Read Shuri Gate Page 25

  "Such as why she fell in love with a poor underpaid fly boy who thought that he could only love airplanes? But fell in love with her?" Rick added.

  Tomi turned slightly more towards him so she could touch her lips to his cheek.

  "Why not before I leave and before you start school? Bob, Leo, and Don will help us move. And there are enough women to help you with the baby and get us settled in a new place. I will be home until Tuesday night. We can look for a house over the next three days. Then after you come home with the baby, we can be moved into the new house before I leave and you start school."

  Tomi put up her hands in front of his face. "That is not the way I want to say it. But it will have to do. You churn up my inner spirit beyond any hope." She kissed him quickly on the lips before speaking again. "Maybe we should go stay with Cheryl and Bob this afternoon. Then we could start looking, neh? I don't think that I really want to spend too much time traveling to Koza over the next few days. If we stay with Bob and Cheryl it would be easier to look. Neh?"

  "That is my thought also. I really would like for us to find an apartment or small house soon so that we can get moved in before I have to leave."

  “I think an apartment would be fine. A combination of Okinawan and Western styles. You know, the kind that they rent to the GIs and their families. Like Bob and Cheryl’s. "I spoke to Ojisan one time about this. It was before we became lovers. He has many friends who own houses and I think that he knows of such a man in Koza who would help us. I told him of my worry about the four flights of stairs with the baby coming and after. That is when he said that he would find me something if ever I would ask him to. Do you think that we should ask him?"

  "Yes. Definitely. Is he driving his taxi today, or would he be home?"

  "I don't know, but after we get off of the bed I'll call him. I'm in no hurry to leave this warm cocoon of love and caring that we have created. Are you?"

  "My God. My loving philosopher has reappeared. No. I'm content to lay here with my sweet natured, silky bodied lover and caress her baby belly and whisper sweet nothings to our yet to be born aka-chan."

  "Our! Our aka-chan? I love to hear that.”

  “Our baby. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Rick Davis's son.“

  “Oh yes, Rick. I do love to hear you say that."

  "Do you know how his birth certificate has to read, Tomi?"

  "Yes. Kind of anyway. I went to the American consulate to find out what the American rules are. The name makes no difference to them. But since Brad and I were not, and you and I are not married, he can not be an American citizen without proof that Brad was his father. Since Brad is gone, that will be almost impossible since even he did not know that he was going to be a father. And obviously you can't be his real father. That is not the right term, neh?"

  "Biological father is the term that you want."

  "Hai. I understand. Anyway. I can name him anything that I want, except that in Japan, his given name must be the same as mine or his father's. So it will have to be Tomanaga."

  "You have said that you want to name him after Brad. Which I think is a great idea. So...Bradford Burgess Davis Tomanaga. After I adopt him, you or he could drop Tomanaga or not."

  "I have thought more about it since we became lovers and said that we would be married. I think that I would like to name him Bradford Davis Tomanaga. Later we can make Tomanaga his middle name. Neither of us have a middle name. But he could have one, neh?"

  "Okay, am I correct? You want to find a place to live here in Koza before the baby comes. Then move in to it before you go back CONUS, Rick?" Bob Kruse asked.

  "Correct. Tomi's uncle gave us the name of a buddy of his who owns some of these hybrid houses such as you guys live in. Tomi needs to rest. We've already been on the go all day. But I thought that you and I, Bob, could go look at a couple of his places and see if they're what Tomi and I want. If so, the four of us can look at it again on Monday. Then let the women decide on it. You're off tomorrow right, Bob? What do you think Cheryl?" Rick asked her.

  "What does Tomako say? Never mind. I know the answer to that one."

  "Actually, you smart-ass. It was a joint decision started by her. A logical solution to a long term problem of being close to the hospital for the kid to be born in. The doctor for the baby's first couple years. Baby sitters, you and the girls. And easy travel for Tomi to go back and forth to school. With me gone for who knows how long, she'll have a close and strong support system. After I come back, and we're married, we'll be close to the base for all the obvious reasons."

