Read Shuri Gate Page 17

  Love you, Rick."

  The phone went dead in his hand.

  "I couldn't hear what you were saying, but I could see you didn't say much. Is everything alright?" Leo asked as the crew chiefs started out of job control.

  Everything is absolutely perfect except for one thing."

  "What is that?"

  "I'm on Guam and Tomako is on Okinawa. Also they couldn't patch the call through to her.

  The baby is fine, she's fine and Cheryl and Tomi are best buddies."

  "More of 3653's good luck. I'm telling you this is getting spooky."

  "Leo, are you turning weird on me? My buddy Bob is. He's going back on flying status and Cheryl is letting him. In fact with her blessing."

  The week went slowly so to break the monotony Rick started to train Leo to run engines and asked job control for an engine run to check an electrical generator that seemed to be acting up. With permission granted, Rick put Leo in the pilot's seat and manned the radios while Leo eased his way slowly through the Engine Start and Run check lists. They played with all the aircraft's systems and finally running out of things to do shut down after requesting operations to send out a fuel truck so they could top off the fuel that they had burned off.

  "Next time we have an A/C who is an instructor pilot we'll get your engine run signed off. You'll be the only E-3 on the Fairchild flightline signed off to run engines."

  "Thanks Rick. I'm going over to MARS as soon as transit alert can get here."

  "Okay. Take your time, I'll be here."

  On Wednesday, the end of their first week on Guam, the crew chiefs and flight crew were sitting in the flightline snack bar drinking a late morning cup of coffee. The A/C's radio crackled to life with the crew's call sign. He went outside for better reception and while still talking to operations he whirled a pointed finger over his head in the windup engine start sign.

  "I'll get the coffee." The copilot said as they all head for the door. In seconds they were headed down the ramp for 3653 with the truck's red rooftop lights flashing.

  "They have an EC coming in from Honolulu which is losing fuel and may not have enough to make it in. We'll intercept and refuel if it needs it." The A/C filled in the crew quickly.

  "Cartridge start." The pilot instructed Rick as he bailed out of the truck's front seat and was first up the crew entry ladder.

  The crew chiefs hit the ground running. Leo headed for the left wing, jerked off the engine intake plugs and jerked the chocks from the main landing gear tires on his side. Rick jerked the plugs off the right engines at the same time as he was putting on his headset.

  "Ready Chief?"

  "You are clear on four for a cartridge start, Sir." He replied. Rick watched Leo pull the chocks on the right side main landing gear tires then without hesitating disconnected the grounding wires. Rick and the pilot completed the starting procedures and Rick motioned Leo up into the cockpit. He followed his assistant closely and heard the boom operator slamming the crew entry door behind him while he was still pulling up the entry ladder.

  Rick put on his headset as he settled into the IP seat and listened to the last of the navigator's discussion with operations.

  "Did you catch all that A/C? The navigator asked the pilot.

  "I think that I got the drift anyway. They want us to taxi out and sit at the end of the runway for awhile?"

  "You got it. They also changed their minds."

  "Huh?" Came from the pilot.

  "It isn't an EC. They got the word second hand from somewhere in Thailand. It's a BUFF and he's got battle damage and only functioning on 5 engines."

  "What in hell is he doing coming here instead of going into UT or Takhli?"

  "We shall never know the thinking of superior beings, Boss."

  "Right you are my friend. How far out is he?"

  "As near as I can figure about 20 miles. He'll be here before we can even get airborne. We'd have to sit on the taxiway and wait for him to clear the active."

  "Chief, is there anyway that you know of that we can refuel a B52 while both aircraft are on the ground?"

  "Not that I know of Sir. Maybe with an extra long drogue? What do you think, Boomer?"

  "That surely smacks of disrespect, Sir." The copilot commented with the usual smile in his voice. "But I know that you mean every word of it even if you are the A/C. Sir."

  "There he is." The copilot pointed down the active runway at a double stream of black smoke rolling out of the B52's engines.

