Read Shuri Gate Page 15

  Rick laughed out loud. "Where did that come from?" He said before leaning down and kissing her again.

  I am Cinderella, neh?"


  Rick rolled over and looked at the screeching alarm clock.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Leo said.

  "That's okay. I wanted to get up by 8 anyway. And it's almost there.

  Did you see Bob and Cheryl yesterday?"

  "Yeah, we ate at the Club and went to the base movie.

  Cheryl asked if you were in Naha. I told her that as far as I knew you were."

  "What did she say? Very much?"

  "Actually she didn't have much to say. A lot less than usual. As I think about it, she didn't have much to say as I thought she would about you and your girlfriends. Also, she backed off from being so affectionate to me. Clung to Bob a lot. All I got was a kiss on the cheek when they left the base to go home."

  "No invite to go home with them? Was it late?"

  "Only about eleven. But I wanted to get to bed early so I could get to the MARS station early."

  "Did you get through to Linda yesterday?"

  "Damn it, no. Never even got near a phone. The place was jammed. The NCO who runs it said to be there by 8:15 this morning and he would get me an early slot."

  "How'd you manage that?"

  "Just told him we were going to Guam for two weeks and wouldn't be able to get to the MARS station there."

  "It's the truth. You better get going."

  "I'll catch a cab instead of the shuttle bus.

  Did you spend all day with Tomi?"

  "Yes I did. And I'm heading to her place as soon as I have some coffee and check-in with the Kruses. I promised Cheryl I would talk to her today, but Tomi and I want to spend the day together since Guam 'Here We Come' is looming on the horizon.

  Don't ask. I have an idea what's on your mind. I haven't decided what to do about Kim. I think that I have until we get back from Guam to deal with it. Hopefully a break away from both women, especially Tomi, will help me make the right decision."

  "I don't envy you my friend. It's obvious that you have strong feelings for Tomi.

  Anyway, I'm off to MARS. See you tonight?"

  "Yeah. I'll be back in time to get a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep. Guess it doesn’t matter, we can catch up on our sleep on alert."

  After showering and shaving Rick headed for the NCO Club to get some breakfast. He didn't expect the Kruse twins to be there, so he didn't notice them at a back corner table until he heard a soft familiar whistle.

  Cheryl was about to whistle again but smiled happily when Rick made eye contact with her and returned her smile as he turned and went to their table. She had on a soft pink flowered muumuu which was cut slimmer and refused to conceal her curves. She had a pink hibiscus in her dark hair which she let hang down to her shoulders.

  Rick and Bob shook hands and Rick bent down to kiss Cheryl as they had for over four years but found a warm cheek in place of her soft full lips. She gave him a small, almost sorrowful smile and a tiny shake of her head.

  Rick turned to Bob who softly spoke. "It's okay. She's okay."

  "Want some breakfast, Rick? We haven't ordered yet" Cheryl asked and handed him her menu.

  "Yes. I'm famished. A good country breakfast of hash browns, sausage and a couple over-easy eggs would really taste great. Actually, I think a small steak would be better than sausage.

  What are you guys up to so early in the day?"

  "I baby sat the flightline all weekend and Monday so I'm taking a couple of days off. But I will be in tomorrow morning to see you and Leo off then take the rest of the day off."

  "You don't have to do that."

  "I know. Cheryl and I decided that it was the thing to do. I tried to get you out of it. The only choice was to send different crew chiefs but decided that you would probably kill me if I gave 3653 away even for two weeks."

  "You're right.

  I think it will be a good thing to get away for a couple of weeks. You know, a change of scenery."

  Cheryl gave Rick a look of concern. "How was your day yesterday? In Naha?" She added.

  "Really great. That is what I have to think about by myself, in my own head with no distractions."

  "You really love her don't you?" Bob asked.

  "Seems so."

  "Do you think she reciprocates your feelings?"

  "As much as she can. Brad has been gone for less than 5 months. The baby is due in about 6 weeks. She's single. For all intents and purposes alone. Oh sure she has friends who will help her, a good job and a guaranteed income until she goes back to work after the baby is born."

