Read Shuri Gate Page 10

  Here, this restaurant. It is very nice but they'll still let you in without a jacket and tie."


  "What? There? What does that mean?"

  "You're picking on my clothes again."

  Kim stopped, turned to Rick and stood on the tip toes of her getas to kiss his lips.

  "Yes. I did and I am sorry, Rick-san. I did not mean to do it. Am I forgiven?"

  "Of course you are. I can't hold a grudge against you for more than 4 or 5 seconds."

  As soon as Rick had closed the apartment door, Kim stepped into his arms. They kissed hungrily and Rick slid his hands down over her obi. Cupped a cheek of her butt in each hand and drew her into him.

  "Here" Kim pushed Rick back gently, led him into her bedroom. "Sit here and I will take off my kimono while you watch. Then we can soak in the hot bath. I don't know what can happen in there, but we have not been together for a long time. I want you to do nice things to me." She leaned down to him and kissed him.

  Smiling she stood and slipped the kimono off her shoulders and carefully draped it across the back of a small wooden frame that seem to be made just for that purpose.

  She wore an expensive sheer silk juban under her kimono.

  "I'll start filling the bath while you get undressed." Kim said.

  She had left the bathroom door open and Rick walked into the bath area where Kim stood with a washcloth and small bucket in her hands.

  "Squat down and I'll wash your back and show you how we bathe. Then you can wash my back."

  Rick felt the hot water and the firm strong pressure of her hands when she soaped his back and not stopping there, reached around to his chest. At first he felt embarrassed until she leaned against him gently rubbing her breasts across his back. Her nipples where hard nubs which folded on his skin as she moved from side to side. Her hand was hot and soapy while she roughly scrubbed is back and chest.

  "Now it's my turn." She said as she stood up and started to pour hot water on Rick to rinse off the soap.

  "Harder please, Rick. I will not break nor can you peel off my skin." Kim asked as she straightened slightly exposing her breasts and stomach.

  "Quick, in the bath." She stood, took his hand and stepped into the bath which came to their neck when they sat side-by-side on the small built-in tile bench.

  "Oh, this is as close to heaven as I will ever get." Rick proclaimed as he stretched out across the tub and put his feet on the opposite bench. "If I fall to sleep, just hold my head out of the water so I won't drown. Dozo?"

  "You will do that for me? Neh?"

  "Honto. Of course." Rick answered as he looked up and down Kim's nude body.

  "What are you looking at?" Kim giggled as she rolled her hips towards Rick on the narrow bench seat.

  "Mmm." Rick responded and turned a bit towards her

  Hot, sweaty and exhausted, the lovers held tightly to each other as they went back into the bedroom and fell across the queen-sized bed.

  Rick felt Kim snuggle against his damp body and realized that they were both still naked, chilly, and the sun was just setting.

  "Are you awake? I'm hungry. Are you?"

  Rick rolled onto his back and felt warm and dry. Under his hand he felt the smooth cotton cover of a futon and Kim's body heat radiated under the warm dry covering.

  "I am. What time is it?"


  "In the morning?" Rick asked not really sure what Kim had told him, nor sure she wasn't kidding him. With a sudden burst of energy he raised his left arm and squinted at his watch.

  "Damn. No wonder we're hungry. Do you have anything to eat in the kitchen? Or do we have to go out?"

  "American snacks. Cheese, crackers and wine. And here, some Japanese snacks. Sushi, dried squid and homemade miso soup."

  "You're devious. You planned out this whole night before I was even on the island."

  "Hai. I did it for you. And for me so we could have a happy-time on this our first night together again. I can tell that you are pleased and I hope also hungry. Are you hungry for food Rick?"

  "I can work on my food appetite as long as I don't have any major distractions to give me another kind of appetite."

  "Oh. What would that be?" Kim asked when she hopped off the bed and held a silk robe in front of her slim, naked body before walking towards the kitchen.

  "I promised Rosko, my new assistant crew chief that I would spend some time with him today showing him the island. It's his first trip away from his new wife and first trip out of the States. I would like you to go with us. If you want."

