Read Shuri Gate Page 9

  "Think they'll have to wait that long for a west bound tanker, Colonel?" The navigator asked.

  "It's been known to happen, Nav. I have no clue to what is coming down the pike. But they might get lucky and have a tanker passing by out of the blue."

  A bit over halfway to Guam the pilot came on the intercom. "Chief, you want to come up forward and take a look at the hydraulic panel. I think that we're losing hydraulic fluid. And I don't think that I'm hallucinating."

  "Be right there Colonel Jack. I'll take a look at the wing as I come forward."

  "Good idea, Rick. It looks like a slow leak right now. and I'll leave the pump on-line for a bit longer.

  Think that it could have been an air bubble?"

  "Don't think so, Sir. We have quite a few hours since we did anything to the hydraulics.

  I don't see any red streaks coming out from under the left wing. But if it's a slow leak it may not be coming out of the wing yet."

  When Rick reached the cockpit the pilot motioned for him to come up on his left side so he could see the hydraulic panel. "It's gone down a skosh since I told you about it."

  "Whoa!" Rick exclaimed as the hydraulic reservoir needle swiveled further towards the low mark. "I'd shut it down Colonel. We can still refuel the F4s without that pump.

  It looks like something just busted loose and it started to really dump fluid in a hurry. That's the same pump that we had to replace a rubbed line on a while back."

  "We can put the flaps and landing gear down by hand then turn on the pump long enough to lock the gear down if we don’t lose all of its’ fluid..

  They refueled the three F4s twice more before the fighters broke off and flew at fighter speed for Guam.

  As the tanker started its descent into Guam the Colonel came up on the intercom. “Want to give the Boomer a hand with the gear and flaps Chief?"

  "Sure Colonel."

  In what seemed a short time the Colonel came back on the intercom.

  "Okay. The chicks have landed on Guam, and I'm going to slow us down and get rid of some more altitude.

  You set Boom?"

  "Yeah, I'll have Rick and Leo release the mains while I catch the nose gear. We can take turns cranking down the flaps as you want them Colonel."

  "When we start lowering the flaps, we'll go 5 degrees at a time heading for 20 degrees. And we'll see how it goes. If all goes well, we'll drop the landing gear then."


  "After the gear is down give me full flaps. Again 5 degrees at a time on my word." The Colonel ordered.

  "Yes Sir.

  You ready Rick?"

  "Anytime Boom."

  Rick felt the tanker give its usual bump as the main landing gear dropped down into the slipstream.

  "Main gear doors are clear and the main gears are down, Colonel." Rick spoke on the intercom.

  "Nose gear doors clear and gear down also." The boom operator spoke from the cockpit.

  "Okay, I'm going to pressurize for just a couple of seconds." The A/C stated. "Give me a status as quick as you can. Start with the nose gear Boom."

  "Copy, Colonel.

  Nose gear down fully and locked, the doors are closed, Sir."


  "Sorry, Colonel. Both doors up and locked in place. The right main gear is down fully and locked. The left main appears to be halfway locked. The lock is not completely in place."

  "That's what I show on the landing gear indicator. I still have a barber pole for the left main. Shall we give it another quick jolt, Rick? It will have to be quick though. The gauge says that the reservoir is empty. Or almost."

  "Your call, Colonel Jack. But I'd kind of jerk it off a couple times. Try two fast ones. Just long enough for the pump to come on each time."

  "Gotcha. Here goes nothing."

  "Fully locked and the doors are closed, Colonel." Rick exclaimed over the intercom.

  "Turning final for a long straight in. Want to give me full down flaps, guys?" Colonel Jack asked.

  "Hey, Leo. I'm going to stay on the airplane tonight. You can either go to the transit barracks or stay on the plane, your choice."

  "I'll keep you company."

  "Okay. We can catch a ride to the Club and get some supper in flight suits as long as we go before 1900."

  "Hey Chief" A Buck Sergeant from the hydraulic shop hollered from where he and two other techs were working on 3653's hydraulic system trying to find the leak. "Want to take a look at this before we fix it?"

