Read Shuri Gate Page 8

  Rick took his time climbing Shuri Hill and when the now familiar gate came into sight he looked to see if the students were leaving the university buildings or if Kim might be waiting for him. He watched a couple of students pass by and as he got closer to the gate he still could not see anyone waiting.

  "Hey GI, you want a girl friend?" She said as she stepped out from behind one of the vertical sides of the gate. Kim's face lit up in an all over smile as she jumped into Rick's arms, looked into his eye for a second or two before their lips met and their tongues sought each other.

  "I knew that you wouldn't be here yesterday. I woke up yesterday morning and felt sad."

  "Why were you sad?"

  "Because I was not going to see you for another day."

  "But I was supposed to be back yesterday afternoon."

  "But I knew that you were not going to be here. I did stop here before I went to Nishihara though."

  They stood under the Shuri Gate talking quietly. "You are leaving Monday not next week as we thought. I know that you did not lie to me. You only found out sometime in the last day or so." Her voice was muffled by his shirt as she spoke against his chest.

  She knew that the date back to CONUS had changed. How did she know that?

  “I would like for us to go to Nishihara and stay until you have to go back to your airplane. Obasan will be gone all day to her Prefecture office. Then she will have dinner in Naha before she teaches an English class at the university. Can we do that?"

  "I'd like that, Kimi-chan, but I have to go back to the base to get my tanker ready to go to the states.

  Why am I turning a chance to make love to her down? So easily, too.

  "But you aren't leaving for two days.

  Don't you want to make love to me?"

  "It isn't a matter of wanting to or not, Kim. We need to get to know each other better. Besides my obligation to have my tanker ready to leave at 0600 on Monday morning."

  She made eye contact with him for just several seconds before turning and picking up her backpack. She turned back towards Rick, again made eye contact and walked by him towards the university without speaking a word.


  As soon as 3653 turned towards Guam, Rick left his seat in the cockpit and headed for the waiting bunk in the cargo compartment. Don Naylor was already laying on the top bunk and had pulled down the lower bunk for Rick.

  "Rick, you look like you got as much sleep last night as I did. Do you think we'll get back here again before we're too old to remember this trip?"

  Laughing with his assistant crew chief, Rick sat on the bunk before answering. "I'm working on it. I think that I would like to get back here and see where it goes with Kimiko. You seem to hit it off with the sukoshi one. I guess she's why you're asking about coming back."

  "Yeah. I never told you, but I almost got married last year. A woman I met in Alexandria, VA when I was stationed at Andrews AFB. We lived together for almost six months. Then one morning I woke up, went to the base and put in for a transfer to any West Coast SAC base. And here I am. No regrets, no missing her. Actually had hardly any thoughts about her and they stopped the day after I found Yoshiko."

  "I can relate to you and how you feel about Yoshi. I believe that I'm probably going through somewhat the same thoughts for Kimi. I guess we have to ride it out and be careful not to get kicked in the guts, or hurt the women.

  Are you guys going to write to each other?"

  "Yeah. She's well educated, finished high school in Naha, but can only write a few words in English. I made a deal with a translator to translate and mail her letters to me and mine to her. I gave him fifty bucks and gave her the receipt.

  Her father is a fisherman and farmer. She and I were going to go to Itoman today to meet her family if we hadn't left."

  "She wants her family to meet you already?"

  "That's what she said. Truthfully, I think she wants to rub her father's nose in the fact that he sold her to the bar. 'See Dad, you sent me away, but I have an American to take your place and take care of me.' She is a little bitter and really wants to do good in her life.

  She has never said anything like that, but reading between the lines I came up with that on my own."

  "You're probably right. It sounds as if she has those thoughts and feelings. She'll be doing well to keep them to herself. How old is she, Don?."

  "Just over 18. Started in the bar right after New Year's. The other women like her and are very protective of her. Won't even let the Okinawan men who work in the bar hit on her. They took turns sitting with us every night until Wednesday night. They kept watch, but we were alone for the first time then. Last night we stayed at her house together. She lives with two other women but they were both gone last night."

