipped away assured of a cool five thousand pounds for the series of pictures he had captured.