  On the taxiway behind the tanker the fire trucks and and crash rescue trucks were speeding to the cross taxiway so they could pull onto the runway after the BUFF passed by.

  Pedro, the fire rescue helicopter was airborne and hovering next to the approach end of the active runway also waiting for the BUFF to pass by

  A short conversation with operations and the pilot told the rest of the crew, "Let's go back to the barn guys. That's all the fun we have this week.

  Chief, can we help you top off the fuel and button her up?" The pilot asked as the whole crew stood in the open cargo door watching the fire suppression crew spraying foam on two of the BUFF's engine pods. They could hear the bomber's engines spooling down and shortly watched her crew start exiting their injured aircraft.

  "Thanks, but we're so bored we don't mind doing it. It will only be another week. Hurrah."

  "God, a smart-ass crew chief." commented the navigator with a smile as he slapped Rick on the shoulder before going back to his station to get his flight bags.

  At 1230 Thursday Rick was in job control waiting to use the phone. Leo had opted to stay on 3653 with one of the transit alert crew since the flightline supervisor was busy and couldn't wait on Rick to make his phone call.

  A couple of phones rang as Rick sat at one of the job control desks.

  "Line two for you Rick. It's Kadena."

  Anxiety tore through his gut. Why are they calling me. Something must be wrong. Tomi? Oh shit!

  "SSgt. Davis here" Rick answered.

  "Hi Rick this is me." The familiar voice of Bob Kruse came across the line. "How you doing? Hanging in there I hope?"

  "What's up Bob? How come you called me?"

  "Just saving you the trouble. And it's the only way my pushy wife would let me talk to you even to say hello. Take care and I'll see you next week. By the way, You guys will have a four day weekend. Cheryl said that you and Tomi have an appointment at the university on Monday. So I scheduled 3653 for a phase inspection on Saturday. Takes three days to inspect and clear the write-ups. Leo will have to work Monday though to be sure the write-ups get cleared. You're flying a Combat air patrol on Tuesday. A payday flight."

  "Thanks Bob. I'll see you Thursday."

  "Okay, Buddy. Here's my smiling wife. Love ya guy."

  Rick's heart slowed back down to a normal rhythm and his temper returned to normal realizing that Bob was just being Bob. A good friend and doing what he thought was best.

  "Hi Sweetheart. How ya doing? Everything is great here except for a lonely little woman who is awaiting your return breathlessly."

  "Cheryl, stop exaggerating."

  "Oh, you think that I'm exaggerating do you? You are going to owe me a big one when you get back here and see what that charming and very pregnant lady thinks of you."

  “All right. I give up. I'm having conniptions myself. I've been sleeping on the tanker because it makes me think I'm closer to Okinawa. How is she and the baby?"

  “Great. She feels fine and even with you gone she's eating better, working less and generally a lot happier. She knows she has a future besides raising a child by her lonesome. You cannot let her down Rick. You're committed. You do realize that?"

  "Yes, Cheryl. Remember before I left I said that I needed to worked it out by myself? Well I did. The second day I was here. Then it verified itself right after I hung up from our first phone call. She is who I want to spend the
rest of my life with. And I'll tell her so as soon as I get there."

  "Good. Bob and I brought her to our place over the weekend. We all had a great time and we took her to the Club and I even let Bob cook American for her. She laughed so hard her poor over-sized stomach ached.

  I'm thinking, just throwing this out here . . . ."

  "What, Cheryl?"

  "If maybe she could stay here with us the last few days before the baby is due. Then in any case you can't be with her, Bob and I will be? I'm just throwing the idea out for you to think about. You'll know how it's best to talk to Tomi about it after you're home for a while and see how she's doing."

  "Are you seeing something or know something that I don't know about, Cheryl?"

  "No! Really not, Rick. Just thinking about how she doesn't seem to have anybody really close to her who is capable of tending to her needs as her time comes closer. You pointed that out to me."

  "Okay. We'll deal with it. And thanks Cheryl. For being a great friend, to both of us. I've got to cut this off. Give her my love and I love you guys."

