Read Some Lips Tell Lies Page 4

  Chapter 4

  One of Marco’s men was waiting in the hall. He escorted her to the elevator. Anne rode down to the lobby in a pensive mood. Although she had wiped the tears from her face, it was obvious that she had been crying. When she exited the elevator, John saw her. He hurried over to her side. He could see she was upset. He put his arm lightly around her shoulders. He felt her tremble slightly, and he pulled her closer. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Are you all right?. I’ve been so worried about you. What did he do to you?” he growled.

  “Nothing, He didn’t do anything to hurt me. I’ll be OK. I’m just tired. It’s been a very emotional, strange weekend,” Anne murmured.

  John and Joe collected the luggage. Joan picked up the bouquet of flowers. Luigi carried Anne’s suitcase and the box of papers from Anne’s car. They loaded everything into John’s car. Joe climbed into the back seat. John opened the passenger door and Anne slid inside. John shut the car door and drove out to the highway and headed south toward Los Angeles. John looked over at Anne. She seemed lost in thought and was looking out the side window.

  After driving a few minutes in silence, John reached over and touched Anne’s arm. “Slide over closer to me,” he whispered, “so we can talk without disturbing Joe.” John smiled and was glad he didn’t have bucket seats.

  Anne slid closer until they were sitting side by side. He reached down and touched her arm, “I can see you’re very tired. Lean against my shoulder. Maybe you can get a nap.”

  Anne leaned over and laid her head down on his shoulder. She was so quiet, John figured she’d fallen asleep. He glanced down and was surprised to see she was awake looking up at him. She sighed and snuggled closer to him. He moved his right arm and wrapped it around her. She leaned over, put her head on his shoulder again. She reached up and gently touched his face. She turned her head and kissed his neck and then his cheek.

  “What’s that for?” he asked, glancing down at her.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to kiss you and be sure you are real,” she sighed. “Thanks for being my friend and for protecting me.” She closed her eyes and snuggled up against him. John looked down at her sleeping beside him. He wanted to kiss her. Feeling her snuggled beside him, his mind wandered back to being with her in the hotel room. He could feel desire beginning to stir in his body when he thought of her soft white skin and the beauty of her body

  About an hour later, he felt her shift her position. He felt her hand sliding across his chest until it caressed his neck. He stole a look at her face. Her eyes were open. Her lips were slightly parted, she slipped her left arm around his waist.

  “If you keep touching me and looking so incredibly beautiful, I may lose control of the car and myself. If we were parked somewhere right now, I’d be kissing you. Is that what you want?” he asked teasingly.

  Anne squeezed him and answered, “Yes, I’d like to be kissing you now,” she whispered against his neck.

  About an hour later, Joe woke up and stretched. “Is it about time for a restroom break?” Joe asked.

  John pulled off at the next exit and drove into the first service station. Joe got out and headed toward the restroom. John got out and started filling the gas tank. Anne slid out and walked back to where John was standing.

  “Well,” she said with a playful grin. “You aren’t driving right now, are you?”

  John looked down at her. She smiled and slipped in front of him while he pumped the gas. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled his face down to her waiting lips. He stopped pumping the gas and pulled her into a passionate embrace which seemed to go on forever. When he finally lifted his mouth away from hers, she swayed slightly.

  “That’s what you get for teasing me when I couldn’t respond to you. Are you satisfied now?” he laughed. Although he couldn’t admit it, he had only collected a down payment on what he longed to do.

  Anne smiled up at him and said, “Yes! I got just what I wanted. I like being your ‘kissing friend’,” she chuckled, moving quickly away from him before he could kiss her again. She hurried off to the restroom. When she got back, Joe was in the driver’s seat. John opened the front door for Anne, then he climbed into the backseat.

  Anne was surprised. She wanted to climb in the backseat with him, but Joe had already started the car and was driving back on the freeway. John settled back for the long ride back to Los Angeles. He was shaken by the depth of feelings Anne’s kiss had aroused in him. He knew he was growing weaker and letting her go with just a kiss was getting harder and harder each time they kissed. He looked at the back of her head resting against the front seat just a few feet from where he was sitting. He longed to have her beside him with her head resting on his chest. ”Anne is so sweet and so beautiful, I want to hold her and kiss her. I want her, all of her. If only I could get out of this assignment and tell her about my secret life. I’d ask her to marry me. I’d never let her go again. I want to hold her, kiss her, and make love to her. God, please protect her and bring us together at the right time. I love her and I believe she cares for me. Help me find a way out of this mess I’m involved in,” he prayed silently.

