Read Shuri Gate Page 22

  "Doesn't matter. The baby gets it all. It will be in he's first savings account with Bank of America."

  "I don't know what to say and I know Tomi won't either. That's really great. Who else was in on it?"

  Most of the tanker crew chiefs and some flight crews, job control and plans and scheduling. At $10 a whack, it comes to just a little over a thousand dollars. We'll have his bank book for you later after we figure out the name to put it under."

  "Can we wait until after he arrives to be sure it will be he?"

  "Sure. Cheryl has it in an account called Tomako's baby. You and Tomi will have to sign the signature card later."

  It was turning into one of those days. Over the Gulf of Tonkin, just north of the demilitarized zone they refueled two F4 Phantoms who had flown cover for a Jolly Green helicopter as it searched for a missing F105 Thunder chief (nicknamed a 'Thud'). The second F4 had just broke connect with the boom when 3653 started a turn south and followed the two F4s who were being diverted towards Hue. The Air Force had a report of an emergency locator beacon coming from the missing Thud's pilot in that area of South Vietnam. In the meantime a Marine Corp Huey slid into a hot LZ and pulled out the unhurt Thud pilot.

  In an unusual turn of events they continued to Udorn RTAFB following the F4s who were from the 555, (Triple Nickel) squadron based at Udorn, to refuel.

  3653 made a quick turn around and in less than two hours were again airborne and heading northeast across Laos towards the Gulf of Tonkin again.

  "Where we going A/C?" Rick asked the pilot after they had reached altitude and were just loafing along at 24,000 feet.

  "Triple Nickel is going MIG hunting this afternoon and we're going to hang around just in case. We should see a lot of the Gulf of Tonkin this afternoon though I can't say as the scenery is much."

  It didn't seem very long to Rick when the navigator announced that the Phantoms were headed back to Udorn and 3653 was going home to Okinawa. They went south from just north of the Demilitarized Zone before they could turn north to avoid mainland China's airspace.

  "Pilot..., Boom."

  "Go ahead Boom."

  We got company coming in on our tail. Kind of looks like an F105, but it's profile isn't quite right."

  "Keep your eye on it, Boom. We haven't been told to expect any company.

  We're still close to North Vietnam. Watch to see if he keeps following us."

  "Copy, Sir. He's slowed down and seems to be hanging back but still directly behind us."

  "Okay. Nav, are we picking up a ‘friend or foe’ on the transponder?”

  “Negative. Got a clean panel.”

  “Tell the CP we have an intruder and launch some interceptors." The A/C retorted.


  The headsets were quiet for a couple minutes until the boomer came back on. "He's still there. Hate to say this, but I think it's a MIG. Not 100% sure, and I can't see any insignia."

  "Okay. Hang in there Boom and tell me if he gets queer on us."


  "Pilot, Nav"

  "Yeah, go ahead."

  "Da Nang has launched two 106s, (fighter/interceptors). ETA about 6 minutes."

  "Okay. We're not quite ready to turn towards Okinawa yet and we'll wait for them before we do."

  "Pilot" The Boom's voice had a little more excitement in it now. "He's definitely a MIG and he's closing fast! Coming up on our left wing! Do you have him!? I lost him!"

  "Yeah, Boom. He's doing rolls just in front of our left wing.

  By the way . . . "

  "Yeah. I saw the red stars when he went by the boom pod. He's definitely Chinese."

  "What's he doing this far south?" The copilot asked.

  "He's probably from Hainan. They have a major naval presence there. The navigator answered.

  "Where'd he go! Can anybody see him!?" The pilot hollered into the intercom.

  "Two 106s coming in fast from starboard!" The copilot hollered.

  "The MIG is going north like a scalded dog, gang!" The boom operator informed them from the boom pod. "He's got two 106s on his tail."

  "Figure that one?" The pilot commented as he turned on an easterly heading of 70 degrees to clear all of China’s airspace before turning more northerly to Okinawa. “How long did he keep us company, Nav?"

