Read Skid Out (Heavy Influence Trilogy #0.5) Page 2


  A Heavy Influence Novel

  An Excerpt



  I could still feel the warmth from her body on the sheets when I reached over, searching for her, and for a moment I wondered…had it been real? Bleary-eyed, I stared at the clock. It was only 7 in the morning. The sound that woke me must have been the door shutting—Aly sneaking away. We must have fallen asleep sometime after midnight.

  She shouldn’t have stayed over. She’d kept trying to leave, but I’d keep pulling her back into the bed. Not that anything had happened. We’d just talked and hung all over each other, horsing around. Kid shit. I sighed, rubbing my eyes as I sat back down on the edge of the bed. What did I expect? She was a kid. Alyssa Montgomery. What the hell was I doing, hanging with a girl her age? If her parents caught her sneaking back in this morning…

  I swore and tripped on the sheet tangled around my leg as I climb out of bed. I opened the door to the backyard to see if she was still visible, but I was too late. It was quiet and cool. I shivered, standing there, wondering when I’d see her again. As I reached for my phone, I saw that three texts had come through. They were all from Rachel Schaffer.

  I didn’t read them—I just tossed my phone to the foot of my bed. I seriously didn’t even wanna deal with that shit right now. One drunken hook-up and what, she thought she had dibs on me? Yeah, she was an old friend, and she helped out with our band stuff…but I’d seen how she plays hot and cold with other guys; she should know what’s up. And it’s not like I’d ever shown even the slightest interest in her. But still, I just knew that it was gonna rain shit-balls once she realized that I was into Aly. I pushed the looming issue from my mind and tried to go back to sleep. This was my last summer vacation, and I wanted to go into my senior year with my future in music secure.

  I could smell Aly’s strawberry-scented hair lingering on my pillow and closed my eyes, reliving our night. When she’d first arrived, I’d sat down on my bed and she paced back and forth in front of me. I recalled how she looked in her little black cotton shorts. Her long legs, tan and smooth, it’d taken everything in me not to reach out and touch them. When I finally did, I think she had the softest skin I’d ever felt on a girl.

  I guess I finally drifted off to sleep, because I was startled awake by a knock at my door.

  “Yeah, what?” I groaned.

  “Rachel is here. It’s eleven o’clock,” my mom’s muffled voice informed me.

  Shit. Are you kidding me? “Alright, tell her to come in.” I threw off the blankets, sat up, and before I knew it Rachel was standing there, glaring at me.

  “What’s up, man? What’s so important that you had to wake me up?” I stood, grabbing a shirt off the back of my chair and pulled it on.

  “Really? Man?” she huffed, shoulders slumping.

  “Dude, what is up with you?”

  “Me? What about you?”

  “Are you kidding me, Rachel? I was up all night, writing.” I turned, holding my arms out, pleading. “Come on. What’s up? What’s this all about?”

  “You totally blew me off, Jake. You fuck around with me, and then you ignore me?”

  “Okay, wait a second. I could say the same thing about you. You fucked around with me too, Rachel.”

  I knew trying to put it on her was a dick move, but I didn’t even care. I’d had enough of this.

  “Yeah, but I’m not blowing you off.”

  I stood there, mind racing to find something to smooth over our exchange.

  “Look, I don’t mean to blow you off. Come on, I’m just doin’ my thing. You have no idea the shit that’s about to go down—I have to focus.”

  Rachel Schaffer, a close friend and someone I unfortunately hooked up with stood silently staring at me, her eyes searched me up and down, then they roamed around my room. Slowly, she began to walk around, searching as if she finally sensed that someone else had been there. My stomach sank. I could still smell Aly’s scent on me, and Rachel could probably smell it, too. I backed away and went into the bathroom, turning on the water. I rinsed my face. I didn’t want to deal with the drama of it all. I walked out, drying my face as I waited for her to say something.

  We stood there, silently staring at each other. She was trying to read me. I didn’t know what to say.

  She broke the silence first.

  “I don’t want things to change, Jake.” Her voice was void of her usual bitchy tone, which only made this harder. It’d have been easier to ignore her if she was being her usual overdramatic self.

  “Rachel, nothing’s gonna change if we just move past what happened.”

  “What am I supposed to do with that?”

  She moved close to me, taking my hand. Her fake nails raked against my palm. I looked down at her perfectly painted red lips and could only think of Aly. I laughed at the absurdity of the moment, gently pulling my hand away from hers and grabbing her shoulder.

  “We’re gonna chalk up that blurred night to something that just happened and chill. I don’t want things to change.”