  "So you're less than two years older than she is?"

  "Yeah. Though sometimes I think that she's older than I am.

  A funny thing happened Wednesday night. One of the older women came and sat with me for a minute when Yosh went to get us fresh drinks and go to the bathroom. She said that if I cared for Yoshi, I wouldn't let her work in the bar any longer than I had to, and maybe I should make sure she has enough money to live on when I'm not here. You think that it might be a scam to get money, Rick?"

  "I'm not sure, but what I've heard fits what she told you.

  I'd like to talk to Obasan about it. She's a very smart lady who also seems to be connected."

  "Obasan? Who is that?" Don asked his boss.

  "Kimiko's grandmother. She's an English professor at the University.

  Anyway, we've got to get some shuteye. I told Boomer to wake us about 30 minutes out of Guam and the A/C said that they would save us some coffee and lunch."



  "Thanks. Since we've crewed together you gave me an idea or two and also good advice on what to expect over the next little while."

  Rick became conscious of the tanker's slightly decreasing engine noise, and felt his ears pop and knew they were starting to descend.

  "You already awake Chief?" Asked the boom operator. "Doesn't take long to tune into what the aircraft is doing even in your sleep does it?"

  "It amazes me sometimes Eric. I would say that the power was pulled off to 90% and we're descending at about 500 feet per minute for Guam."

  "Right on, Rick. Be about 25 minutes to touchdown. Coffee in the cockpit if you guys want some."

  "Thanks Eric." Rick responded before he put a booted foot against the bottom of the upper bunk and bounced Don a couple times.

  "Is that a hint to get up?"

  "If you want a cup of coffee and some lunch before we touch down on Guam it is."

  Rick got a cup of coffee and a box lunch from the cockpit to take back into the cargo compartment where he could spread it out. He put on his headset and spoke. "Crew Chief on."

  "Okay Chief" The A/C acknowledged. "We haven't got any write-ups to speak off. Two avionics type stuff and command post said they would have the avionics techs meet us as soon as we shut down. They expect you'll have about a two hour layover. Your next flight crew is waiting for you and a couple of new passengers, also."

  "Thanks, Sir."

  “No problem, Chief. Nice airplane you have. Cleanest we've flown in a long time."

  "Thanks again, Sir. Hope we can fly with you again."

  Rick stretched out on the ramp in the shade of the right wing. Don Naylor was up in the tanker with the techs from the Avionics shop who hadn't been able to work on the problems until the crew chiefs had finished refueling.

  I can't believe what I dreamt about this morning. First I was in bed with Kimi, then I was on an airplane, a civilian airliner, with Tomi and the baby. Is it possible to love two women at the same time? One you're sleeping with . . . , The other you've only talked to a couple of times. She touched your shoulder and bought you lunch.

  It must be the island. It
has enchanted me. A romantic notion left over from James Michener's TALES OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC and RETURN TO PARADISE. I remember both of them from high school. Okinawa is a lot like the islands Michener wrote about. The golden sands, blue ocean waters, bougainvillea flowers, palm trees, brown eyed, black haired, beautiful women. And always a smile for the taking.

  First stop when I come back to work, plans and scheduling. I hope Lester is still there. I'll just bet he can put us on the next Young Tiger which is going the first of October. Then make sure Kruse knows we're coming and get us sent back to Kadena from UT.

  Nice dreams.

  "Hey Rick, crew coming down the ramp and avionics is through doing their black magic on the black boxes. You want to check their red X sign-offs?"

  "I don't think so. Let the flight crew check it out. They'll know quick enough if it isn't right."

  It was almost 2200 when 3653 touched down on Oahu and taxied onto Hickam Air Force Base. They were scheduled for a 2400 takeoff and the fuel truck and a water tanker were waiting. The transit alert supervisor told Rick that the flight crew would be out to the tanker as soon as the the refuel was done. Also, the A/C wanted to know if he could get them something to eat out of the inflight kitchen.

  "How about two big fat, juicy hamburgers and a huge bag of fries. And don't forget two large Cokes with lots of ice."

