Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 21

  “Oh, yes, dig in the murk with everyone else, Mamma. Tell Jessica what you want. I’m leaving this farce,” Zoe snapped angry beyond belief.

  “Zoella, don’t walk out that door,” Gabriella ordered.

  “What are you going to do?” Zoe asked pulling the door open. “Kelly was right, this was a mistake. But I won’t regret it. I came for Kenny.”

  Shaking her head, she hurried out of the office determined to find Kenny then leave this place.


  “Why are you here?” Kelly asked in exasperation.

  It was midnight and she’d been looking for Zoe the better part of the night. Why hadn’t she thought to look in the lounge?

  Perched on the piano bench, Zoe played the piano, a glass of red wine stood on top of the polished piano surface. She was still in the clothes she’d worn at the wedding. A few members of staff sat listening to Zoe play, though they got up when they saw Kelly.

  “Where is your phone?”

  “Kelly, hi,” Zoe said pausing mid-chord with a wide smile.

  “Don’t smile at me. Do you know what time it is? You’re bound for Australia in hours. What am I going to do with you?”

  “You’re so cross.” Zoe sighed, reaching for her wine glass. It was almost empty. Frowning into it, she reached for the bottle and sighed when she discovered it too was empty. Looking around, she wondered if she might get another bottle.

  “You’re getting drunk off this stuff,” Kelly said grabbing the glass and the bottle away.

  “Wait.” Zoe moaned, reaching out but the motion sent the world spinning around her. “Whoa, why are there two of you?”

  “Ask the merlot,” Kelly said. Handing the glass and bottle to a passing waiter, she reached for Zoe. “I told you, you’d be a mess. What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Zoe said allowing Kelly to help her up. Arm around Kelly’s shoulder, she concentrated on walking. “What’s so good about happiness anyway? It’s overrated, right Kels? We don’t need marriage, you and I, do we?”

  “Not at all,” Kelly said punching the elevator button.

  Thankfully, the doors slid open immediately and with expert maneuvering Kelly helped Zoe into the elevator. “I have to get you sober by the time you land tomorrow, love. Otherwise we’re screwed.”

  “Stop fretting, Kels.” Zoe slurred out, her eyes were feeling very heavy. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on what Kelly was saying. “I met a man today. He had such green deep!”

  “Really,” Kelly was surprised by this. Zoe hardly dated. Most of her relationships lasted a week if at all. She never talked about them. “Who is this man?”

  “He told me to stay away from Kenny.” Zoe giggled as they left the elevator and headed for the suite. “I’d never hurt Kenny—

  “Sweetie, who is this man,” Kelly asked worried.

  “He—,” Zoe swallowed hard, the world was spinning again.

  Kelly opened the door and they got inside her suite. Seeing the messy room that proclaimed her true nature, tears stung Zoe’s eyes for the second time today. “He said I’m-a-a piece of shame.”

  Holding back a laugh, Kelly took her charge to the bedroom and helped her lie down on the bed. Pulling off the green kitten heel sandals Zoe wore; Kelly covered her with a blanket.

  “Get some sleep, love, you’re a mess.”

  “A mess, I’m always a mess.” Zoe murmured as she passed out.


  “Sydney, Australia,” Mick Sanders said staring at the city from a bridge.

  It was nearly morning and the limousine driver had pulled over at the band’s request. They all needed to stretch their legs a bit. Traveling could be so tiresome.

  “It looks timid enough,” Mick said.

  “Just another city,” Tevin said on a sigh. “I certainly hope it lightens McClaire’s mood. He’s been a dragon since he returned from Kenny’s wedding.”

  “It could be a woman,” Ron said leaning on the railing to stare down at the water underneath. It was dark and murky like most rivers running through cities tended to be. “I’d like to meet her if she has him acting that way.”

  “What’s our schedule like here?” Mick asked.

  “Pretty busy,” Tevin sighed, “interviews, appearances, photo shoots, and the usual.”

  “Guys,” Robbie called from inside the car, “stop gossiping and get in. Gloria’s waiting for us at the television studio.”

