Read Song of the Sword Page 12

Two days after Ayden had been given his weapons, two very nervous teenagers and a cat began their journey to a place they'd never been in search of something they'd never seen. Freya's instructions echoed in Ayden's mind, "We believe this hill that your grandfather spoke of has the shape of a human-like face. The expression holds that of one laughing heartily, as if amused with its own, private joke. You must travel south of Lostar for four days to reach this hill."

  At the thought of having to rough it for that long of a period, Ayden asked again about faster forms of transportation. Freya smiled and told him he would learn about that 'in good time'. Why did everything have to happen 'in good time'? His nerves were making him edgy.

  Ayden's mood lightened as he looked down at his belt and admired the new weapons that hung in place of one of his ropes. They had come with smooth covers for the blades that seemed to be made from the same shining silver material. They held fast to the weapons when they were walking, protecting Ayden's body from their sharp blades, but slipped off easily whenever Ayden grabbed them by their handles. An inscription written in Elvish was engraved on each of the covers that read, "Guardians of life, hope, and love." Freya had explained that, had they been with the elves, a ceremony for his Becoming would have been performed.

  Not caring too much about ceremonies anyway, Ayden had practiced joyously and tirelessly with the weapons for the two days he was allowed. The weapons were fast and sleek--not to mention extremely precise. He had no trouble hitting every target. And Volos had been right--the weapons' sleek design allowed them to slice through the air making little or no sound. Actually, one of them was totally silent while the other let off a nearly inaudible whisper. The weapons also boomeranged, returning faithfully to his hands just as they had left.

  He decided to secretly give them each a name, just as many famous warriors of history had done with their weapons. To the silent one, he gave the name "Phantom"; and the other, he dubbed "Whisper".

  Ayden smiled. He felt like a little kid with new pets. He was still feeling full of pride when he looked up and over at Pax who was walking on Ayden's right hand side--the side on which the weapons were swinging from his belt, glistening in the sunlight. Pax's mouth was set in a thin line as he looked at Ayden and then turned his steely eyes to the road ahead. What's his problem? Was he still mad about the other day? Ayden opened his mouth to speak, but then shrugged and walked on. He'd try to talk later when Pax was in a better mood.

  They traveled for two days past Lostar, speaking very little. When they would eat and get settled at night, Pax would make a point of sticking his nose in a book, leaving Ayden alone with his thoughts. Pax's sour mood was grinding on his nerves; it was making the trip seem twice as long.

  Since Pax was carrying a chip on his shoulder, Ayden made a point of talking with Jynx more. The cat reveled in the extra attention and purred loudly as he trotted alongside him.

  Halfway through the fifth day of walking, Jynx's tail, which was usually pointing to the sky, was tucked snugly against his rear, and his ears swiveled to and fro as if he were trying to locate a specific sound. Every now and then, he'd stop and stretch his neck, his eyes wide and nose wiggling, and then he'd growl and slink down the pathway.

  Taking this cue from his friend, Ayden brought his own senses to full alert. For several miles, he didn't see or hear anything unusual. He remained guarded as they took a break from walking to have lunch. Pax looked at Ayden and finally seemed willing to speak. "W-What's wrong?" he asked nervously.

  Just then, Ayden's eye caught a slight movement in the trees not far from where they sat. Jynx lowered himself to the ground and growled quietly. Ayden looked at Pax and whispered, "We're not alone." Pax's eyes widened as his face became ashen.

  Ayden quickly formulated a plan. "Look, I know you're still angry with me, but I need you to at least pretend to be on friendly terms and talk." Pax raised an eyebrow. "Talk about anything, I don't care, just talk. I'll be right back." He started to turn away then turned back. "And, Pax, the more you stutter, the better!"

  Pax nodded and then stuttered stiffly about nothing in particular. Ayden turned to him one last time. "Try to sound natural, like you're talking to me," he whispered. Pax rolled his eyes and continued stuttering about learning something from his uncle as he fiddled with the pouch on his belt. Its contents clattered as Ayden lowered his body close to the ground and covered his head with the hood of his cloak.

  Grabbing Phantom and Whisper from his belt, he crept through a maze of trees. Making sure he was upwind from whomever or whatever was there, he stopped every now and then to look and listen. Resting his back against a tree, he closed his eyes and slowly and quietly breathed in.

  Their visitor was close. A hint of leather mixed with something lighter, like the faint scent of lilac, met his nostrils. He opened his eyes abruptly as a twig snapped nearby. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled; something rustled on the opposite side of the very tree he was leaning against.

  Still crouching close to the ground, he turned his body slowly and silently. Leaning carefully to one side, he peered around the tree to get a look at his target. There was nothing there. His heart pounded faster; he was certain there had been something there a moment ago.

  Ayden's hood ruffled away from his head as something shot past, making a thunk sound as it stuck into the bark of the tree behind him. He jerked around to see a shining silver arrow quivering in the tree's trunk. He turned abruptly to face a short girl with very long, silver hair aiming another arrow straight at him.

  At the precise moment she released her weapon, Ayden reflexively swung his arm out, releasing Whisper. His weapon spun fiercely and cut the arrow apart in mid-air before returning to his hand. This stunned the girl only momentarily before her expression became ferocious; she yelled as she charged.

  Ayden readied himself, and as the girl approached, he replaced his weapons, grabbed her arms, and forced her to the ground. "Who are you?" he said into her face with forced calmness.