  Rick climbed up on the maintenance stand and stuck his head into an opening in the underside of the left wing. After the panel had been removed, the extent of the leak became visible. Red sticky hydraulic fluid had covered every surface inside the wing around a one inch hydraulic line which ran out of the hydraulic pump into the internal structure of the wing.

  "Check out the "B" nut on the inboard end of the line." The tech said.

  "It's loose. But there's safety wire on it?" Rick questioned what he was looking at.

  "Pull on and move the wire, Sarge." The hydraulic tech instructed.

  "Shit!" Rick exclaimed as the nut turned when he pulled on the wire.

  "The idiot who put the safety wire on the "B" nut missed the notch. He just ran the wire through the hole on the nut and tightened the wire. It isn't attached to anything.

  When was this line changed do you know, Chief?"

  "Yeah." Rick answered. "The line had a rub spot on it and we changed it in UT last August. I'm surprised that it stayed together this long."

  "He must have really tightened it up. But once it started to work loose there was no stopping it. Anyway, ten minutes and we'll be ready for an engine run to leak check it.

  Can you do that Chief?"

  "No problem. We'll top off the hydraulic reservoir and get ready to crank engines so you guys can get off. Besides, I want to get to the Club for supper."

  "How's she look this morning Chief?" Colonel Jack asked as he stepped off of the crew bus.

  "Great Colonel. We found a "B" nut safety wired wrong. I ran engines last night. Bled and topped off the hydraulic system so we shouldn't have any air bubbles or further problems. Then topped off the fuel load." Rick added.

  "We're going to go straight into Utapao and RON."

  "You going to Kadena with us, Colonel?"

  "I haven't heard. That where you're going?"

  "That's the plan. Check in with Young Tiger CP in UT, then go back to Kadena."

  "I heard that one of our tankers was requested by Kadena. I didn't realize it was yours. I can see why. Nicest tanker I've flown in a long time. Definitely the cleanest and best maintained."

  "Thanks Colonel. Even after a leaking hydraulic line?

  I hope that you go to Kadena with us."

  “Probably not, Rick. By the way, the leaking hydraulic line doesn’t count in my evaluation of your airplane.” The Colonel added with a smile.


  Rick and Leo stood side by side leaning on the radio console behind the pilot watching the coast of Okinawa coming closer.

  "I always do this. Watch the coast line until I can see the breakers on the coral reefs. Then they run across the golden sand beaches, and I know I'm here."

  "I'm going to miss my wife. You do know that Rick?"

  "Don't worry Rosko, I'll keep you out of trouble. But try to enjoy your time here. It's a great vacation spot and the people are absolutely great."

  The October sun was still warm without the intensity of the mid-summer sun. Rick stepped off the crew entry ladder and strolled out to the tip of the right wing. He stood and inhaled the scent of the ocean and the unique smells of Okinawa. He opened his flight suit zipper and absorbed more of the sun’s soothing warmth.

  "Hey! You going to stand there all day dreaming or are you going to get off the ramp?" Bob Kruse hollered from his pickup.

  "Well, well. Guess who's still on Okinaw
a. I thought you would be stateside and in your honey's arms by now Kruse." Rick smart-assed as the friends met half way between the pickup and 3653. A rib squashing hug and the two stepped back from each other laughing.

  "Good of you to come back Rick. Sure was quiet on the ramp without you.

  I am for your information."

  "You are what? You are definitely here unless I'm hallucinating."

  "In my honey's arms. Every night in fact."

  Cheryl better be here and your not shacked up in the ville."

  "I am shacked up in the ville as you so crudely put it."

  "Come on, Bob, you wouldn't get so horny that you would cheat on Cheryl. I know you guys too well to even think that."

  "My Friend, you are absolutely correct. I wouldn't cheat on my sukoshi dark haired wife. Besides, she's Black Irish and would kill me if I did. She's been here for two weeks and we are shacked up in the ville.

  Don't look at me like that. Neither one of the three of us is crazy. At least neither Cheryl nor I though I'm not so sure about you."

  Leo stepped off the ladder and started towards where Rick and Bob were standing by the flightline chief's truck.

