Read Snow Angels Page 7

think about it. I am spending a few hours in the newsroom today. Maybe I’ll go over there since I’ll already downtown."

  "I guess."

  "Well, I’ll call you back later, I'm about to get dressed."

  "Ok, let me know what you decide."


  "Bye Aubry," Terry laughs.

  Best friend is right. I should go visit him. I am sure that he would love company after surgery. I quickly get dressed and start heading downtown. Snow sparkles all around the city. The snow keeps trying to melt. But it keeps coming back, haunting the city. Oh, now, Jena is calling me and I know she wants to know what I am going to do like Terry. Oh goodness.

  “I know you are going down there."

  "Well, hello to you too."

  "Hi. And so, how are you feeling? I am so glad that he is ok! Whew, his surgery went well!"

  “Yeah, I am so happy... I just don't know about visiting him after his surgery. I am scared to see what he is going to look like."

  Jena's laughter plunges into my eardrums.

  "What's so funny? I am so serious."

  "Girl, he is probably fine. Or..."

  "Or what?"

  "Well, I know in Grey's Anatomy, if the patient just got out of surgery, he or she is usually not conscious. They’re doped up on meds."


  "Yeah and he may have tubes all in his nose. And he may be black and blue in the face area, especially since he had head surgery."

  "Oh goodness, I am really not sure if i am going to be able to do this."

  "Yes you can. You need to see him. He wants to see you, right?"

  "Um, I don't know. I am assuming he does. What if he doesn't remember me! Oh my goodness, what if he looks at me crazy and…"

  "Aubry, seriously, take a deep breath."

  "I just don't know about this, girl."

  "Everything will be fine. Just go up there and see him. Even if it’s for 10 minutes, I am so sure that he will be happy that you came. Give him a chance."

  "Ok, I guess.”

  "And remember, he may be out of it. He may be drugged up. So you may have to talk to him slowly."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

  Chuckling, I throw my Blackberry in my purse and head to my desk. I can't focus at all. I can’t stop thinking about Charles. Maybe, I’ll visit him for few minutes. I won't stay long. Just go and make sure that he is ok.

  Walking down the hall, I search for him. Where is he? They moved him to this floor.



   My heart jumped. I quickly turn around and walk right into his room.


  “Hey, Aubry, how are you?” He asks adoringly.


  “I should be asking you that question, sir. How are you, Charles?”


  I smile, scratching out mental notes that his head is weirdly shaped. He has staples from the center of his head all the way down. And two patches of his hair are missing. Ouch. And his left eye is still swollen.  But he is so handsome.


  “Oh, I feel good. We just got done eating some pizza. How was your day at the newsroom?”


  “It was pretty busy, but I just wanted to make sure that I made it here to see you and see how you were doing. But I am not going to stay long.”

  “I am just glad that you are here,” he says, giving me a cute, mischievous wink. “Thank you.”



  “How are you truly feeling?”

  “Wait, is this an interview? I am not ready for this.” he chuckles.

  “No, silly goose, I just want to know.”

  “Well, I can tell you that I don’t know how many times I prayed in that hospital bed.”

  “Yeah, my heart goes out to you,” I tell him, shaking my head.

  “Yeah, it’s like an exalting feeling though. Days of pain. Days of agony. Days of questions. More importantly, days with God. I’m just praying its cancer.”


  It has been a couple of weeks since the surgery and it has been a sentimental voyage. Doctors informed Charles that he has Ependymoma. Best known as brain cancer. Charles is starting chemo and it’s not a pretty sight. His hair is beginning to fall out. But he is still handsome as ever. I just want my Charles to get better. I want this cancer to go away.

  Devastating, right? Not really. His cancer integrated into my body and spread into my heart. Cancer kills. But it gives new appreciation for life. Tiny angels have rescued his soul. We both grieve in our unfailing love. We rejoice because each sunrise is the gateway to a new day to gain an excellent standing and great assurance in our faith. It seems like the Devil will not leave us alone. But I know that God has a plan for us. I love Charles so much.

