Read Soul Cry: The Ten Year Girlfriend Page 18

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  We pulled into the station and everyone filed off of the bus. My new friends and I had already exchanged information so that we could get together. I was hoping it would be soon because I already felt lost and alone in my new city.

  I looked around for my sister but didn't see her anywhere in the station. I guess she's not looking forward to seeing me! I called and sent her a text letting her know the bus was on schedule.

  Shavon jumped up and down letting out a shriek.

  “ There's my baby!” she said jumping into the arms of a cute light skinned brotha. I had to will myself not to laugh out loud. He wasn't bad looking, they just looked odd together. They say opposites attract, I guess it's true. Physically they were opposites in every way. Shavon was dark, her fiance' was light. Shavon was about 5ft 8,her man was lucky if he reached 5ft 4....with his arms raised. The one feature they did have in common, were his teeth. His front row of top teeth were gleaming was a golden grill. He was shining with happiness at the sight of his woman.

  I covered my mouth at his feeble attempt to pick her up and swing her around.

  Have mercy! He's going to drop her! I thought holding my breath. I let out a rush of breath when he decided maybe picking Shavon up wasn't a good idea for his back!

  “ Do you need help with those bags?”

  My heart damn near stopped at the sound of the familiar voice coming from behind me. It was only at that moment I noticed LaDaya and Shavon had stopped talking and were staring at me,better yet behind me. I looked at them my eyes pleading for help. I knew Roderick wouldn't make an outright scene,that wasn't his style. Roderick was very concerned about how he looked. I also knew that in ten years worth of arguments I'd never taken it this far. I'd never left our home for more than a night or two to cool off. The threat he made about killing me if I ever left him played over and over in my mind.

  “ What are you doing here Roderick? How did you know where I was going?” I managed to croak out. I was on the brink of tears. I had to grab my bags and get the hell out of here. Where the hell was my sister? I thought looking around.

  “ Look, where's your shit so we can get the fuck out of here.” Roderick spat never taking his eyes off me. “ I'm so goddamn mad at you right now Amina. You got me calling in to work at the last minute and hopping on planes to get here before you. What the hell is wrong with you. Let's go.”

  “ I'm not going anywhere with you Roderick. If I wanted to be with you I wouldn't have left!” I said raising my voice.

  “ Amina would you like a ride to your sisters place?” Shavon asked interrupting us. Shavon was giving Roderick her best mean mug but it didn't last long once Roderick spoke.

  “ Hello,how you doin' ? I'm Roderick and you are?”he asked nice and slick, extending his hand to her.

  Shavon actually started giggling showing all 32 teeth as she shook his hand and introduced herself. I was too through! After everything I'd spent our entire trip telling them, here baby Sista Souljah was smiling all in the niggas face!

  “ Well it's nice to meet you Shavon, my fiance' and I may be here a few days,we'll have to go out, have dinner or something. Is this your husband?” Roderick had no shame. His job had him trained to be comfortable meeting strangers and that's exactly what he was. Roderick proceeded to shake hands with LaDaya and was introduced to Will, Shavon's man.

  I should have been shocked but I wasn't. I'd seen Roderick in action for ten years. By the time he got done, they'd be wondering why I left in the first place.

  “ Come here Amina.” Shavon said walking away from the crowd. I quickly followed her refusing to look at Roderick.

  “ Girl now this nigga is fine as fuck! I thought he looked good in the pictures but they don't do that brothas flesh justice!” she said sucking her teeth. “ That's neither here nor there. This nigga think he slick. What do YOU want to do? Your sister ain't here but you can roll with us no problem. You can come with me and LaDaya. We're best-friends and roommates.”

  Just hearing she was so willing to help me caused me to burst into tears. I hugged her tightly. “ Thank you Shavon. I don't know what to do.” I whispered.

  “ Now I ain't gon' lie. You need to talk to that man. It's one thing to leave the man but to leave with his baby is another story. Regardless of you being unhappy with the relationship he deserves to know the truth. No mater how hard it is for you to say.” Shavon said rubbing my back. It was so soothing I stopped crying and looked over at Roderick who was watching us like a hawk.

  “ Give me a second to find out where the hell my sister is.” I said pulling out my cell phone. My sister picked up on the first ring.

  “ Girl is Roderick there? He said he would pick you up.”

  “ Amaya I can't believe you told him I was coming! Why would you do that to me?”

  “ Chile please, ain't no one playing you and Roderick's games. Besides, your ass wasn't gonna do nothing but stay here a week and go running back to that nigga anyways. Shit after ten years you're used to living the good life. So you may as well work it out with ya' man!” she said laughing. “ I'll see you and Roderick's fine ass when y'all get here. I cooked some food too. We gon' party tonight girl!” Amaya said and hung up.

  I felt sick to my stomach.

  “ Girl my sister told him I was coming. I can't believe this shit.” I said shaking my head.

  “ Look this is already about to get crazy. I'll just talk to him. He can drop me off at my sisters. I'll call you when he leaves. If my sister has it in her head he can stay there tonight I swear to God I'm going to a hotel.” I said as we walked back over to Will and LaDaya.

  “ Okay girl, we got your back call anytime day or night and I'm not just saying that. I mean it.” LaDaya said.