Read Shuri Gate Page 16

  Tomi did not answer right away. She made eye contact with him, Smiled and took his right hand in both of hers.

  "I am being very careful with my heart. I have always been that way. I am not asking for your sympathy. Please understand that. Many Okinawans had bad things happen to them and it also happened to me and it makes me very cautious.

  For most of the time since I learned that I was to have Brad's baby I have dealt with it myself. I have friends, but not close friends like you and I have become. I am trusting you to be my friend like we talked about yesterday. I get lonely and have been most of my remembered life. I do not trust too many people and have preferred to be lonely rather than hurt by people.

  With you, I can be me, the person I really am. There are not many people I can be this way with. I have set in my mind, what I want and expect from you, and what I can afford to give you without betraying my morals or my feelings for my baby's father. I hope that you can understand that and not let it change the respect and feelings you have for me."

  Rick extended his right arm to just give her a pat but Tomi turned to him and slipped into his arms laying her face against his neck so he could feel the warmth of her breath on the bare skin of his neck.

  "Hold me, dozo."

  He felt her tears on his neck and kissed her forehead as he held her and she snuggled deeper into him.

  Rick sat out on the tiny balcony watching the afternoon sun turn red with streaks and swirls of orange clouds stretching across the sky. The smell and sounds of frying fish drifted out from the kitchen.

  He brought the bottle of Orion beer to his lips and slowly let a small mouth full of the icy beer trickle down his throat.

  The touch of her hands on his shoulders brought him back to the real world. "What were you thinking about? Something nice I hope." She asked.

  She had put on a tiny bit of perfume before they went to the store and Tomari Port for fresh fish. "You smell nice." He turned his head and kissed her hand. Doesn't taste so good though."

  "Oh you. I've been fixing fish and I'm not a fancy model in a fashion show. But you are lying aren't you?" She said then took the beer bottle out of his hand and touched its neck to her lips. "How can you stand this awful stuff?"

  "Beats dead fish. And since you kicked me out of the kitchen I am going to sit here and feel lonesome and sorry for myself. And those are good reasons to drink Orion even if I can barely stand the taste of it."

  "Well dinner is ready." Tomi handed him back his beer. "You can come back in to the house now."

  "Gee thanks. I thought that you were going to starve me or make me spend tonight out here on this very small deck."

  "When you get back from Guam, I would like for you to take me to the university so I can find out more about the courses I can take. I know that I only need two more credits in English to graduate. But I will have many other courses to take that will be required to graduate no matter what I major in."

  "All your college credits are in English?"

  "Hai. That is all I took before I got pregnant. I went to night school for two years to learn to read and write English. I only wanted to be able to do that, not to teach others or learn some other job.

  Now with a child to raise and support, I want to be able to give him more than I had and for him not to have to struggle as hard as so many of the Okinawan people have to do.

  I must decide what my goals will be. What kind of work I want to do."

  "I know that you have some ideas and have thought about what you would like to do. Another consideration is whether you want to take Brad to the States for his education. If you are thinking about that, don't you think you may want to major in something that you can do either here on Okinawa or Stateside?"

  "Hai, you are correct. But truthfully, I would not say this to anybody but you, I am not sure that I want to take him to the States. His father and I talked about it and decided that I would stay here on Okinawa, but that was before I knew about the baby.

  I want to help people. Some kind of social or health services work for the people of Okinawa. And I could also do that kind of work in the States, neh?"

  "We'll go to the university and find out what your options are as soon as I get back.

  We're due back on the 9th of November, a Thursday. I'll have a long weekend off. At least three days and maybe four. Why don't you make an appointment for the 10th or 13th of November and I'll be sure to go with you."

  "Arigato goziemashita, Rick-san. Thank you so much." Tomi reached across the table and hugged his neck before kissing him on the cheek.

  "It's getting late. I'm having a hard time leaving, but I must."

  "I know. I want you to stay. I am going to miss you terribly. But I want you to get enough sleep before you have to fly tomorrow."

  "As much as I hate the idea, I should be in Kadena by 2300. It's almost that now."

  "Is there anyway we can talk when you are on Guam? Maybe on MARS?"

  "I can't be sure. We have to be ready to start engines within 10 minutes everyday for 24 hours and no days off.

  I'll find out as soon as I get there. I know that I can send messages and probably talk to Bob. I'll have him and Cheryl tell you what is going on if I can't talk to you."

  "Thank you. I am going to miss you very much.

  You will be here when Brad is born? I really want you to be with me."

  "I'll do all I can to be here when the time comes. We have time for me to try to manipulate my schedule some after I come back from Guam."

  "I know that you will do all you can. We cannot be sure when he will decide to put in an appearance and that makes it hard to plan when you should be here. He'll probably decide to be here when you are flying to Thailand or Vietnam."

  "Let's hope not."

  Standing by the front door, Rick held her in his arms refusing to let her go and Tomi not wanting to be let go of. She took his hands and put them both on the bare skin on the sides of her stomach under her yukata. Her panties had slipped off her stomach.

  "He is being quiet. I think he is also sad that you are going.

