Read Shuri Gate Page 24

  "What, Tomi?"

  "Get the correct size. They are a bit tight, but my fingers are a sukoshi fat. I think from the baby. He is making me fat everywhere else. Why not my fingers as well?"

  "You were sleeping so sound one night last week. I got your other set of rings from your lingerie draw and measured them on a piece of cardboard."

  "I did not hear you?" She asked in astonishment.

  "No. You didn't."

  "You are very deceptive, Rick Davis."

  "Only out of love."


  It was going to be a fast turn around at Utapao for the return leg of 3653’s round robin courier run. Jim Kelly, the flight chief said to expect several geese, possibly a dozen, for the return flight to Kadena. Leo and Rick had just completed refueling 3653 and were in the cargo compartment picking up any trash left by the last bunch of geese and hooking up the seat belts and harnesses on the red nylon jump seats which lined both sides of the compartment when they heard the crew bus stop in front of their tanker.

  “Early aren’t they?” Leo asked.

  “Yeah, wonder what’s up.” Rick commented while walking towards the open cargo door.

  The fresh flight crew was off loading their gear from the crew bus but what interested Rick was the Army’s Military Police weapons carrier which pulled up behind the bus. In the back of the weps were four Army MPs and two soldiers in Army dress greens. When they all stood and got ready to offload he could see the handcuffs and belly chains on the two in dress greens who were certainly prisoners and the fact that all four MPs were armed with holstered Colt military 45s and nightsticks hanging from their duty belts. The first MP off of the weps wore sergeant strips. As soon as he hit the tarmac he turned back to the truck and though Rick couldn’t hear him clearly, the sergeant was obviously giving orders. The next MP to dismount the weps wore private first class stripes and stepped to the opposite side of the weps tailgate. The sergeant spoke again and the two handcuffed soldiers stepped the the rear of the truck’s bed and with help from the men on the ground slide down onto the tarmac then stood next to the Pfc.. The two MPs remaining on the bed, another private first class. and a corporal bent over and each picked up a green Army issue duffle bag which they set on the very back edge of the truck bed so they could be reached from the ground. The sergeant pointed towards the tanker and the passenger loading stairs pushed up to the cargo door. Rick heard him tell the two MPs, who were now also on the ramp, to take the duffle bags aboard the tanker and he and the prisoners would follow them aboard.

  “We’re taking these prisoners to Okinawa. I guess aboard your airplane.” Were the first words the sergeant spoke to Rick when he stepped off the stairs and into the cargo compartment.

  Before Rick could answer the A/C who had closely followed the MPs aboard 3653 spoke up. “Sorry to spring this on you Chief. I only found out about it a few minutes before we left Operations.”

  He then turned to the MP sergeant. “I want them shackled to those tie down rings in the deck. Where ever the crew chief wants you and them to sit. He will be in charge and on headset through the entire flight. At the least sign of a problem he will notify me and I shall depressurize the aircraft and put you all to sleep within two minutes. He will be on O2 and will keep me updated as to what is happening back here.

  Is that clear Sergeant?”

  “Yes Sir. It’s completely agreeable with me and I really don’t expect any problems from my prisoners. They have been very docile since they were arrested for trafficking in marijuana.”

  “They’re all your’s Chief. After you get them squared away we can do our walk around. See any problems or questions, Chief?”

  “No Sir. Sounds very forthright to me. Unless you have more input I’ll put them all the way back in the fuselage to give myself some wiggle room if they do start something. If you want Sir, Leo can do the walk around with you.”

  “That will work for me. I’ll put my gear in the cockpit and then find him downstairs. Thanks, Chief.”

  “Is that okay with you Sarge?” Rick addressed the senior MP.

  “Sounds good to me, Chief. Will there be more passengers?”

  “Sir?” Rick turned to the departing pilot.

  “I was told twelve Chief, OK?”

  “Fine. I gotcha covered, Sir.”

  Rick led the entourage to the rear of the cargo compartment on the starboard side of the cargo compartment. ”You can use the last row of troop seats, Sarge. You know how to use the tie down rings?