  The supervisor laughed, nodded and waved as he climbed back into his pickup and drove the 200 yards to base operations were the flight crew were waiting to preflight the tanker.

  The sun was barely breaking over the horizon when Don and Rick herded their geese off of the tanker and closed up the cargo door so they could refuel for the last leg of their trip. From Castle AFB to Fairchild and home. Both crew chiefs had slept all the way from Hawaii to California and were refreshed and anxious to get home.

  Sitting in the pilot's seat while running the cockpit fuel panel, Rick's mind started to drift back to Okinawa instead of to Fairchild and Spokane.

  Maybe I should call Kruse first and be sure they can fit 3653 into Kadena's schedule? Then go see Lester in plans and scheduling?

  This has been one very nice two weeks. There is still a lot that I want to do and see on the island. As well as get to know Kimiko better. Obasan sure is one very nice lady.

  I hope Tomako is all right. She was in a good mood the last time that I saw her and she seemed healthy enough. I'm missing her, yet I hardly know her and haven't seen her any place but the coffee house.

  His mind had been wandering like that off and on since he had started the trip back to Fairchild. Now, closer to home and a chance to slow down and rest for a while, his mind seemed to be wandering back to Okinawa more frequently and with more involved scenarios.

  After the crew chiefs and aircraft had cleared customs and the air police left the tanker, Ron Brian came aboard with an Airman 1st which neither Rick nor Don knew.

  "Hey guys." The Master Sergeant cheerfully greeted them. "I'll run you down the ramp to the alert hanger to get your cars so you can get out of here. I heard that you had a really good TDY and Kadena is hollering to get you back.

  In the meantime meet your new second assistant crew chief, Leo Rosko. Leo will be a trainee until you two get him OJT'ed on tankers(On-the-Job-Training), and he can take over Naylor's spot.

  Yes, don't you two look ready to kill me, I'm breaking up the team because Jerry Stevens is leaving for Eielson next month and Naylor is getting 57-1430. So within the next two weeks he'll move over with Jerry. You'll have to have Leo ready to go on status and go TDY back to Young Tiger within the first two weeks of October.

  Let's leave Rosko here to guard your gear while we go get your cars."

  “Welcome aboard 3653 Leo. Make yourself at home and explore all you want, but remember my first rule. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL Don or I tell you to." Rick offered Leo his hand and met his eyes. "How old are you?"

  "Thanks Rick. I'm 21 and I'll remember Rule #1."

  Nice looking kid. Clean neat uniform. Fresh shave but that curly brown hair could stand a trim. Should have his wife learn how to cut it. Bet they don't have any extra money.

  Rick had noticed the gold wedding band and the fact that he hadn't been wearing it very long. No callous had built up around it, no scratches on its shiny new surface. Leo's hands were well calloused as most crew chief's hands were.

  "Is his wife here, Ron?"

  "Leo's? Yeah, they got married just before coming out here from the East Coast. He's been on a phase inspection team for a couple weeks. I talked to him a couple times on the flightline and since I had a slot coming open and he said that he wanted to fly, I went to the maintenance supervisor and begged him to give him to us.

  I think he'll be a good fit with you Rick. Low key and a hard worker. I had him work a couple double shifts to see how he handled them."

  "And?" Rick asked.

  "Never slowed him down or seemed to faze him. His young, cute wife came to pick him up one morning at 0130 after a 16 hour shift. They were just glad to see each other."


  About 0900 on Monday,October 9th, Rick walked across the ramp to where 3653 was undergoing a BPO inspection. It had flown locally for an air crew flight check on Friday night and was now being prepared for the trip to Okinawa and Southeast Asia. The BPO team leader was a friend and Rick could count on him doing a good job.

  "Hey Marvin, how's she look this morning."

  "Nice of you to drop by Rick. Your assistant has been here since before 0800. In fact had the plane all opened up for us."

  "He's a worker. And a fast learner. In six months I'll probably lose him too.

  Where is he?"

  "Damn, you're just full of questions this morning. Cut me some slack will ya, after all it's barely 9 on Monday morning and I'm only on my fourth cup of coffee.

