Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 20

  “Stay away from Kenny if you know what’s good for you. He’s happy; he doesn’t need a side dish. I know your type and you’re nothing but trouble.”

  Angry at how dark her eyes were and the fact that she turned him on like wild fire, Robbie was grudgingly impressed when she gave him a cold hard look before storming out without a single word. Zoe headed for the front door and as it closed he realized he didn’t even know her last name.



  Strange how much it angered him to see Zoe in another man’s arms. Even then, unaware of the friendship between her and Kenny, seeing Zoe in the arms of another man had aroused such a hot bitter wave of jealousy.

  Robbie hadn’t known her then. After being with her, it had almost driven him crazy to see her with that bastard she’d brought to London.

  Opening his eyes, Robbie stared at the ceiling remembering how mistaken he’d been about Zoe’s relationship with Kenny. After the explanation of that scene in the drawing room, he’d felt like a true idiot.

  “You jump to conclusions too fast, mi Caro,” she’d said then. “Your jealousy blinds you to everything. It’s flattering but what if it happens again, you will leave me?”

  “You’re mine, Zoe. I can’t stand any man close to you. I’ll kill him first and ask questions later.”

  Sitting up fast, he closed his eyes and tried to recall that day at the penthouse.

  “Please let me go,” she’d said.

  She’d kept telling him to let her go something about him deserving better. How was it that she’d bring the man she’d supposedly fallen in love to their house? Where she knew he’d see the guy?

  Perhaps kill him. She knew him so well. Why had she been clinging to him?

  She’d tried to pull him back while the other guy had been clinging to his shirt. Zoe had been trying to protect him, he realized in surprise.

  “Let me go,” he repeated quietly, the little minx.

  Exactly why would she decide to make him so angry by doing the one thing guaranteed to drive him over the edge?

  Why had she done it, without informing Kenny, her eternal guardian?

  The door to the bedroom opened and Tevin stepped in.

  Robbie stared at him his eyes wide.


  “She lied to me,” Robbie said. “Zoe lied to me.”

  “We already know that, don’t we?” Tevin asked with a raised brow, confused by the comment. “Are you drunk?”

  “No.” Robbie frowned. “I’m sober. And Zoe lied about the boyfriend. She didn’t love him,” he clarified. “She doesn’t love him, he was bait and I fell for it.”

  Tevin frowned at the newest form of denial he’d ever seen. He needed to remind Gloria to contact a psychiatrist. Robbie needed help.

  “Whatever you need to believe to get through this mate,” Tevin said in support.


  Chapter Thirteen

  “You think I’m being stupid and naïve,” Robbie said when he saw Tevin’s expression. Scoffing in disgust, he got off the bed and strolled to pull the curtains open on the large windows.

  It was raining. A rainy afternoon in Dublin, Robbie thought, he’d have loved to spend it in bed with Zoe, just talking, like they had done so many times before.

  “May be I’m being ridiculous.” Robbie sighed, shaking his head he turned to look at Tevin, leaning on the windows negligently. “I want to feel happy again. Or maybe I should go for being okay. The only way that is going to happen is if I talk to Zoe again.”

  “You haven’t had a moment to think about this clearly. You’re always drunk or with Marjorie. I can’t imagine seeing the woman who brought you to this state is going to make things better for you.” Tevin reasoned moving to sit on the bed. “Why don’t you take the time we do the European tour to think?”

  “Thinking drives me to drink. You know that more than I do.”

  “Robbie, trust me you’ll be so busy and tired to contemplate drinking. Will you trust me on this?”

  “What happens at the end of the tour and I still want to talk to Zoe?”

  “Then I’ll help you.”

  Robbie studied his best friend for a moment just thinking about the suggestion. It made a lot of sense although the need to see Zoe was overwhelming. Tevin was right. Rushing to find her was not the key.

  “There is a condition,” Tevin said when he saw acceptance in Robbie’s eyes.


  “No Marjorie.”