  “God, you’re so cranky, McClaire,” Ron said once they were all in the car and it was moving again. “Is something bothering you?”

  Robbie glared and shook his head. He wasn’t about to admit that he hadn’t stopped thinking about a certain dark haired mistress.

  Why did she have to be with Kenny?

  There were two rules he lived by, no drugs and never interfere with a best friend’s woman, current or ex-girlfriend. It pissed him off that Zoe was a current and he couldn’t have her even when she was an ex.

  “You have everyone on pins and needles.” Ron commented, noting the scowl playing on Robbie’s forehead. “Can you deal?”

  “I’m good for it,” Robbie said far too hard to be civilized. Shrugging he ignored the speculative glances and refused to meet Tevin’s and Mick’s gazes.


  “Who am I talking to?” Zoe asked.

  Her head throbbed like she had been hit by a bus. She rather wished she was in bed. Kelly handed her an aspirin and a glass of water.

  “The host is Nora Jennings. A rock band is coming in after you.” The television producer explained as he oversaw her make-up and the technician wired her microphone.

  “No surprises, I hate surprises.” Zoe warned in her best no nonsense Zoella Mya tone.

  “We understand. Everything is in order as per your manager’s instructions.”

  “Good,” Zoe said. She guarded her personal life selfishly. “How long is it going to take?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “Fine,” Zoe nodded grateful that the sound engineer was done with her. Hoping the aspirin would kick in, Zoe gave Kelly thumbs up, before she followed the show producer. On their way to the stage, Zoe paused at a poster on the wall with the name Haden on it and stared at the man in the forefront. In dark edgy clothes, a skull belt buckle on his hips, he seemed so—

  “Miss Mya,” the producer prompted.

  Realizing she’d stopped, Zoe continued on after the man. A nagging thought in her head. She’d really seen that man somewhere.

  “Get ready; your cue is on in five, four, and three—

  They urged her onto the stage. Shrugging the thought away, Zoe concentrated on the situation at hand. Marketing music required so much effort. The spotlight was a vital part of her career yet it was also the most difficult. It demanded so much from her that she often chafed against it. But, she understood that sales required exposure. With that spirit, she pasted on a smile and met Nora Jennings.

  Nora was bubbly. She wore a standard all-knowing smile on her average face. Her blond hair was cut into a neat bob. Her blue eyes were hungry. She had a tidy figure. She had chosen to dress in a sky blue trouser suit that matched her eyes. She smiled wide. Those straight red lips curved neatly. No doubt she was ready to squeeze every last secret from Zoe.

  Well, Zoe thought, good luck with that.

  “Look at you,” Nora exclaimed for the rolling cameras, hugging Zoe airily. “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?”

  The question was aimed at the live audience. The mostly feminine crowd clapped and made approving noises. Zoe silently thanked her hairstylist. Her makeup was done to compliment her olive skin, dark eyes and even darker hair. The stylist had dressed her short slim figure in army green tights, black calf length boots that enhanced her height. She wore a short pastel dress with ruffles and her hair was left to tumble down her back in waves. At least today she had a plus for fashion.

  “Thank you,” Zoe said
taking the seat offered, “For the welcome and having me on your show.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Nora said. Turning to the audience and the camera she continued. “Zoella Mya is a world renowned classical musician. She’s won awards across Europe, Asia and the U.K. She is up for an Aria award in Australia. How do you do it, Zoella?”

  “My fans make it possible,” Zoe answered. She smiled when the crowd applauded.

  “They love you,” Nora noted.

  “I love them too,” Zoe replied.

  The audience clapped and Nora smiled. She was about to jump in for the kill. Zoe mustered her composure for the first question.

  “Now I know you get this a lot, but I have to ask. Your accent fascinates me. Your English is so sexy. Do you get that from people?”

  It was easy enough. Zoe just had to make sure she didn’t mention names. “Sexy is new. Usually I get asked where am from or which language I speak. I like sexy.”