  Rub me please." She asked. Her tears streamed down her beautiful Asian cheeks.

  Putting his arms back around her while she pressed herself against him, he kissed her deeply and for just an instant he felt her tongue touch his.

  She gently pushed him away. "Go, dozo. And have a safe trip. Come back to us quick."


  Leo's desk light was still on and he was sitting at the desk writing. "Hi. I'm getting a letter off to Linda before I sack out."

  "Did you get to talk to her today?"

  "Yes. It was great. Not as great as being with her, but better than not hearing her voice."

  "Is everything OK for her?"

  "Actually, yes. But she is starting to make noises of nesting so the Air Force will pay for most of the baby's costs."

  "How do you feel about that? Other than wanting to be a Daddy."

  "I'm not sure that I would want to be flying out of the country every few weeks while she's pregnant. Other than that? I'm all for it.

  So, how was your day? You don't look too happy. Is everything alright? Is Tomi OK?"

  "Everything is fine. Just that goodbyes, even for only two weeks can be hell when I'm dealing with a new relationship and a baby on the way.

  I'm going through what is making you hesitate about."

  "Keep me posted, Rick. I want all the opinions before we get home and I'll build my case pro or con accordingly."

  "Damn, nothing like pinning your friend in a corner."

  "Cheryl wants to have breakfast with us."


  "At the Club about 0800. I'll wear my flight jacket so no one will know that I'm only a lowly Airman."

  "I never saw them deny anybody on flying status and TDY. You’ll be in your flight suit and that is as good as an extra stripe or two.

/>   I'm going to grab a fast shower and sack out. What time is preflight?"

  "Wheels up at about 1030. I've already done the preflight for all practical purposes. Serviced LOX again and looked for the small leak but can't find it. It's dribbling out somewhere but I can't find it. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did. How's service on Guam?"

  "Full. Can get everything we need and the transit ground crew is top notch and friendly especially to tanker crew chiefs."

  "Steak, medium rare, two eggs over easy and hash browns." Rick ordered his breakfast

  "Boy, you sure are predictable, Rick. Steak, eggs and hash browns. For over four years I have watched you eat the same breakfast.

  On a new note, the girl's orders came through. We aren't bring them over until Christmas break to keep the disruption to a minimum. We're going to keep our Okinawan rental. It will be a good experience for the girls. Besides Bob and I love it."

  "Where is he, by the way?"

  "Out on the flightline. He told his relief not to come in until after 1000 hrs.. I expect him anytime. If not, I have this." Cheryl pulled a handheld military radio out of her over sized purse. "I can call him to pick us up.

  So tell me, Rick. How is Tomako? And importantly, what is your relationship doing?"

  Rick filled her in telling her the gist of what had been going on for the last two days. As long as he had known her and shared things in his life with Cheryl for the first time he found himself holding back some things that he knew and also strongly felt was between Tomako and himself not for public view even Cheryl's.

  "I'm starting to worry about what is going to happen when the baby is due. She wants me to be there with her, but there's no guarantee that I won't be on a trip somewhere when the time comes. She realizes that and is trying not to worry me about it. Nor is she being pushy about it. I don't think she has a pushy bone in her body. Sometimes she comes across as being so soft it is hard to imagine that she's for real. Though sometimes a bit of disappointment slips in when she realizes that I can’t guarantee to be there when Brad comes.

  But know what Cheryl? She really doesn't have anybody very close nor can she expose herself by telling her friends what is going on or how she feels.

  She has a checkup this afternoon. She started to ask me to go with her when she realized that I was leaving and couldn't.

  The American couple have gone back to the states and she told me that Arlene went to a couple of checkups with her."

  "Does she like and trust me, Rick?"

  "I’m sure she does. Why?

  "What time is her appointment?"

  "In the afternoon. Why?" Rick repeated his question.

  "If it's all right with you, I'll go ask her if she wants me to go with her."

  "I already told her that you or Bob, or both of you will tell her how things are going for me and where I am. I don't think that she will be surprised if you show up and ask her if she wants you to go with her.

  I know that she'll be in the coffee house today. In fact she's already there."

  "As soon as you guys are wheels up I'll go to the coffee house. But if she isn't there . . . ?" Cheryl let her voice trail off in question.

  "Here's her phone number. You can call her from the coffee house if you have to.

  She lives at Tomari Port."

  Rick saw the questioning look across Cheryl's face.

  "It's off of Highway #1 in Naha. You can't miss the Port and it has a big sign Tomari Port. It's where the fishing boats are and there are ship builders there who build yachts and sailboats.

  This is her address. Any taxi driver can get you there if you have to."

  "Is there anything else that I can do for her while you're gone?"

  "I appreciate you Cheryl. You know that. But she has to ask and I know she will when she gets to know you better and feels that she can confide in you."

  "I understand and Rick" Cheryl paused.

  "Yeah" He looked at his friend with a questioning expression.

  "I won't push, or act like a mother-in-law. But Christ Rick, she's 38 years old and having her first baby. Of course she's scared. I want to be her friend as I am yours. But that is between her and me. Tomi is going to have to make that decision on her own. You and I being friends could work for or against us."

