Read Song of the Sword Page 37

Ayden and Volos stood immobile, eyeing one another. Volos' face carried no emotion, and Ayden could read nothing in his dark eyes. They'd practiced together so many times before, and yet this was so different; Volos did not carry his sword or daggers, and he was under a curse that would force him to protect the gate at any cost.

  Slowly, the two men circled one another, just as they'd done many times in the past. Ayden carefully placed one foot over the other as he continued to hold the dragon blade erect, ready for any move that Volos might make.

  Suddenly, Volos growled and swung his heavy weapon toward Ayden's neck. Ayden counter-acted by slicing his sword through the air and crashing it against the larger weapon. Volos drew close enough to thump Ayden in the jaw with his elbow, sending the younger man to the ground.

  Ayden shook his head and leapt up before Volos had a chance to approach. They circled each other again, studying each other's eyes and movements. Ayden swung his blade, attempting to hit Volos in the arm, but his larger companion was as quick as he; Volos knocked Ayden's blade aside and then whacked the youth in the face with the hilt of his weapon. Ayden once again flew to the ground, his body racked with pain as it hit the earth.

  "Stop playing around and fight him, Ayden!" Da'ewyn coached from the background.

  "Who's playing?" Ayden grumbled as he scrambled to his feet. He felt a bruise forming across his cheek bone where Volos' weapon had made contact. Ayden searched his brain, trying to think of Volos' weaknesses. He'd never thought about this so seriously--he'd always known before that their sparring would end happily, so he'd never worried about it. Now, though, his life and Volos'--not to mention the fate of Shae Vale--depended on how well Ayden knew his greatest friend.

  Volos raised his weapon, and Ayden readied his sword. But, instead of swinging, Volos suddenly let go of his weapon with one hand and proceeded to punch Ayden square in the face. For the third time, Ayden landed with a jarring thud. Stars danced in his eyes as his brain throbbed against his skull.

  "Get up! Ayden get up, he's coming!" Sabina screeched. Ayden forced himself to stand, shaking his head in attempt to focus.

  He tried several more times to attack Volos, using the very moves that the larger man had taught him. I had to fight him 'cause I know him best. The problem is he knows me even better! The men fought for several more minutes, neither able to overpower the other. Ayden used his smaller form and quicker reflexes, and Volos used his years of experience and brute strength. They were both sweating and breathing heavily.

  Ayden caught a glimpse of Keena from the corner of his eye. She might be a weakness for Volos. "Volos, your true love is watching. You wouldn't want her to see you hurt an innocent young man, would you?" Ayden taunted.

  Volos' brows furrowed as he thrust his weapon at Ayden's torso. Ayden leapt aside, but not quite quickly enough; the sharp blade sliced through his side. Ayden's yell was accompanied by screams from his companions. Blood trickled from the open wound. Okay, bad idea! Ignoring the pain, he turned to face Volos again.

  Volos' face remained hardened, but there was something in his eyes that hadn't been there before. He was no longer looking into Ayden's face, but was focused on the gaping wound in his side. His eyes seemed softer, almost concerned. Could it be that I am his greatest weakness? He played with the idea as Volos returned his focus to Ayden's eyes.

  The weapons crashed into one another yet again, and this time Ayden was able to thrust his knee forcefully into Volos' gut. Volos grunted and staggered back. Ayden felt as if his knee had cracked like an egg against his friend's rock-like muscles, and he limped as he continued to pace in front of his friend. Again, Volos' eyes seemed softer, and Ayden understood what he needed to do.

  They fought a long while, Ayden allowing Volos to hurt him every time they made contact. Volos seemed to be fighting less fiercely, but the pain Ayden felt with every blow was weakening him as well. Finally, Volos threw a hard punch and Ayden's limp body fell on the ground for the last time to the horrified screams of his companions. He could see Keena holding Pax and Nya back as they fought to race to his aid.

  Ayden turned his attention to Volos' husky form as the larger man approached his fallen victim. He looked down at Ayden with sad eyes as he raised his weapon. Between labored breaths, Ayden spoke, "Before--you kill me, I just--want you to know--I forgive you. And--I love you, Volos!"

  Volos froze with the weapon raised above his head at Ayden's words. This is my chance! Ayden thrust the dragon blade upward and watched with horror as it extended from his own hand and sank deeply into Volos' chest. Volos' eyes held shock as he let his weapon fall to the ground behind him. Slowly he dropped to his knees with a sickening thud. The barrier shimmered beside them and the gate faded away.

  With great effort, Ayden withdrew his sword and flung it away as if it were a poisonous snake. Volos fell face first to the earth and was still.

  Ayden cried out, trying with all his might to roll Volos onto his back. He glanced over to his stunned companions and screamed frantically, "Help! Help me!" Hot tears stung at the cuts and bruises on his face as everyone raced to help Ayden turn Volos onto his back. The large man groaned as his body turned. He's still alive!

  Once Volos faced the sky, Ayden pressed his hands against the open wound in his chest, attempting to stop the gushing blood. Keena silently held Volos' head and Nya rested a gentle hand on Ayden's shoulder. "Don't you dare die!" Ayden pleaded between gritted teeth.