  Leo is upstairs cleaning up. And I think he's planning on washing the cockpit windows.”

  “No major write-ups?” Rick asked.

  “One anti-skid for the right main. Don't know if we'll need to change a tire or not. I'll order a tug after lunch so we can rotate the tires to be sure we don't have any flat spots. The bleed valve on #3 was wrote up again so the engine shop is going to change the controller.

  Let's see?" Technical Sergeant Marvin Case picked up the aircraft forms and briefly skimmed the pages then handed the forms to Rick. “You want the radio shop to check the HF again? The navigator wrote it up twice coming back from your last YT (Young Tiger) trip."

  "Might be a good idea. They wrote it off as spastic, but never did anything major to it."

  "Different tech. Different results. Did they check the antenna? You know that they hate to get a giraffe truck out here to access the antenna on top of the tail fin."

  "You got one more stripe than I do, Marvin. Go for it."

  "Consider it done.

  I heard by way of the grapevine that you guys are going to Kadena instead of UT. Isn't that a little unusual?'

  "Maybe. Yeah, we are. They love 3653 there and asked for her back."

  "Yeah. Right. What did you have to give Lester for that favor?"

  "Actually Lester didn't have anything to do with Kadena. He did get two cases of Miller's for the YT assignment. Kadena was Kadena's doing. I just told them I was coming back on a YT and they said, 'Welcome Home,' Rick."

  "Some airplanes get all the luck and juicy assignments."

  "I keep telling you Marvin, she's a lucky tanker."

  Before Rick could go up the crew entry ladder a pickup blowing its horn got his attention.

  MSgt. Ron Brian pulled up under 3653's nose and stepped out onto the ramp. "I don't know how you do it."

  "What. I haven't done anything. Yet."

  "How do you account for the fact that you're going to Beale, AFB on Wednesday? Rendezvous with three F4s. Three other tankers and 12 more F4s and escort them to Thailand? You know that is unheard of
for a YT bound tanker. You're supposed to take cargo and geese with you, not F4s.

  And . . . your A/C is senior. So you'll be the lead tanker."

  "Who's the A/C?"

  "Your friend and mine, Colonel Jack Redmond. Some people have all the luck."

  "I'll be damned, Ron. This is going to be one laid back trip. RON on every island across the Pacific and an A/C who treats the crew chiefs like the rest of the flight crew.

  And no geese to deal with. That has got to be worth a whole lot."

  "Anything that you need before I go, Rick?

  Where's Leo?"

  "Upstairs cleaning house.

  When will Life Support be out? Tomorrow? I'd like to run engines tonight with the environmental techs to check the pressurization. And then after engine run, I can check all of the fluid levels myself."

  "All right. Why don't you and Leo take the afternoon off and I'll schedule your engine run for 1900 and if all goes well you should be out of here by 2200 at the latest. Tomorrow you guys can top off the fuel load and finish getting the bird ready to go. You'll be home by noon. You don't have to be here for Life Support, they can do it on their own schedule."

  "That sounds good. Still have a 0700 preflight Wednesday morning?"

  "Yeah. No change in takeoff time. Just route changes.

  Lucky dogs." Brian walked back to his pickup shaking his head and smiling to himself.

  Their trip to Hickam was in two legs. They left Fairchild on time and landed at Beale AFB, CA to refuel. It was also a gathering of the the other three tankers and all 15 F4s. Then an uneventful flight from Beale to Hickam except for one F4 having electrical problems and if it couldn't be remedied by 1000 hours tomorrow it would be left behind on Oahu.

  Taxiing out for takeoff Thursday morning Rick counted the F4s parked on the ready line. There was only 14. One lone F4 sat closer to a maintenance hanger and was covered with green fatigue wearing people removing panels.

  "They flew in F4 maintenance troops from Beale last night. They just got here a few ago. They have 90 minutes to get it airborne. After that he won't be able to catch up with the 'tail-end-Charlie' tanker." Col. Jack spoke over the intercom. "I guess a week or two vacation on Oahu beats flying missions over North Vietnam."