  Anne closed her eyes and felt disappointed and rejected. As the car travelled down the highway, she leaned her head against the side window, and began thinking back over how John had just responded to her. He had kissed her before, but never like he had just kissed her. Yet, in some distant memory, his kiss had seemed familiar. She wished her memory of the night alone with him in the hotel room was clearer. He said he had just held her and kissed her that night, but what kind of kiss had it been? The missing memory haunted her thoughts.

  Anne looked out the side window of the car and tried to focus her mind on that night, but her memory did not come back to her. Anne had so many conflicting feelings about that night. She was pleased that he had been honorable and respected and cared enough about her that he hadn’t taken advantage of her drunken and emotional state. From her disjointed memories, Anne realized, no matter what he had wanted that night, she would not have tried to stop him. She remembered clearly being aroused and longing to be loved by him. Her body was ready for him, but he had pulled back and not done anything. Maybe the truth was that he did not love her the way she loved and wanted him.

  “Did I just mistake his teasing, flirting friendship and attention for more than what he really felt. Maybe all he feels for me is desire and friendship. Have I been hanging on him and throwing myself at him when he doesn’t really want me? When he kissed me, I think he wanted me. Was this last kiss just his way to pay me back for my teasing him in the car? Is this all just a game for him? Have I just been playing the fool for him?” Anne thought miserably.

  Anne closed her eyes and fought to keep from crying. She felt terribly hurt and confused. Anne blushed as she realized that she still wanted him to make love to her, but he apparently didn’t feel the same desire or love that she felt for him.

  Anne shook her head sadly. She had never felt so emotionally confused before. She had reached an emotional overload. Too many things had happened in her life over the last few months. Too many losses and emotions had washed over her. She rode along in silence, but inside she felt like she was screaming and breaking apart inside. She longed for someone to love her and care about her, someone who would listen and care for her and someone who would not tear her feelings apart.

  She slipped her hand into her pocket and touched the small folded piece of paper that Marco had given to her a few hours ago before they said goodbye. She loved talking with John. His easy way of joking and teasing her, had reawakened the playful side of her personality she had nearly forgotten existed. Now, there were so many things she and John could no longer talk about How could she tell him what she was feeling, when he was the reason for her confusion? She had always been able to call her dad and talk to him about anything, but he was gone now. She h
ad no close friends she could call and talk to. She looked at the scrap of paper again. Marco had been so caring and had spoken so simply and with such understanding of her emotional state. She had been so openly touched when they had talked in his office this morning. Anne felt deep gratitude, comfort, and empathy from this man she barely knew. She was filled with a terrible emptiness. To her confused mind, the scrap of paper with Marco’s phone number on it looked like a lifeline to her.

  As she sat quietly thinking in the car, Anne began trying to build internal walls to protect her fragile emotions. No matter how much she realized she still loved and wanted John, she had to stop allowing herself to be hurt by him. The friendly flirting and teasing they shared was too dangerous. Anne vowed to hold back her feelings for him

  When they headed over the last pass and dropped into the San Fernando Valley, Anne forced herself to sit up and draw the emotional curtains around her feelings. Joe drove into a small street in Canoga Park. He parked in the driveway of a medium size ranch style house. He said goodbye, got his suitcase out of the trunk, and quietly walked into the house. She sat up and placed a plastic smile on her mouth.

  John climbed into the driver’s seat. He looked over at Anne and smiled. Anne returned her plastic expression. He drove over toward Santa Monica. “We’re almost to Santa Monica, Anne, how do I get to your place?” he asked.

  Anne gave him directions to her apartment complex. It was nearly 9 PM when they pulled up and parked in front of her building. After giving the directions, Anne had ridden in silence. John noticed her quietness, but figured she was just tired. After John parked the car, Anne got out and walked quickly back to the trunk. She grabbed her purse, suitcase, and bouquet and started walking quickly up the stairs. John grabbed the small box of papers she had retrieved from her old car and hurried up the stairs after her. He waited while she unlocked her door, turned on the light, and walked inside. He followed her inside.

  “Where do you want me to put this box?” he asked.

  Anne looked around and pointed to the kitchen table. She put her purse and bouquet next to it. Anne stood looking around. She felt so emotionally and physically drained, she didn’t know what to do next.