  “Then don’t ignore me,” she said, standing on her tiptoes trying to kiss me. I turned my head away, and she stiffened.

  I could hear her breath escape her.

  I backed away. “Rachel, I’m sorry. I have a million things on my mind, and it’s got nothing to do with you.”

  Her eyes flashed with disappointment. I waited for her to berate me, but she surprised me once again with silence. Sadly, I knew it would never be the same between us, and it was only gonna get worse.

  “I’m sorry, too,” she said quietly. She kept looking around my room and walked toward my bed. Panic filled me. My eyes dashed around the bed and floor, looking for any trace of Aly. I didn’t see anything.

  “Look, Rachel, I don’t mean to blow you off, but I gotta meet with Notting. Apparently, we got some sort of a licensing deal for a movie or something.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Wow, that’s awesome. Which one? What’s it all about?”

  “I don’t know anything yet,” I said, maybe a little too harshly.

  “Geez. Okay. Grumpy.” She shook her head. “I’ll just talk to you later then. Um, and just ignore those text messages. You obviously didn’t read them yet.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I replied, grabbing the back of my neck and rubbing it. The tension was giving me a headache.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “No, Rachel, there isn’t.” I sighed deeply, deciding just to lay my thoughts out there. “Don’t worry about helping with anything right now. I don’t have it in me to deal with it. Just chill, okay?”

  I could see her swallow.

  “Alright, then,” she replied, obviously trying to play it cool. “Whatever. I guess call me later. Or not.”

  She left, her sarcasm hovering over me. I just stood there, unable to say anything. I felt like a jerk. It was weird seeing her like this; all vulnerable and unsure of herself. I pushed it from my mind.

  It seemed that every other thought throughout the afternoon was about Aly. I sat talking with Notting, my manager and father figure, and tried to focus on what he was saying. A production company had commissioned us to write an original score. Even though the movie was a low-budget flick, it had some well-known actors attached. I was stoked. After Notting left, my band and I sat around the garage, tinkering with our instruments. I got up and hit the switch to open the door.

  “Dude, it’s fucking hot out there—you’re gonna let all the cold air out,” Mike whined. I ignore him.

  “What are you doing?” Bobby chimed.

  “I’ll close it in a sec.” I said, and walked out to my truck, pretending to look for something. I glanced over at Aly’s house, hoping she’d miraculously appear. I didn’t have her phone number and wondered if she’d surprise me by coming back over later. I thought back to our conversation the night before.

  “You don’t think this is weird?” She’d asked in a whisper.

be silly. We’re just watching a movie.”

  Our legs pressed against each others, and I recalled how hard it had been not to be all over her. I wanted it to be chill—but it was far from that for me.

  “It’s nice to have someone different to hang with, you know,” she said quietly. “And it’s cool that you’re next door.”

  “Yeah. If you see lights, come over anytime.”


  “Yeah, sure.”

  I thought about how the light from the TV had made her eyes sparkle as she’d smiled, clasping her hands, and pressing them under her chin before she rolled over onto her side. Her reaction was so endearing it pulled me in even more. With her back facing me, I pictured myself running my hand gently over her arm, down to her side. I wanted to touch her legs so bad. Just thinking about it made me tug at my pants.

  I hoped she’d take what I said to heart and come over later.

  Dump’s drumming and Bobby’s baseline pulled me back to reality.

  “Hey, that sounds good,” I shouted over the music. “Start over.”

  I needed to focus on the music.

  Over the next hour, we hashed out something pretty clever for the film, though I was so distracted that my shit was rough around the edges. Dump and Bobby’s parts were solid. Mike would draft off me when I was finished. But no matter what the other guys did, my mind kept drifting back to the song I’d written the night before about Aly, as I’d waited for her to sneak over. It’d come easier than any song I’d ever written before—like magic. There was something about that girl…

  Finally, I gathered the courage to say something. “So, I wrote a new song the other night and it’s a little different, kinda, and I wanna know what you think.”

  “Shoot,” Dump encouraged.

  I took a deep breath and began. I couldn’t look any of them in the faces for the entire song. After it was over though, I looked up, steeling myself for their reactions. Bobby wore a huge grin. Dump nodded his head and tucked his tatted arms to his chest. Mike’s mouth hung open.

  “Interesting lyrics, where’d you pull those from?” Mike remarked.

  Again, I ignored him. No one else said anything.

  “So?” I asked. “Any other commentary?”

  “Nope. I dig it,” Bobby approved.

  Dump still sat there, nodding his head with his eyes closed. “I’m bumpin’ some shit around. All right. It’s a little lighter, but I gotcha. The lyrics are cool.”

  I smiled, satisfied.

