Read Shuri Gate Page 7

  "What kind of cargo? Who is us?"

  "I ain't telling. I want it to be a surprise. Us is the three of us if you're interested after you get on the ground at Yokota. Also another us is a flight chief besides me who wants in on the deal."

  "Tell me one thing. Is it legal?"

  "Depends on your point of view.

  Outbound to Yokota you'll be refueling a BUFF on its way to Thailand from Guam.

  Coming out of Yokota you will have a straight run for Kadena."

  "You're really helpful. That's all it's going to cost us?" Don asked again.

  "Nothing. Just enjoy the flight. It isn't going to cost you a thing."

  "You're not going to tell us what the cargo is. Are you?"

  "I gotta go. Got an airplane to launch.

  Finish your breakfast, have an extra cup of coffee each and I'll pick you up shortly after 0700."

  The flight was uneventful. The flight crew took the tanker south to a point somewhere between Taiwan and the Philippines to rendezvous with their receiver, the B52 en route from Guam to Khorat, Thailand. In less than 30 minutes the tanker turned back north for Yokota, Japan.

  "Look at that." Rick announced over the intercom circuit. Mt. Fuji was thrusting its snow capped crown above a blanket of white cloud cover just over the horizon. The mountain grew as they sped north. Sparkling in the bright summer sun and revealing more of itself as the clouds burned away and the distance to it shrank.

  "No wonder it's so revered." The pilot commented. "I've seen a lot of mountains from this altitude and Mt. Fuji has to be the most majestic."

  "Where's Yokota, Nav?" Rick asked.

  "The city you can start to see north and east of Mt. Fuji is Tokyo. Come south and in a couple of minutes you'll see a couple of runways. That will be Tachikawa Marine Corp Air Facility a bit west and south of Tokyo. Yokota will be more to the west. About 30 miles from Tokyo.

  We'll start turning to the northwest after we pass the mountain. Then we should be able to see the Yokota runways."

  "We're going to land on that? Looks more like a piece of a Los Angeles freeway." The boom operator cracked as he turned away from the cockpit windows and headed for his seat.

  "It is kind of short isn't it?" The nav said. It was the only other comment before they touched down and everyone was sucked forward against their shoulder harnesses when both pilots pushed hard on their toe brakes and the copilot raised the spoilers into the full up position to slow the tanker before they ran out of runway.

  "Another successful crash landing." Quipped the copilot.

  "Sure makes you appreciate Kadena’s runway doesn't it?" The navigator remarked.

  "Chief, If you guys want to refuel I'll go make arrangements for the pachinko machines to be delivered. If you need some help, the boomer can give you a hand." The pilot told Rick when they had gone down the crew entry ladder and were standing on the tarmac near the nose of the tanker.

  "Give us a total of 76,000 pounds. That will be more than enough to get us back to Kadena and make it easy to get off of this short field."

  "Pachinko machines," Don Naylor muttered to himself as he walked towards the tail to put the the tail strut in so they could refuel while Rick and the boomer took the landing gear and door down locks into the wheel wells.

  "What's the deal on these things Boom." Rick asked as he and the boom operator walked back to the crew entry ladder.

  "The Officer's Club at Kadena has some kind of connection over here to buy these pachinko machines for about $50 a piece. They're rebuilt from the pachinko parlor rejects here in Japan. They won't use rebuilts in the parlors, so they found a steady, rich market in the flight crews.

  If you or Don want one, you can have one. I know the A/C ordered more than what were paid for."

  "Thanks, Boom. But I think Don and I will both pass on them. I believe a desire was expressed for a couple on the Kadena flightline though. The flightline chief will be expecting them and has the money in hand.

  What about you Boom?"

  "If I brought one home my wife would make me move into the playroom with it. I have brought so much stuff home from my trips that we're running out of house room.

  That's a disadvantage of flying all over the world on a tanker. It's too easy to buy stuff overseas that you don't need." Boom responded.