  "Airman 1st Leo Rosko, this is Master Sergeant Robert Kruse who I have had to tolerate for most of my Air Force career."

  "My, aren't we getting formal. Are you going to make the kid salute me?

  Leo, glad to know you and don't let this new Staff Sergeant bully you." Bob offered Leo his hand.

  "I know this so called friend of mine has plans for his first night on Okinawa, but my wife and I would be pleased to take you out to a great Okinawan restaurant for dinner, Leo."

  Kruse started putting the crew chief's bags in the back of his pickup. "Where did you guys stay last night?"

  We slept on the tanker. Those UT transit barracks are filthy hooches. I’ve stayed in better ones in Vietnam" Rick answered. “Lord only knows what kind of critters are crawling around on those bunks.”

  "Thanks, I'd like to have dinner with you guys." Leo acknowledged Bob's invitation.

  "Good. I'll pick you up at the transit barracks in about an hour. Dress is casual civilian.

  You headed for Naha, Rick?"

  "No. Kim is at the bar waiting for me. She didn't have any classes today."

  "Okay. You guys have the weekend, or what's left of it, off. I'll pick you up at the snack bar Monday about noon. Then after lunch I'll get you checked in. Leo needs his combat photos taken before he can fly a combat mission and have his flight status records checked. Since you have flown combat missions on YT before Rick you're all set.

  You planning on showing him around on Sunday?"

  "Yes, Mother. Kim and I will meet him whenever he decides to get moving tomorrow morning. So don't get him drunk or keep him out all night. And don't let Cheryl flirt with him."

  “My wife doesn't flirt with young airman." Bob stated defensively.

  "Yeah I know. Only young sergeants."

  "Your the only one she hits on. Besides, she admits that she loves you."

  "I know. I think it's great because I love her too and if she wasn't married to you, I would have an older girlfriend even if she does have two kids."

  "Tell me Bob, how did you get Cheryl and the kids here so fast?"

  "I didn't."

  "Huh." Rick looked at his friend in wonder. "You just said that Cheryl is here. Right?"

  "She is. The kids aren’t. We gave them away."

  "What the hell? Stop messing with me." Rick demanded as he laughed out loud.

  "I'm not messing with you. It would be at least two more months before Cheryl and the kids could get here on my PCS orders. They would have to wait for housing. So Cheryl and I decided to sell the kids. Take the money from the sale, and buy her a plane ticket to Okinawa by way of Japan. Get an Okinawan rental just like the guys who live with their girlfriends do. And here she is. Took less than a week and she was here and we were shacked up in this nice little house with red tile roof, an indoor toilet, western style stove, refrigerator, and shower. All for $55 a month."

  "So who was so stupid as to buy your monsters? I can't imagine anyone in their right minds would pay good money for those two girls."

  "Hey Sergeant, those kids are your Godchildren."

  "Yeah, but I'm an agnostic, so who cares? Who was the sucker?"

  "My folks. The problem though is that I'm not sure we can get them back when we get their orders to come to Kadena. Their grandparents were too willing to take the beasts. I'm scared shitless they'll blackmail us down the road sometime."

  "I think that they should. Blackmail you that is. You should have suspected something when they were so eager to take them off your hands and had them submit to a mental evaluation before you gave the beasts to them."

  "You hate my kids."

  "No, I love them almost as much as you do which is reason that I should also have a mental evaluation."

  Rosko had sat quietly listening until Kruse pulled the truck up to the curb in front of the transit barracks and he was safely on the sidewalk. "Does this go on all the time? I mean if it does, maybe I'd be better off on another tanker." He said with a smile.

  "Your kids aren't here, right Bob? In other words it's safe to go to your house?"

  "Honest, Leo, it is. Just don't get too close to Cheryl." Rick quipped before Kruse could answer Leo.

  "Jesus, Rick. Stop telling him things like that. He'll think we're completely perverted Okies and really sold our kids and Cheryl is a nut case."

  "Well, I rest my case."

  Rick was out of the truck and taking bags out of the bed of the pickup.

