Read Some Lips Tell Lies Page 5

  Chapter 5

  Over the next few weeks, a pattern developed, Anne called Marco for a short talk in the morning before work. Marco called her between 9-10 pm for a longer visit. They developed a trust and talked freely about everything. Marco talked more about Sophia and Angela. Anne talked about her work, her father, her feelings for John, and if she had seen him.

  One night when he called, Marco told Anne, “It was exactly 22 years ago that my wife and daughter died.”

  “My dear Papa, I wish I were with you tonight. It must be a very sad and lonely time for you. You never told me how they died. Was it an accident?” she asked.

  “No, Angel. They were out running errands and were waiting in line in the bank. A group of thugs came in. They robbed the bank. They already got the money, but on the way out, one of them shot up the bank for no reason at all. Sophia and Angela were both shot and died later in the hospital. They were both so beautiful and so innocent. They didn’t deserve to die like that! That day my happy life was destroyed,” he stated coldly.

  “My dear Marco, how did you survive that? I don’t know if I could have recovered from that. I lost my father and it hurt so bad. I can’t imagine what you went through,” Anne said.

  “The police did nothing. I vowed to get revenge. I began hitting the streets trying to find out who was responsible. The only way to get information was to become part of their world. The deeper I went, the more I lost myself. When I learned who was responsible, I plotted their destruction. Looking back now, I realize what I did was as wrong as what they did. By the time I felt my revenge was complete, I had become as brutal and unfeeling as they were. I didn’t clearly understand how terrible I was until I met you. I saw your sweet innocence and realized how unworthy I was to even talk to you. I clearly saw myself and was ashamed of what I had become. I’ve done or caused so many bad things to happen, I want to make amends for my actions, but I’m not sure how,” he sighed.

  “Marco, the past is gone; it can’t be changed. What is more important is how you live today and in the future. It isn’t too late to change. There is nothing you’ve ever done that God won’t forgive. People may hold grudges and not forgive, but God says He will forgive anyone who comes to him in faith and repents. He is the one who will decide our rewards and where we will spend eternity. Actually, it isn’t God who decides our fate. It is our response to His Son Jesus that determines where we spend eternity. Please think about it. I want you to be in Heaven with Sophia and Angela and me someday in the future,” Anne said passionately.

  “Anne, you don’t understand how bad I’ve been,” he said hopelessly.

  “I don’t need to know what you were. I am not your judge. I can feel the goodness in your heart now. Marco, God knows everything you’ve done, and He loved you enough to die in your place. Just believe and ask,” Anne urged. “Can I send you a small book to read about it, Papa?”

  “If you send it, I will read it. Good night, Angel,” he said.

  Two or three times a week, Anne heard from John. They talked for a few minutes. At odd times, he would show up at the hospital. He began visiting Bryan regularly. Sometimes he brought in a puzzle or some magazines. Anne always peeked in to say hello when he was visiting. They began going to the cafeteria for coffee. Anne felt happy when he showed up. They held hands and laughed together. On the days he didn’t see her at the hospital, he called her early in the evening.

  One afternoon, he called and asked her to go out to a movie with him. Anne agreed. About 7 pm John arrived. They drove to a small theater that showed vintage or cult movies. “I saw this movie many years ago. I thought it was very funny. Have you ever seen “The Gods Must Be Crazy’?” he asked.

  “No, that’s a strange title for a movie,” she remarked.

  The theater was old, but clean and comfortable. There were a few groups of people scattered around the theater. John held Anne’s hand and climbed to the top row. He hurried down and brought back a box of popcorn. “It just doesn’t seem like a movie without popcorn,” he said.

  When the theater’s lights dimmed and the movie started, John slipped his arm around Anne’s shoulder. She looked at him and smiled. His hand settled on her shoulder. Anne held the popcorn box and they both ate out of it. One time, they reached in at the same time. When their hands touched, for a moment neither of them pulled their hand out of the box. They looked at each other and giggled. After that it became a game to see who could sneak in without being spotted.

