Read Song of the Sword Page 36

Volos took a determined breath and headed for the gate. The others followed, ready to help their friend any way they could. Ayden took deep breaths, attempting to stifle nausea, as they came nearer to the river with every step. Nya walked beside him and took his hand. He grasped it tightly, drawing comfort from her touch.

  As they approached the gate, a woman as tall as Volos stood holding a heavy looking weapon that reminded Ayden of a scythe. But the blade was much narrower and curved more sharply toward the handle. Small animal skulls dangled from the handle, hung by long strands of dried grass.

  The woman was dressed as a warrior. Her legs and arms were covered with brass, and her chest was covered with elvish steel. Her short, black hair spiked out from underneath a small helmet, also made from elvish steel. Her features were feminine, but hard, as one who had suffered many things in many years. Her haunted eyes widened with disbelief as Volos approached. As he drew nearer, they flamed with bitterness.

  The guardian set herself firmly in front of the gate and waited, breathing heavily and frowning fiercely at the man approaching. "No one passes! No one passes unless they can defeat me!" she said in a loud, strong voice.

  "She speaks English," Ayden said.

  "No, she speaks as a siren," Devlin replied. He and Ayden looked at each other and then back to the guardian.

  Volos fell to his knees in front of her and bowed low until his head nearly touched the ground at her feet. "I do not wish to fight you, Keena. Only to beg your forgiveness," Volos said in nearly a whisper as his body shivered before her.

  No one moved while Keena stared down at Volos' penitent form. The guardian made no movement and spoke no words for a long while. Volos remained bowed before her, waiting patiently. Ayden guessed he would've waited for all of eternity for her forgiveness.

  Finally, Keena looked up. Except for the moistness of her eyes, her face held no emotion. Speaking firmly, but a little more softly than the first time, she repeated, "No one passes unless they defeat me."

  Volos raised his head and very slowly stood. They stared into one another's eyes until Volos finally spoke. "Is there no other way?"

  The guardian studied Volos' face. "There is one way. But it would mean great sacrifice for the one who took it."

  Ayden looked back and forth at the two figures as they studied each other for another long period. He didn't like the way this was going.

  "I will do it," Volos said quietly.

  "You do understand what this means?" Keena asked, her eyes wide with shock.

  "I do."

  "What are you doing, Volos? We can find another way?" Ayden's strained voice trailed away as Volos stood and he and Keena pressed their hands against each other and closed their eyes. A strange energy emanated from their bodies as they slowly melded together. Their forms were strangely blurred for a moment, and when they began to focus, Keena and Volos had traded places. Volos now stood at the gate wearing armor and holding the strange weapon; and Keena stood with the companions, wearing Volos' oversized clothes and carrying his weapons.

  Everyone stood in shocked silence until Ayden found his voice. "NO! What are you doing? Volos, you can't do this!" he screamed frantically as Nya held him back from rushing at Volos.

  Keena turned to look around her, oblivious to Ayden's cries. Her features were softer, and she smiled joyfully as she breathed in deeply. "I can smell the sweetness of the air again!" She grabbed Volos' water pouch that was now on her waist and drank deeply. Tears rolled from her eyes as she whispered, "I never thought I would taste again, or see the world as it really is. It is so beautiful!" she stated as she looked around her another time.

  "What have you done to Volos?" Ayden said with clenched fists and teeth. Volos' eyes seemed distant and his countenance was hardened. He stood like a statue in front of the gate, not moving and not looking at anyone.

  Keena turned toward Volos. Her newly found joy evaporated slightly as she looked at his face. "He has made an enormous sacrifice. I was bound by Degus for my crimes to guard this gate. All joy was taken from me. I could not smell or taste; my thoughts and emotions were dark and consumed with bitterness against the one who had betrayed me. The only way to be freed from my prison was to be defeated--or to have my betrayer take my place," Keena finished softly. "All these years, I never believed he would return."

  Ayden tried to stay calm as he asked, "And what about his plea? You aren't the only one who suffered all of these years. He's been tortured by his own guilt. Did he make this sacrifice only to have you turn and walk away?"

  Keena looked to him with sad eyes and then turned to Volos. She walked carefully until she stood in front of him and looked into his eyes. "I know you can hear me. And, yes, I can now forgive you." Volos' stern eyes welled with tears, but his face remained emotionless. Keena turned to Ayden and his companions. "But my forgiveness will not free him. He will not be free until someone fights and defeats him," she said as she looked piercingly into Ayden's eyes.

  Ayden shook his head slowly as his heart pounded against his chest. "No. No way. I will not fight him! There has to be another way!" He looked to his friends with panic. How could he fight and possibly kill the one man who he considered to be his brother?

  Devlin walked toward the area beside the gate. "Why can't we just walk around it? There's no wall." He strode purposefully toward the open area next to the gate. A loud smack sounded as Devlin's body smashed into an invisible barrier. He fell backward to the ground with a grunt.

  Da'ewyn ran to him, shaking her head. "And I thought humans were stupid. Did you really think they would have a gate without a barrier beside it?" she asked as she helped Devlin to stand. He shook his head and brushed off his clothes.

  "Well, it was worth a shot," he said as his cheeks flushed.

  Keena continued to gaze into Ayden's eyes as she said, "Nothing can get past the gate. Not even magic. Fighting Volos is the only way. And the one who knows him the best must be the one who fights him. Otherwise, your chance of defeating him is small, to say the least."

  Ayden stared back at her as his mind raced, trying to find any other way to get past this mountain. I don't want to fight Volos. Especially when a river is reward for defeating my brother!

  At that moment, a small fairy appeared and transformed to human size before them. She was breathing heavily as if she'd just flown a long distance. She bowed slightly and then relayed a horrifying message. "We have just received word that Degus is returning to the area where she believes the sword to be hidden. Our sources say that she has found a way to reach the sword. She will arrive at her destination in a day's time. You must get there before she does or all hope is lost! Degus' power combined with the sword's power will make her invincible. Please, hurry!"

  Ayden tried to swallow, but his throat had tensed too much and it stuck. The fairy hadn't told him much that he didn't already know, but the sudden urgency was overwhelming.

  Da'ewyn thanked the fairy, who had to leave hastily to deliver other messages. Then she grabbed Ayden by the shoulders and said earnestly, "Ayden, you have no choice. You have to fight Volos. You are the only one who can defeat him--you've trained with him for years. You know his every move."

  Ayden felt like he was in the middle of one of his nightmares. This can't be happening! He looked to each of his friends, hoping that somehow, some way, one of them would have a brilliant idea of how to avoid this horror. All eyes were full of tragedy and sympathy, but no one spoke a word.

  Finally, Ayden walked shakily until he was face to face with Volos. He stared into his large friend's steady eyes as his body shook uncontrollably. "Keena has forgiven you. But I swear to you, if you die by my hand today, I will hunt you down in death and kill you again for making me do this!" he said in a strained whisper as pain and fury attacked his heart with full force. He then closed his eyes and breathed deeply, attempting to calm his nerves. He tried to meditate and think of a
ll that Freya and Volos had ever taught him. But his mind could not grab hold of anything good as the inevitable task loomed before him.

  Ayden opened his eyes and slowly drew the dragon blade from its sheath. He held the brilliant sword in front of his face with his eyes set firmly on the man before him; Volos stood at a stance, ready for Ayden's attack.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Deathly Duel