  Kim didn't answer.

  What is that expression for. Looks like she doesn't want to go with us.

  She acted kind of weird that night I brought Bob with me to take her to dinner. She hardly spoke to him, or as a matter of fact, to me either that night until Bob went back to the base.

  "On our first day together? Can't you do it some other time? It is not that I don't want to meet him. I was just counting on having you to myself today."

  "Well, let's sleep on it a few more hours and see how you feel about it later. I want you to meet and know him and thought it would be a good time to do it. You never did meet Don Naylor and now he has his own tanker and is no longer with me. But he's still my friend."

  Rick went back to bed while Kim was cleaning up the kitchen, but was still awake when she slipped under the covers being careful not to touch him. She stayed on the edge of her side of the queen-sized bed. A long arms length away.

  Guess that means she isn't going with us. Strange. Rick thought as he slipped into sleep.


  It was almost 1100 hours when Rick stepped off the base shuttle bus in front of the transit barracks.

  When he had woke up to the stillness of Kimiko's apartment less than an hour ago, he read the note she left for him on the kitchen counter near the coffee pot which was ready to put on the stove. After he turned the burner on under the American made percolator, Rick picked up the note.

  "My Love" The note started.

  A good sign.

  "I have gone to Nishihara. Meet me there early enough so we can all have lunch together. Obasan, my aunt, and of course you and I.

  See you shortly. Kim.

  PS: The bus runs from Koza every 45 minutes to Nishihara. K.

  Well. Off to the base and Rosko my friend.

  "Morning. Are you ready to explore this gorgeous island?"

  "You bet. Where are we going to start? Bob said that you know the island better than he does.

  Oh, yeah. Cheryl said to tell you that you're one step from the doghouse and unless I show up for dinner at their place by 1800, with you in tow, that we will both be there together. And I would hate for that to happen. She is one hell of a cook."

  "That all she said? For Cheryl, that isn't very much."

  "Actually she said a couple of more things but I'm not sure I should repeat them."

  "Something like, 'If he wants to get laid, why isn't he here. He doesn't have to run all over the island for some good loving.' Am I close?"

  "Almost a quote. I gather you have had this conversation before."

  "Several times in our relationship over the past four plus years. So you won't get the wrong idea, Cheryl would never cheat on Bob. I have never slept with her.

  She's not all talk either, but her terminology is somewhat out of sync with the real world. I think the semantics of the whole thing confuses her. Cheryl's idea of she and I making love is to lay together and drinking wine on the couch in the living room, with Bob in his favorite recliner across the room, watching television and drinking wine. Then when it's bedtime, if I was staying over, she would come into my bedroom after I was in bed, and plant a very sexy, lip smacking kiss on me. If I was going home, I'd get the same thing just before I went out the front door.

  We love each other don't get me wrong, but there is 12 years
between them and me."

  Rosko shook his head slowly. "I figured there was something between you all. I think you guys , all three of you, have a great relationship."

  "Where did you get the idea she's a good cook? I thought that you were going out to eat?"

  "I guess that was the plan. But when Bob and I got to their house Cheryl was cooking dinner. Or getting ready to. She actually had some kind of exotic fish from a local store, with rice and three kinds of vegetables."

  "You have breakfast, yet."

  "Yeah, I walked down to the snack bar for coffee and a roll about nine o'clock. The roll didn't taste like it looked."

  "Different from stateside rolls, huh?"


  "I don't know what that is. I noticed it all over the island. They use something different to raise them. I keep trying to taste yeast only there doesn't seem to be any in them.

  Let's go to Naha. There is some neat places to shop and eat on Kokusai Dori.

  Besides there being a coffee house with great atmosphere and coffee."

  "Koko, Papa-san." Rick told the taxi driver as they passed the Ryubo Department Store.

  "Let's hit Ryubo's first then get some lunch. I have a friend who runs a coffee house about two blocks back and you can start learning about Japanese food."

  "That's what we had last night at Bob and Cheryl's."

