Read Shuri Gate Page 21

  Tomi reached for Obasan's small hand. "Rick is correct, Obasan. If I may also call you that. I never had a sobo."

  "You are both correct and thank you.

  So the baby is due in December. Very soon, yes?"

  "Less than a month." Tomi answered with a proud smile. "But I will be very glad. I have to admit that I'm tiring of carrying this little horse around."

  She turned to Rick, leaned closer to him and gleefully whispered loud enough so that obasan could also hear her. "He did a nose dive while I was in the rest room. It took him a bit of effort, but he is head down. Maybe the doctor is correct. He will come sooner than I thought."

  "He'll come when he is ready Tomako. Just be patient. I'm gathering that you are living together, but are not yet married? And your relationship cannot be over two, maybe three months? Now, am I correct?" Obasan asked with a soft smile and quizzical look in her eyes.

  "Yes. The baby's father was killed in Vietnam before he knew that he was going to be a father." Tomi answered candidly.

  "So he was a GI and the American military was making it almost impossible for you to get married?"

  "Hai." Tomi answered.

  "Then Rick came into our lives in July and made life real for us again. It took a while. He thought that I was married and flirted with me anyway."

  "She tried to scare me away, Though I don't think very hard." Rick added.

  Tomi looked into his eyes then stuck out her tongue. "He made me fall in love with him and has made a shameless woman of me."

  "I don't believe that about you Tomako-chan. I believe falling in love was certainly mutual.

  So after the baby, your life will also revolve around Rick, and your getting an education?"

  "Yes. The Dean said I would get a letter in a week or ten days. He assured me that there are still a couple of seats left for the Health Services courses."

  "A week or ten days, tashika ni? Excuse me. Finish your lunches and I will be right back. I must make a phone call."

  Tomi reached for Rick's hand. "She is so nice. I remember her as being more reserved. She never told me I was her favorite student."

  "I think that she is a woman of few words, Tomi."

  Obasan was only gone for four or five minutes. She sat back down. Sipped some of her tea before looking at Tomi and Rick each in turn. Smiling she spoke. "The Dean just this minute made up his mind. You will start class in January. Instead of just a letter of acceptance, you will also get a copy of your class schedule and a transcript of the courses that you have completed and what you will have to complete for your bachelors degree in Public Health." "I must leave you young people and get back to the Prefecture Office.

  Please remember where I live Rick-san. I would like very much to have you visit me and keep me up to date on the baby and your lives." Obasan stood and waited for Tomi to stand and step to her.

  "Domo arigato gozaimasu, Toyama-san. Thank you so much." Tomi said as she bowed slightly before hugging the older woman. "I would like very much to have you as my sobo and call you Obasan."

  "I would like that very much. Both of you." Obasan spoke with a bit of emotion in her voice and tears running down her soft cheeks leaving tiny streams in the light coat of blush on her high cheeks.

  They stood together holding hands and watching Tomi's mentor walk away.

  "Did you know she would be here, Rick?"

  "No, I had no idea at all. I think that it was a coincidence. I didn't know that she was your teacher and obviously a mentor to your education."

  "Her magomusume . . . granddaughter, is not a very nice person. Toyama-san is paying for it. She is very hurt and very brave to talk to you about what Kimiko did. Or tried to do to you. You don't seem to be angry or upset with Kimiko?"

  "I already knew about what Kim tried to do. The Air Force told me.

  But I had already decided that she was not the girl for me. There was always something about her that made me uncomfortable.

  Then I found myself pursuing a very lovely pregnant lady who was really turning me on."

  Tomi smiled. Tightening her grip on his arm and leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked along the path leading to Shuri Gate. "Even when you knew that the pregnant woman was a married lady?"

  "A lovely, pregnant lady. And yes, even when I knew she was married."

  "My, this lady does have a very strong hold on you.

  Do you think that you could ever escape from her? Even for somebody like me, a common country girl, with a new baby and big boobs?"