  "If you want to run the cockpit fuel panel Boom, Don will run the panel here in the wheel well. I'll stay down here and run a quick post-flight while you guys refuel. Then as soon as we load our cargo and have some lunch we can leave."

  "Sounds like a plan."

  Just as the crew chiefs and boomer had finished refueling they saw the navigator walking across the ramp from the flightline snack bar carrying their lunches. He was followed shortly by the pilot and copilot coming across the ramp each riding in a white Datsun pickup with a Japanese civilian driver. The back of both small pickups was full of carefully stacked and padded pachinko machines.

  It only took a few minutes for the whole crew to load the machines and put each onto the red nylon troop seats that lined both sides of the tanker's cargo compartment. With some skill from having been through this operation before, the boomer showed everyone how to wrap the seat belt and shoulder harnesses around each machine. Both crew chiefs and the boomer strapped in two or three machines each and then stood and watched the young copilot going from machine to machine enthusiastically strapping them in.

  When the copilot finished the last machine the Boomer asked if they were all securely fastened in their seats.

  "Yeah Boomer, they are." He responded.

  "All right, now since you are senior to us, you have to read them the bailout and ditching procedures."

  "You're kidding me? Right, Boom?"

  Unnoticed by the copilot, the A/C and navigator had come back from the cockpit into the cargo compartment.

  "Under Air Force aircraft regulations, anytime you have occupants in the troop seats, they must be briefed on bailout and ditching procedures." The A/C spoke. "I believe that the navigator brought a set of checklists for you to read from, Lt. Crowder."

  The navigator stepped forward and handed the bewildered copilot the checklist he had brought from the cockpit.

  As the copilot started to read through the checklists he knew he was being had. The navigator turned and hurried back into the cockpit followed by Rick. They both had smiles and were enjoying the play taking place in the cargo compartment.

  "That poor kid isn't really that gullible is he?" The A/C spoke when he also came into the cockpit with a big smirk on his face. He was getting a little cocky anyway."

  He turned to Rick and Naylor. "I know you two will use good judgement and this scenario will not become the tanker flightline story of the month."

  "No sweat, Sir. I did enjoy it though." Rick responded.

  "Okay Rick, let's button this bird up and do our walk-around so we can go back to Kadena before dinner time.

  By the way, guys, the fuel load looks really good."

  "It was Naylor and Boomer who did it, Sir. I did a quick post-flight while they refueled."

  "That was easy enough." The pilot said as they cleared the perimeter of the airfield and were climbing through 2500 feet. "I can just image how that short runway would be with a 90,000 pound fuel load though. No room to spare."

  Rick checked his watch when he came out of job control with the tanker's forms. Bob Kruse was waiting for him in his pickup. Rick knew that Bob was technically off duty since it was after 1600 hours.

  "I'll run you out to your bird then drop you at the barracks before I give the truck to my relief."

  "Thanks Bob. Want to get some dinner later?"

  "Yeah. That sounds like a plan. Don going with us?"

  "I don't think so. He has a hot date in Koza somewhere.

  You up to going to BC Street? The Goya Restaurant, but first we have to stop and pick up Kim"

p; So that's her name? For sure?"

  "Yeah. She's a nice kid, Bob. She took me to the university yesterday and to Nishihara to meet her grandmother who works as a translator for the Ryukuian government and teaches part time at the university."

  "Really? And she hangs around with you? A tanker crew chief in the US Air Force?"

  "Ironic isn't it?"

  "My TDY is up, Rick. In fact I should have rotated back to Loring over a week ago."

  "Then why in hell are you still here?"

  "Well . . . I've kind of been working a deal."

  "What deal? Oh brother, this should be good." Rick kidded his friend.

  "I promised Cheryl a warm duty station once in our career. So far we've spent 6 long years at Loring, 4 cold years at Minot AFB in ND and 4 years of English pubs at Mindenhall. None have been exactly a tropical paradise.

  So I'm trying to pull some strings for my last duty station before we retire and get a 4 year tour here on Kadena and get her and the kids sent over.

