Read Shuri Gate Page 20

  "How about if she isn't a lady?"

  "Are you saying that I'm not a lady?"

  "No. I'm just asking."

  "Get out of my bed. Go make your kohi and let me dream about the Christmas present you're going to give me. Rick?"


  "What time is it? The sun is warm. I think it is late. And I have to pee."

  "It's Sunday. You're going to stay home and rest while I go to the PX at Machinato and buy you some sexy lingerie. What are you late for? To go back to sleep?"

  "But I have to pee. Are you making fun of me again? You know pregnant women have to pee a lot."

  Rick laid back down next to her and when she rolled her back to him. He snuggled up closer to her backside.

  "Maybe I'll stay here with you all day, just like this."

  "Mmm. That would be nice." Tomi pushed back against him and spoke louder with more animation in her voice. "What did you say you were going to buy me? Something sexy? Like underwear?"

  "I didn't say I was going to buy you anything."

  "Yes, you did. I heard you. Now tell me?"

  "I think that you'll just have to wait until I get home."

  Rick got off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

  "I'm first. I have to pee. You make the kohi, neh?" Tomi said loudly. Then tried to hurry off their bed being hindered by her baby.

  It was almost 1500 when Rick arrived at the bottom of the stairs to their apartment stopped in the full size taxi that he had taken from the PX at Machinato. It took a couple of minutes to get his purchase out of the trunk of the full sized American built taxi with the help of the driver. He had bought a small blanket to pad it from damage while bringing it home. He let the blanket stay draped over the chair when he and the driver set it next to the foot of the stairs.

  Rick heard the door open and looked up before Tomi spoke.

  "Rick? I was worried. You have been gone a long time. Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine. Tomi-chan. Sorry I was gone so long, but I wanted to get some things and it took time to find everything and get a taxi home." He was talking as he climbed the stairs with a bag from the PX in each hand.

  "Nan desu ka?" Tomi asked.


  "Down there. At the bottom of the steps. Is that a blanket?"

  "Yeah, I guess it is."

  "Why is it hanging there? Is it new? For me? And why did you pay for such a huge taxi?"

  "Yeah, I guess it is."

  "Rick-san? Is that all you can say? I see something under the blanket, neh?"

  "Really? I can't image what it could be."

  "It is for me, neh?"

  Rick reached the top landing and gently guided Tomi back in the door.

  "Take these bags. Don't peek now. You can look in a few minutes. All right? Or am I going to have to lock them up?"

  "I promise not to touch them if you tell me about the blanket downstairs?"

  "It's a deal. You can watch from the landing, but you cannot go down the stairs. I'll bring it up to you."

  He almost trotted down the stairs and with a flourish when he reached the bottom, jerked the blanket off and rolled it up into a ball.

  "Eeee! My rocking chair. Rick! Where did you get it? Ohh! I want to come see it. I can tell it is beautiful." Her voice had gone up several octaves.

  Rick picked up the chair by the arms. Raised it over his head and started up the stairs. Almost at the top he stopped. "You're going to have to go inside Tomi so I can set this thing down. It's getting heavy."

  She stepped back just far enough to give him room to set the chair down.

  "Let's put it inside so you can try it out. Just a second." He put the chair down next to the bed and Tomi slipped into it as soon as it hit the floor.

  "It is so beautiful, Rick." She caressed the lacquered arms with her small soft hands. "It's Okinawan isn't it? I love it. I'll be able to sit in it and then after the baby comes I will sit in it to nurse him and rock him to sleep."

  "It's Okinawan made. The PX has a contract to buy them and sell them to the GIs. They only have one or two at a time. They got this one Friday and it was sold, but the people who wanted it hadn't come in to get it yet. I begged the manager to sell it to me and let the other people get the next one. And he said alright."

  "Laughing happily and with her eyes shining Tomi stood up and came to Rick. She wrapped her arms round his waist as she leaned her head against his chest.