  "All right already. I can see the look of relief on our girl's beautiful and delicate face. I think it's a great idea. Let's get hot and get it done, guys." Cheryl hugged Tomi. Kissed her on both cheeks before coming to Rick and planting a real lip smacker on him.

  "Remember that one my love. It is the last lips you will ever get from me. The only reason I did that is because you make me so proud of the kid I raised for the last four and a half years. You're doing great Kid!"

  "This is the apartment that I like best." Rick said as the four friends walked along the clean sidewalk along a narrow paved city street. The light blue painted concrete buildings on both side of the block were two and three stories. On the ground floor of some were small stores that were selling almost anything that a family would use. The smell of a multitude of tea mixtures drifted out the open door of the tea shop. Next to it was a kitchen store that had dishes, stainless and aluminum flatware, pots and pans and every imaginable kind of utensils hung in the windows. A grocery and general store that sold everything from fresh vegetables, eggs, meat and even ice cream, to beer and Coke, was across the street.

  "Well?" Bob asked as they roamed the two bedroom apartment. "I agree with Rick. This is the nicest and it's brand new. Western bathroom fixtures and the kitchen is bigger than ours, Cheryl."

  Tomi had gone out the back door onto the concrete deck which overlooked a small enclosed yard. They would share the yard with the middle aged couple who owned the house. The woman owned and ran the hair dresser's shop on the ground floor.

  "This is really nice. I could be happy here. And we would have more room than in my apartment with a room just for the baby." Tomi was smiling and appeared relaxed as she looked down into the small grass plot and a few bright flowers that were bordering the small yard. "We can afford it, Rick. Even for myself and the baby it's not too much money. Who owns it?" She asked.

  "The hair dresser and her husband. Bob and I talked to them both last night and they're really nice. The husband is a security guard for the US Army at Sukiran."

  Rick had walked out onto the deck with Tomi and she stepped closer to him and put her arm around his waist and leaned her forehead against his chest. "Are we too close to the Kruses house?" She whispered into his chest.

  "I don't think so. It's about five or six blocks that way." And pointed with his chin roughly down the street. "If you think it is, we can look some more. Do you?"

  "Iie. I only wanted to be sure that you had thought of that and was comfortable with it. I do know where the hospital is. I can walk or for 10 cents, ride a sukoshi cab."

  "I think it's fine if it is what you want. Not just what you can live with, but really like it, Tomi."

  "Oh I do. I love having the stores so close and still being quiet. Away from the bars and big stores where the GIs go." Tomi leaned against him. Let's take it and live here for a while before you leave. Then you will have a home to come to when you come back to me and the baby."

  "You'll miss the sunsets and boats. Especially at night."

  "I can do that. I never had those things until Ojisan let me have the apartment in Tomari. But now I have a new baby and husband to consider."

  "It's settled guys. This is the new Davis home." Rick told Bob and Cheryl who were still in the kitchen to give Rick and Tomi the privacy to make their own de
cision. Before the four had left the Kruse home Cheryl had laid down the law. "Tomi and Rick are going to make the decision by themselves. It's their future and there doesn't have to be any outside influences. Whatever you kids decide will be the way it is."

  "Okay, that's settled. When do we move you in? Before or after?"

  "We decided when we made the decision to move to Koza that it would be after the baby is born. Maybe while Tomi and the little one are still in the hospital. If we can work it out around various flying schedules. Cheryl, can you borrow that nesan's ID card again? Tomi and I will go to the BX tomorrow and get what else we need for the baby. You know, a bassinet, blankets, diapers. Whatever else Tomi needs."

  "Done. I'll get it first thing in the morning so by mid-morning you two can go shopping. The Kadena BX or Machinato PX has everything that you'll need for now."

  "You're tired, I know. But is there anything else that you want or really need? If not I think that we should go home."

  Tomi hugged his arm and rested her head against him. "I am getting tired. It's worth it. We have some beautiful things for the baby."