  John noticed her hesitation and quietness. He touched her arm and said, “Are you all right?” She looked at him with a blank expression and then shook her head.

  “What time do you want me to pick you up to drive you to work? Or, do you just want me to sleep on your couch tonight?” he offered.

  “You don’t have to drive me to work tomorrow. I’ll just catch a bus. It’s late and I’m sure you want to get home and go to bed,” she said in a flat monotone voice.

  “No, Anne, I promised Marco I’d drive you to work and then pick you up and take you to get your new car,” he said.

  In a monotone voice, she said, “That’s not necessary. I can take care of myself. You’ve helped me enough already.”

  John grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. He looked at her blank emotionless expression. “What’s wrong, Anne. You’ve been quiet and upset almost since we left Marco’s place. What happened when you were alone with him?” he asked urgently.

  “Nothing. Nothing I can talk about.” She seemed to suddenly remember what he had asked her earlier. “I need to be at work by 9 AM, if you insist on driving me there. It takes about 15 minutes to get there from here,” she said.

  “I’ll pick you up about 8:30 AM. Are you sure you’re OK? I don’t want to leave you alone here when you are acting so strange. I can sleep here on the couch, if you don’t want to be alone,” he offered.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m just worn out, I think. Thanks for driving me home and for taking care of me. I appreciate your friendship,” she said mechanically.

  John reached out and pulled her into his arms. He hugged her close, but she didn’t snuggle against him. He looked in her eyes, but he didn’t see the sparkle of warmth and life in them. He bent down to kiss her, but she stood mechanically still. Her lips didn’t open when his mouth covered her lips. He released her and she swayed and nearly fell.

  John draped his arms around her. “Anne, Anne, when you were with Marco did you drink or eat anything? Any pills or do anything unusual?” he asked.

  Anne shook her head no.

  “Are you feeling all right now?” he asked again. Anne swayed unsteadily. John lifted her into his arms. “There’s no way I’m leaving you here alone, Anne, not until I’m sure you’re all right.”

  Anne’s head dropped onto his shoulder with a low whimper. She collapsed and sobbed against his chest. Anne felt the dam that had been holding back all her feelings and tears shattered. Tears for her father’s illness and death; tears for the death of Tracie, unfulfilled dreams of John’s loving her, tears for the feeling of foolish hopelessness; and the pain of the story Marco had shared with her. John looked down at her and he carried her into her bedroom. He sat down on the bed and gently rocked her in his arms until her sobbing stopped. When he looked down, she had either passed out or was sleeping. He checked her pulse. It was strong and steady. She was breathing normally, but he didn’t feel safe leaving her alone in this condition. He felt her body relax while he continued rocking her in his arms. Although she was paler than usual, John knew he wouldn’t be able to leave her until she was acting normally.

  He gently put her down on the bed and began slowly, gently removing her clothes. His hand trembled as he slowly revealed her beautiful body. He searched through her dresser and found a nightgown. He slipped it over her body. He quickly stripped down to his shorts, pulled the covers back, and climbed in beside her. She moaned in her sleep. John pulled her against his body and held her close. He held her, hoping that the feel of his body would comfort her and help her feel protected. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and stroked her hair.

  Slowly her breathing deepened and she stopped moaning and drifted off to sleep. John stayed with her sleeping beside her body. When he saw the daylight begin shining through the curtains, he reluctantly eased away from the warmth of her body, gathered up his clothes and got dressed. He stretched out on the sofa and waited for time to wake her up for work. He was startled when her alarm clock began buzzing. He walked over and sat down next to her on the bed. He gently shook her awake. He leaned over and kissed her mouth, gently at first, gradually increasing the passion and pressure of his lips moving over hers.

  When Anne’s eyes opened, she saw his face and felt his warm sensuous lips. She slowly parted her lips, sighed, and invited him to kiss her again.

  “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. I hate having to wake you up so early, but it’s time to get ready for work,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Are you my Prince Charming?” she asked sleepily stretching.

  He chuckled, “I hope so,” he answered. With a long, slow kiss he awoke her completely.

  Anne struggled to sit up and John helped her into a sitting position.

  “I hated waking up. I was having the most wonderful dream,” she sighed. The insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm finally brought her out of her dreamy state. She suddenly realized the sensuous kisses had not been a dream. John had really been holding and kissing her. She glanced around and saw her clothes on the floor, and she felt the soft silky feel of her nightgown against her bare skin. She couldn’t remember much about the night except feeling unbelievably tired.