  “Done,” Robbie said without much thought. “The tour ends in Athens then.”

  “I’ll arrange it,” Tevin said with a smile. Getting up, he stretched his arms above his head. “If you’re right about Zoe, she’ll still be single in a month.”

  “I hope I’m right,” Robbie said quietly heading for the shower.

  As he stepped under the hot spray in the large shower stall, he found his thoughts straying to the past three years. His life had changed when he started seeing Zoe. So much about her had changed his views on life. Just thinking about it made it so clear.


  Three years ago

  “He’s getting married today,” Zoe said to Kelly Jones as she pulled on a forest green empire waist dress over head. It was a Marie Francoise; Kelly had brought it the day before from the fitters. “I have to be among them all today and not care that they drive me nuts.”

  They were in Zoe’s hotel suite at the Norfolk hotel getting ready to go for Kenny’s wedding. Kelly couldn’t help thinking that for people about to attend a happy event, their moods were bordering on depressing.

  “I’m not sure why you are going through with this,” Kelly commented.

  “If I don’t, I won’t forgive myself for letting Kenny down,” Zoe said turning to look at Kelly. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You drive me nuts,” Kelly said shaking her head. Arms at her waist, her slender body wrapped in a short black Vivienne Westwood dress, her hair mink black and spiky, she was every bit the rebel. “You’re not in love with him, yet you’re going nuts that he’s getting married.”

  “He’s marrying my weird sister,” Zoe protested.

  “You don’t like your family,” Kelly continued. “Yet, you’re standing there dressing for a day with them. You’re setting yourself up for heartbreak.”

  Zoe scowled. “Do you have to make it sound so pathetic?”

  “I’ll be cleaning up the mess. Because that’s what you’ll be after today,” Kelly said grabbing a brush off the vanity table.

  Dealing with Zoe could sometimes turn into the worst job on earth but times like this; she couldn’t help but be protective.

  At twenty-one, the public loved her for her flair with music, her beauty and the mystery that was her personal life. It was difficult to get an exclusive from Zoe, a fact that had reporters in the continent clamoring for the honor.

  “Chris wants you to have tour dates in Australia,” Kelly said once she was done brushing through the famous mane of hair. Placing the brush on the vanity tables she leaned on it and studied Zoe. “I’ll try and talk him out of it if you think it’s too much.”

  Zoe sighed at the thought of her producer. Christ Stone could be trying and hard headed but he knew what her career needed. He’d helped built Zoella Mya and the brand name was strong and lucrative. The problem with Chris, he sometimes forgot she was human.

  “I’ll think about it. I just came back from Japan. I need time to breathe.”

  “You’re my little working machine.” Kelly teased. “Why would you need such a thing?”

  Zoe smiled and Kelly nodded. “You look gorgeous now.”

  “Better than the bride,” Zoe asked with a wink.

  “Definitely,” Kelly said picking up the handbag on the table, she straightened up. “I’ll have you carry your cell phone with you when we get there. Your family is dangerous. You might need it.”

nbsp; Zoe laughed. “You make them sound like the mafia.”

  “They are.” Kelly insisted as they walked out.


  At the chapel Zoe came out of the car in time to see her mother walk out of the chapel. Pasting on a smile, she braced herself for the frigid cold wind.

  “Buon giorno, Mamma,” Zoe said.

  “I imagined you’d be some place else. You’re not here to stop the wedding are you?” Gabriella Castille said her tone far from teasing.

  Absorbing the expected reaction to the jab, Zoe said, “Hardly. I just wanted to see it happen.”

  “How good of you,” Gabriella said.

  “Quite,” Zoe replied. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “I’m sure. Please go on in,” Gabriella said, promptly dismissing her by walking away. Refusing to look back and see who would be getting a warmer welcome, Zoe walked into the chapel.

  Kelly sighed and braced herself for a very long day.