  "Sixteen minutes from Boom's first sighting to his last sight of the MIG's flaming tail. Only took the interceptors four and one half minutes from when they lifted off of the runway at Danang."

  "Jolly good old chaps. Let's go home." Kidded the pilot as he rolled out 3653 on their homebound course.

  "Nice quiet trip guys?" Kruse asked when they climbed into his pickup cab.

  "Yeah. Just another boring flight over the Gulf of Tonkin. Leo said with a bored expression before snickering quietly.

  "You do realize that 3653 is the only tanker to have a close encounter with a MIG?"

  "What MIG?" Rick quipped.

  "You're not going to get away with it. There is an all crew debriefing in the CP right away. They want everybody's statement about what they saw."

  "Shit. I want to go home and get some supper and hold my honey to calm my jittering nerves." The crew chief complained

  Kruse handed Rick a manilla envelope. "Quit bellyaching. This should help. Everything that you two will need is in there. Just read everything twice and carefully before writing a single word on it. They aren't optimistic at all. Said that it could take six months before you get the OK. Even if Tomi's clearance comes back sooner, the military will hang onto the paperwork as long as they can get away with."

  Thanks. We really do appreciate it Bob."

  "I know. Don't sweat it.

  Cheryl wants to know where we can go out to dinner close to Tomari Port so Tomi doesn't have to travel so far, Rick."

  "Either the Tea House of the August Moon, or the Seamen's Club in Naha, on Highway One across from the Naha Army port. When?"

  "I think that the women decided on a celebration dinner Saturday night, about 1900. You guys won't be flying Saturday, so it will work."

  "I'll ask Tomi where she prefers to go."

  "You have to fly another CAP tomorrow afternoon. They're going to BPO 3653 tonight. You'll have a 1300 take off. Thursday you can catch a ride with Naylor on the courier flight to Takhli. He'll do the refuel with transit alert and you go to the BX to get what you have to get. The flightline supervisor is Jim Kelly, from Fairchild, and he's going to set you up with a supervisor from the BX so you won't get ripped off by some unscrupulous jewelry salesman."

  "Thanks, Bob."

  "By the way, Cheryl said to tell you that Tomi doesn't have a hint about the trip to Thailand or what it's for. But she's really excited about the steps you're taking today."

  The sun had already sunk into the East China Sea when Rick got out of the sukoshi cab and started up the stairs to the apartment.

  It’s my apartment. Now it really is. Tomako is mine and it's our home. It feels so good to come off base and know that she's waiting for me and cares whether I'm 10 minutes early or two hours late.

  He heard the door above him swing open and smiled forcing himself not to look up. He imagined what she looked like. Standing with her arms across her baby belly. Legs spread apart further than she normally would to compensate for the forward weight on her slim body. A smile of happiness and relief that I had finally arrived safely. Another good flying day. I made it home safely.

  "Konbanwa My Love." She said in her quiet almost singing voice.

  Rick looked up and he could no longer hold back the smile that had been bursting to escape into the real world.

  "Konbanwa Tomako-chan."

  Just as I thought. I could have drawn a picture of her and been 100% correct in what I was seeing in my head.

  She is so beautiful and I do love her beyond anything I have ever dreamt about.

  "Are you going to come home and hold
your wife-to-be? Or stand there and look at her fat stomach?"

  Four double steps and Rick was on the small landing bracing himself as she flew into his arms.

  "I missed you today, Fly Boy. I like having you to myself everyday." Tomi said quietly between kisses and nuzzling his neck.

  She unzipped his flight suit and ran her hands inside it and around to hug him tighter and caress his back and shoulders.

  "I missed you too. Sorry I'm so late. It was a long day and Leo and I had to take care of somethings on the tanker."

  "It's all right. I'm getting to know what to expect and am learning to do it with a very small amount of worry."

  "I hope so. I don't like or want you to worry unnecessarily. I can't always know what is going to happen nor be able to tell you where I am. But it's the nature of flying."

  "I know. And you love it."

  "Not as much as I love you. I'll quit if it gets to worry you too much."

