Read Sinfully Spellbound Page 4

  Chapter Three


  Trevor’s house was full of people I either didn’t know or wished I didn’t know. At the moment, a half-naked blonde witch by the name of Briar was perched on my lap, telling me all about her lineage. I hadn’t invited her to sit on my lap, but she was one of those pretty, well-connected witches who believed every warlock wanted her. It was no exaggeration to say I was so bored I was tempted to shove her off my lap and head home. Trevor handed me another beer, saving the witch from being dropped on the floor for at least a few more minutes.

  “Stop scowling, Dylan,” Trevor said as he sat down beside me. “This is a party, not a fucking funeral.”

  “I’m getting too old for this shit,” I muttered, earning me a scowl from Briar, who seemed to finally be picking up on the fact that I wasn’t interested. The girl wasn’t dumb, just too self-absorbed to believe anyone might not be hanging on her every word. “I think I’m going to head home,” I said as I scanned the room.

  “You can’t leave yet,” Trevor insisted. “Not until you meet Allie.”

  “Fine, I’ll stay a little longer,” I relented. “If she’s not here in thirty minutes, I’m going home.”

  “Why don’t we go find a room where we can be alone?” Briar asked, trying for a sexy, husky voice, but failing miserably. When you had a voice high enough to break glass, it was hard to pull off sexy. Clearly, she figured that out, and her blush made her look more like a young girl trying to appear more confident than she was.

  Now that she didn’t seem so mercenary, I felt bad for her because I was being a moody prick. I gave her a genuine smile. “Sorry, honey, but I don’t mess around with witches. If I did, I’d be beyond tempted to take you up on that offer. Why don’t you go find a warlock who’s worth your time?”

  With an annoyed huff, Briar got off my lap, made an exaggerated show of smoothing her skirt, and walked away with her cute little ass swaying back and forth. No denying Briar was attractive, but she, like most witches, wanted much more than I was willing to offer. She also wasn’t really my type. Briar was like one those girlie drinks they served in bars. She was pretty and sweet, but not quite my idea of satisfying.

  Just then, a stunning brunette walked by, making me instantly hard. An hour of Briar sitting on my lap hadn’t done more than make my leg numb, but the brunette was making me ache to touch her. Now, this woman was no frilly bar drink—she was a shot of expensive whisky, warming me all over. Wearing a leather bustier style dress that barely covered her large breasts and round ass, I would bet my left nut she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties, and damn if I didn’t want to find out. She had on impossibly high-heeled black strappy shoes that brought attention to her shapely legs. Witch or not, I wanted her bad, and I’d break my rule for a night with her.

  “Allie!” Trevor called out, and I nearly swallowed my tongue when the woman practically making me pant turned and gave Trevor a smile.

  “That’s Allie?” I asked, sounding like a complete idiot. “The Allie who’s just one of the guys?”

  She laughed as she snatched the bottle of beer from my hand. “Nothing gets past the infamous Dylan Hunt, does it?” she asked before taking a swig of my beer and walking off with the bottle. The sway of her perfect ass was nearly hypnotic, and I simply could not tear my gaze from it until she turned the corner, moving out of my line of vision. Allie was definitely not one of the guys.

  I wasn’t really surprised she knew who I was, since I was considered one of the most eligible warlocks, thanks to my mother having a friend write that stupid article in the hopes of finding a witch for me. I’d had witches approaching me before that, but my mom had made sure almost every witch in the area would recognize me. Usually, it annoyed me that people knew who I was, but I was preening like a fucking peacock knowing Allie recognized me, and wasn’t that just insane?

  “Need a towel to wipe up that drool?” Trevor asked before handing me another beer. I’d been so caught up in thoughts of Allie, I hadn’t even noticed him leave.

  “What the fuck, Trev?” I asked.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Trevor said. “That girl is crazy hot, but that shouldn’t really be a surprise since all succubi are. Considering they need sex to survive, that’s a good thing. Can you imagine an ugly succubus trying to lure men into her bed?”

  I’d never met a mature succubus outside of a sex club—not that I’d been to many sex clubs, but I’d naturally been curious about them as soon as I was old enough to get in. There had been a few succubi at the high school I’d attended, but none of them looked like much until they turned eighteen and came into their succubus powers. Our school hadn’t allowed any mature succubi to attend, for fear they’d be a too much of a distraction. I couldn’t even imagine how much of a distraction Allie would have been. At the moment, I was having trouble thinking about more than getting inside of her.