  John reminded her, "You’d better wake up and get dressed for work. I promised I’d get you to work unless you’ve decided to play hooky.”

  When Anne reached for her robe, John asked, “Do you want some coffee? I’ll go make some while you get dressed.” He walked out and began looking for the coffee. He found a jar of instant coffee. By the time the water heated and the coffee crystals dissolved, Anne was in her uniform.

  When she walked into the living room, he handed her a warm cup of coffee. He smiled at her and said, “Well, Nu
rse Anne, you look beautiful this morning. Are you feeling better today? I think you might have had too much excitement the last few days. You weren’t acting like your usual self. Thanks for letting me use your couch. It let me get some extra sleep time, too. That’s why I stayed here,” John explained.

  “Thanks for the coffee. It really helped me get my brain working. I’m not usually so hard to wake up,” Anne said, smiling shyly up at John.

  “Let me know when you’re ready to leave for work. I know you like to be on time or early,” John said.

  She slipped on her white nurse’s shoes, found her purse and keys. “I’m ready when you are,” she said.

  He winked and said, “I’m always ready when you are, too.”

  She looked at him and blushed.

  He laughed at her reaction. “I meant I am ready to leave for work whenever you are ready to leave. What were you thinking?” he chuckled and opened the apartment door.

  Anne directed John to the small Children’s Hospital where she was working. “What time should I pick you up to take you to look at your new car?” he asked.

  “I get off work at 4:30, but I still need to call and make an appointment. Can I have your phone number, and I’ll call and let you know later today,” Anne asked.

  “I’ll give you a call later. Maybe I’ll just come by when you get off work. I can take you to the car dealer’s place whenever the dealer is ready,” John said.

  As she got out of the car, John grabbed her hand. “Have a great day! I envy those kids who get to see you all day every day.” He kissed her hand and then watched her walk into the hospital. When she was no longer in sight, John quickly drove to his apartment to put his suitcase inside, take a quick shower, and change his clothes. He rushed out to his car and hurried to work.

  John knew it was going to be a bad day because Bob Watson, his boss, was so anxious to get information, and he didn’t have anything definite to tell him about Marco. “All I have to tell him is, ‘Be patient.’ ” I know that answer will not satisfy him. If they think they can do this job better, I hope they release me and get someone else,” he muttered as he walked into the building.

  Anne’s day back at the hospital was very busy. Two new patients had been admitted while she was away. The two sisters, Terri, aged 7, and Sherri, aged 5, both had leukemia. Terri had already completed one round of chemotherapy, but 5 year old Sherri was scheduled to begin her first round of chemotherapy soon. Terri tried to calm and comfort Sherri. When Anne met the girls, there was an instant connection. She took good care of all her charges, but she maintained a vey close watch on the sisters. At lunchtime, she settled in with them. She noticed Sherri’s tray was barely touched.

  “Sherri, you need to eat more food so you’ll get stronger. I know you are not a baby anymore, but will you let me help you with your lunch?” Anne asked.

  When Sherri nodded yes, Anne began cutting the meat into smaller pieces. Anne shook her head, “This just isn’t what kids like to eat, is it? Sherri, if you eat most of the meat and more of the vegetables, after I get my car today, I’ll bring in a couple of hamburgers for you and Terri tomorrow. What other kinds of food do you two girls like to eat?” Anne asked.

  Terri said, “We both like ice cream and pizza.”

  “Pizza is yummy,” Sherri agreed. Anne was so absorbed in working with the girls that she didn’t notice John’s arrival. He stood near the open door and watched Anne charm the girls. He looked at her face and smiled. The strain and excitement of the last weekend no longer showed in her eyes or expression. He watched her playfully interacting with them. Before she left, she gave each of the girls a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and said, “My shift for today is nearly over, but I’ll see you two in the morning. Eat your food, and I’ll bring in a treat for you tomorrow.” When she stood up to leave, she saw John standing in the doorway.

  Anne smiled and walked up to him. “How long have you been standing there? You’re early. I don’t finish my shift for 45 minutes,” she said.

  “I was standing here long enough to know that you are a wonderful nurse and a beautiful person! I thought I might hang around and visit with some of the kids, if that’s OK. Is there anyone who might like a visitor?” John asked.