  "Iie. Never happen. You would not be happy and that would make me unhappy.

  We will learn how to do it together." Tomi said as she loosened her hug on him and taking his hands pulled him into the apartment.

  "Whoa. I have to get my boots off."

  "After the baby comes I will take them off for you." Massaging Rick's shoulders while he was bent over untying his boots. She went on. "Cheryl and Bob have had to make an adjustment to their lives."

  "What do you mean? They're okay aren't they?"

  "Of course. But Cheryl told him to go back on flying status because he was unhappy and tired of watching men like you and Leo go off while he sat on the ground and waited for you to come back."

  " I knew that he was going to go back on status, but I never knew for sure whose decision it was. He quit over two years ago because she worried so much."

  "I think she realized that she was worrying too much and making the love of her life very unhappy. That is how I feel. I can learn to cope with you being gone as long as I know that you will be coming back to me." Tomi said while holding on to her lover and looking into his eyes.

  "Now, get in the shower while I put our dinner on the table. One thing more My Love. I am not Cheryl. I can't deal with life as she does. I'm also strong and my love for you is as strong as hers for Bob, if not more so. But I will deal with it quietly and in my own way." She slid her hands under the shoulders of his flight suit and slid it off him.

  "I know. And I never want you to be like her. You are the woman I love for who you are and how you take on life."

  Tomi met his eyes . "Hai, I always want us to be truthful and share how we feel about everything. You know that, neh?"

  "I could never want to live with or be married to a woman like Cheryl. She is a dear friend. But not 24-7."

  Holding him against her baby belly, Tomi asked. "24-7? What is that."

  Rick snickered before answering. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Get it?"

  "Hai. Everyday, the same, neh?"

  "Hai, My Love."

  "Into the shower with you. I'm hungry, as usual."

  As he headed into the bathroom Rick asked over his shoulder. "What have you been reading? I'm picking up some new accent in your English phrases."

  "Yes." She laughed and turned towards the kitchen. "I'll never tell."

  After they finished eating Tomi was washing dishes, and Rick was standing behind her. She stepped back a small step pressing against him. He slipped his arms around her and held her loosely.

  "Did you get all your paperwork done at the coffee house?"

  "Hai. I'm a hero and everybody will get paid on Friday."

  "What about when the baby comes. You're going to be taking time off."

  "Actually" Tomi hesitated, press back harder against him. "I asked Mama-san if Michako could take over for me after next week. After November 24. I have already taught her to keep the records so the coffee house accountant can use them to do the payroll."

  "You won't be working at all after the 24th?"

  "Hai. I will have the baby soon and then school will be starting less than a month after Brad is born. Do you think I did right?" Worry in her voice.

  "Absolutely. You are going to have your hands full with the baby and school. I do know that it is a big decision for you. Mama-san has been good to you and you think that you really need to have a job, but . . . "

  Tomi interrupted him by turning and placing a small hand on each of his shoulders before she spoke. "I can make it. I have money saved. I have Brad's reenlistment money in a joint account at the Bank of America. I can use it for school and have some for the baby's college also." Her voice started to betray her stress and her eyes teared up. "You think I should keep it. Brad put it into an account for the two us. He didn't know about the baby."

  "Hai. He would want you to use it for both of you. For whatever you need it for.

  What I was going to say is that I have the paperwork. And though we won't be legally married for a while, I'm still going to support you and the baby."

  She buried her face into the front of his nemaki.

  "I didn't mean for you to think that. I can do it until we are married."

  "Even if it takes several months?"

  "Hai. I can. There is over $14,000 in the bank account. It is in Brad's and my name. The university costs very little. Mostly books, materials and a small entrance fee. But I would like to eat lunch in the cafeteria and dinner whenever I have a late class."

  "Also you will have to pay for somebody to take care of the baby. But we do know now that you won't have to worry about it.

  It's settled neh? We're a family and we'll make decisions and decide our economic future together with all the resources available to us."

  "Hai. You are too good to me, so I'll do as you say. Domo arigato gozaimasu. Thank you for being you, My Love."