  "Any resemblance real or not to Japanese food and Cheryl's version of such is strictly stateside cookery. I'm not putting her cooking down. But my first meal in LA's J-Town cleared up that question for me.

  I think that you might want another short sleeve shirt or two and this is a good place to get them. Also a pair of lightweight slacks as opposed to blue jeans."

  "Now where to, Rick?" Rosko asked when they came out of the store and onto Kokusai Dori.

  "You called something Kokusai Dori?"

  "This is Kokusai Street. dori is street, hence Kokusai Dori.

  Let's go to the left. Down the hill to the coffee house. I'm ready for some lunch."

  "Yeah, me too. I don't see a restaurant or coffee shop in this block. Or even in the next."

  "See that small wooden sign in kanji down the block? That's it."

  "Yeah. Right. Like what is kanji?"

  "Sorry. Japanese characters. Their writing." Rick steered Rosko towards the pipe railing surrounding the stairs which led down into the basement of the building.

  "Down the stairs."

  The two crew chiefs hesitated when they entered the coffee house's dim interior long enough to take off their sunglasses.

  "Konnichi wa, Rick-san."

  Tomi's quiet, soft voice made Rick turn towards the hallway leading to the kitchen.

  "You’re back. When did you come again to Okinawa?"

  "Konnichi wa, Tomako-chan. I flew in yesterday. Actually late yesterday afternoon.

  How are you and aka-chan?"

  "We are well, arigato goziemashita. And you? You are okay?"

  "Oh, yes. I am very well, domo Tomi.

  This is my new assistant, Leo, Tomi. He's newly wed and this is his first trip out of the States."

  "Then we must treat him nicely and make sure he only learns nice things about my home. You will be sure to do that, Rick?" Tomi spoke and stepped close enough to Rick to reach over and take his wrist in her soft hand. "You would like some binto. And of course kohi."

  "Hai. I traveled all the way across the Pacific Ocean for a cup of your kohi, Tomi."

  "I think that you are pulling my leg. But that's all right you have a nice sense of humor."

  She slid her hand off Rick's wrist and took his hand. "Your favorite table is empty.

  Maybe we can talk more later?" Tomi said as she led Rick and Leo towards the back of the coffee house.

  She has really blossomed, as Bob would say. And she is very pregnant. I wonder when she's due?

  "Oh. Oh!" Tomi stopped walking, gripped Rick's hand tighter, then relaxed.

  "You all right, Tomi?" Rick looked into her eyes and saw a look of wonder and joy in them, not hurt.

  "I'm all right, Rick-san. He just kicked me and it always surprises me."

  Reaching the back table Tomi stood next to Rick. "Here, he is going to do it again. Feel him when he kicks." Tomi placed Rick's hand on her baby stomach and held it firmly against herself. "There!"

  "Yes, strong little kid isn't he? How do you know he's a he?"

  "I don't know as fact. But I am sure that he is. My head tells me that he is a he. Does that sound foolish?"

  "No. I think it is a thing that a mother would have a good chance of knowing. I just wouldn't want you to be disappointed if he turns out to be a girl."

  "Domo arigato, Rick. That is very nice of you to care that I might be disappointed." Tomi stood on her toes and gave Rick a soft kiss on his cheek.

  "Now, what can I get you to eat. Here I am talking and showing off and poor Leo must be starving."

  “I'm not really, Tomi. Hungry yes, but not starving."

  Rick still had his hand on Tomi's stomach when the kicks started again.

  "Those are small, gentle love taps compared to before." Rick said.

  "Yes. I barely felt those. It is like he is content. Sometime when I am by myself and laying quietly he moves like that. It is like he is telling me that he is also relaxed and happy."

  "Donburi, kudasai. Surprise us . Just make sure that I have a lot of gohon, dozo."

  Tomi looked at Rick with some amusement in her eyes.

  “What? What did I use the wrong words?"

  "No, right words. Maybe wrong accent and pronunciation."

  "Okay, tell me. Why the look of enjoyment or should I say amusement?"