  Damn that Bob. He scared the shit out of me.

  I really miss her. I wonder what it is going to be like when I head back to Fairchild for a few months. Cheryl will be here for her and she will have the baby and demanding school work to keep her mind and hands busy.

  And me with over five years left on an enlistment.

  Well Tomako my love we are going to be lifers if we are to be a 'we'.

  The next six days crept along at a snails pace. Leo managed to talk to Linda two more times since the MARS station wasn't very busy and the station manager and the transit alert chief took a liking to him and did all they could to help him out. Rick didn't mind and one of the buck sergeants on transit alert was getting qualified on KC135s and looked for every chance to be around the crew chiefs of 3653. So whenever Rick needed somebody to cover for Leo he was available.

  The flight crew came out to the tanker almost everyday since they were as bored as Rick and Leo. Usually they would show up about 1000 hours and stay around until lunchtime then take the crew chiefs to lunch.

  It was a bit after 1500 hours on Thursday, November 9th when the white breakers and golden sand beaches slid under the nose of 3653 on final approach to runway 5 at Kadena AFB.

  The sun was bright and warm. A typical November day on Okinawa. When Rick dropped onto the tarmac under the crew entry door the smells of Okinawa were drifting across the fence from Kadena Circle. It was a unique mixture that Rick didn't find disagreeable as some of the GIs did. He could now identify a lot of the individual smells by source. The smells from the foot wide benjo ditches running along both sides of the street, was a sweetish mix of soapy water and kitchen waste. Gray water it was called in the States. Then the drifting kitchen odors of frying fish mixing with the smell of boiling cabbage and unidentifiable smells from the bulk tea shops and small family restaurants. Many of the individual smells were not objectionable to him, but the resulting potpourri he knew was not a readily marketable fragrance in anyone's store. At times they were annoying, but never revolting.

  "Welcome home Buddies." A jovial Bob Kruse met them under the tanker's black nose cone.

  Here give me your forms. Leo and I will take care of these. Won't we?" He looked at Leo and smiled as he nodded his head slightly. "I believe that your leader has a previous appointment."

  "Sure" Leo answered also with a smile and took the forms from Rick.

  "OK. What's up?

  I just want to get out of this flight suit and take a hot shower and head for Naha."

  "I'll take you to the barracks and you can do as you please. Get in." Kruse ordered when he opened the passenger door of the pickup. "We'll drop Leo at job control while I take you to the barracks.

  I'll only be a few minutes, Leo. I doubt if it will take long anyway.

  What I told you on the phone Rick, is still good. You have four days off. I don't want to see you on the flightline until Tuesday morning for preflight at 0900.

  Leo, I still need you to work Monday, so I owe you a day off and you'll get it. Don Naylor is aboard for the duration and will fly the next round robin for you. If you want him too. But I want you to fly the CAP Tuesday so you get November's combat pay and income tax exemption.

  Okay, is everyone taken care of for now. Any questions?

  No? Great. So I don't expect to hear any complaining.

  One last thing." Bob said as he pulled up in front of job control. "Cheryl would like everybody to have dinner at the Club Saturday night. 1800. All three of you" He stated with a big smile.

  Dropping Rick at the barracks he spoke quietly before leaving. "Cheryl wants to see you, but it can wait. She wants you to get home to Tomako. Tomi needs you more than we do.

  Also, don't go to the coffee house. She's at home waiting for you.

  Take care, Buddy. See you Saturday night."

  Rick barely had time to slam the passenger door and Kruse was gone.

  With an anxious 'to get home feeling', he jogged up the sidewalk and into the barracks.


  This is undoubtedly the longest trip to Naha that I have ever taken. I swear the traffic is heavier than I ever saw.

  I guess that I never paid attention to it before and I'm impatient to see Tomako.

  "Megii, niisan." Rick told the young sukoshi cab driver so he would turn into the street lined with apartment buildings next to Tomari Port. "Koko, dozo."