  “I’d have to say you border on Italian or Spanish, somewhere there,” Nora said. She was probing.

  “Very close, I’m half Italian, the other is Greek.” Zoe refused to elaborate any further.

  “What language do you speak at home?” Nora asked with a gleam in those eyes.

  “Greek,” Zoe answered. She held Nora’s stare and smiled for the camera.

  Nora hid her frustration. She didn’t miss a beat.

  “Does it influence your music at all? Being born in two cultures and having to learn English as a third language. Has that made you different?”

  “It’s made me better,” Zoe said carefully. “I’d like to think the diversity of my life plays a huge role in my music.”

  “How did you get started playing music? How old were you?”

  Tricky question, Zoe thought.

  It was legitimate. She had to answer it for her job. But it also probed into her personal life. She was not ready to give away anything about her life. She opted for an anecdote.

  “I was six,” Zoe smiled at the surprised murmur that swept the audience. “My family was on vacation in Italy. One night there was a man playing the guitar in the square. Everyone was dancing to the music, looking so happy. It was fascinating. From that day on, I wanted my own guitar.”

  “How did that go at six years old?” Nora asked, appeased by a small insight into Zoe’s life.

  “It drove everyone in the house crazy,” Zoe said smiling with the audience. “The noise was unimaginable.”

  Nora chuckled. “Obviously you eventually learned. I hear you play most music instruments.”

  “I play all stringed instruments. The cello is my favorite. I also play the piano.”

  “You’ve had three albums out. Impressive feat at twenty-one,” Nora complemented. “Out of the three which one was the most exciting to make?”

  “I’d have to say the latest one,” Zoe replied. When it came to her music, she could talk for hours. Her music was her life, she reveled in it. “Endless was first and I was nervous with it. It needed to be good and able to grab attention. It was hard work. Fantasy was second. I felt it should out do the first one. There was a lot of pressure there. Cantabile has been a lot of fun. Composing it and recording the music has been an amazing experience. I’ve worked with great people all over Europe. It was an exciting time.”

  “The verdict on Angel’s falling, the first song released from the Cantabile album, is that the song is extraordinary.”

  “The response to Angel’s falling has been extremely exciting. I’m very happy my fans out there love it.”

  The review had come out a week ago. She’d been going out of her mind for a full three days before it came out. Chris and Kelly had kept her in a media blackout to prevent her from driving them crazy.

  Nora nodded and moved on to the next question. “There have been rumors, but we all know how that goes. It’s always better to get it straight. So...are you seeing anyone?”

  Zoe laughed. “I’d have to say no. I’m quite single.”

  “Seriously, you’re gorgeous. How can you be alone?” Nora asked placing the cards aside.

  This young woman fascinated her. There was something elementally different about Zoella. It was as though she lived in such a different world from everyone else.

  “I haven’t had the time. But maybe in the future I will,” Zoe said, “One can’t plan these things.”

  Nora smiled at the ambiguous answer and almost screamed at the show’s director when he urged her on to the next segment. Perhaps she could have gotten Zoella Mya to reveal more. She would never know now, turning to the audience she clapped,

  “Let’s all give a hand to Zoella Mya. Thank you for being on the morning show.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “Be sure to catch her show tonight at the Silver Amphitheatre,” Nora said. “We are going to give our audience free tickets to the show. Take a friend.” The producer sent them to commercial and Nora turned to Zoe to say, “You were great.”

  “Just following your cues,” Zoe answered with a small smile, before Nora could say more; the director urged them back on.

  “Coming to join us are four fabulous rock stars. They have won music awards all over the world, with their thrilling music. These four men have taken the world by storm. Please join me in welcoming the band Haden to the morning show.”

  The crowd roared in applause as rock music filled the studio. Zoe found herself clapping with the audience as the band walked onto the stage. Handsome was the first thought she had. All four of them swaggered in seemingly untouched by the screaming crowd and the effect their smiles induced from the women.

  “Robbie, Tevin, Mick and Ron,” Nora said as they all walked to her.