  “Probably all of them would like a visitor to break up the monotony of the day, but there is one little boy I think you’d connect with. Like you, he was in an automobile accident and had multiple injuries. All of them were critically injured. His father and siblings died right after the accident, and his mom is still in a coma, so he almost never has visitors,” Anne said.

  “Boy, I can identify with what he’s going through. If you introduce me to him, I’d be glad to spend time with him. Just come and get me when you’re ready to leave,” John said. Anne led him down to the room and introduced him to ten year old Bryan. John sat down next to his bed. He shook his hand and began talking to him.

  When Anne finished her shift, she went to collect John. He was sitting on Bryan’s bed. They were bent over a jigsaw puzzle on the tray stand next to his bed. Anne looked at Bryan’s face and smiled in amazement. She thought, "That’s the first time I’ve seen him smile like that since I started working here. John just has a special way with kids. He’d be a wonderful father.”

  Anne walked up and asked, “How are you doing on your puzzle? It looks like you got a lot done today.”

  Bryan looked up and smiled. “He’s really good at puzzles. He showed me how he works on jigsaw puzzles. It’s really neat. Now I can figure out where the pieces go better,” Bryan enthused.

  John stood up, reached over and tousled Bryan’s hair. He said, “Next time I’m in the area, I’ll come and see how you’re doing. It was a pleasure meeting you, Bryan.”

  John walked over to Anne and they walked down the long corridor and out to John’s car. “How was your day at work?” he asked.

  “It was good getting back to work. I enjoy being around the kids. They make me forget other things, and that’s great,” Anne answered. “The dealer said to come right over after work. He’ll wait for us, but we should probably leave soon.”

  Once back at John’s car, he pulled her gently into his arms and kissed her softly.

  “What’s that for?” Anne asked.

  “Because you are so gentle and loving with those children. You are truly an angel,” John said.

  “Well, you haven’t lost your touch either. That was the first time I’ve ever seen Bryan smiling. You’re amazing,” she praised John.

  Once they were parked in front of the car dealership, John took Anne’s hand, and they walked over to the showroom door. Most of the lights were turned off, but when they reached the front door, a man quickly came over and let them in.

  “Come inside. Are you Mr. M’s friend?” the man in the dark blue suit asked.

  Anne took the note Marco had given her and handed it to the man. He quickly scanned it, then smiled and offered his hand. “I’m Mr. Ferrar. I’m happy to meet you. Mr. M told me to choose the four best used cars and let you to choose the one you like best. I have them set aside in the garage area,” he said as he led them to the garage.

  Anne walked around each one. He opened the doors, and Anne sat inside each car. She asked a few questions about them. She walked over to John. “Which one should I choose? The only car I’ve ever driven is Clunker. I’ve never bought a car before, and I’m not sure how to choose one,” Anne admitted.

  John looked at the cars and then said, “Let’s work backwards. Which one do you not want?”

  “Well, they are all beautiful, but I’m not really interested in the flashy yellow convertible. I can’t see myself driving it around,” she said.

  “Great, now which one is your least favorite car?” John asked.

  “The SUV is nice, but it’s more for a large family. Why would I ever want or need two DVD players in the back seat. It just isn’t me,” Anne admit

  “OK, now you are down to the two sedans. The biggest differences are 2 door versus 4 door models and 13,000 miles on one odometer versus 7,000 miles on the other. Either one would be a good choice. Which of them do you like the best?”

  “I’m still not sure,” she answered.

  It sounds silly, but here’s one way I use to figure out choices like this. Do you remember the old ‘Eeny, Meeny, Minny, Moe’ game? Use that old game. Trust me, there’s more to it than just that,” John added.

  Anne began counting back and forth between the two cars. When she finished, she was pointing at the silver two door sedan.

  “Anne, how did you feel when you saw how it turned out? Did you think ‘Great’ or ‘Oh, no’” What was your first reaction?” John asked.

  “I think it was closer to ‘Oh, no,’” she answered.

  “If that’s true, the one you like best is the four door sedan. That shows your first choice is not the one the rhyme chose, but either one would be a good car for you,” he explained.

  Anne laughed, “I never thought about it that way.” She got into the 4 door sedan and drove it around the block outside of the dealership. When she came back, she said, “Mr. Ferrar, it’s a hard choice, but I think I want the 4 door sedan. It seems more practical for me and my needs.”

