Read Sinfully Spellbound Page 5

  Chapter Four


  Holy mother of a three-horned demon!

  When you’re a succubus, it takes a lot to shock you. Hell, I’ve been sexually active since eighteen, and not just with a few partners. Plus, I’ve seen stuff at SpellBinders that would make a seasoned porn star blush. Yet, Dylan’s suggestion still surprised me. I was also very turned on by his offer.

  While I’d been flirting with Dylan, I’d half-expected him to turn me away like he had the witch I’d spied on his lap when I’d first walked into Trevor’s house. It had taken me a few minutes to get my courage up to walk over to Dylan, crazy as that was. I don’t usually have confidence issues, but Dylan brings me back to high school, before my succubus powers came in.

  Of course, he didn’t remember me. Like all succubi, prior to my eighteenth birthday, I’d had dull hair and a figure that would have made Olive Oil look curvy. Back in school, Dylan had been cute and funny and totally out of my league. Dylan had also been three grades ahead of me, so I’d only gotten to stare longingly at him for a year. Still, he was the guy whose face I put into every teen movie inspired fantasy I’d ever had, and the guy I’d been most hoping to run into tonight.

  Now, Dylan was flirting with me. No, he was trying to get inside of me, and I had no intention of playing coy. His thick erection was hard to miss, and my pussy tightened just thinking about how good his cock would feel thrusting into my body. After abstaining for six months, my mom was right about me needing sex, and sex with Dylan was too tempting to pass up.

  “What do I get when I win?” I asked, running my tongue along my bottom lip, still leaning into Dylan and savoring the spicy scent of his cologne.

  Dylan just stared at my mouth. With the cuffs dampening my power, he shouldn’t be reacting this strongly. Realizing how much of his arousal had nothing to do with me being a succubus was a definite confidence boost. I bit my lip to keep from letting out a geeky teen squeal of delight because that would totally ruin the moment.

  “What do you want?” he asked in a husky voice.

  “You didn’t say pussy,” I accused. “Does that mean I win?”

  “The game doesn’t start until we agree on terms. I’m willing to put up anything for a chance to get you naked,” he said before tapping my cuffs. “Completely naked.”

  “If I win, the cuffs stay on, and the sex is on my terms,” I said without hesitation.

  Dylan’s lips curled up into a sly smile. “Then let the pussy-lovin’ game begin.”

  I laughed, unable to stop myself. Dylan had always been funny, and he’d always been good-looking, but age had definitely added to his appeal. In a tight black t-shirt and jeans, I saw the outlines of his chest and arms. I was pretty sure I’d find what was under his shirt to be well-defined and drool-worthy. With just a hint of stubble darkening his square jaw, sculpted cheekbones, and deep blue eyes, he was gorgeous. No matter how the bet turned out, I was going to enjoy every inch of Dylan’s body, a thought that practically had me moaning. I just had to make him slip up so the cuffs stayed on, because I was a little scared of how much I might want Dylan without them.

  “This should be interesting,” Trevor muttered, which is when I remembered he was still sitting on the loveseat, looking annoyed by the whole thing.

  Crap! I really wanted Dylan. Yeah, that didn’t even begin to describe it. Just from leaning into him like this, my panties were wet and my nipples were hard. Still, Trevor was my friend, and I hated the idea of making things awkward for him.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” I said, studying Trevor.

  “This is a terrible idea,” Trevor agreed. “I don’t want to have to listen to the two of you whining when things don’t work out.”

  “The bet is just for one night,” I assured Trevor. “Everyone knows Dylan’s not looking for more, and I’d never get involved with a warlock, anyway.” When I looked back at Dylan, hoping he’d back me up, I could have sworn I saw a flash of annoyance, but he quickly masked it.

  “C’mon, don’t be a pussy, Trevor,” Dylan said with a grin.

  “Fine,” Trevor said, moving away from us. “You’re both adults, so I’m going to visit with my other guests and let you make a huge mistake.”

  “I don’t like the idea of upsetting Trevor.” It was true, I didn’t want to upset Trevor, but I wasn’t sure I could turn back now that I was so close to having Dylan inside of me.

  “Don’t stress about Trevor acting like a pussy,” Dylan said, taking a seat on the opposite side of the sofa near the loveseat we’d been sharing. He was probably trying to leave room for me to sit without him crowding me.

  “You can’t win the bet by just calling everyone a pussy for the rest of the evening,” I told him.

  “There were no rules stipulated in the pussy bet,” he pointed out. “We could just talk about your pussy for the rest of the night,” he suggested.

  “No,” I countered.

  “So, you aren’t going to tell me all about your pussy?” he teased.

  I slid down onto the sofa and leaned closer. “You’ll know all about it by the end of the night,” I said with a sweet smile and an innocent bat of my eyes.

  Dylan swallowed hard. “You may be the death of me, little pussy cat.”

  I laughed at his nickname. Over the next two hours, I found myself laughing more than I had in the last year and enjoying Dylan’s company more than I should. Wanting Dylan was one thing, but liking him meant I might make the colossal mistake of falling for a warlock. That was a mistake I had no intention of making.