  "It sounds to me like she is being careful of your feelings and not trying to drag you into a situation that will be unfair to both of you. And the baby." Cheryl commented.

  "She made that quite clear last night. She wants and needs a friend who she can talk to, share with and somebody to hold her when she gets scared of what life has dealt her.

  I'm not sure what to do about Kim. I started something with her that I don't think I can just walk away from."

  "You slept with her. But it sounds to me like she initiated it. Maybe she wants more from you than she is letting on to. I don't really believe that she is a real issue. Just say goodbye if you want or not, and walk away." Cheryl was watching Rick as she talked. "Don't let her cloud your mind away from the real issue which is how much you love Tomi and how much responsibility are you willing to take on for her before you get the relationship that both of you should have."

  "Do you know the the Airman in job control who sits in back and shuffles papers all day?" Bob asked.

  "Not really. Why?"

  "It seems that he has a photo of Kim on his desk. I asked who she was and he claims that she's his girl friend. To quote him, "Not a bar girl. A student and teacher at the University." And he swears that he hasn't slept with her. Quote, Never, she's still a virgin, unquote.

  He is how she knew where you were and when you would fly, land and whatever else she could get him to tell her."

  "Jesus Christ. What's his name? In case I want to confront him."

  "No. I already talked to the Adjutant General's office. I believe he'll be off the island before you get back from Guam."

  "And Kim?"

  "They won't prosecute. Really didn't get any real strategic information and they can't find any evidence that she passed anything she got from him to anyone else. She just used it for her own benefit. They don't even know your name. Somehow it got deleted from the source information."

  "That bitch. Thanks Bob."

  Kruse waved it off. Smiled and laid his hand on Ricks arm. "I'm still looking after you after all these years."

  "Now, are you going to Naha?" Cheryl asked smiling and in a better mood than she had seemed to be when Rick arrived at the Club.

  It was barely after 10 o'clock when Rick told the sukoshi cab driver, "megii, Papa-san. Koko, dozo." And stopped at the corner of Tomi's apartment building. He handed the driver a handful of change as he walked by his window. "Domo, Papa-san. And smiled in response to the driver's smile.

  He was still four or five steps below Tomi's door when it opened and she stepped out onto the small upper landing. A delighted smile lit up her face.

  Rick stopped and looked up at her.

  Oh wow! She is beautiful even in the morning. No make up. I really love those little smile lines around her eyes.

  That isn't really a kimono, but it isn't a robe either. The thoughts flashed through Ricks mind with his eyes taking in and absorbing her whole being.

  "Ohayo gozaimasu Rick-chan. You're earlier than I thought, but I am very glad to see you."

  "Ohayo gozaimasu Tomako-chan. How are you this morning. Did you get enough sleep?"

  Rick with two long steps skipped half the steps to reached her on the stair landing He took her o
utstretched hand and felt her stomach come against him and as if they had been doing it for ages, managed to meet and hug each other.

  Tomi turned her face up to him with the clear meaning that she wanted to be not only held, but kissed as well.

  "I wished that you would come soon. I was lonely after you left last night.

  Come in, dozo. I haven't even got dressed yet. I did have coffee and ate some rice with cinnamon and warm milk though. As you can see I am still in my nemaki. It's like a nightgown. Maybe the wrong way to be dressed when a man is coming to visit, neh?"

  "Are you comfortable?"

  "Yes. It’s loose. And I think modest, neh? You are not embarrassed, or think it is wrong?"

  I might be if some other man was coming to see you. Rick thought.

  "You're fine, Tomi.

  Do you want to go somewhere today or should we just lay around and talk? I'm thinking that maybe you should take the day to really rest. You did too much yesterday and have worked too many days without any real time off to rest."

  "If you don't mind that is what I would like to do. I am tired, but I would like to fix you dinner, Okinawan food."

  "All right, but only if we're lazy all day." Rick subtly laid down the law before leaning over and kissing her on the forehead.

