Read She's The Boss Page 29



  “What the hell are you guys doing in our block?!”

  Our second semester started just a while ago, yey. And just a while ago, I went hysterical. The stupid smugs are in our room saying they’re our block mates. How could that be? We’re Accountancy students, while they’re Business Administration students. We’re two things running parallel to each other and we’re not coinciding.

  Well, not totally. We’re meeting at some points – BUT I STILL DON’T LIKE IT.

  Then the three smugs all pointed their fingers at, guess who – BD.

  “Guji?” I crossed my arms in front of me, demanding an explanation.

  “Maybe because, by coincidence, we have the same minor subjects.”

  “Well, yeah, of course I do know that.” They dropped these subjects before they met me. And now that they’re taking it up again, they’re with me. Wow, great friendship. “But why did you choose to be here? You’re a Business Ad student in case you forgot,”

  “It’s an open enrollment. We can choose freely which section we want to be in. What’s your problem with that?”


  “What?!” Fred exclaimed in my face. I punched his face for that. “Don’t you think it’s nice that we’ve got to see each other EVERY DAY?”

  “I said, transfer!”

  “I’m giving you one minute to explain yourself, SB.” I turned to look at BD who was boring his stare at me I’m hyperventilating. “Explain why you want us to transfer.”

  Maybe because a) I hate seeing you four in an enclosed space the same as mine, or b) the five of us being together in a class full of silent people could be a riot, or c) I think I have a crush on Guji.

  “Whatever.” I turned to leave but BD had caught my arm just in time to drag me down the stairs. “Hey!”

  We stopped at the bottom and he trapped me in the corner. I inched inched inched away from him and died constantly against the wall. I swallowed hard and tried to compose myself in front of him.

  I closed my eyes and tried to breathe evenly.

  I remember his arms, his warm breath around me when I woke up. His lips, his eyes, his everything.

  “One good reason. Then we’ll transfer.” He said.

  I remember his sweet voice calming my fears, his hands running through my hair. I remember his hold on me, that kind of hold that I never want to let go of.

  “Speak up,”

  “You annoy me,” I finally said. I didn’t mean that actually. My lips just moved on its own because I have no other excuse in mind. And I’m freaking nervous for Pete’s sake!

  “You annoy me, too.” He said in a dead tone.

  Confused, I asked him, pointing a finger to myself. “You’re annoyed with me?”

  “We ain’t going to transfer, Janella. We’ll stay.” Then he finally turned his back on me and climbed upstairs.

  And I was like, okay, what was that?

  It’s been a week ever since we last talked. I mean talked, like the kind of talk we do before the whole bottom-of-the-stairs incident happened. And the stupid jerk sleeps on me whenever we do our home works. He even shuts me out of his study room.

  He’s being Gujerk again.

  It’s our First Happy Saturday yesterday and I was not able to enjoy that because Guji was being so stony. Angry. Ill-patient. Short-tempered BrainDead monster. That was all him the past six days and I kept on thinking what the hell I did to him.


  I went to the Grocery store to buy some groceries and keep my mind busy on some other things but BD. I can’t just think about him all my life because that’s a huge, huge, huuuge nightmare. I can’t let him have control over my mind because that would be so insane. I can’t fall for him.

  I can’t.

  Then I met someone along the way. Someone from the past I’ve been trying to bury deep down in my heart, but now he’s in front of me again.

  Why can’t he just leave me alone?

  I’ve been running and running away from him but chances do bring him closer and closer. What the fuck is your problem, Chances?

  “Hi,” said Ero.

  Then I fell apart.

  After all of the things I’ve been through, I always come rolling back to that special space in my heart. And that space belonged to Ero. Though I’ve got a trillion guys on my Fantasizing Head, Ero has this certain impact on me that I couldn’t get rid of.

  Yvan knew about this. I told him after Ero and I met at the grocery store. He noticed that I was a little off after my session with his sister so he bribed me to talk about it by the beach. I nearly cried opening up to him. Opening up sucks.

  “Why are you holding back? You can go for it if you want to,” he told me while he let me rest my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m afraid, that’s why. So so afraid.”

  “Afraid of?”


  He laughed. “You can’t love without being hurt. Believe me, I know.”

  I looked up to him and said, “You know, it’s nice confiding with you. You could be my best friend,”

  “Yeah. That’s nice.” And he gave me a huge grin. “Being your best friend is so nice.”

  Together, we watched the sun bade goodbye to dear Earth.