  He dropped a dollar bill into the niisan's hand as he hurried past the driver's window before going around the side of the building and hurrying up the stairs.

  Looking up Rick saw Tomi's smile light up before she stepped away from the window overlooking the stairs.

  She opened the door when he was barely halfway up, and came quietly out on the small landing.

  Two steps at a time, Rick ascended the stairs to her. Still a floor below her he could not control his smile. She was smiling as he had never seen her do before and he could see her tears flow down her cheeks. Two more steps and he took her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and wordlessly they stepped back into the house. Their feverish emotions held them together. Their lips covered each other's face and neck. And their bodies developed a rhythm of their own. They touched, ran their hands up and down each other, yet not a word had been spoken.

  "Rick-chan I love you." Were the first words spoken.

  Tomi stepped back from the still open door and let Rick kick off his loafers before shoving the door shut with his foot.

  She held onto his hand and led him further into the room before stepping back into his arms.

  "I love you too, Tomi. I missed you and was really lonely without you to talk to."

  "I too have been lonely. But not as much as I was before you came into our life." She said bending back away from him just far enough so she could place his right hand on her extended stomach. He also missed you and we talked about you every night before I went to sleep."

  "I love your dress." Tomi's dress was a tailored muumuu like Cheryl wore. It was a very soft blue with pink apple blossoms and small green leaves. Her stomach was stretching it to its limit.

  "You like it, neh?"

  "Oh, yes. It's gorgeous. He slowly caressed her stomach some more before drawing her to him again.

  "I won't be able to wear it much until after Brad comes. It will fit me again then. I was hoping that you would like it.

  Mmm, that feels so good. I would like to lay down. I get tired and today I have walked back and forth, back and forth waiting for you."

  "I got here as quick as I could. I couldn't wait to be with you and hold you." Rick said as he walked with her to the bed.

  "I know. I am not complaining. I just wanted you to understand how I was feeling because you are the only one that I can say these things to." She said before tugging Rick onto the bed next to her so he co
uld reach her baby stomach. "I know that you wanted to come home to me as quick as you could."

  "Yes, I know. Relax My Love." He leaned over her and started to kiss her anew, softly and slowly on her lips, forehead and then down onto her neck as his hand kept slowly rubbing her stomach in a slow circular motion.

  Leaning back away, Rick admired her. Her black hair, brushed shiny and soft was spread out on the pillow around her head. Her bangs were brushed almost straight down and ended just above her heavy dark eyebrows. She had put on some darker pink lipstick than she usually wore, but they had kissed most of it off and he could taste its smooth cosmetic flavor on his lips and tongue. She smelled of a lightly lilac scented soap.

  She reached and placed both arms around his neck and pulled his face down into her neck After a few minutes she rolled over onto her left side and with her right arm reached for Rick and drew him against her backside so they were spooned together.

  "I love you very much, Rick. More than just a friend. As a true lover. But we cannot be yet. Maybe for Christmas we can be a present to each other.

  What are you laughing at?" Tomi asked.

  "I know that you were being very serious and loving and I love you very much for it. But the idea of giving ourselves to each other for a Christmas present struck me as not funny, but very loving and caring. My laugh is a laugh of delight, not of amusement."

  Rick felt her softly laughing as she also realized what she had said and what it could mean to Rick and to herself.

  Slowly she rolled back onto her back, then a bit further so she was facing him and her stomach was resting on his hip. "I am so happy today that I am crying a lot." She said while Rick gently wiped her tears from the corner of each eye and kissed the dampness from her high cheek bones. "You are giving me tears of happiness."

  They laid together quietly on the bed watching the sun turn red before it started to sink slowly into the East China Sea.

  "Are you getting hungry My Love? I have our dinner in the refrigerator. Nothing special. Yakasoba that coffee house Papa-san made for us this morning.

  Do not look at me like that. I didn't go to work. Michako brought it over just before you got here. I thought at first that the car door slamming and noise on the steps was you. But it was not."