  Volos slowly opened his eyes and focused on Ayden. He raised a hand and grasped Ayden's arm. In a quiet voice he said, "Well done, Ayden." His eyes rolled back as his hand went limp; and then he lay motionless.

  Ayden frantically looked around until his eyes rested on Keena. "Curatree sap! Keena, you have some with you! Volos was carrying curatree sap from the elf city!"

  Keena stood in confusion while Da'ewyn rushed over and dug through her pockets and bags. Finally, the Veela produced a glass vile filled with lime-green liquid. She pulled out the cork with her teeth and Ayden removed his hands, allowing Da'ewyn to pour the precious liquid into the opening in Volos' chest.

  Ayden stared at his shaking hands covered in Volos' blood. How could I have done this? He was frantic at the thought of Volos dying because of him. His body was so numb that he was barely aware of Nya's arms hugging his shoulders tightly as they all watched and waited.

  Time moves so slowly when waiting for something important. Everyone held their breath as the seconds ticked away on in turtle-time. Ever so slowly, Volos' wound closed until all that was evident of its existence was the pool blood left on his chest. He moaned and then coughed as his eyelids fluttered. Ayden finally let out the breath that he'd been holding and drew in a deep shot of fresh air. Everyone backed away slightly as Volos slowly lifted the upper half of his body to sit.

  Ayden and Volos gazed into one another's eyes, and then suddenly grabbed each other, embracing fiercely. Ayden didn't attempt to control his sobbing, nor was he ashamed to have everyone see his show of affection.

  Finally, they parted and Volos held Ayden's wet face in his hands. His cheeks were also streaked with tears, but he chuckled with his deep voice as he smiled at Ayden. "I always knew you'd get better than me! I'm glad you didn't have to kill yourself to come hunt me down in death." He and Ayden laughed as the heaviness of what had happened evaporated.

  The others helped them to stand, and Volos was smothered with hugs from relieved companions. Finally, Keena came before him. "Never again, Keena. Never again will I betray you, I promise you that. I love you," Volos said to her softly.

  Keena smiled through her tears, "And I love you." They kissed for a long while until Devlin cleared his throat, interrupting the awkward moment.

  "Uh, I hate to break this up, but we still have a deadline. Degus is on her way to the sword, remember?"

  Ayden's heart dropped to his feet. He'd been so overjoyed that Volos hadn't died by his ha
nd that he'd forgotten about the river. His heart pounded and everyone drew their weapons as a figure materialized between them and the rushing water. Slowly, the ghostly form of a woman with glowing eyes appeared.

  "I-It's h-har!" Pax shouted as he pointed. "F-From the s-s-stone. She's th-the one f-from the s-stone!"

  The form of the enchantress shimmered before them. She did not move her mouth, but Ayden could hear her words as clearly as if she were speaking aloud. "Ayden, you and your companions have traveled far and overcome many obstacles. Now, you must do as Volos foretold and face your greatest fear."

  Ayden stared at her for a moment and then asked, "Why? Why does it have to be me?"

  The enchantress smiled softly and answered, "Because you are the heir to the secret of the sword. You have the power to tame that which guards it."

  "What do you mean? What guards it?"

  The enchantress smiled again and, ignoring Ayden's question, spoke, "You must swim into the depths of the river. It will lead you to an underground stream that ends in a vast cave. This cave is hidden by a pool that rests beneath a waterfall. You must retrieve the sword--but when you do, the pool will wash into the cave and you will have to swim against it to reach the waterfall. Your companions will be waiting for you there."

  Ayden's insides trembled at her words. SWIM INTO THE RIVER? His mind raced, and he grasped onto a small false hope as he asked, "If I'm the only one who can tame whatever guards the sword, what's the hurry? Degus won't be able to get it anyway."

  "I said you had the power to tame that which guards the sword. I did not say you were the only one with this power. Degus is very cunning. And, she has found another entrance to the cave. You must make haste or all will be lost. I will call a helper for you, to guide you through the river."

  The enchantress turned and floated toward the water. Ayden's feet felt like bricks as he picked up his sword and followed with his companions at his side. Nya once again grasped Ayden's hand tightly, reminding him that she was with him.

  As the group approached the water, the enchantress raised a hand silently. Suddenly, a figure leapt out of the water, nearly causing Ayden heart failure. For a moment his fears seemed to be taking shape until he realized that the figure was a mermaid. As she flipped and twisted through the air, her tail fins split in two, transforming into a pair of scale-covered legs. "Whoa!" Pax whispered as the mermaid landed gracefully on the shore of the river and bowed to the enchantress.

  The enchantress nodded and turned to the group. "This is Theska. She will be your guide through the river, Ayden."

  The mermaid's soaked, black hair trailed down her back past her gently curved waist. Shimmering aqua colored scales covered her body from her chest down to her toes and spiked arm guards covered her forearms. Large, clear eyes looked at him as she blinked with an inner eyelid like a fish's. She bowed slightly toward Ayden. Ayden bowed in return.

  "Wait a minute. What about the lake? The map showed a large lake and Pax saw you dive into it," Ayden questioned.

  The enchantress smiled again and spoke those frustrating words, "All in good time." Then, she shimmered and vanished before their eyes, leaving them to face the mermaid and the river.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Whispers in the Water