  "I'll give you guys a hand and show you to your room. The flightline is quiet right now and will be for another hour or so." Kruse said as he started towards the front door of the barracks carrying two of their bags.

  Rick showered and shaved. Put on the pants and one of the shirts that he had bought on his last trip to Okinawa. In front of the barracks he jumped on the base shuttle bus with full intentions of walking out Gate #2 then down Gate 2 Street to BC Street and the Palms Club Bar. At the base gate he stayed on the sidewalk, flashed his ID at the air police on duty in the guard shack set in the middle of the gate and kept walking.

  "Hey, GI. You want girlfriend for weekend?"

  Rick spun back towards the guard shack. He knew the voice and happily played her game. "Sure how much you charge for the whole weekend?"

  Standing by the guard shack door, was a lovely Asian woman dressed in a bright green,and brown floral kimono. Her hair was up as it should be to match the kimono. But her lovely face that Rick admired was only touched with a bit of subtle red lipstick and a blush of soft pink on her high cheek bones. An Air Policeman and Okinawan security guard stood next to her laughing.

  "For you? It's already almost dinner time Saturday. How about I buy you dinner and pay for bus to Nishihara?" Kim declared in her pseudo-bargirl accent.

  No longer able to stand their separation Kim ran across the intervening street in strides restricted by her tight fitting kimono. She tried to leap into Rick's arms and made it when he lifted her by her hips. Between kisses barely decipherable words flowed. "I love you. I missed you, what took so long for you to get here. Hold me. I love you."

  They stood in the middle of the sidewalk breathing hard, but not moving, just holding onto each other tightly.

  "I think we should go." Rick said quietly. "My God! You are beautiful. I have never seen you in a kimono before."

  "Thank you, My Love. You are beautiful also.

  I know you haven't. I wanted today to be special for us."

  "How long have you been waiting?" He asked giving her an extra tight hug before letting her go.

  Kim clutched his left hand in both of hers as she hurried to stay up with him. "Since I watched you land."

  Rick stopped walking, turned with a question on his face.

/>   "Honto. I watched you land."


  "I took a sukoshi cab to the beach on Highway 1 at the end of the runway. You showed me where it was. Remember?"

  "And then?" Rick asked.

  "I watched the tankers land. When I saw your number. Tail number, neh? 6-3653 neh? I got another taxi back to Gate 2 Street and waited for you to come to me."

  "How did you know when to go to the beach? We could have got stuck somewhere and not been here until tomorrow or even Monday."

  "Oh, I knew. Last night when I went to bed in Nishihara I knew you would be here today. When I got up this morning I took my time, had breakfast with Obasan. Then I soaked in a hot bath. Picked out the kimono I wanted to wear for you and came to Kadena."

  "You are fantastic, Kim.

  How long did you wait on the beach before I landed?"

  "Not quite an hour.

  But it took you forever to come out the gate. Did you take a nap and have a hard time deciding what to wear?" Kim asked with a broad grin.

  "You're picking on my clothes again. Aren't you?"

  "No. I would never do such an insulting thing."

  "You are so full of baloney."

  "What do you mean, 'full of baloney'? I know what baloney that you eat is. But I'm full of it?" Kim retorted with a hurt expression on her lovely Asian face.

  Rick turned to face her in time to catch the flash of a Cheshire Cat smile across her face. "You are so smart. I know damn well that you know more about the English language than I ever will."

  "Yes, but I cannot lie to you, or even make fun of you without giving myself away." Kim snuggled against Rick's side and laid her cheek on his bare arm.

  "Shall we stay here or go to Naha for dinner?"

  "We are going to have the apartment to ourselves. My aunt has gone to Nishihara and won't be back before Monday afternoon in time to open the bar. About once a month she goes and stays with Obasan for the weekend and I have the apartment to myself."

  "She's your father's sister right?"

  "Yes, his very older sister. She and my grandmother are very close. They were children together and went to the same schools."

  "One became a teacher and has a very important job in the government, while the other owns a bar?"

  "Yes. Obasan is very rich in culture and friends, but my aunt is very rich in dollars and friends.