  “You never mentioned her being succubus,” I accused, knowing I would have remembered that detail.

  Trevor smirked. “Yeah, well, I figured it would be funny to see your reaction when you met her.”

  “Are you honestly telling me you have never had sex with her?” I asked because I couldn’t believe it. As a succubus, she’d be receptive if Trevor asked. Allie needed sex to survive, and Trevor had never been one to deny his carnal desires.

  “Allie’s not really like that,” Trevor answered. “Sure, she hooks up with guys to feed on sex, but mostly she feeds at work so she can avoid sleeping around. Actually, I’m not really sure how often she hooks up with guys. As for her and me? I can’t even imagine sleeping with Allie. She’s fun, and I like hanging out with her, but I don’t feel anything sexual when I’m around her. She’s more like one of my sisters.”

  “Stop talking about me,” Allie scolded as she dropped down on Trevor’s lap. Her feet were bare now, and I was assuming she’d left her shoes with her purse, probably in Trevor’s room.

  “Sorry, but my buddy Dylan was having trouble getting his dick to stay down when you shook your barely covered ass in front of his face,” Trevor said before tugging at her hair.

  I expected her to be offended, maybe even slap Trevor for being so crude. Instead, Allie just laughed. “Does the poor little warlock have a problem?” she teased, pushing those delectable lips out into a playful pout.

  “You wanna come help me with my problem?” I asked, flashing my sexiest grin—one I was sure Briar would have appreciated. That’s when I could practically feel my mother’s hand smacking the back of my head. Avoiding commitment didn’t mean I had to be a dick. “Sorry. That was rude. Can I blame it on the beer?”

  “Behave, and I promise to forgive you,” she said, shifting so she was lying across mine and Trevor’s laps on the loveseat with her head on my lap and her legs hanging over the armrest. I couldn’t tell if she was flirting with me or intentionally teasing me for my crude remark, and I honestly didn’t care which it was as long as she kept touching me.

  “Goddess, I need a break from dealing with horny people and their crazy fantasies,” she said with a groan. “This has been a rough night.”

  “Then you’d better have panties on,” Trevor said. “You’re giving my guests quite a show with your legs hanging over the arm of the sofa.”

  Clearing my throat, I did my best to clear my head some. Damn, she was one fine looking succubus. I’d always assumed succubi were constantly on the hunt for sex, and at the moment, that didn’t sound like a bad thing. With Allie’s silky brown hair spread out across my lap, I’d sure be willing to give it to her if she asked, but something told me she wasn’t going to.

  “What exactly do you do at SpellBinders,” I asked, and my dick was twitching at the possibilities—a fact Allie couldn’t miss with her head on my thighs.

  “I set up scenes for customers,” she explained in a bored tone. “Thankfully, I get out of the room before they start, at least most of the time, or I might need therapy.”

  “That’s how I
ran into Allie a month ago,” Trevor chimed in.

  Trevor’s lack of interest in the succubus lying across our legs was killing me. None of this made a damn bit of sense. Trev liked women—a lot—and he didn’t really have women as friends. Yet, here Allie was acting as if they were buddies, while all I could think about was getting her naked.

  “He had this whole elaborate scene in mind, and I told him it was going to cost him more than he wanted to pay,” Allie explained.

  I laughed because I could imagine Trevor’s reaction. There was no amount of money he wasn’t willing to pay when he really wanted something. His family made mine look poor.

  Allie’s whiskey-colored eyes sparkled with amusement. “So, you already know how he reacted.”

  “I can figure it out,” I said.

  “Anyway, I told him that, even if he put out the money, he’d never get laid if he tried that crap with the witch he was coming on strong to that night,” Allie continued.

  “It might have been a little over the top,” Trevor admitted with a fine blush creeping up his neck.

  “A little over the top?” Allie asked with raised eyebrows. “My boss made you sign a special waiver, and that poor witch practically ran screaming from the club when she figured out what you had in mind. I haven’t seen her in SpellBinders since that night, and I’m pretty sure you turned her off sex clubs for life.”