  "I'm sorry we didn't do this sooner. It would have been easier for you, Tomi."

  She kissed his cheek and smiled. "Today is a very good day to be doing this. Our Karma is right on track and I have felt it was right every day as we have found our new house and bought these baby things. When you gave me my rings is when it started. Everything was correct and has been as it is supposed to be ever since. Yes, I'm ready to go home and wait with you for our baby to come."


  "It's a couple minutes after 0400. Bob and I have to leave." Rick answered Tomi as he put on his flight suit and stepped over to the bed. "Go back to sleep. You've been restless the last couple of nights and I'm sure that you're not getting enough rest."

  "I'm alright. It's just this bratty kid who is getting impatient." She said when she rolled onto her back. "Look how huge he is and low on my stomach. I now believe what women have said about the last few days being the worst. You must go. Do you know when you'll get back?"

  "Supposedly by 3 o'clock. But you know how that goes."

  "I know. It has been nice to have you home with me everyday. Even though I have Cheryl, I'd rather be with you."

  "Honto? A stupid male animal who knows nothing about babies or having babies, and you prefer him?"

  Tomi stretched her arms up towards him. "Dozo? Hold me again before you go."

  Rick bent over her and hugged her. He moved back just far enough to kiss her on the forehead working his way down to her throat. The spot that always made her squeal with delight.

  "Mmm. That is very nice. Now go."

  "You going to be okay? Maybe I should get Bob to cover for me."

  "Iie. I'm all right. The baby is all right. Just kiss me, again. Go!" She ordered. "And come home quick."

  "I love you Tomako Tomanaga. With all of my being."

  "I love you also. Now go. I can hear Bob pacing in the kitchen."

  "How's she doing. We heard her up a couple of times during the night. Cheryl used to do that for about three or four nights before the kid decided to arrive."

  "Tomi started doing it the last night we stayed in Tomari. That's part of the reason we thought that it was better to come and stay with you. I'm sorry, Bob. I know that it's interrupting your night's sleep."

  "Don't worry about it. We're really glad that you decided to stay with us. Cheryl would be very hard to get along with if Tomi was out of sight and she couldn't be close to watch out for her. We love you both. Cheryl and I agree on that. Tomi is the best thing that ever happened to you. Both of you actually.

  Are you okay to fly today?" Bob asked kind of changing the subject.

  "Yeah. I got enough sleep even if I am running some on adrenaline." Rick started to laugh as Bob pulled through Kadena gate #2. The guards waved them through automatically when they saw the base sticker on the windshield and both men in uniform.

  "What's so funny?"

  "I'm picturing myself as a real 'brown bagger'." Never thought that I'd really do it. And never in my most hopeful moments thought that the reason would be a woman like Tomako. And that I would be a Daddy."

  "I'll pick you and Leo up at the snack bar in a while. I know that he has the preflight done, so have some breakfast and relax."

  "Yes, Daddy." Rick smiled and climbed out of Bob's 'new', 1960 Oldsmobile. Can I use the car tonight to take my girl to a movie, Dad?"

  "Maybe. If you do a good job today and promise you won't take her to a passion pit and get stains all over the back seat."

  "Boy, you are hard on a guy."

  "I could go along as a chaperone."

  "Heaven forbid."

  "See ya in a few." Kruse said as he drove away.


  It was the start of a very long day when a Marine Corp F4 Phantom with battle damage resulting in losing fuel, was in need of a refuel and an escort into DaNang. Then they were diverted into UT to refuel before starting the long trip back to Kadena escorting and refueling a B52 which was on its first leg of a trip back to CONUS and a trip to IRAN (Inspection and replace as necessary) modifications.

  In his usual seat, the IPs, Rick was enjoying the changing panorama taking place in the Thailand sky. There were scattered pure white cumulus contrasting with the bright blue of a wind cleaned sky. It was constantly changing as his tanker made a climbing left turn and headed out over the Gulf of Siam headed for 25,000 feet and their rendezvous with the B52. He let his eyes wander over the pilot’s flight instruments as was his habit and paused for a couple seconds watching the digital altimeter numbers pass through 17,000 feet headed upwards to 17,500.