  I’ll spread the other pacs along the other side and further up towards the forward end of the compartment so you can spread out as much as you want on this side. The row of oxygen bottles will help give you some security on this end.”

  “Where shall we put these duffle bags full of pot, Chief.”

  “How about we put them down under the deck in the boom pod. We won’t be refueling anything so the Boomer won’t need access to it.

  Where did they buy the weed, Sarge?” Rick asked.

  “They’re stationed on Okinawa at a Little John site near White Beach. Took an R&R trip to Bangkok to buy the pot then tried to bring it back on an Air Force flight from Takhli to Kadena. An AP in Takhli smelled it for what it was and took the two of them into custody. I guess they thought there was an open market on Okinawa for it and they would be millionaires by next week. In reality they are just a pair of dumb mules who somebody higher on the food chain will profit from. If they’re smart they will tell all for a lighter sentence in the stockade.”

  “Poor suckers. Guaranteed hard time isn’t?” Rick asked.

  The Sergeant nodded as he turned towards the prisoners and started to get them settled in their seats.

  Rick let Leo do the engine start while he stood by the crew entry ladder to help the Boomer who was babysitting the MPs and prisoners. He wanted to be close in case the prisoners decided that they didn’t want to go back to Okinawa to stand trial.

  As soon as they entered the cargo compartment both Rick and Leo put on their helmets with oxygen masks hanging from them, and attached walk around portable O2 bottles to them. “This is not going to be a fun and relaxing flight home.” Leo expressed when he climbed onto the upper bunk with a paperback. “If you want to nap, Rick, I’ll get up and stand watch for a while.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll be okay. Except that I can’t watch our approach into Kadena.”

  "What are you thinking about?" Hanging off the upper bunk Leo asked Rick who was sitting on a jump seat next to the galley.. They were just turning final to land at Kadena after almost three days of flying a round robin and coming home with a surprise package of dope smugglers.

  "Don't answer that. It was rhetorical. Still can't pin down a closer date?"

  "No. Tomi is sticking to the tenth, but Cheryl and the doctor are saying any day now, before the tenth."

  "Bob hasn't been able to get an answer from the squadron on a schedule for you?"

  "They keep stalling. I think that they want the baby to show up quick and they'll get out of making a decision. Not that it's a big deal. We've already flown more hours than any other KC on the base."

  "Hopefully he'll have an answer when we get on the ground."

  Rick moved down to the starboard over wing hatch and through its tiny window watched the East China Sea's colors change from a deep blue to a greenish blue then the foamy white breakers hitting the golden sand beaches of Okinawa. The tanker's pilot leveled her wings and continued their descent towards the runway as the breakers disappeared under the leading edge of the right wing.

  "You know Leo, I always love flying into this island and landing on 5. Watching the sea change colors and the breakers foaming against the beaches. Seeing the small villages amongst the green trees and red roads meandering around the fields of sugar cane and under the trees. It's really terrible what we're doing to this beautiful island. Thousands of acres of farmlan
d and lush green foliage being bulldozed and paved over so we can put more explosives and hydrocarbon gulping trucks and airplanes here."

  "Getting a little sentimental and philosophical aren't we?"

  "Yeah, I guess so. I really love this island and it's people." Rick grew quiet and Leo went back to his seat in the cargo compartment getting ready for landing. He continued to gaze out the tiny window and flexed his knees to keep his balance just before the mains screech down on the concrete.

  Bob Kruse met them on the ramp as they closed up 3653 and gathered up their flight gear. “Who are your friends? They said you had special passengers aboard but I didn’t expect them to have armed escorts. Kind of got suspicious though when they said the APs would board as soon as we got the stairs in place before the rest of the geese were offloaded.”

  “Just a couple of low grade drug dealers from the Little John site at White Beach. Thought they would make the big time before going back to CONUS.” Leo answered.

  "I have good news and bad news. Which do you want, Rick? None of it is terrible, but it's the best that the First Sergeant and I could do for you and Tomi.