  Each of them greeted Nora with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Then they turned to Zoe and did the same with her. The audience was still clapping as Zoe took her seat in an arm chair furthest from Nora. The band members took the couch.

  As the audience settled, Nora started introductions.

  “Haden has been in the studio for the past few months writing their latest album which would tally their albums to five now. For eight years, Haden has been going strong, as I said before, they’ve won Grammies, BMAs, European Awards, and the Rolling Stone calls them ‘pipin’ hot’. Mick Sanders, Ron Jasper, Tevin Whittaker and Robbie McClaire, thank you for coming on the show today.”

  The guys all nodded as the audience applauded again.

  Zoe studied the band members as the show proceeded. They were the band she’d seen in the poster in the hall way. Mick Sanders, who sat closest to her, struck her as the comedian in the group. He seemed to have a twinkle in his eyes and winked at her when she met his gaze. She couldn’t help smiling at him. His brown hair was spiked and he sported a lip ring and an eyebrow ring. Dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants with a silver chain hanging on his left hip, she imagined he’d be quite fun to spend time with.

  Beside him was Ron Jasper. His dirty blond hair was held back in a ponytail. He had a gorgeous smile and very kind eyes. A day old beard on his jaw made him look rakish. He would be the level headed one with a hidden wild streak, she decided.

  Tevin Whittaker was blonde, his hair cut short and styled into an edgy short Mohawk. He was the Greek god type. His body was in top shape, dressed in a white t-shirt and matching slacks with white boots. His fingers spotted rings and an earring blinked from his left ear. His blue eyes were bright and hid an intelligence Zoe wanted to explore.

  Then she moved her gaze to Robbie McClaire just as he pulled off the shades he’d been wearing. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

  How could it be? How hadn’t she recognized him?

  That bastard from Kenny’s wedding should have been unforgettable.

  She caught her gasp just as he looked at her, his green eyes meeting hers as recognition registered.

  “How long is Haden in town?” Nora
was asking excited by being around such handsome men. They oozed charisma and personality. It was hard not to be awed.

  Tevin frowned when Robbie remained silent.

  “Two weeks,” Tevin answered moving slightly to see who Robbie was staring at.

  It puzzled him even more when he realized it was Zoella Mya. She seemed stunned herself. Clearing his throat, he moved his hand and bumped Robbie into attention.

  “We’re hoping to see Australia a bit while we’re here,” Tevin said.

  “You’re definitely in for a treat,” Nora said oblivious to the little drama going on. “So what have you guys been up to other than work? No recent scandals lately….,”

  The band members all laughed at the way she said the last sentence. Robbie forced himself to pay attention to the interview. He’d never imagined that he’d meet the object of his thoughts in a studio on national television in Australia.

  How had he not realized that she was Zoella Mya?

  He’d always admired the artist, the complete genius of her music. It was bloody disappointing to find out that she was a little whore about to destroy a new marriage. Clenching his fists tightly he tuned in to Nora.

  “Ah, Robbie is shaking his head,” Nora was saying. “Don’t you agree with that?”

  Not quite sure what was being discussed, he turned to Tevin for help.

  “It’s not difficult performing in different cities, is it?” Tevin said.

  “Hardly,” Robbie agreed, forcing his gaze away from Zoella to say to Nora. “As long as there are fans that’ll come to the concerts and love our music, performing is a breeze. We love it.”

  The audience clapped at the comment and Nora beamed. “So who is the most serious and who is the funniest in the band?”

  “Fun guy,” Tevin chuckled, “depends on what kind of fun.”

  “The clean kind,” Nora said laughing.

  “Ron,” Mick said. “He makes great jokes.”

  “Pranks really,” Robbie commented with glee. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Zoella smile and he scowled a bit. Why was she smiling?

  “Hey,” Ron protested with a grin. “The serious guy is Robbie. He’s quite a handful when he decides to sulk around the place.”

  “I don’t sulk,” Robbie said when Nora laughed. “I’m usually contemplating on the importance of life and everyone else is usually trying to stop me.”