Read Southern Belles, A Novel about Love, Purpose & Second Chances Page 13

  Chapter 13: Practicing for Lucy

  Awake again and only 5:30 AM this time. I needed to figure out how to change this baby’s sleeping habits before she came out thinking its normal to wake up before the chickens. She went to bed late, moving and kicking my bladder, and got up way before the sun. This little one, growing in my tummy, already had a mind of her own. I rolled onto my back, feeling slightly short of breath. I looked down and a saw my belly rolling around while I laid still. Lucy was at it again. She must think she’s a gymnast I thought—doing summersaults and back flips, rearranging my ribs, bladder and everything else in there. I saw a bulge ripple up and then to my right side. I rubbed the little bulge and felt her gravitate towards my hand. It was like she was trying to snuggle up under my hand. She was still again. I was so tired. My hips were starting to hurt more when I slept and kept me up a while before I could finally fall asleep. I didn’t have work or school today and just wanted to sleep some before CeCe arrived later tonight. I rubbed my belly again and didn’t feel her moving around anymore. She must have gone back to sleep. I yawned and closed my eyes.

  “Charlotte, you have a phone call.” I thought I heard my mother say. “Charlotte honey, CeCe’s on the phone.”

  “What time is it?” I asked with my eyes closed.

  “It’s almost noon—here take the phone. She’s waiting for you.” My mother said putting the phone in my hand.

  “Hello?” I said yawning.

  “Good morning sunshine!” CeCe said in a perky voice.

  “CeCe, hey, I can’t believe I fell back asleep for that long. I was up at 5:30 AM with Lucy. Never mind that—when are you going to be here? I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much!”

  “I’m not sure. Did your mom get a new car?” She asked with a grin in her voice.

  “What, no?”

  “Are you sure?” CeCe urged.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” I said sitting up in my bed, attempting to get up and look out the window.

  “Hmm, I wonder whose car that is.” She said.

  “What are you talking about CeCe?”

  “That black car sitting in your driveway.” CeCe said.

  “CeCe; you’re here!” I yelled excitedly as I looked out to find CeCe waving at me.

  “Yes, I got up at the crack of dawn and came early to surprise you.”

  “What are you talking on?” I asked realizing that she was sitting in a brand new black Volkswagen convertible.

  “Oh, it’s a cell phone. My mom and dad got it for me when I went back to school. They were worried about me driving back and forth alone. It’s a little big but it comes with its own bag and I don’t have to stop to use a payphone now.”

  “Wow, that’s so cool—talk about futuristic! And the car—that’s a sweet ride CeCe!”

  “Thanks, my dad wanted his SUV back. I wanted an old VW bug but he said he didn’t want me to break down on the highway and be stranded somewhere so we agreed on this little gem. Isn’t it cute?” She squealed delightfully.

  “It’s so cute and I’m so jealous.” I said smiling back down at her through the window.

  “Stop being jealous and get down here so I can hug your neck and take you for a ride.”

  “Okay, I’m throwing on some sweats. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  I threw on my bra under the tank top I had slept in, pulled on my overalls and flip flops and headed downstairs. Half way down, I heard CeCe talking with my mom and Richie.

  “Oh my gravy, it’s so good to see you!” I screamed trudging over to tackle CeCe with hugs.

  “I missed you too. It’s not the same without you bestie!” CeCe said as she met my embrace.

  “Wow, she’s gotten so big, Char!” CeCe said pulling back to look at my stomach.

  “I know; it’s like I’m trying to shoplift a soccer ball under my shirt.” I said, so happy to see CeCe.

  “Is she awake? I want to feel her moving.”

  “She’s sleeping right now. I’m sure she’ll wake up the moment I sit down. We’re still trying to figure out a schedule here.” I said reaching for my mom’s coffee cup.

  “Oh that’s funny. She’s feisty just like her Auntie CeCe.” CeCe said dropping down to her knees to talk to my belly.

  “You do what you need to do and just let me know if that momma’s keeping you awake. I know she likes to poke you when you’re trying to get comfortable. She told me so when we were on the phone last week.” CeCe said nodding her head and rubbing my belly, hoping for any kind of movement from Lucy.

  “Auntie CeCe—are you going with Char tonight to her childbirth classes?” My mother asked.

  “We’re working on breathing and relaxation exercises tonight. I heard we are teaching our partners how to massage us.”

  “Well that was nice of you.” CeCe said turning her head to look at my mother and Richie.

  “Yes, indeed. I get a mini massage from the Doula and then one from you—since you missed me so much—it’ll be like a little gift from you to me.” I smiled from behind my mother’s coffee mug.

  “Char, I can get you a cup of coffee.” My mother said, wondering if she was going to get her coffee back.

  “Nah, I don't need to drink too much caffeine—just a little of yours to open my eyelids. Thanks mom.” I said, taking another gulp before pushing it back across the table.

  “CeCe, would you like some coffee?”

  “No thank you; I drank about four cups this morning on my here. I do need to use the bathroom before we go though.”

  “Yeah, I might have to go supervise these ladies so they don’t get into any trouble.” Richie spoke up.

  “Of course Richie—because I might get more pregnant?”

  “I wasn’t thinking about that—but good point Char. I just wanted to make sure there was no crazy driving in that little convertible out there with a baby in the car and all.”

  “CeCe, Richie wants to drive your car.” I hollered into the bathroom.

  “I know; I figured he would.” She said drying her hands on a towel, as she walked out of the bathroom.

  “Can I, can I?” Richie asked like a little boy getting his first bike.