  The discovery of his rare brain disease has taken a toll on him physically. But not his mind. Cancer has tricks. But our God has tricks under his sleeves. And he showed us that He is in control. No matter what the doctors say. No matter how many chemo pills he swallows. No matter how strong the Cancer is. No matter what, God is in control. I am realizing that Charles’ brain tissue may not be hearty, but his mind is.

  Cancer is scary. But life isn't. Charles always tells me that.

  “Gotta keep living.” Charles forever says.


  I could really use a wish right now. I can’t keep going through this. But with brain cancer, do I really have a choice? But I know one thing; this disease is not going to control my life. Or my destiny.



  I am so excited! Charles asked me to meet him for dinner after I get off work. My co-worker Allie is working with me tonight and I am about to explode with excitement. It is such a beautiful Sunday and I am going to spend it with Charlie. I absolutely love spending time with this man.

  “Oh, Allie, I am so ready to get off work! I am so hungry and ready to see Charles!”


  “Wait, what time do you get off today? You're not closing?”


  “Nope, I get off at 7! Yes!”


  “Oh! What are you two plans?”

  “Hahaha, yeah, Charles is supposed to meet for dinner." I look down at my phone and realize that Charles has not called me yet. That is weird. Let me call him.

  No answer.

  I call him again.

  No answer again.


  Flustered, I keep calling Charles’ phone, but he is not answering. What is going on? Is he alright? He should be. He didn't say anything about feeling ill or anything.


  “Charles, where are you? Why aren't you answering my calls? I thought we were supposed to have dinner tonight? Call me back! Now!”


  Sitting in my car, I dial Allie’s number. I am hungry and furious. Somewhere deep down, I feel like something is viciously wrong. But I ignore.


  “Girl, Charles is pissing me off right now. He is ignoring my calls and not texting me.”


  “Aubry, girl, maybe something is really wrong. He wouldn't ignore you like that. That is not like Charlie.”

  “I know it’s not but still! I am so angry!” I keep looking at my Blackberry. Now, it’s finally ringing. “Wait, girl, this is him. Let me call you back.”


  “Ok girl.”




  “Um, hi Aubry, this is Kyra.”


  “Oh, um, hey Kyra, what are you doing? Where is Charlie?”


  “Um, yes, I am calling to tell you that Charlie is in an ambulance right now, they are rushing him to Henry Ford.”


  “I will meet you there.”


  OH MY GOD! Heart is racing. Brain is pounding. Lord, please no! Please!


  Driving 80mph on the freeway, I pull up to the hospital in 7
mins. Handing the valet driver random cash, I race to ER.


  Where is Charles? Arriving in the deck, the ambulance workers help Charles out the ambulance. What? I beat the ambulance here?


  Huh? My mother is here? Why do I hear her voice?”

  “Aubry, wake up!”

  Instantly, I jump out of my bed in a cold sweat. Whoa. It was all a dream. No more bad dreams. Please, Lord. Tears begin to flood my eyes. I can’t take it anymore! I am trying to stay strong, but I am so scared that I am going to lose Charles!


  I have brain cancer. So what do I do now? I am pretty open about my disease and a lot of people look at me with sympathy. I know what they are thinking. Are you ready to die? If they’re not asking that, they are thinking my life is no longer normal. Like seriously, what would you do if doctors pranced into your hospital room and explain in some weird terminology that you may die due to a disease that they may not be able to treat? Aubry and I talk about this all the time.

  “I wouldn’t know what to do. I can’t handle going to the dentist and have them tell me that I have a cavity.” Aubry says jokingly at dinner.

  “Yeah, on that day, it felt like my world crashed, burnt over and turned into a grimy pile of ash. But at the same time, Aubry, it felt like a new life for me.”

  “Yes, you are right Charles.”

  The hospital increased my chemo dosage and more of my hair is falling out. I am going to shave it all off soon. Probably sometime next week.

  “Do you think I am ugly?”

  “What? Why would you say that?”

  “Well… because my hair is falling out. I am surprised that you still want to be seen with me.”

  “Charlie, it’s hair. It will grow back eventually. I am not going to stop liking