  It was only a flash of sound similar to a huge built-up charge of static electricity cracking between your fingers and a metal object. Everybody on the flight deck heard it. Strange to the sounds one would expect in this environment.

  “Jesus! Take it, Jake!” The A/C commanded the co-pilot.

  There were expletives from all the crew when they realized what had happened. The pilot was hurriedly putting on his helmet and pulled down the clear plastic visor over his eyes before locking his oxygen mask into place.

  Rick looked at the pilot’s windshield almost in disbelief,. It was a network of fine spider web like cracks each a quarter to three eighths of an inch apart over its entire surface. Fortunately none of the pieces had separated from the multilayers of glass and plastic that made up the one inch thick windshield.

  The A/C reached over his head to the pressurization panel and turned it off before going back on instruments to fly the tanker.

  “I’ve got it, Jake.

  Put on your helmets. Everybody.”

  Rick looked around as he slipped his oxygen mask over his face and smiled realizing that emergency training was being reward. The only one with no helmet or oxygen mask all ready on was the co-pilot who had been busy flying the airplane.

  The tanker’s nose dipped rapidly as the A/C pushed his yoke forward. Nose down the tanker started a rapid descent.

  “We’re descending to 10,000 before that thing decides to blow out.

  Nav, contact the CP and advise them of our situation and see what kind of advice they have to offer.”

  “Pilot - Nav”

  “Go ahead Tom”

  “They want to know if we think it will hold if we stay at 10,000. Also ask if we can top off the BUFF.”

  “We’ll be all right at 10,000 but only if we reduce speed can we guarantee it will work.

  What do you think Boom? Want to try a refuel at 10,000?”

  “If the BUFF is willing to try it. Not sure if he’s going to be light enough for us to give him enough fuel to make it all the way to Guam from here though.”

  “Copy, Tom? Pass it on to the CP.



your opinion? Will this thing hold?”

  “Good chance that it will if we stay at 10,000 and slow down a bit. I wouldn’t want to climb any higher or hit a higher airspeed. I really don’t want to express an opinion about trying to refuel the BUFF. That’s the boomer’s call I think, Sir.”

  “CP is back on the horn.”

  “Go ahead, Tom”

  “They’re basically leaving up to you Sir. If you want to keep going to Kadena at any speed and altitude you choose, go for it.

  They are going to launch the strip alert bird on Guam to take care of the BUFF. So we don’t have to worry about him.”

  “The weather still all right, Tom?”

  “Couldn’t be better. Even have a bit of a tailwind to pick up our ground speed some.

  Want me to run the time figures on a fresh flight plan? I need an airspeed you’re comfortable with.”

  “Let’s try 275, Tom and 10,000. We’ll be under their radar most of the way, but stations along the way can pick up our transponder.”

  “Gotcha. Makes it about six hours to home. May pick up a few minutes depending on the winds we hit a 10,000. Also may get a bit rough at times but I don’t think anything too bad.”

  “Copy, Tom.

  All right guys, low and slow, but let’s go home.”

  The familiar sight of the East China Sea sliding under 3653's nose brought a smile to Rick's lips. But he had to wipe the sweat from his palms as the tanker chased the 'rabbit' towards touchdown. The crew was borderline out of time as the tanker's mains kissed the white strips on the touchdown end of runway 5. It was 1800 hours and they were 5 hours behind schedule.

  “Nice landing for a co-pilot.” The navigator quipped as they rolled out not trying to make the first turn off.

  "Hey, Rick." The pilot spoke over the intercom. Ground control wants me to drop you at the entrance to the revetments and have your assistant finish up for you. The flightline chief will be waiting for you and take you to the gate."

  "That all they said?" Rick asked.

  "Something about hurrying up because you are or am about to become a daddy. Tomi is in the Central Hospital and all is well. End of message."