  "You are anything but a common country girl My Love. You make me very proud of you and I know that you will have a great career helping people." Rick told her before bending to her and kissing her. He felt the tip of her tongue brush against his teeth a nano second before their tongues touched, then slowly caressed each other.

  "And I love your breasts and even your big belly."

  "I have to stop at the coffee house even though we have already had lunch.

  There is some paperwork that I must do so everybody will get paid on Friday."

  "Okay. I think that we should make it quick though. You've had a busy day and it isn't over yet."

  "I'm thinking that I will take it home and do it. Then after it is done we can bring the checks in on Friday."

  "Remember, I'll be gone tomorrow and I'm thinking that you will want to go to work since I'll be gone all day."



  "I forgot that you would be gone tomorrow. It will be for just tomorrow?"

  "It's supposed to be. Sometimes the best laid of mice and men don't go as predicted."

  "What?" Tomi raised her eyebrows in question making her eyes larger and rounder.

  Rick smiled, then laughed softly as he looked into her dark brown, normally slightly almond shaped eyes.

  "Why are you laughing at me? Do I look funny?"

  "Oh, no. You can never look funny, but the expression you had on your face made your eyes bigger."

  "Do you think I would look better? More like a round eye woman?"

  "Iie. I love your eyes as they are. I would not want you to change them.

  Where did you pick up that expression?"

  "Nan desu ka?"

  "Round eye."

  "Oh, I think that I heard GIs use it in my other life."

  "Your other life?"

  "Hai. Life before Mrs. Rick Davis."

  Not quite sure what to say, Rick needed a second to collect his thoughts.

  "The whole expression is the 'best laid plans of mice and men.'"

  "I wakaru. Sometimes things do not go as we want."

  "Want to catch a cab to the coffee house? Are you getting tired?" He asked her.

  "Iie. It's nice to walk slowly down the hill together. Besides, that's Kokusai Dori at that red light."

  "We have never really talked about getting married." Rick said as he tightened his grip on her hand and felt her move closer as they slowed down their walking pace.

  "I have thought about it a lot, and I wanted to marry you yesterday." Rick added. "I wasn't sure what you wanted exactly. I was sure that we would get married someday, but until today when you told the Dean's assistant that I was your fiancee, we never talked about it."

  "You would have married me yesterday?" Tomi asked

  "How about tomorrow? Tomorrow being the first day that we get our paperwork approved?" she asked.

  "Hai. I would want to do that. I can bring the paperwork home tomorrow and we can start getting it done."

  Tomi stopped walking, turned to face him with a smile spreading across her face. She more mouthed than spoke, "Kisu suru watashi, kudasai." Before their lips touched she spoke clearly. "Kiss me please."

  Standing in the middle of the sidewalk she laid her head against his chest. "You are getting very good at understanding Japanese. I spoke simply, but you did understand me, neh?"

nbsp; "Hai, I really did. Are you ready for the coffee house?"

  "Iie, let's go home and I will come to the coffee house tomorrow after you're gone.

  Let's not say anything to anybody except maybe Bob and Cheryl. Until everything is approved anyway? It may take a long time, neh? At least until after Brad is born?"

  Rick could only guess. "Longer than that maybe. I don't really know."

  "We have a lot to talk about and decisions to make, neh?"

  "Good idea. I really wanted some sushi." Rick said while they sat in their living room watching the red ball of the sun sliding down into the East China Sea.


  "Do we have to get up?" Tomi asked in a voice still full of sleep. "I want to stay here in bed with you all day."

  "My Love, you can stay here all day if you would like, but I'm afraid you will have to do it alone. I have a living to make now that I have a wife and son to support." Rick drew her closer to him. Kissed her passionately on the neck and lips.

  "Tomeru! Tomeru Rick. Please stop! You're driving me crazy. Now you will leave me cold and lonesome in our bed. Is that anyway to treat your pregnant wife?" She asked drawing her light blue nemaki tighter around her, still giggling from Rick's affectionate attack.

  "Hai. Then she will remember and lust for me all day until I come home and take her back to bed."