  Inside, Zoe took in the lavish and elegant decorations. It was expected of the Castille family, Zoe mused. Standing at the altar were three men, looking handsome in black suits and bowties. Catching her brother’s gaze, she smiled at him and felt reassured when he returned it. She really didn’t want to catch Kenny’s gaze, the pain would be too much.

  She chose a seat on the groom’s side at the back. Kelly sat beside her and Zoe found herself subtly glancing at the time on her phone. Mentally, she calculated how long she could stay here.

  Kenny had chosen his best friend to be his best man, along side her brother Danny. If things were different, she’d be standing beside Jessica as maid of honor. Instead, Jessica’s best friend stood there. Not that she knew the woman’s name. That told a lot about her relationship with the family. Everyone was smiling. She couldn’t seem to gather enough energy for it. How could she when her heart was breaking?

  “Do you Kenneth Daven Williams take Jessica Castille to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The question was patient and defining from the priest.

  Zoe felt her heart thud a million times as she watched Kenny smile brilliantly and answer. “I do.”

  The answer was so confident; Zoe wanted to scream in protest. Jessica was a cold human being who didn’t deserve Kenny’s kind heart. She couldn’t stay any longer. Getting up, she signaled Kelly to stay and slipped quietly out of the church using a side entrance. She found herself wondering in the garden.

  What a sham. She’d never believe Jessica was in love with Kenny.

  The woman was too bad to be in love, Zoe thought meanly.

  And what was marriage for anyway?

  She’d never be able to commit to a marriage. It just demanded too much from a person. It needed trust, belief, passion, love, the truth was that it scared her that watching Kenny had made her want to be able to make that commitment to someone.

  To love someone that much that you want to be a part of their life always, no matter what.

  Argh...she needed to stop these ridiculous thoughts. Pulling out her phone, she called Chris Stone.

  “Wherever it is you want me to go, I’ll go.”

  “What’s wrong?” Chris asked immediately.

  “Nothing, I just don’t want to be in London.”

  “You can’t keep running.”

  “Don’t you want me to work?” Zoe said her brow rose at Chris’s concern.

  “You know I do,” Chris said. “I just expect protest. You’re making it easy. I have to worry when you make it easy. I’m not a complete monster you know.”

  “I’m fine, Chris. You book me for all the dates you want. It doesn’t matter where as long as you keep it away from the Americas.”

  “Hey did something happen? Coz you can talk to me,” Chris said, concerned by the submissive attitude. She seemed too agreeing at the moment.

  “I’m not ready yet. Sometime later on,” Zoe answered then hung up before he could ask more questions.

  The church bells started ringing and her phone rang. It was Kelly wondering where she’d gone to.

  “I’m in the gardens.”

  “Chris just called me. If you’re sure about this we have to leave in the morning. I have to get things ready. Are you sure about going to Australia?”

  “Yes Kelly, I’ll do it. I know it’s important to Chris.”

  “What about you? Aren’t you tired? You just came back from a tour.”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  “You’re upset,” Kelly said on a sigh.

  “I’m not upset. I just want to get away from London,” Zoe said.

  “We shouldn’t have come to this wedding. You’re going to be a mess.”

  “I told you I won’t be a coward. And there won’t be a mess to clean up. I’m behaving myself,” Zoe protested.

  “Fine, I have to go. Get away as soon as you can.”

  “I’ll be at the hotel soon. Don’t worry, Cara. I’ll be fine, ciao.”

  “Yeah, that’s what you say,” Kelly said as she hung up.

  Letting out a sigh, she wondered at how relieved she felt leaving the country again. Her relapse in the church was simply that. She’d long decided she’d die a spinster. Being a cat lady had its appeal. She liked cats, a lot.

  “You need a flower.”

  The voice startled her so much; she almost fell off her perch on the bench.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I saw you sigh and – well—

  It was Kenny’s best friend. His face looked vaguely familiar but she couldn’t quite place him. What was he doing here? And why was he looking at her like she’d come from another planet? He started to move closer and she braced herself. The reaction was unchecked it just seemed to happen whenever she was around strangers.