  I really like this island and I know for sure she will also. And I know the kids will love it. Though I guess they may miss the snow."

  You'll either be here or gone when I get back. If you're gone I know it didn't work out.

  You do know that I'll only be here about week more?"

  "I'm afraid that it's going to be a very short week my Friend. Even shorter than we planned on." Bob stated with a quiet look of apprehension

  "Job control and plans and scheduling came to the joint decision that as we have known, we've flown the hell out of you and 3653.

  "What's up Kruse?"

  "You, 3653, will be overdue a phase inspection before you can get back to Fairchild if they keep flying her here, or even send you to Thailand. They figure time wise they got their monies worth out of 3653 and her crew chiefs, so it would be wise to send you back to Fairchild sooner so Fairchild will get stuck with the phase."

  "Sooner than what?" Rick asked as he felt the heat of his feelings rising."

  "Like Monday, 8/28. You'll leave directly from Kadena with a full load of geese."


  "Yeah it sucks. Take tomorrow off. Then on Sunday get your bird ready for the trip across the pond.

  The geese will be rotating flight crews. Mostly B52 crews. They're bringing them here from several bases in Thailand over the next couple of days.

  Both of your flying hours will be fixed so you and Don will get your combat pay and income tax exemption for September. Wheels up will be at 0600 on Monday, the 28th."

  "Good luck to you and Cheryl anyway, Bob. I hope your plan works and give Cheryl my love."

  "Last night when I talked to her on the phone she said to tell you that she still loves you even if you do have an Okinawan girl friend and she's glad that your getting laid. She was concerned for your sex life."

  "Gees! You guys are terrible."

  'What's really bothering you, Rick? I know you like Kadena and Okinawa, but something else is going on here."

  "Nothing really."

  "We've been close for a long time, Kid. Spill it. Is it Kim?

  No! It isn't! It's Tomi isn't it? I can see it on your face. O o boy. My friend you do have a problem."

  "You're crazy Kruse. I don't hardly know her. Besides she's a new widow and very pregnant."

  "Wait a minute. What did you just say? A new what?"

  "A new widow. Why? Didn't you know? Her boyfriend, the baby's father was killed in Vietnam about 5 months ago. She was never married."


  Rick looked at his deeply sleeping friend and with an almost cynical smile opened the blinds on the window. The bright Okinawan sun flooded the barracks room.

  "Why in hell did you open those blinds?" A sleepy Don Naylor asked.

  "So you would get your lazy ass out of bed. It's after noon. You've had over 12 hours sleep."

  "Not actually. Last time I looked at the clock this morning, when I was crawling into the sack, it was almost 0500.

  "Gee Don, I thought I was on the same schedule as you. I guess not, Sorry about that.

  I've been up since 0900. Showered, shaved, put on my best after shave and newest shirt."

  “You must have a hot date, Rick."

  "Not actually. I am going to do some last minute shopping before we leave for CONUS on Monday. Then I might see if I can find a hot date.

  You're going to see Yoshiko, huh? And you got the word from Kruse of our new departure date?" Rick asked Naylor.

  "Yeah. So?"

  "Nothing. You'll do better shopping and making time with her if you take her shopping with you."

  "All right old man. I'll try to take your advice. If I can find her."

  “You know where her house is. What else do you need?"

  "A reasonable amount of assurance that she doesn't have a boyfriend other than me."

  "Sorry, My Son. You know nobody but Yoshi and yourself can find an answer to that one."

  "Yeah, I know. I'll just drift down the street and kind of drop in on her and hope."

  "Good idea. You only have a day and a half to see her. This trip."

  "Do you mean that we may make another trip over here in the near future?"

  "Don't make any plans. I'm working on it though."

  "Are you going to Naha?"

  "Yes sir, I am. I'm supposed to meet Kim at the university. I'm not sure I want to see where that goes. She's not going to be happy that we're leaving ahead of time."

  Instead of taking the base shuttle bus, Rick didn't want to spend any more time than he had to in traveling, so he hailed one of the larger Okinawan taxies that were allowed on military bases. It would cost him three times as much to get to Naha, but would cut a quarter of the time off.