  "You are very cruel Rick Davis." She said with a seductive look. "In a few weeks I will be able to really do what I am thinking about doing right this moment.

  You have no idea when you will be home tonight. Do you?"

  "Sorry, Tomi. Bob will call you as soon as he finds out if we get hung up and end up RON in Thailand. Otherwise you will see me when I get here. But I don't think you should plan on letting your boyfriend stay very late tonight." He said with a smile.

  "I'll make sure he's gone by 1800, but he will be very disappointed. Though he can catch a nesan from a bar after he leaves me."

  “Now I have to have a cup of kohi and leave for Kadena. It's after seven o'clock and I have to meet Leo for breakfast about 9."

  "You wash your face and get dressed. I will fix our coffee. Do we have time to drink it together? I would always like to do that. Have coffee together before you leave to fly."

  "Yeah, we will, I'd also like to do that. We can always make time to do it."

  "Are you going to wear your flight suit or civilian clothes?"

  "Flight suit, dozo."

  "I'll get it out of the closet for you." Tomi slid off their bed and barefooted went to the wardrobe.

  Rick came out of the bathroom and Tomi was standing in the tiny kitchen wearing the red baby doll nightie he had given her. "You're right. This nightie does cover the baby. Does it make me sexy?"

  "Oh Jesus! Yes. You are the sexiest girl in my life." He stepped to her and held her tightly and ran his hands down her backside. "I can still feel your stomach and the silky skin on your backside."

  "I don't think that you are supposed to put your hands under my panties."

  "Oh. Gomen nasai. I got carried away with my love for you and your sexy body."

  Tomi leaned back, made eye contact with her lover and stuck out her tongue.

  Rick stepped out of the base cab in front of the flightline snack bar at the same time as Bob Kruse parked his pickup on the flightline side of the snack bar.

  "Hey, how's the family man?" Kruse said as each entered the small building from different doors.

  Rick waved and smiled as his eye caught sight of Leo and Cheryl sharing a table behind the door he had entered.

  The four friends sat sipping on hot coffee. "It's not as good as Tomako's."

  "Oh shit. Now we're going to have to listen to him brag about his true love and how superior her coffee is."

  "Shut up, my darling husband, or you'll be on everybody's shit list."

  Laughing, Bob defended himself knowing that his wife was just trying to give him a hard time. "Rick knows that I love them both and would rather drink Tomi's coffee than this stuff. Besides, her doughnuts are superb, almost up there with Dunkin' Donuts."

  "Speaking of our favorite mother-to-be?" Cheryl asked as soon as her husband stopped talking.

  "She's having a baby." Rick stated.

  "Really? That's real nice, Rick. Do you want to start talking now or die?"

  "She got into the university. Starts in January." He continued. "The baby is head down and doesn't seem to have any room to turn back up. He did it in the university's rest room after our interview. You and the doctor may be closer to the time than Tomi is, Cheryl.

  We met Kimiko's sobo at the university. She's Tomako's mentor."

  "What? You guys just bumped into her accidentally at the university?" Bob asked.

  "Actually, we had lunch with her in the university cafeteria."

  "You said before that you liked her and you couldn't see her condoning Kim's actions." Cheryl commented. "I guess that you were correct with that judgement."

  "She considers Tomi her favorite and brightest student. I think that she also used some of her influence with the Dean of Admissions for Tomako's benefit.

  What's happening with preflight Leo. Do we have much to do?" Rick changed subjects as he had an urge to get on with the day.

  "We're ready for engine start. I just checked a couple of things this morning to finish the checklist.

  The phase team ran engines for me yesterday. Actually, I ran them with their supervisor in the right seat. He said that he'd get me signed off today. He knows an instructor pilot who owes him a favor. Thanks, Rick. You taught me well."

  "What's this, an Airman1st signed off to run engines?"

  "Yeah. Cool ain't it?"

  "Sure is SSgt Davis. Where did you guys perform this feat?"

  "Guam of course."