  "Go ahead. It can't be too awful bad by the look on your face and the fact that Cheryl isn't here raising hell with the whole Air Force says so."

  "The Squadron Commander thinks it's a Fairchild issue and that we should have gone to them. But in the end he compromised. I think that he got some pressure from a couple of flight crews that I happened to talk to while you guys were gallivanting all over the Pacific Ocean."

  "So? What's the verdict?" Leo asked before Rick could.

  "Gee, the Siamese twins are back I see." Bob responded smiling and shaking his head.

  "You officially have 10 days off, Rick. Only if you need them. In other words, if the baby shows up on day 4 or 5, you get three more days off with no flying, but fly on the fourth. Also, You have to fly one day in five regardless of when the kid shows up.

  I scheduled you to fly on the Wednesday, the 6th and on the 11th. You go back on regular rotation on the 13th. Hopefully he'll be here before then.

  The First Sergeant thought that was a good deal because the Squadron Commander didn't seem to count the days when I wrote it up and asked him to sign it.

  As an aside, not for public knowledge, the First Shirt said if the little guy isn't here when predicted, you'll get three days off anyway when he does arrive."

  "Thanks, Bob. Sounds great to me. Actually more than I expected. If Tomi and I were married it would be different.

  Cheryl put her stamp of approval on it?"

  "Yeah. In a way. Said some not quite nice words about the Air Force. But I've heard worse from her.

  Tomi will stay with us when you're gone and so far you'll only be gone for less than 24 hours. Just CAP missions, no round robins until after the 11th."

  "Any word on the girl's port calls?" Rick asked.

  "Actually, they'll be here on the 20th. And they can't wait to see their Uncle Rick and his new bride and baby. They want to babysit the wee one. I don't see as Tomi will have baby sitter problems when you're gone and she's in school. I have three women who are all starting to nest with your family.

  Thank God. Cheryl can't have any more and the young ones are still too young. So Baby Brad will be a surrogate child for them. Two girls, a thirteen and an eleven year old are enough for any man."

  "Who's going to cover for me besides Leo?"

  "Don Naylor, of course. And me."

  "You." The crew chiefs echoed each other.

  "Yes. Me. I passed my flight physical two days ago and went through a refresher in the altitude chamber this morning." Bob said with a noticeable tone of pride in his voice. He produced some papers from inside his flight jacket that he handed to Leo.

  "What are they, Leo?" Rick asked.

  "Flight orders as of this afternoon.

  You really pulled some strings to get this all done in two days Bob."

  "What can I say. They're hard up for crew chiefs on status. Even master sergeants are welcome." Bob said as he stopped the truck in front of the transit barracks.

  "So to repeat myself, you guys have an early one Wednesday morning. Wheels up at 0700. Then South for an early CAP. Since this is Friday, that gives you four days off Rick.

  Leo, you and Don will fly 3653 Monday on a CAP. Wheels up at 0900. Okay guys? I can't think of anything else. Can you?"

  "If we don't talk to you before, Tomi and I will be over Tuesday afternoon sometime and she'll stay over for two nights while I'm gone."

  "Yeah, Cheryl said to remind you. She and Tomi are going to make you cole slaw and fried chicken on Tuesday night."

  Rick tossed his flight bag onto the bottom step and looked up the four flights of wooden stairs leading to their apartment. He broke into a broad grin. Sitting on a small wooden straight chair on the tiny upper landing was the love of his life.

  "Hey Fly Boy. You want a date?" Tomi spoke softly. Rick could barely hear her.

  "Yeah, as long as I can have it before Christmas. Think that will be possible?" Rick answered.

  "I think any day now. You had better hurry up to me. I haven't had my share of touchy-feel for three days and I'm perishing from the lack of my lover's touch."

  Rick took the steps two and three at a time carrying his heavy flight bag.

  Tomi stood and stepped into his arms to be hugged.

  "I only have panties on under my yukata. I think that we should go inside."