  John kept the popcorn container in his peripheral vision. When he saw her reach for the popcorn, he quickly reached in, captured her hand and pretended to think it was popcorn. He lifted her hand to his mouth as if he was going to eat it. Instead he kissed her hand, then her wrist. Anne giggled and tried to pull her hand away, be he leaned over and kissed her. He released her hand and she reached up and caressed his face. The kiss deepened, and Anne felt herself being drawn closer to him. When the kiss ended, Anne laid her head back on his shoulder. She sighed and snuggled against him.

  When the movie was over, they walked out of the theater laughing and talking about the funny scenes in the movie. When they reached Anne’s apartment building, John got out and walked her to her door. When Anne opened the door and walked in, John followed her. She offered him a cup of coffee. They sat down on the sofa. Anne had turned on the radio and mellow music filled the room. Sitting so close to him, she felt a tension growing between them. Anne looked at John and longed to have him kiss her. She looked at him and saw he was staring at her.She leaned towards him and gently placed her lips on his. When her lips touched his, he pulled her tight against his body. The kiss seemed to ignite the desire they both felt. They hugged and kissed again. Anne felt she was being drawn into a warm, amazing, sensual world. She could feel her body responding with increased passion. As she was falling under his spell, she felt John change. He began pulling back. He slowly released her. Anne felt like she had been pushed into a cold shower when all she wanted was a long sensuous bubble bath.

  John physically moved away. Anne sat up stiffly. She got up and walked to the kitchen. She poured a cup of coffee and offered to refill his cup. As she walked back into the living room, the telephone rang. Anne glanced at the clock and then picked up the receiver. She walked a few steps away from John and turned her back. She was aware that John could hear her end of the conversation, but she talked anyway.

  “Hello, Oh, I’m so glad you called. I love talking to you. Thanks for the beautiful gift. Yes, I got it today. You didn’t have to send me anything. Yes, I love it, but I didn’t expect anything. OK, can I call you back in a little while. Yes, I have company, but I think he will be leaving soon. Sure, I’ll call you back in a little while. Love you, Bye.”

  While Anne talked on the phone, John listened intently to Anne’s words and tone. It was obvious to him that she was talking to someone she knew well and liked a lot. “Who is she talking to? Is she seeing someone else?” his jealous mind thought. That thought sent chills through him. He had just come so close to making love to her. “Have I waited too long to tell her how I feel and to make love to her?” he thought angrily. Thinking about the caller, John felt anger and suspicion rising in him.

  Anne turned around with a smile, walked over and hung up the receiver. She sighed, picked up her coffee cup and sat down at the kitchen table.

  “Isn’t it late for a phone call?” he asked grumpily. “Was that someone you work with?”

  “No to both questions. For the right person, it is never too late or too early. No, that wasn’t a co-worker. He was just calling to be sure I received a present he sent me,” Anne said, “and I did.”

  “Who is this guy? Why did he send you a gift? Is it for your birthday?” he asked.

  “No, it isn’t my birthday. He said he saw it and thought about me. Come to think of it, I don’t have to tell you anything about him or
what I do. Remember, we are just ‘kissing friends’. We aren’t lovers or in a relationship. I know more about this man than I know about you. I don’t really know much about you. I don’t know what kind of work you do or where you live. For all I know, you may already have a wife or a live-in lover,” Anne said.

  “I’m not married, living with anyone, or dating other people. You must know how I feel about you,” he said.

  “Not really, I haven’t figured out what you really want. Sometimes I don’t think you even know what or who you really want,” she said.

  “Please, Anne, be patient for a little longer, and I’ll explain everything,” John begged. He walked over to the table and pulled her into his arms. He felt her stiffen. When he started to kiss her, she turned her face aside. “Please, Anne, don’t push me away. I don’t want to argue. I want to kiss you and hold you and show you how I feel about you,” John said passionately.

  “Like you did a few minutes ago? Is this some kind of game for you to kiss me and make me want you, and then pull away without a word of explanation?” She asked. “I don’t want to play that game anymore,” she sobbed.

  “Anne, don’t do this. Let me stay with you tonight,” he begged.

  “John, I can’t go through this again. Thanks for the movie, but I think it’s time for you to go home tonight. It is getting late, and I have a phone call to make,” she added coldly.

  Anne opened the door and stood there waiting until John stormed out. She heard him stomp down the stairs and leave. She closed the door and sank to the floor crying.