  "Like I said, I have the paperwork to make us a family. Do you want to start on it?"

  "Oh yes. Hai, hai." Tomi answered in a shaky, very excited voice while she dabbed the tears from the corners of her eyes.

  "I didn't want to ask, I was afraid that you couldn't get them today. and it would embarrass you."

  "I couldn't. Bob got them for us. Cheryl didn't say anything?"

  "Nothing. She just smiled a lot and told me about stateside bases. She also asked some questions about what I thought about you flying and told me about Bob going back on flying status."

  "She's a sneak." Rick said with a short laugh.

  "Why do you say that?"

  "She was there when I asked Bob if he could get the paperwork and regulations for us. I was sure that she would talk to you about it.

  I have to fly tomorrow afternoon and also Thursday. Then I'll have the following three days off."

  Rick was sitting at the table reading the mimeographed copies of the regulations regarding American GIs marrying indigenous women in Japan. He glanced at his watch and realized why he was having trouble keep his eyes open and his attention on what he was reading. He turned to the bed where Tomako was lying curled up under a lightweight futon. Her breathing was slow and regular.

  You are beautiful, my woman. Sounds like you are also really zonked. You'll wake up when I get in bed though.

  He slipped under the futon next to Tomi being careful not to brush against her, but as usual she felt his nearness and reached for him. She found his leg before snuggling backwards to spoon against his front with her backside.

  "I fell asleep, Rick. What time is it?"

  "Almost midnight."

  "I'm very tired.

  We didn't get much done did we?"

  "No, but we'll have three days over the weekend to finish it. Go to sleep Lover."

  "Caress me, dozo. Soothe this wild child who possesses me. And make me feel like a woman." Tomi found and pulled his right arm across her and settled his hand under her nemaki and onto her right breast. "Mmmm. That i
s so nice. I will go to sleep now."

  Rick snuggled tighter against her and kissed her neck and the side of her face several times as he drifted off to sleep.


  Wednesday's CAP mission was uneventful therefore very boring. When 3653 was southbound early in the day, the clouds started to fill-in under them as they passed Taiwan. It was raining hard on the ground over all of Southeast Asia and most of the U.S. fighters were grounded so they had no one to refuel.

  Just before 1530, northbound, they broke out of the overcast into the blue sunny skies south of Okinawa and shot an ILS Approach onto Runway 23 under a cloudless sky with an almost balmy November breeze.

  Tomi had called Cheryl who passed the message to Bob who met Rick on the tarmac under 3653's black nose cone.

  "Cheryl said to tell you that Tomi is at the coffee house and will be until 1800. I was also told to tell you not to get in a tizzy because she never went there until way after lunch. Like 1400.

  She wants you to meet her there for dinner . . . supper . . . . What the hell ever." Bob finished laughing at himself.

  "Come on, I'll take you guys to the barracks then you can catch a cab to Naha. You need civilian clothes Rick, or are you going home to change?"

  "Unless Leo has been wearing my clothes, I have a pair of pants and a shirt in my flight bag on the tanker. Hang on while I get it. Will ya?"

  "Did you get started on the paperwork last night, Rick?"

  "Touchy question, Bob." Leo injected.

  "I would not wish this bullshit on anybody. Even an Airman. We spent all last night, until almost midnight, reading the regs. And know what?"

  "You don't know anymore than you did yesterday morning." Bob and Leo chorused.

  "You guys are good. Have you ever considered a career in show business?"

  "I think he's losing his sense of humor, Bob."

  "No, poor baby is tired and in love."

  "Courier flight take off is 0800 in the morning. Naylor said to tell you not to worry about preflight, he has it under control. Just make engine start." Kruse said as he pulled up in front of the transit barracks.

  "How's Tomi doing?"

  "Really good. Wants to see you guys Saturday night.

  Oh, yeah. She said the Tea House is her choice. Fewer GIs to see her overgrown body. Her words not mine. For some weird reason that I have not yet fathomed, she prefers not to be around GIs except for you guys which she doesn't consider as GIs. Just friends."