  Later on, I sat at my computer watching random YouTube videos. The day had flown by; it was already 8:30. The bright light from my computer screen cut through the gray haze of fading sunlight that consumed my room and reminded me to turn on the lights. The code now set. Would Aly remember that I told her if she saw my lights on to come over anytime?

  A rush of adrenaline coursed through me when I heard the faint rattle of the gate in the distance. I jumped up, going to the door, wondering if I was hearing things. Euphoria overcame me when I saw Aly’s darkened figure come through the bushes.

  With a grin, I stepped out to meet her.



  I must have been hallucinating, because he looked like he was glowing. He didn’t have a shirt on and his broad shoulders dominated my vision. I didn’t know what to say other than “Hey”. He winked at me. I felt that intense electric surge when I brushed past him into his room. He stood in silence, and his smile spread broad across his face.

  “I was wondering when you’d wanna hang again.” He beamed, and my mouth went dry.

  “Yeah, I was wondering if you’d mind. So I thought, what the heck, I’d see.” I shrugged and sat down on his bed, waving around the movie cases I held. I’d taken them from my brother. He and Jake used to be best friends years ago. He would certainly have a lot to say if he knew where I was. “I borrowed these from Kyle.”

  Jake came and sat down next to me, grabbing the movies out of my hand. I went numb. Really, though, what the hell was I doing here? I couldn’t take all the questions bouncing around in my head. I’d barely eaten anything since the night before. I had to ask him about his relationship with that girl Rachel ‘cause it was eating at me big time, not to mention the feelings that swarmed through me. Yesterday, when I’d first gone to his room, she’d come by and caught a glimpse of me lying on his bed. He made innocent excuses when she gave him a hard time about it. It was obvious that there was something between them…but what? My gut was telling me that there was more to them than just her crushing on him, as he made it out to be. Oddly enough, I wasn’t nervous about our impending talk. I would still be his friend, no matter what his response. I would still want to come and talk music, and have him teach me to play the guitar. At least, that’s what I told myself, but with those thoughts, the truth came fast behind. I also didn’t want to think something was happening between us if it was only happening in my head.

  I kept thinking about poor Matt Squire. He had been my main crush for so long, and now this? Matt would be back the next day, and I wondered what I would feel for him now that this was going on with Jake. I was completely and utterly confused. Or was I? All I knew was that I loved the way Jake made me feel.

  I was fidgety, and Jake immediately called me out on my mood. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I was frozen. I wanted to curl my fingers around his, but I stopped myself. I didn’t know which way was up. He finally spoke again, making the mood light, and our conversation drifted to the new song he’d written. I begged him to play it for me, and when he did, I wanted to die. The way he looked, sitting there strumming his guitar without his shirt on, left me speechless. Everything about him was perfect. He was so talented. Finally, our small talk ended and I decided to go for it.

  My stomach did cartwheels.

  “Jake, I have a question.” I breathed deeply, trying not to hyperventilate. “I’m just going to ask, because I don’t know how else to do it.” I paused for a long moment. Our eyes were locked.

  His cheerful expression turned concerned at the seriousness of my tone. He froze, speaking slowly. “Okay.”

  My heart raced.

  I paced back and forth what seemed like a million times. Finally, Jake grabbed me by the waist and drew me onto his lap. When he touched me, it felt like I was plugged into an electrical socket. He held me snug, placing his chin on my shoulder and spoke softly into my ear. His tone was measured. I thought I was going to faint. My heart raced and my hands started to sweat again. I gulped.

  “What’s up? Something’s obviously on your mind.”

  I closed my eyes. “Do you feel it?” I breathed heavily.

  “What? Feel what?” he asked, holding his breath in an attempt to feel it.

  “The electricity or whatever it is,” I tried to explain. I held my breath, too, wanting it to last.

  “The electricity,” he repeated slowly. He moved me off his lap. My legs remained draped across his thighs. “What are you talking about?”

  I was instantly mortified. “Never mind. I’m just going crazy, that’s all. This was a bad idea.”

  I knew it was only me feeling anything at all—who was I kidding, anyway? I was just a stupid girl with a stupid crush. I was embarrassed, and I deserved it. I threw myself back onto his pillows.

  “Hey, don’t stop,” he said softly. “I wanna understand.”

  Holy crap. What else did I have to lose? I’d already completely embarrassed myself. He could take this back to his stupid friends and have a laugh. I covered my eyes with both hands, wanting to rip my eyes out of my head. I breathed in deeply, trying to come up with something to say, and kept peeking out between my fingers. The seconds ticked away and Jake stared at me tenderly, shaking my knee. My words came out like a bursting dam.