  "The last time that you were here to see me, you hardly knew what neh and hai meant. Now you are using many Japanese words. I think that is very nice."

  Sheepishly Rick met Tomi's eyes. "I bought a book in the Kadena Exchange before I left in August so I could learn some words before I came back."

  "You knew that you were coming back to Okinawa? How did you know that?"

  "He pulled some strings." Leo entered the conversation for the first time since they had come into the coffee house.

  "Pulled strings? What does that mean, Leo?" Tomi asked with a smile on her face.

  "Be careful, Rosko. I have the feeling that she’s setting you up. I think she knows the answer but wants you to tell tales about me."

  "You have tales that could be told about you, Rick?" Tomi asked laughing.

  "I will get your lunch while you figure out what to tell me."

  "She's a very nice lady." Leo said. "Is she married to an American?"

  "The baby's father was American. Killed in Vietnam before he knew that he was going to be a daddy.

  She's a very nice lady."

  "I thought your girlfriend was Kim something or other?"

  "She is. But I met Tomi before Kim and we're just friends."

  "Oh. Would have fooled me."

  "Really Leo. I've only talked to her here in the coffee house. She manages it for an Okinawan woman. She has friends who are helping her to get to the states. A Naval Officer and his wife who knew the baby's dad."

  When Tomi brought them each a cup of coffee she set the cups down before standing behind Rick placing a small warm hand on his shoulder. "Your donburi will be ready shortly. I took you at your word and told the cook to make something special for you. I believe that you will like it."

  "Arigato, Tomi.

  How come you're working today? I really didn't expect to see you today. I was just showing Leo around Naha."

  "You remembered that I don't work on Sunday?"

  "Well, yeah. I guess you told me that once."

  "That was when? Three months ago? Yet you remembered." Her hand gripped his shoulder a bit tighter. "That's very nice, Rick."

  She started to turn away as her blush crept up
from her neck to her cheeks but Rick caught her hand as it was leaving his shoulder. She stepped closer and her firm full stomach pressed against his arm and shoulder.

  "I cannot get used to sticking out so far. I keep bumping into things." She said but made no attempt to step back though her blush increased in volume and color.

  "I will get your donburi." And she turned away letting her hand brush Rick's cheek before she stopped and turned back to him. "How long will you be on Okinawa?"

  "Until the first week of January."

  "The baby will be here maybe the second week of December." Tomi said quietly before she turned and walked back towards the kitchen.

  "How long have you been learning Japanese? Sounds like you can make yourself understood."

  "Only in simple phrases. I can't hold any kind of conversation. It's fun to learn and try to at least get what I want to buy or eat, or find my way around.

  I've had some good teachers also. Kim and her grandmother are both teachers and have degrees in English."

  "I'm impressed, Rick. I'm also impressed by your friend. She's a very nice lady. I’ve said that at least twice all ready haven’t I?"

  “That was actually the third time, Leo.”

  Tomi placed their donburi on the small table along with fresh cups of coffee. "I get bored and tired so I work a bit almost everyday. Come early to open then go home after lunch. So you see, if you had come any later you would have missed me."

  "You do look tired, Tomi. If you want to leave, go. Don't stay on our account."

  "I'm fine, Rick. But if you don't mind I will sit with you for a few minutes while you eat." She made eye contact with Rick, smiled then looked to Leo.

  "Please, Tomi. Sit. I like your company and want to learn more about Okinawa." Leo answered her non-verbal request.

  "What are you feeding us, Tomi? This isn't like any donburi that I have eaten before."

  "It is called Oyako donburi. Mother and child donburi in English. It is as you can see chicken with an egg. Mother and child, neh?

  Do you like it? Leo? You, Rick?"

  Rick had already started to eat with his chopsticks which brought a soft laugh from Tomi. He took another mouthful of rice and a piece of chicken before saying anything, and trying not to smile through his mouthful.

  "What? Are you laughing at me?"

  "Yes, but just a sukoshi. You are getting better. And I can tell you are enjoying the donburi.