  Their lips met and Rick tasted the salt of her tears. With tender lips and tongue he picked up the salty tracks on her cheeks and eye lids.

  He dropped his flight bag on the deck and pushed the chair out of his way and scooped her up in his arms and carried her to their bed. She clung to his neck snuggling her face into his throat. For several minutes he held her in his arms enjoying the warmth of her body and feel of her breasts pushing against his chest.

  "I have to take off my boots." Rick said softly and with a bit of guilt.

  "That's okay. It's an emergency, neh?"

  He laid her on the bed.

  "I missed not having you home for three days. I'm feeling different and maybe a little scared that he would come and you wouldn't be with me. I kept thinking about how I would get down the stairs then to Koza and the Central Hospital. Do you think that I'm being silly?"

  "No. Absolutely not. Your time is getting close and we really have no way of predicting the exact date and time this independent little kid will decide to make an appearance. I'll be home until Tuesday. I have to fly on Wednesday, then I'll be home until the 11th which I think is a week from Monday. A day after when you think he'll arrive."

  "Okay. I feel better knowing that you will be here with me."

  "You know, I've been thinking that maybe we should stay with Cheryl and Bob for several days until the baby comes. You brought up getting down the stairs. I've also thought of that and am concerned that it might not be too smart to stay here. We know that they want us to do that."

  "Maybe not right away. I'd like for us to have as much privacy as we can, for as long as we can. If I feel anxious like I did when you were gone, then we can go stay with them?" Tomi asked.

  "Cheryl called me, twice a day, everyday, and asked me when I wanted to stay with them. I told her when you weren't here. Was that right? Or should I have told her how I felt?"

  “It was up to you Tomi. But I don’t want you getting stressed or anxious.”

  "This is what I meant about our privacy." Tomi said as she pressed herself closer to him as they lay on top of the futon on their bed.

  "You're doing fine, but I'm thinking that by Monday we may want to be in Koza, closer to the Central Hospital and not have to deal with the stairs. Would you be comfortable with that?" Rick asked her.

  "If you're also concerned, it will be the correct thing to do. To stay with Bob and Cheryl."

  "Okay. We ca
n talk to them over the next two days and tell them how we feel and go to Koza on Monday.

  The girls will be here on the 20th. Did Cheryl tell you that?"

  "Yes. And she said that she wants to take care of Brad when I start school. Will that be all right?"

  "I think it's great. We're going to have to do some schedule juggling then anyway. When I go back to the states, you'll have an even harder time taking care of the baby and going to school."

  "I don't even want to think about that. But I have. I'm thinking that I will have to move to a house between Naha and Koza so I won't have to travel so far, so often. It will cost me rent. You know that I don't have rent here. Ojisan owns the building."

  "That won't be a problem we can't handle. As long as I'm at Fairchild I'll put money in our Bank of America joint account. Money to pay bills, or you can put in the savings account as you want and need to."

  "Now I need a shower and we need to fix something for supper, Tomi. Unless you want to go out to eat?"

  "You shower. Maybe I'll take a shower also and let the hot water run on me for a long time."

  "Sounds good to me. You can go first Tomi."

  "Hai. I would like that. I did get some eggs and bread. Also there is rice we can cook. Sushi would taste very good. But we don't have any." Tomi added with a soft sweet smile as she batted her eyes at Rick.

  "Stop it! You're killing me with those 1940 movie eyes. I'll go get us some sushi after I shower. But you will have to make us a salad. I know that you have lettuce and some other things for a salad."

  "Hai. I can do that."



  "Yes what?" Rick asked.

  "Hai. I think that I should move to Koza after you leave."

  They were lying in bed watching for ships and drinking coffee. A typical American Sunday morning being spent on Okinawa by a biracial couple very much in love.

  "You have ruined me. I never drank so much coffee before I found this coffee house on Kokusai Dori and this really beautiful young woman who was running it.

  Do you think that she will tell me her secrets? Like where she gets those coffee beans which make such great kohi?"

  "I think she will tell you all of her secrets. Even the ones that no other man will ever know." Tomi spoke softly.