  “Long story short, I was broken up about the witch leaving me, and Allie cheered me up,” Trevor explained. “She has a way of collecting people in need.”

  “Wait!” I interrupted, holding up a hand. “What the hell did you ask her to set up for you?” I seriously had to know what had been too much for SpellBinders. I’d seen some crazy shit there, and I could not imagine them questioning something Trevor wanted to do.

  Trevor grabbed Allie’s wrist. “Don’t you dare tell him or I’ll rip this off,” he said, holding the edge of her wrist cuff.

  “If you tell me, I’ll buy you a new one,” I offered.

  If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man. Seriously, I had no idea what had her so pissed, but she clearly was.

  “You can’t buy everything you want, warlock,” she snapped before sitting up and moving to the arm of the loveseat closest to Trevor.

  I felt my own temper flare. What the hell was her problem? Seriously, she drapes herself over my lap and then acts all bent out of shape over one little comment. We’d been having fun until that moment, and I sure as hell hadn’t done anything to deserve her anger.

  “What crawled up your sweet little ass?” I asked.

  “C’mon, Dylan,” Trevor said in a reasonable tone. “Just chill out.” Then he turned to Allie. “I was just fucking with you about the cuffs, and Dylan wasn’t trying to imply he could buy you.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Allie said with a huff. “I’m just sick of working with assholes who think I’m at SpellBinders to peddle my ass. I don’t mind the occasional come on. Hell, I expect that working at a sex club, but the guys trying to buy my pussy are getting old.”

  That’s when my brain finally caught up to the fact that the cuffs weren’t decorative. Looking closely, I saw the intricately woven spell that only witches and sorcerers could see. I’d never seen them done in leather, and I was impressed with the complexity of the spell—a spell created to help control her sexual urges, something she was probably forced to deal with on a regular basis. Offering to buy her a new pair if Trevor destroyed them probably sounded insensitive to her. I’d already made one tactless suggestion, so she might have even figured I was hoping to get them off just to get lucky. Still, I was pissed at her for lumping me in with the men who had to pay for sex.

  A voice in the back of my head told me to calm down because Allie had no way of knowing the kind of man I was. Yet, I still stood, ready to put my foot in my mouth. Stepping in front of her, I made it impossible for her to get up without bumping into me. It also meant she had to look up at me—or so I thought. Instead, she kept her eyes on the front of my shirt.

  Trevor stood, too, placing a hand on my arm.

  “You don’t know me,” I said though gritted teeth. That earned me a snort from the annoying little sex demon. “That’s why I’m going to forgive you for thinking I might need to pay for pussy. Witches and demons throw pussy at me everywhere I fucking go. You might think your pussy is something special, but I wouldn’t pay for it.”

  Allie laughed, and if that didn’t deflate my ego even more, I wasn’t sure what could.

  “Sorry,” she said, putting a hand up. “I just had this insane moment of wondering how many times you were going to throw pussy into that rant.”

  I felt the anger bleed out of me, and I grinned at her. I liked being back to joking around with her, even if I was the butt of the joke. “I bet I can use pussy in every sentence for the rest of the night.”

  This time, she did look up at me with an adorable grin. “Every sentence?” she asked doubtfully. “That might be more pussy than you can handle.”

  I returned her grin. “Are you saying I can’t handle hours of pussy?”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “That is a lot of pussy for one man, even the infamous Dylan Hunt.”

  It was scary how much I liked hearing my name roll off her tongue.

  “On my honor as a pussy-lovin’ warlock, I can do it,” I vowed, feeling kind of stupid and juvenile, but having more fun than I had in months.

  She laughed. “What shall we bet? I’m not quite as rich as you are.” This time, she stood, pressing her breasts against me in a way that let me know she was feeling the attraction just as much as I was. Either that or she was trying to torture me. I’d know which soon enough.

  “I win, I get to spend the rest of the night enjoying your pussy—any way I want, without these on,” I said, reaching out to touch her leather wrist cuffs. These cuffs were not only meant to suppress her sexual desire, but also that of those around her. Since my sex drive was already on overdrive, I was dying to know what it would be like without them dampening it. Pressed up this close to my body, Allie had to notice my dick threatening to bust the zipper on my jeans. If she turned me down, I’d survive, but I might need a very cold shower.