  "I realize that. I think it works for us, She will be accepting of you because we've been friends for a long time and she knows it. I told her so she'll trust you. If I didn't trust you to be like that I wouldn't trust you with all of this.

  You had better give Bob a call on your handy dandy GI issue radio and have him pick us up. You coming out on the flightline with us?"

  "Of course. I have to give my favorite tanker a festive sendoff.

  Listen, I heard by the grapevine that you can call job control direct from Anderson. Until somebody tells us otherwise, why don't you try to call job tomorrow about 1300. Either Bob or I , or both of us will be there.”

  "Whatcha thinking about, Rick?" Leo asked when he came out of the cockpit and found Rick sitting in one of the airline type seat that they had placed in front of the open cargo door. They had arrived on Guam the afternoon before. A few minutes ago the flight crew had left for the BOQ after 'cocking '3653 onto strip alert status. Within two minutes of their arrival at the tanker the crew would have all four engines running and be ready to taxi for take off.

  "How many hours in two weeks?"

  "Too many to count. Linda gave me hell when I started counting days and hours until we'd be back at Fairchild."

  "Smart girl. Do you regret crewing, Leo? Being gone and traveling?"

  "Not really. I just regret not seeing my bride everyday. You know that I love tankers and flying on them. We've been discussing whether I would reenlist or not."

  "You got lots of time to decide that. Don't confuse yourself at this point in time."

  "Did you get an answer about the MARS station and whether we can go over there or not?"

  "Actually I did. What the transit alert flight chief and I worked out was for one of his troops to cover for you once a week for as long as it takes. He did say that if you call the MARS station before you go over there and tell them you're on Alert they will give you some priority and you won't have to wait in line for a call."

  "How about you calling Tomi?"

  "I can cheat by calling Kadena direct and get operations to patch me through all on wire. But we're not sure we can get patched into the Okinawan phone exchange."

  "No 'OVER' and bull?"

  "Yep. A regular, actual, civilized phone call."

  "Of all the luck. Is it yours or does 3653's luck rub off on you?"

  "Damned if I know, but I ain't fighting it." They both snickered at the thoughts of 3653's luck.

  Rick and Leo had come to the flightline snack bar for lunch and at 1230 walked out to find the Anderson AFB transit flight chief parked by the door.

  "I'm going over to job control. Want a ride over to check on any maintenance due on 3653?"

  "Yeah sure Chief. Thanks."

  When the crew chiefs were getting out of the pickup the sergeant handed him a small slip of paper. "Try these numbers. Should give you who you want. With a smile he followed the crew chiefs into job. "I'll be around if they blow the horn on us. " Rick knew that what he meant was if 3653 had to be launched immediately the chief would take them to their tanker.

  Inside of five minutes the phone on the other end of the line was ringing and a familiar female voice answered.

  "We have to stop meeting like this. Your husband is going to get suspicious."

  "That's for sure. He's standing here listening to every word. How's Guam Rick?"

  "Kind of lonesome. All my girlfriends are on Okinawa. So tell me Cheryl, what happened yesterday? How is everything? Did Tomi want you to go with her? Was she at the coffee house like I thought?"

  "Damn! Stop asking questions and let me answer
a couple will ya?

  First of all, not in the order you asked by the way. Tomi sends her love and wants you back on Okinawa. Those are her words with very little editorializing by yours truly. She does love you and with patience on both your parts everything will be fine. As you so astutely pointed out to me the other day, she has only been a widow for a few months and has over 7 months of baby hormones surging through her veins.

  Secondly, her checkup went well. She and the baby are both fine and healthy. The date of his appearance is still going to be December 10th give or take a day or two depending on how anxious the kid is to enter this cruel world.

  Tomi and I are the best of friends and she was overjoyed that I appeared at the coffee shop on your command. She thinks that you are the greatest, most considerate person she has ever known. I will not tell tales and burst her bubble. She deserves to keep thinking that even though I'm not sure you deserve it.

  She's just great Rick and I love her. We will be friends forever whether she is here on Okinawa or in the States stuck on some base with you.

  I'm going to stay out of it by the way. I will not influence her one way or the other, but if she starts asking questions I will answer them honestly."

  "I wouldn't expect you to do anything different Cheryl. I gather that kind of questions hasn't arisen yet?"

  "There was a hint of them. After we got back to the coffee house she did ask me how I liked moving around and having Bob gone a lot. There is no way that I could ever lie to that lady. I said that I hated Bob being gone, but didn't mind moving around. Also that I love Bob very much and would keep doing it as long as he was happy."

  "What did she say?"

  "I'm quoting exactly now, 'I lost Brad, but would never have changed anything. If Rick wants to keep flying, then that is Karma and I will accept it and his decision.'

  By the by, my crazy husband is going back on flying status. It brings tears to my eyes, but he'll be a lot happier again.

  I’m getting the high sign to get off. We tried to patch through to the Okinawan system but it doesn't seem to like us. So I'll give your love to our lady and call me a week from today, same time.