  Smiling up at him, Tomi ran her hand down his cheek. "First I am going to take a shower then put on a very nice but everyday kimono so I will be comfortable with my big fat belly.

  Dozo, I will show you how to turn on the hot water so if you want to shower, or wash dishes you can. I know that you just took a shower and shaved. You smell very nice and clean. You always do."

  "This is the place to turn on the hot water. Here. Turn this." She reached up to a black plastic knob on a white and chrome gadget hanging on the bathroom wall between the sink and shower. "It makes the heat and only does when the water is running. Don't move it too far or the mizu will get hot-hot. Okay?"

  He hadn't been in very many Okinawan homes nor inspected their bathrooms but Rick was impressed. The fixtures, a vanity with a small china sink and the toilet bowl were Western type. The room was really tiny and the fixtures in proportional size to fit neatly.

  Travel trailer bathroom. The little ones Americans use for vacation and hunting trips. Kind of cute. It's really clean. The only thing different is the shower stall. It's definitely made with hand placed tiles. He thought smiling and reached through the nylon curtain to turn on the water.

  "The floor will get wet, It's okay." Tomako spoke as she stood in the bathroom door.

  Rick saw that the tile floor had a drain in the middle. The sound of gas igniting in the hot water heater startled him. Why doesn't she have a bathtub? The Japanese love to soak in a hot tub. Only one faucet? Wow! The water is a little too hot. She must take a shower this hot, she knew right where to set the thermostat.

  "No tub. I thought all Okinawans like to soak in a tub?" Rick asked while he stepped around her to leave the bathroom.

  "When Ojisan was building the house, he asked if I wanted to have an apartment for very small rent. I told him of course, but I wanted it on the top floor so I could see the ocean and the ships coming and going out of the ports. He said I could have it and I should look before all the walls were here. But it was too much. Too many rooms and too big, you understand? Two bedrooms and an ima. What I think you say is a living room. Which was a big room. And there were only the stairs for the other apartments." Tomi pointed to the wall behind the kitchen and bathroom. "Inside stairs. When I told him it was too big and I didn't want to share the stairs with other people, he told me to come back in a week and look again. I thought that he was," she hesitated then twirled her right index finger against her temple.


  "Hai. Crazy." She smiled letting Rick know that she was only kidding. "I thought he was. But he wasn't. When he brought me home from work a week later we came here and he brought me up the new outside stairs. Then he said that the only thing wrong was there wasn't much room for the bathroom. I could have a bathroom without a tub, or a smaller room here.

  I decided that I could live without a soaking tub as long as I had a nice shower. Do you like it? Do you think that I made the right decision, Rick?"

  "Yes. It's very nice and the whole apartment is really big enough for two people and really great for one person.

  Yes, I like it very much."

  Rick was sitting at the table sipping coffee and watching a freighter heading for Naha Port and an airliner on approach to the Naha runway.

  Tomi came out of the bathroom and quietly stepped up behind him. She leaned over and put a soft small hand on each side of his head raising his face up to her so she could kiss him softly on the lips.

  "Hmm. What was that for?"

  "For being so sweet and making me feel better than I have for a long time."

  Rick reached up and took both of her hands in his and lead her around to where he could look into her eyes. She had shampooed her hair which was still a bit damp. Put on a touch of pink lipstick and a tiny smudge of blush on each of her high cheek bones. "Mmm. You smell nice. I think just soap and shampoo. Definitely not coffee house cooking."

  "Oww, you." She playfully hit him on the side of the head, smiling which turned into a quiet laugh. "You tease me.

  Oh! Oh! I'm being kicked. I think it is time I sat down before he really scolds his poor mother."

  Rick stood and took her hand guiding her towards the bed.

  "You made my bed." She said surprised. "Domo arigato, Rick. You did not have to do that". She said sitting and then letting Rick pick up her legs and turn her onto the bed facing the slider and its view of the ocean.