  “My mother used to tell me that flowers make you smile. The scent is therapeutic. Try it.”

  He stuck a white flower in her face and she blinked staring at it. It had been a very long time since anyone had given her a flower out of the blue.

  Charmed, she covered her surprise with a stupid question while she took the flower.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Robbie. I’m the best man.” He grinned making her smile.

  “Shouldn’t you be serving the groom and bride?”

  “I’d rather be talking to a beautiful woman. May I sit?”

  He was trouble. No man talked like that and wasn’t trouble. Staring down at the flower, she wondered what he’d do if she said no. Then before she could say it, she was nodding yes.

  Well, interesting decision.

  Having him so close was an experience in itself. His cologne though subtle blended in with the scent of the gardenia she held and drove her senses into a riot. Her heart skipped and she blamed Kenny and his stupid wedding.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Is it important?” Did he know who she was? If he didn’t her telling him her name would change things. She rather like that he was treating her so normal.

  “At this particular moment yes it is.”

  “Does that line work for you?” This one was a charmer she thought amused.

  “Not usually, but I’m hoping it works now.”

  Chuckling at the answer, she brought the flower up to smell it. Delicious, stalling, she said instead. “Your mother sounds like a wise woman.”

  “She was.”

  His tone sounded nostalgic. He was sounding like he missed her terribly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize she’d passed away.”

  “I was very young,” he said quietly. “But I do remember she smiled a lot and loved life.”

  He’d obviously loved her very much, Zoe deduced, her gaze straying to his profile. He was a handsome man. His eyes so green, she was sure the ocean was no comparison. His hair was dark like hers. It curled at his shoulders very inviting. His mouth was his defining feature. It was so sexy and sensual she w
as sure she blushed. Meeting his gaze, she found herself saying,

  “My name is Zoe. I’m the—,”

  “Excuse me, Miss Mya?” the question was like a jolt back to reality.

  What was she thinking?


  “You’re needed by Mrs. Castille. She’s waiting in the chapel office.”

  “Right,” Just what she needed. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” The lady left as quietly as she’d appeared. It was like the universe was telling her something.

  “Do you have to go?” Green eyes implored her. For a very strange reason, she was unaware of, she found herself wanting to stay.

  “I do. It was nice meeting you, Robbie.”

  Standing up, she straightened her dress as he followed suit. “I’ll see you at the reception. Please say you’ll be there.”

  It was likely she’d be leaving after a meeting with her mother. “I-uh- I’m not sure. I’ve got to go. Enjoy the reception though.”

  Offering her hand, he took it slowly. She stared at their joined hands wondering why she wanted to stay so badly. What was it about this stranger that was making her feel this way? Taking her hand back, she hurried away short of breath as she headed in the direction of the chapel. The sooner she left London, the faster her life would return to normal.

  Gabriella Castille was waiting patiently in the office. She stood looking out the windows her shoulders straight, her hair in an elegant chignon. She looked gorgeous in a soft gold dress that was floor length, obviously tailored to fit by Gucci.

  “You wanted to see me?” Zoe said in Italian.

  Her mother preferred they talk to her in her mother tongue.

  “Yes.” Gabriella turned to study her. “You didn’t take any photographs with the bride and groom.”

  “I didn’t feel up to it,” Zoe said quietly. “Is that it?”

  “Can’t I just call you to be with you, Zoella?”

  “Mamma, let’s not pretend we’re getting along,” Zoe said. “You didn’t want me to come here today. I wouldn’t do that to my best friend—

  “About that,” Gabriella cut in, “your sister is concerned. You and Kenny should cool that relationship for her sake, stay away from each other.”

  “Ha, I knew you were up to something.” Zoe shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you. Do you ever stop to think that what is being assumed is not true?”

  “Is it untrue that your pictures are often on the entertainment news where everyone speculates whether you two have been together?”