  Rick hugged her and when she raised her face he bent down and kissed her. Her arms went around his neck and she stretched herself up to her full height.

  "You spoil me. And I do love to be spoiled by you."

  "Is this where you want it?

  It looks out of place. You'll be sitting over here and I'll be on the other side of the bed by myself. I won't be able to even see you."

  "That's what I think also. Can we put it near the table?"

  "How about I move the bed more this way . Away from the table and TV to give you more room by the table?"

  "You can move it? Ojisan had a tomodachi help him."

  "We can do it. You are the brains and honcho and I'll be the laborer."

  "I think that you are pulling my leg."

  "Okay, You'll see. How far over this way will we move it?"

  "I think we will know when it gets there."

  "See, I told you, you're the honcho."

  It only took a few minutes before Tomi was in her new chair, able to look out the slider and also watch television.

  "What's in the bags, Rick? Are they for me? I think the rocker is a lot. It was takusan money, neh?"

  Rick handed her one of the bags after taking a quick look in it.

  She frowned when she took out another smaller bag which seemed to contain only tissue paper. A hint of red material showed itself wrapped in the tissue paper which she hurriedly removed. Her smile spread wide and her eyes danced. "A sexy bra that will fit me, neh?"

  "I hope. It's the sexiest one I could find that I think will be comfortable for you."

  "Shall I model it for you? Oh yes. I want to model it for you."

  "Look in there then maybe checkout the other bag before you do."

  "A red nightie. It is so pretty. But I don't think it will be very sexy with my stomach."

  "Actually, it's an experiment. It's a teddy for a big tall American. I think that it will be sexy when you put it and the matching panties on.

  Besides, I think that you are very sexy with your baby belly."

  Rick picked up the last bag and took out a light green dress. It may not be very sexy, but it won't fit like a bag either. It's just a size bigger than your blue one."


  "Tomi? Is Ojisan going to pick us up?"

  "No. He isn't working this morning so I didn't tell him that we were going to the university. Is that okay, Rick? I can call him."

  "It's fine Love. We can catch a taxi at Tomari Port. We'll just leave a little sooner."

  "I'm through putting on make-up, so I just have to get dressed." Tomi spoke through the door before she came out of the small bathroom.

  "I'm scared and my stomach is jittery. What if I ask a stupid question, or they think I'm too uneducated to go to the university? Rick, look at me. I'm a 38 year old mother-to-be who has a huge belly, has to pee all the time and can't hardly get up off a chair. Maybe I shouldn't sit down. I'll just stand."

  Rick stepped across the apartment to where Tomi was still standing in front of the bathroom door. He folded her in his arms and held her as close as he could. Then he rubbed her bare shoulders and back.

  "You will do fine. We'll take the time to find a bathroom before the appointment. If your mind goes blank, which I don't believe will happen, just take a deep breath and I'll say something to get you going again. But I have never known you not to be able to talk."

  "Are you saying that I'm a compul
sive talker?"

  "No. I'm saying that your are very articulate and never have to struggle to know what to say. You have almost enough English credits to get a Bachelors degree in English already. Now put on something besides a bra and panties or we'll never get out of here on time."

  "What do you mean by that? What are you thinking about, Rick?"

  "Nothing, except that we have to leave shortly."

  "Yeah?" Tomi commented with a seductive smile as she stepped out of his arms and went to their bed where she had laid out her dress.

  She picked up her new dress. "I am going to feel really dressed up and not like some big fat pregnant woman with this dress you gave me. Thank you, Rick-san."

  He was just a couple of steps away and after taking them slapped her lightly on her firm panty covered butt. "Get dressed."

  "Hai, Love Are all of my records in the case?"

  "Hai, you put them in there and checked on them at least 20 times since last night, Tomi."

  "I'm nervous."

  "I know. It will work out, just wait and see. I have complete faith in you and know that you can do it."

  She looked up into his eyes. Took the one step that separated them and turned her face up to him for a kiss.

