Read Song of the Sword Page 11

Ayden's mind was fatigued from trying to comprehend everything Freya had told him about the Sword of Songs, Elrohir's sword. His mind was fascinated with the music of the sword and how it could magically destroy something as evil as Degus--and how he was the one to bring this sword against her.

  Only a fragment of his grandfather's message had been passed along. Ayden had been more than surprised when Volos had pulled out the silvery piece of paper that he'd taken from Skeezicks at Lostar, revealing the rest of the message. "So, our mission there wasn't just about capturing the dwarf?" Ayden had asked his elders suspiciously.

  "We had a hunch," Freya had responded lightly.

  The total message sounded more like a kid's treasure hunt than instructions; first, they were to go to a "laughing hill" and find an inscription imbedded on a circular stone. Once they deciphered what the inscription said and meant, it would lead them to their next move. Since they had been discussing this for many years, Freya and Volos had a pretty good idea of what a laughing hill was and where one might be found.

  Ayden wanted to go and find the stone right away. However, Freya thought it was important that he stay out of Shae Vale for a time, considering what had just happened with the beast and Tyran. For once, Volos took Freya's side. He hadn't been the same since Tyran's death.

  Over the next several days, Ayden's only release from the infuriating waiting was training with Volos and helping Pax. They did enter Shae Vale, but always stayed as close to the gateway as possible. Volos taught him several new moves that allowed him to avoid his opponent's attacks quickly and easily while standing in a stationary spot. It wasn't easy keeping his balance and fighting off an attacker, but after a few days if practice, he was getting the hang of it.

  Ayden attempted to help Pax gain more self-confidence. He watched as Pax practiced a few spells, always encouraging him when it didn't go quite right and indulging him with hearty applause when a spell was successful. Pax never stuttered when he did a spell correctly.

  On the twelfth day of waiting, Pax was attempting a particularly difficult spell that, if done properly, would allow him to alter his appearance for a short time. It was not going well, to say the least, and Pax was losing his temper as his speech was worsened. Ayden was grumpy, too, more with the waiting than with Pax. But his friend's frustration was contagious. The more Pax tried, the more he stuttered; and the more he stuttered, the more irritated Ayden became.

  Finally, after trying to calmly help Pax for several hours to no avail, Ayden's temper got the better of him and he screamed, "Just stop! We're wasting time! Ya can't do this one with all that stuttering, so just quit already!"

  Even if his words were a rotting pool of troll puss, Ayden would've gladly swallowed them. Pax didn't even attempt to speak. He didn't have to--his furrowed brows and his shining blue-gray eyes betrayed his injured heart and pride. "Pax," he said in a less aggressive tone, "man I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I just said."

  "W-Well, thengs c-can't come s-so easily f-for all of us, c-can they? W-We c-can't all b-b-be parfect!" Pax spat. He pursed his lips and stormed toward the gateway. Jynx, who had witnessed the episode, also gave Ayden a glaring look and then followed Pax, leaving Ayden alone with his guilt.

  For two days, Pax spoke very little with Ayden, except to ask questions about Other World stuff. He was fascinated with televisions, kitchen appliances, and motorized devices, such as lawnmowers. But what intrigued him most were electric lights. It amazed him that at the touch of a switch, he could "create" light without magic. Ayden thought that was strange, considering the boy could create light in his palm without a switch. Maybe some of the things in Shae Vale that he thought were magical were as simple as a toaster, just in a different way than what he was used to.

  Finally, after more than two weeks (which seemed like two years), Freya announced that it was time for Ayden retrieve the inscription. "You needn't try to decipher the words while you are there. We don't know how large the stone will be, so take something with you to copy the letters or symbols exactly as they appear and come directly home. Move as quickly and quietly as you can while you travel.

  "Now, we need to prepare for your journey. You and Pax will need food and extra clothing."

  "What about Volos?"

  Freya took a deep breath and turned toward Ayden, "Volos isn't going along this time. I need him here, to guard the gateway."

  "What about Daktari?" Ayden asked, worried.

  "Ayden, you will be fine. Most of the trips you have taken, you didn't need Volos' help. Besides, there are many in Shae Vale who know Volos. He may draw more attention than what we want right now."

  "A lot of people know who I am, too, Freya," he said defensively.

  "They know of you, Ayden. Most don't know you by sight. You'll be fine."

  Unease gripped him. He'd never gone into Shae Vale on a mission without Volos. If things got sticky, he hated to think of not having his large friend there to back him up. And Pax was still green--he needed more practice.

  "Pax has come a long way, Ayden. He will be of more help to you than you realize. I have faith in both of you," Freya said softly. She gripped Ayden in her strong arms for a moment and then she announced, "Now, we have a surprise for you."

  Ayden followed Freya as she swung her silver cane back and forth and walked to the shed. There, Volos stood in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other like an eager child. Ayden's pulse quickened as he followed Volos into the shed. On a table covered with a black silk cloth lay two circular objects; the sight of the new weapons caught Ayden's breath. The intricate design of each weapon was that of a silver dragon, its belly curled inward so that the tip of its nose touched the tip of its tail. Spikes along its back were like the teeth on the blades of a circular saw, only longer, sleeker, and much, much sharper.

  Ayden grasped one of the weapons where the nose and tail of the dragon touched and held it so that his knuckles were pointing toward the dragon's belly. "Go ahead. Go out and give it a try," Volos said with almost as much excitement as Ayden felt.

  As Ayden walked out of the shed, the light of the sun reflected off of the dragon's scales. All colors of the rainbow shimmered over them as he rotated his wrist, getting a feel for the new weapon. "Sweet!" he said admiringly.

  "Sweet and deadly," Volos responded. "You have to learn to be extremely careful with these; it would be very easy to cut yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if those blades could cut through concrete."

  "How do I use them? I mean, are they for hand-to-hand or do I throw them?" Ayden asked excitedly.

  "Both, I imagine. Just be sure that what you're throwing it at deserves to be destroyed. Use them with quick and soft movements. If you throw them the right way, they probably won't even make a sound."

  "These are so awesome! Here, show me how they work," Ayden said and offered the weapon to Volos.

  Volos quickly backed away and held up his hands as if surrendering. Freya explained, "They have a spell around them, Ayden. They respond to your touch alone. They were made specifically for you."

  "By whom? And how would anyone know I'd ever need them?"

  Freya's eyes saddened, but she lifted her head as she proudly announced, "They were made by your grandfather on the day you were born. Your mother had them locked away almost immediately. She had hoped that you would never need them."

  The weapons were special and beautiful. His elf grandfather had created these magnificent works of art just for him. "Why didn't you show these to me before? I could've been practicing with them."

  "As I said, they have a magic around them. They were also hidden with magic. They only just revealed themselves to us this morning," Freya answered then added, "I will allow you two days to practice using them. Then, you must begin your journey to the laughing hill."

  Feeling annoyed, Ayden asked, "Why the big hurry now? I thought you wanted me to stay out of Shae Vale for a while. Why not give me
a week to practice?"

  Volos cleared his throat, but it was Freya who once again answered, "The spell over these weapons was made so that they would be revealed only if the need for their use was urgent." Freya's expression was once again troubled as she continued, "Time is running short, Ayden. We need to find the Sword of Songs before it is too late."

  Chapter Twelve

  The Babysitter