  “Jake, when I get near you, it’s this feeling I’ve never felt before. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but the only way I can describe it is electricity. It’s like this weird energy that passes from you to me.” I wou
ldn’t look at him. A long moment passed. His cell phone began to ring. “Now I feel stupid,” I blurted out. Thankfully, he ignored it.

  “Don’t feel stupid.” His voice soothed my frayed nerves. He sat quietly, contemplating his next words, nodding his head. He placed his hands on my thighs and I seriously thought I would die. I still wouldn’t look at him for any longer than a second. “I guess that’s the way you could describe or explain it. It’s also known as sexual tension,” he said flatly. My stomach dropped. So, he thinks I’ve already had sex? I was shocked. What the hell? The shift of my emotions was too much, and they ran up my spine and out of my mouth.

  “I’ve never done that!” I spat, jumping up. “I’ve never even really kissed a boy!” I wanted him to know I wasn’t some slut. There were girls my age who were already known for hooking up with guys, their reputations tarnished by their easy, teasing ways.

  “Alyssa, calm down, that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just another way to describe the energy that flows between the opposite sex when they’re attracted to each other,” he explained. “It’s also known as chemistry.”

  My warning bells were going off as I remembered what my sister Allison said to me the night before: “Guys like Jake only want one thing, and when they get it, it’s dump city.”

  Jake was gonna try and get in my pants, wasn’t he? I started to panic.

  “I should probably go.” I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm and I flinched, blurting out, “You’re not gonna try to have sex with me, are you?” I pressed my eyes tightly closed. I wanted to cry, feeling the sting in my eyes and the burn in my nose.

  Jake laughed nervously and immediately took his hand off my arm.

  “Whoa, whoa, no, absolutely not. I wouldn’t just take that away from you.” He paused. “Or force you to do that.”

  His face maintained a serious expression, his eyes searching mine.

  A few silent seconds passed. My brain fought to catch up, deciphering his words. “Take what away?” I asked, not immediately understanding what he meant.

  “Your, your…” he stuttered and paced around. He grabbed the top of his head and looked at the ceiling. “Whoa, warp speed. All in a day. I guess we’re making up for lost time.”

  He forced a smile, but didn’t look happy.

  “Jake, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

  “Alyssa, don’t be sorry.” He shook his head. “Let me explain something to you. Guys and girls, sometimes, this is how it goes.” He gestured between us.

  We stared at each other for a long moment until something came to my mind.

  “Like love at first sight?” I couldn’t help myself. I sounded so naïve.

  “I’m not sure about that, to be honest. But I can tell you that you’re not misreading anything. There’s something here.”

  “So, you’ve felt this with someone before?” I asked, even though I knew what the answer would be and didn’t want to hear it.

  “Yes, I have.”

  I was disappointed. There goes my schoolgirl dream of finding true love—of being the one. It was ridiculous, and I knew it.

  “You have.” I confirmed.

  My voice was barely audible.

  “Take Rachel, for example. I was attracted to her at first, but then after I got to know her and what she was really like, that feeling vanished into thin air, like it was never there.”

  “But you don’t feel it with me. It’s just a one-way thing, then,” I stated. I was exhausted from my emotions.

  I plopped over onto the bed, rolling onto my side to face him. He was so perfect and I was so foolish. To think I was anything special was idiotic. I pushed his pillow under my head and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent again. I swear, I’d never get enough of the way he smelled. When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me curiously from across the room. I mustered a little smile and croaked out a question.

  “Do you want me to leave, Jake?”

  “No, I want you to stay, if you wanna stay.” There was sincerity in his voice. He turned around, fiddling with the DVD player, and started the movie over again. I wondered briefly about his mom. I never saw her anymore.

  The next thing I knew, Jake hopped in bed behind me and stuffed a pillow under his head. I was paralyzed. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, even though he wasn’t touching me. The sensation was electrifying. I was completely captivated by the way I felt when I was around him. The peaks and valleys of everything he exuded enamored me. It was there, that tension again. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. I flinched as he moved my hair away from my neck.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. His hand moved down my arm, giving me the chills. He tucked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My heart skipped a beat. I could feel his breathing speed up, too. “Alyssa, let’s just not read into this whole thing. I do feel what you feel. I enjoy being here with you, and that’s the way it is.”


  “And I’m not going to do anything that would ever hurt you,” he interrupted. “You can trust me on that. I promise.” He squeezed me tight. I could feel him burying his face in the nape of my neck, and it gave me butterflies. His promise echoed in my head, mingling with the butterflies fluttering around every inch of me, lulling me to sleep.