  After the kiss, she smiled her broad happy smile. "Thank you, Rick."

  "My stomach is fluttering, again. And it is not aka-chan." Tomi tightened her grip on Rick's hand as they entered the university's administration building.

  "What time is it? I need a benjo." Tomi looked around with a touch of anxiety."It's okay. It's only 1040 or so. There's a restroom on the right and the office we want is the next office after."

  Rick held the door of the Dean of Admission's office for Tomi.

  A very nice looking older Okinawan woman looked up from her desk and smiling, spoke first. "Tomako Tomanaga? Dozo, sit down here." Indicating a chair placed alongside her desk. Her desk had files and books piled on it but still managed to look neat and organized. "I am Keiko Uehara, the Dean's assistant. I must ask you a few questions and help you get started with your paperwork. Then the Dean will see you to answer any questions you have and determine if you are eligible for admission to the university." She spoke in perfect English having seen how Tomi was hanging onto Rick's hand and not making any attempt to sit down in the chair that she had offered her.

  "Please." She said and rose to move another chair closer to her desk for Rick. "And you are?" She asked.

  "Gomen nasai. I'm Rick Davis. A friend of Tomako's."

  "He is my fiance." Tomi spoke up.

  "Of course." Keiko Uehara answered with another gracious smile full of understanding and maybe a bit of wishfulness as she saw the love that existed between this couple.

  After asking a multitude of questions and filling in several forms, Uehara-san stood. "I will take these to the Dean and tell him that you are ready to see him."

  In just three or four minutes, Uehara-san returned to her desk and sat down.

  "Can I offer some advice for when you talk to the Dean, Tomako-chan?"

  "Dozo." Tomi answered making eye contact with the woman. "I would appreciate any help. I want very much to be admitted to the university."

  "The Dean is a very nice man and will listen to you. He will not make a decision until he is satisfied that he has asked all the right questions and you have said all that you want him to know. Tell him everything you have told me and make sure all your answers to his questions are the same as I have put on your application. Emphasize your desire and what you have learned from the courses that you have already completed and did so well in. Your grade point average of 3.86 is admirable and he will know that."

  "Domo arigato gozaimasu, Uehara-san. I will do my best."

  "Yes, you will. I know how much you want to continue your education, and I believe that I will see you in January when your classes start. Now I will take you both into see the Dean. It is unusual for him to interview a perspective student with another person present. But I told him that I thought it would be better to see you both together, and he agreed. Come this way, dozo."

  Stepping out into the hall leaving the Admissions Office, Tomi wrapped herself around Rick's right arm hugging it hard. "I am so happy. It's you that is making it happen for me, Rick. You make me brave and want to do things. I have good feelings about the Dean and I will start classes in January."

  "Hai. I agree. He was very positive and it's just a formality to notify you in writing. Don't betray yourself Tomi. As I've told you before, you have a lot of courage and drive. You know what you want and are willing to take a bad moment or two to get what you believe is right and what you want."

  "Domo arigato anyway Rick. I love you and need you to help me through life."

  "That My Dear, is a two-way street. I also need you to help me."

  "I believe that is true, but right now I need the benjo. I thought that I was going to pee my pants before the Dean stopped asking questions and talking. He is very nice and I trust him."

  "I'll wait here for you. Take your time and relax a little."

  "Rick-san? Rick Davis."

  Rick turned towards the familiar voice.

  The tiny Okinawan lady coming up the corridor towards him, wore a floral beige colored, Western style dress. Her gray hair was short, neat and obviously professionally done. As she came closer Rick saw her slightly wrinkled but unblemished complexion.

  "Obasan?" Rick smiled, surprised but glad to see the pleasant woman. He caught himself as he remembered what had transpired of late and not sure what she thought or her opinion was about Kimiko's misadventure. "Gomen, Toyama-san. Maybe I was wrong in calling you Obasan?"