  “That is a great choice. Now if you’ll come into the office, we’ll fill out the paperwork. He went in and they filled out and signed the paperwork. He also explained that Marco wanted to add the Lifetime Warranty and Service Agreement. He explained, “If you have any problems or whenever your car needs servicing, bring it back to us. We’ll be happy to take good care of Mr. M’s friend. There are no charges for any servicing or repairs for the life of the car,” he explained.

  He handed Anne copies of all the papers and the car keys and thanked them for coming in. John and Anne shook his hand. Anne climbed into her new car. John walked over to her car.

  “Would you like to meet me at the coffee shop down the street? I’d like to take you out to dinner to celebrate your new wheels,” John said.

  Anne said, “That sounds nice. I’m not sure which place you mean, so I’ll follow you.”

  John got into his car and started driving with Anne following behind him. After dinner, Anne touched John’s hand and said, “Thanks for everything, for driving me around, for taking care of me the last few days, and for being a real friend.”

  “I’m so glad you have a nice, reliable car to drive now. I wish I had enough money to be the one who gave it to you. I’d like to be the one who takes care of all your needs.” He leaned through the car window and kissed her tenderly.

  Anne kept thinking about his words as she drove home. “I don’t understand him. When he says things like that, I think he really cares about me. Other times, he seems distant and secretive. He won’t even tell me where he works or lives, and he didn’t tell me his phone number. I don’t understand him. What does it all mean?” she thought.

  It was about 8:30 pm when Anne carefully parked her new car in her parking space. She locked it and walked up to her apartment. When she walked inside, the phone was ringing. She grabbed it and said, “Hello.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you got home safely. How do you like the way your car handles?” John asked.

  “I love it, but I still can’t believe it is mine. It seems like a beautiful dream. Thanks again for dinner and for chauffeuring me around. Thanks for everything you’ve done to help me,” Anne said quietly.

  “I’m glad I was there. Good night, Anne. I’ll talk to you later,” John added.

  Anne hung up the phone and put her purse on the sofa. She was still tired from the long weekend trip, so she decided to take a quick shower and go to bed early. She pulled off her clothes, wrapped up in her robe and headed into the bathroom. After her shower, she toweled dry, put on her night gown, and climbed into her bed. Since she was still so excited about her car, she picked up a magazine and started to read for a while.

  She had only read a page or two when the telephone rang again. She reached for the phone by her bed. She answered it and heard a man’s voice.

  “Hello, my sweet Angel. Did you get your new car yet?” Marco asked.

  “Hello, Marco. Yes, I got my car a few hours ago. I still can’t believe it’s really mine. I just realized, I’ve never driven any car except ‘Clunker’. This car is so beautiful and so easy to drive. I feel like a princess. How can I ever thank you, my dear papa,” she added shyly.

  “No more talk of thanks. I owe you so much more. I owe you my life. Tell me, which one did you choose?” he asked.

  “That was so hard to decide. They were all so nice. I finally chose the dark red four door sedan. It is so beautiful and it is so nice and easy to drive,” she enthused.

  Marco laughed happily. “My sweet Angel, you deserve the best. I am so happy for you. Did you have a good day at work? I was worried because you seemed so tired when you left here yesterday.”

  Later, when Anne glanced at the clock, she noticed it was nearly 11 pm. “We’ve been talking nearly two hours. You are so easy to talk to, Marco. I’m so happy you called. I was all excited and needed to get some of the excitement out. I needed someone to talk to. I feel more relaxed and should be able to sleep now. I’ll call you tomorrow, if that’s all right with you. Sleep well, Papa,” Anne whispered.

  “Good night, Angel. Call me anytime you want to,” he added.

  Anne hung up the phone feeling happy and relaxed. She rolled over on her side and fell asleep. When she woke up, she felt more rested than she had in many days She got ready to go to work. Realizing she had some extra time, she found Marco’s cell phone number and dialed it.

  Almost immediately, he answered, “Hello.”

  I hope I didn’t call too early, but I wanted to say ‘Good morning’. I enjoyed talking to you so much last night. I felt so happy and relaxed afterwards. I slept soundly for the first time in many days. Thanks again, Papa, for my car and for your phone call. I have to leave for work. I just wanted to hear your voice,” Anne said.

  “Thanks for calling me. It is never too early or too late for you to call me , Angel. I’m happy to talk to you anytime. Be careful driving your new car to work. If you have time, hopefully we can talk more tonight. Have a wonderful day. Give the children a hug from me. I love you, Angel,” Marco said quietly.