  He settled into the cushions of the back seat of the taxi and as soon as they were out of the gate Rick let his mind drift. On the top of his mind was the image of Tomi and the desire to see her and then maybe have a cup of her kohi and a cinnamon and sugar coated doughnut Then telling her ‘goodbye’, but he’d be back as quick as he can manage.

  "Kokusai Dori, Papa-san" Rick told the driver as he involuntarily continued to think of Tomi.

  Rick came back to the real world when he saw the small sign for the Kokusai Coffee House pass by on his right.

  "Koko desu, Papa-san. Dozo." He practiced the Japanese he was trying to learn.

  Tomi was just coming from the kitchen when Rick crossed the small reception area from the front door.

  "Konnichi wa, Rick. You are alone?"

  “Yes I am, Tomako. I haven't had a good cup of kohi since I saw you last. So I need some of your delicious kohi. At least two cups.

  How are you doing? You're looking healthy."

  "I am very good and so is the little one. And as you can see he is growing." Tomi smiled openly and with less of the sadness which Rick was used to seeing creep onto her face and for the first time openly mentioned her baby to him. "You have been flying a lot? You look tired and you and your tomodachi have not been here very much."

  She took his hand and led him to the back of the coffee house and a small table set off to one side. "I'll get you a cup of kohi and be right back."

  Tomi was back quickly and slid into the seat across from Rick. "I'm ready for a break. Can I sit with you?"

  "Of course.

  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or bring up bad memories the last time I was here. I was out of line and I'm sorry."

  "Please do not keep apologizing, there is no need. I know that you did not mean anything by it. And it was good for me. I needed to be forced to look at my life again. I had not done that for what seemed like a very long time.

  My tomodachi s, the American couple who came in when you were leaving?"

  "Yes, I remember them."

  "They were also friends of Brad, my baby’s father.

  Anyway, we sat and talked for a very long time afte
r you left. They are very good to me, and will be good for the baby when he comes.

  I think someday I might want to take him to the States. Since he will be one half American, I want him to grow up and be educated there and his father would want that though he would not make me do it."

  "They can help you get to the States?"

  "Yes, he's a Navy Officer that Brad worked for here on Okinawa and in California before that.

  You have already guessed, we were not married yet, so it will take sometime for us to get the baby there."

  "So you don't know when you'll be going to the States?"

  "No. Don and Arlene, my tomodachi s, left Okinawa just a few days ago. He is retiring soon. They will help me from there if I want to go to the States.”

  "I'm going back to Washington State on Monday. I don't know when I'll be back to Okinawa."

  Rick had finished his first cup of coffee which Tomi saw and immediately got up to get him another. When she came back she was also carrying a cup of ocha for herself and a bowl.

  "Try this Rick. You have to be hungry. It is Okinawan soba. Noodle soup, with pork, onions, and some kind of green vegetables that my cook puts in everything."

  "Smells good, and I'm hungry.

  You don't know what your cook is feeding people?" Rick laughed softly looking Tomi in the eye.

  "Your eyes sparkle when you are making fun of me." Tomi said speaking softly and holding his eye contact. "I like that." Tomi blushed. Rose from her chair and touched Rick on the shoulder with a soft caressing motion. "I must get back to work." She did not meet his eyes again before going back towards the kitchen.

  Rick finished his coffee and soba before looking at his watch. Almost 3:30. I have time to walk up to Shuri Gate to meet Kimiko.

  Tomako is quite a woman. I do like her, but what a complication. New baby. Trying to get stateside with the baby?

  Be really tough to take on and she is the kind of woman that some guy could fall really hard for. Like Bob said yesterday, if she’s my problem, I do have a problem.

  There was a young girl in the reception area when Rick went to pay for his lunch. He was reaching for his wallet when the girl said that it was taken care of. "Tomako-chan said to tell you it was on-the-house and you are welcome here anytime and please come back. She had to leave for an appointment so she is not here."