  "Not at all Rick. I'm flattered that you would still want to, and that you would remember my name. My granddaughter has embarrassed you, me and the rest of the family and other people who knew and trusted her."

  She took his right hand in both hers, not to shake hands, but to hold in a warm friendly way. "I am so sorry that she tried to deceive and use you."

  Rick heard and felt Tomi come from the restroom. She hesitated for a second before coming to him and reaching for his left hand which was free..

  "Tomi, this is..."

  "I know, Professor Toyama. Professor, you taught two of my English classes almost a year ago."

  "Of course" Obasan continued to speak in English. "Tomako Tomanaga. You were my favorite student. Then you stopped taking courses? And now I can see why."

  "She is also Kimiko's grandmother." Rick spoke up not wanting the truth and his past connection to get lost in the history of everyone's relationships.

  "Gomen nasai Professor." Tomi said. She turned to Rick. Squeezed his hand and hung onto his arm.

  "I know a sukoshi about Kimiko, Rick. Cheryl just said enough so if I heard about her or the professor, I would not be unknowledgeable about them."

  "I'm just leaving to go back to the Prefecture. But I was going to have lunch first. I would like very much to have you as my guests for lunch. I have a feeling that you two young people have a story to tell me that I would very much like to hear. That is, if you would like to share it with me?"

  Obasan pointed down the corridor and waited for an answer.

  Rick met Tomi's eyes. He nodded slightly.

  "That would be very nice, Professor if you can put up with a very pregnant woman who cannot sit still for very long."

  "My Dear, I do not mind a bit. A woman never forgets being in the same condition. We can eat here in the cafeteria." Then she added after a short pause. "It is not very fancy, but the food is good Okinawan food as well as some corrupt food like hamburgers and hot dogs. Smiling, Obasan motioned for them to go ahead of her. "And please, we are not in class and I hope we are friends. Call me Satchako, or if you want, I would consider it an honor if you would call me Obasan if you can see your way through all of this mishmash of events to do that." She bowed her head sli
ghtly and reached for two hands. One of Rick's and one of Tomi's.

  The three took their time getting their lunches and settling down at a back corner table away from the flow of student traffic.

  "First. I would like to really apologize to you Rick. What Kimiko did, or attempted to do, is unforgivable. I did not know my granddaughter as well as I thought I did. Nor should have known her.

  Besides getting a young man from the base in bad trouble, she was trying to get you to marry her so she could go to the States and get a job teaching. Then I am sure she would have left you for what she would consider a more advantageous arrangement for her. Instead of going to the United States, she is now in Japan teaching English in an Osaka middle school. It is the only job she could get after her resume and recommendations were updated.

  Now, enough. I want to hear about the two of you and obviously the third member of your family."

  "I would like to consider you as a tomodachi and obasan. You are very nice person and it is not your fault for what Kimiko did. Unless you're really psychic?" Rick asked.

  "You remember that? Of course you would. No, the women in my family are not anymore psychic than having the normal female intuition."

  "Hai. Wakaru. I have learned from my true love here about a woman's intuition."

  "Tomako, What brings you to the university? I know the reason for both of you to be here is for you. And I know what a hunger you have for learning and for caring about people."

  Tomi looked down at her bowl of soba. She picked up some noodles with her hachi and smiled shyly. "I want to finish my bachelors degree after the baby is born. In January I can start. Also I had to find out what courses that I must take to go with the English courses that you taught me."

  "Do you know what your major will be? No, let me guess. Something in the public health field which will be offered starting in January in the new School of Health Sciences."

  "That was not a question Professor."

  " Satchako. No, it was not Tomako-chan. I think that I know you quite well and I am seldom wrong when I judge a person." She colored rapidly in embarrassment. "I guess I screwed up on one though." She said quietly so Rick and Tomi could barely hear her. "Sometimes we cannot see what is too close to us."

  "Oba. Stop beating yourself up over Kim. You yourself said that you're not psychic. There is no way you could have known."