  Her reply was to wriggle her little leg between herself and Ayden and kick upward into his stomach, forcing him off of her. She was reaching for another arrow when Ayden regained his breath. Having this little tart get the best of him caused the heat to rise inside his chest. "Okay, little girl; come and get it!"

  Even though the girl smiled slightly, her expression was as dark as Ayden's mood. With a voice surprisingly strong and low for such a petite creature, she answered, "You will find out that I am no little girl." With that remark, she charged again. This time, however, she stopped at the last minute, spun through the air, and kicked up a leg; her foot landed squarely against Ayden's jaw, sending him to the ground and knocking Phantom from his belt.

  "Enough is enough!" Ayden shouted angrily. Getting bested by this girl more than once was once more than he could bear.

  "I couldn't agree more," the girl said smoothly. As they circled one another, Ayden stared into the girl's defiant eyes, as he had done with all of his opponents. But there was something peculiar about her eyes. Their icy-blueness seemed to have some hypnotic power over him, and the more he looked into them, the more he wanted to give up and let her win. He blinked rapidly and shook his head. Get a grip, Ayden. The girl had straight, long, silver hair, silver-blue eyes, golden glowing skin, and was obviously a well-trained warrior. He cursed himself for being stupid. He should've seen it right away. She was, without a doubt, a Veela.

  Ayden promptly tore his eyes from the girl's gaze and focused on her body movement, hoping she would make a mistake. This was no good; the delicate but precise movements of her insanely fit body were even more hypnotizing than her eyes. Finally, Ayden had to focus on her feet, hoping he'd be able to tell if she missed a step. She never did.

  They circled each other for a few more moments. Jynx suddenly jumped out from behind a bush, yowling and hissing as ferociously as he could. The girl was distracted for
a split second--long enough for Ayden to grab Phantom and leap toward her. In a blink, he forced her against a tree with his left forearm, pinning back her shoulders. His right hand held Phantom dangerously close to her delicate throat. Ayden made certain to keep from looking directly into the Veela's eyes as he bent at the shoulders until his face was so close to hers, their noses were nearly touching. He warned her, "Try to move at all and I will cut off your pretty little head!"

  The girl smiled back at Ayden and started to say, "You don't stand a chance, boy. My arms and hands are still fre--" Her words were cut off as her arms were abruptly jerked back by some unseen force.

  Not sure what to expect, Ayden sighed with relief as Pax peeked around the tree and smiled from ear to ear. He didn't say a word but nodded at Ayden with understanding.

  "Thanks," Ayden said gratefully. Turning back to the girl, he questioned her. "Now, tell us who you are. Who sent you? Are you one of Degus' spies? Is that why you were trying to kill me?"

  The girl glared as she chuckled, "You humans are so stupid. If I had wanted you dead, you would be. I never miss a shot unless I mean to!"

  Ayden wanted to tell this snotty girl that he wasn't just human, but thought better of it. If she really was a spy, she didn't need to know any more about him than she already did. When she didn't continue explaining herself, Ayden forced her shoulders back even more, causing her leather quiver to dig painfully into her back. "Talk," he said through gritted teeth.

  The girl struggled a moment before continuing. Her expression remained fierce as she spoke, "I am a Veela warrior. I am also a princess." She raised her chin proudly and defiantly toward Ayden.

  "Why would a Veela princess be out here following a couple of nobodies?" Ayden asked suspiciously. He didn't believe a word she'd said.

  The Veela squirmed uncomfortably and then replied, "I was sent to watch you, to make sure nothing happens to you." Then she smiled mischievously and said in a sassy tone, "I'm your body guard!"

  Ayden was momentarily stunned. "What? Who sent you?" he asked, pressing even harder against her shoulders.

  "Volos and your grandmother," she said slyly.

  Ayden's heart dropped to his stomach. No way! This couldn't be true, could it? Did Volos and Freya trust him on his own so little that they had to send a babysitter to follow him? He glared back at the Veela, "Why would you reveal yourself, then? Why not stay hidden?"

  "I was bored."

  "I don't believe you."

  The girl's brows furrowed even further as she replied, "Look, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to be here! Volos sent word to my father with the need of a guard for this mission. Since I am the youngest and apparently haven't proven myself, I was chosen." She seemed to almost pout as she finished her explanation.

  Ayden didn't want to believe that Volos and Freya could stoop so low, but he had to admit that what she'd said earlier was true--if she'd wanted him dead, he would be. Veela were famous for their superior archery skills.

  Ayden lessened his grip and lowered Phantom. He realized his mistake as sharp pain shot through his groin where the Veela's knee made forceful contact. He dropped to the ground and, through the tears and stars forming in his eyes, watched as the girl somehow loosed one of her arms from Pax's grip, flung him around the tree with the other, and tossed him to the ground as if he were no more than a sack of potatoes. She knelt beside the two of them and smiled smugly. "You should never let your guard down like that," she said coolly. Then she leaned into Ayden's face, "Believe me, I'd much rather be killing you than guarding you. But since I have orders from Father, I have no choice."

  She stood abruptly and dissolved into the trees, leaving the two teens to their humiliation. "W-w-well, sh-she w-was playsant!" Pax said sarcastically.

  Ayden slowly and carefully stood up as he attempted to regain his breath. He looked to the trees where the girl had disappeared as Jynx rubbed against his leg and purred.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Find