  MSgt Kruse just shook his head and smiled. "Should have know better than send you two away by yourselves.

  Congratulations Airman Rosko." Kruse reached across the table and shook Leo's hand while Cheryl turned and kissed Leo on the cheek.


  "Okay. I need a favor if you could do it for me while I'm gone today. Actually two favors."

  "Yeah, so." Bob sat waiting for his friend to go on.

  "I need all the paperwork and rules so Tomi and I can get married."

  None of the three moved for several seconds.

  "I told you. You guys owe me big money." Leo said.

  "Smiling like an idiot with tears running down her cheeks, Cheryl spoke up. The second favor?"

  "I need a flight to Thailand. To buy rings. Can that be done Bob?"

  "Absolutely." Cheryl answered for her husband. She was bound and determine that nothing would slow down the marriage of her favorite kids.

  "We'll work something out over the next couple of days. What would happen if you got into UT or Takhli and the airplane broke? Should give you enough time to get to the BX and get them?" Bob asked.

  "Sounds workable to me."

  "I'll work on it and see what plans and scheduling has going over the next few days.

  I'd better get you guys out to your tanker. You going home Cheryl?"

  "No Robert. I'm going to Naha. I told Tomi I'd meet her when Rick left. We're going shopping for baby clothes."

  Taking out his wallet, Rick tried to hand her a wad of bills. "Have her get whatever she and the baby need, please."

  "I heard that you took her shopping already." Cheryl said with a smile.

  "Just stuff she needed and a rocking chair."

  "Uhh, huh." She responded with another smile as she waved away the offered bills.

  "In a couple days I'm going to take her again so we can pick out things we both want and like for the baby."

  "Well, keep this money in your pocket. She'll appreciate it more when you buy the things together. I'm just buying her a couple things to give her some idea what the BX has to offer and
let her look the stuff over. Kind of like shower presents, not a complete baby layette."

  "How are you going to get her into the BX?"

  "No trick. I borrowed an ID card from another American's Okinawan bride who still lives on the island."

  "And Bob, I need PCS orders to Kadena, also." Rick spoke up.

  "Yeah. I'll pluck them off the transfer tree that I have in our backyard. TDY orders I can do. PCS is another ball game. Besides, you swung it to get to Fairchild without any help, smart ass."

  Smiling, Rick stood , bent over and kissed Cheryl on the cheek. "Thanks."

  "I'm really happy for you both, Rick. She is one sweet lady and I'm sure you'll be great for each other. We always get things done that have to be done don't we?" Cheryl managed to get out before putting a paper napkin to her face.

  With a wave, Rick and Leo followed Bob out the door and climbed into his pickup.

  "Okay. What did you do to get the 'Robert' routine?"

  "I was supposed to ease you into the shopping for baby clothes.

  "I don't get it. Why should Cheryl be upset about that?"

  "She thinks that men should think of things like that themselves, and since they won't . . . you wouldn't . . . , I was supposed to hint to you to do it."


  "Basically, by telling you to take Tomi shopping for the baby's layette."

  "You're jerking my chain? Right?"


  "Bob's right, Rick. I heard part of the conversation the other night after you and Tomi left the club. Cheryl gave him strict orders and even what words to use."

  "Is our Cheryl going 'Island Happy'?"

  "No. She's just being Cheryl. Tomi has become her chick to Cheryl's mother hen.

  It'll pass after the baby is born. Take my word for it. It's happened before, though it has been many years since the last time. Maybe 7 or 8. It was before she mothered you, Rick."

  "So what was the bet Leo, my friend? I want half of what you made."

  "No way. I won it fair and square.

  The bet was who would be closer to the time you proposed, or she proposed. Didn't matter which. We decided that since you two think and answer like Siamese twins it wouldn't be fair to be held to who did the proposing."

  "Good thing. You wouldn't have won if you bet on me. She brought it into question. Told the Dean of Admission's assistant at the university that I was her fiance. Then when we got home she called herself Mrs. Rick Davis. So how much?"