  "Come sit with me and we can watch the boats." Taking his hand and holding it while sliding closer so she could lean against him.

  "It is almost lunch time. Are you hungry? I can fix you something to eat."

  "I was thinking that I would walk down and get us sushi for lunch and also get me a couple of Orions from mama-san's store."

  "I want to go out later and get things to make you an Okinawan dinner. Is there any real need for you to go now."

  "Yeah. Sushi would make a nice lunch and I would enjoy a couple of beers this afternoon while we lay around and watch the boats. And for you to rest.”

  “That is our plan, neh? Watch boats, enjoy the sun and drink beer? You’re turning Okinawan.

  Yes, sushi would be nice."

  "What kind? and what would you like to drink?"

  "I think two bento boxes of mixed sushi. Or whatever kind that you would like, neh?

  I will make some ocha after you get back."

  "You stay in bed and rest. Do you want anything before I go?"

  "Mizu, dozo. From the fridge, neh?"


  Handing Tomi a glass of cold water, Rick bent down and kissed her on the forehead. "No cheating. Stay in bed, neh."

  The combination of a gentle breeze and the warm sun coming in through the open slider woke Rick up. He tried to move and found that Tomi was curled up against his right side. Her head was cradled on his right arm with her face tucked against the hollow of his neck and shoulder. Her hair was in total disarray spread across his arm and onto the pillow they were sharing.

  He carefully raised his left arm to look at his watch without waking her. 1600. I was really tired.

  He listened to her gentle breathing while he resisted the temptation to kiss her or to just caress her hair or face.

  She's a very beautiful woman. So peaceful and relaxed. I think that was the baby I just felt. Now he's kicking me. Rick laughed quietly to himself as a smile spread across his face and he became aware that she was spooned up against his side as she laid on her left side. Her baby belly pressing tightly against him.

  Still watching her he felt and saw her move a tiny bit and felt the source of her discomfort as the baby kicked a
gain. Her eyes fluttered open slightly. Closed as a smile spread across her face and she nestled her face tighter against him. Put her right arm across his shoulders before speaking quietly.

  "Hi, Rick-san. I think that I got very comfortable and fell asleep."

  "I believe so. Actually for over two hours. Me too."

  "Mmm. I am so comfortable.

  Ouch!" She exclaimed as she moved her right hand down to rub her belly. "Don't kick your Mother like that." She scolded gently.

  Tomi raised herself off of Rick's arm watching him as she sat up. "Your arm must be crushed. I have been laying on your arm for two hours?"

  "I really don't know. You weren't there when I first laid down. But I remember as I was falling asleep you came over against me. After that I don't remember anything until about 5 minutes ago when that kid kicked me and I woke up. He's one tough kid."

  "He is very strong, neh?

  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. Just a baby checkup." Tomi added quickly as a look of concern crossed Rick's face.

  "But you will be gone."


  "I was going to ask you to go with me." She said in a very shy, quiet voice which Rick could hardly hear. "Even so, it is probably not proper for you to go with me." Tomi went on in a louder, almost normal voice.

  "Would it bother you if I was with you. Since you brought it up, I think maybe not."

  "Since Arlene Winters left, I have had no one to go with me. Ojisan drives me, but I would not ask him to accompany me to the doctor's office. I guess that I really don't want him to. Do not take that wrong. I love him and he loves me, but a doctor's visit is very private especially a niece's appointment for a baby."

  "Is he upset that you got pregnant before you were married? I guess I shouldn't have asked that. I'm sorry."

  "No, it is all right. You are the one person who I want to share everything with. The only one who is so connected to me and the baby. Only his father could have done that. But that was not to be. Ojisan has been very good to me all of my life and he understood my relationship with Brad and knew that we were getting ready to get married."


  "Hai?" She asked and moved close enough so their shoulders were touching.

  "Why me? I'm not complaining. Nor upset. I know that we have a strong connection that seemed to come from deep within each of us. I am just concerned that if you put too much feeling to me, that later it might be a situation you will regret. I care for you deeply. Please, always remember that."