  “I don’t care.”

  “See you later mom. I love you. We’ll be back before dinner.” I said throwing a kiss at her from the front door.

  “Bye mom.” Richie yelled before running down the steps.

  “I’ll see you for dinner Mrs. B.”

  “Bye guys, be careful and have fun.” She waved to us from the front door.

  “Wow CeCe, this is so nice! Leather and a CD player, I’m so jealous! I don’t even have a car. I’ll have to put the baby on board sign on my bike.” I joked.

  “You can borrow it whenever you need it—this summer.” CeCe said as we all buckled in.

  “Oh, thanks. But you’ll need it and anyway, you can drive us to the beach.” I said stretching out my arms in the backseat, as Richie adjusted the rearview and side mirrors.

  “Well, about that. I’m going to be traveling with my dad and grandma.”

  “For the whole summer?”

  “No, I’ll be here for Lucy’s birth. We aren’t leaving until the end of June.”

  “Oh—oh good. My heart would be sad if you weren’t here for her big day.”

  “I wouldn’t miss her birth for anything.” CeCe turned around from the passenger seat, smiling.

  “Awe—thank you Ce. Where are you going anyway and when are you getting back? I want to be able to see you before you have to go to college.” I said grabbing her hand.

  “We are going to France and Germany. My grandma wants me to go and see where my roots are from—at least on my dad’s side. My dad didn’t trust me to go alone with her because he thought I’d probably sneak out at night to go exploring or something.”

  “You’re going to France and got a brand new car?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “One, I’m super jealous and need to be adopted. Two, I think they miss you and ar
e trying to bribe you into coming home more often! I’d try to bribe you myself but I couldn’t keep up with your parent’s gifts.” I said, slightly jealous, on the inside, and excited on the outside, for her.

  “Yes, I wish you could go with. I’m not sure about spending the whole summer with my grandma. She’s nice—nicer than my mother most of the time. But she always makes snide, little comments about my mom—about her lack of cooking or doing anything herself other than helping to split families apart and billing them for it. She only helps those whose families are already broken and, anyway, I’m the only one allowed to talk about my mother not cooking or whatever.”

  “I know CeCe. But it’s France—you could ignore her little comments and just enjoy being in the most beautiful place in the world. My Aunt Juanita just came back from Paris and brought me the most incredible painting I’ve ever seen of the Seine River with the Eiffel Tower in the background. I wish I could go to places like that but I’ll have to wait before I can go.”

  “I know; I’m very appreciative. I just don’t know that I want to be away almost all summer, in the most beautiful place, without my most favorite person to see it with me.”

  “Awe; thanks CeCe. You’re such a sweetheart. I wish I could go to France with you but I just got cast into my next big play.” Richie said pretending to be sad.

  “Congratulations Richie, that’s wonderful! CeCe said leaning over to kiss his cheek.

  “Thanks CeCe, I’d love to be able to go but you’ll have a great time—I know you will. One day we’ll go together.” I said trying to make myself sound and be optimistic.

  “Ladies, I don’t mind driving but where are we going?” Richie asked loudly as the wind kicked up with the convertible top down.

  “I don’t care. Drive wherever you feel like going.” CeCe said laughing.

  “Hey, Lucy said she’d like some ice-cream.” I yelled from the back seat.

  “Ice-cream it is.” Richie yelled back.

  I sat back and enjoyed the ride to the ice cream parlor. I had never been in a convertible before. It was really windy from the back seat but it felt nice and open with the warm spring sun shining down on us. I leaned into the side of the car and made myself comfortable. I could see CeCe and Richie talking but only heard muffled sounds, which was okay because I was still a bit tired and now hungry. I looked up into the big blue sky. There were only a few clouds hanging out. It was nice to be together again with CeCe and Richie. I missed her company and her silliness. I had been so tired and very busy between work and school that most of the time seemed to pass by quickly, although my heart felt her absence. I looked forward to hearing her stories and what I had missed. I wondered if she was dating anyone seriously. Probably not, I thought. I thought about all the time she had spent with her new sorority sisters and hoped that she didn’t have a back-up for me. Not that I didn’t want her to be happy, I just didn’t want to be replaced especially by someone who was fake and wouldn’t appreciate CeCe for CeCe. I knew there was no replacement for CeCe. She’s a one-of-a-kind. I missed the laughter and the trouble that we got into, the times we just hung out when we weren’t doing anything special but were together talking or quiet—watching a good movie. I was so glad she was here even if it were only for spring break. I didn’t even want to think about her being gone for most of the summer yet. Inside, I felt honored that she was holding off going to France until after Lucy was born; she’s a true friend.

  We pulled into Oink’s Ice Cream Parlor and ordered our ice-cream. I had a triple brownie-fudge sundae with pecans. I loved hot fudge with brownies and pecans and a little bit of vanilla ice-cream. I was craving chocolate. It made me smile after the first bite touched my taste buds. The ooey gooey warm fudge with equally warm brownie bits and pecans mixed with the melting vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream swirled around in my mouth until at last I swallowed it down. I quickly took another breath before reaching for my next bite.

  “So, how are the childbirth classes going so far?” CeCe asked as she took a huge bite of blue moon.

  “It’s okay; I’m the youngest one of course. There are about six other couples in there.”

  “Are they nice?”

  “They’re okay. The first class I got a few stares. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so young or they thought mom was my ‘partner’.” I giggled.

  “Hmm, I could be your partner tonight? Hmm?” CeCe smiled with her nose wrinkled, raising her eyebrows again and again.

  “Oh my gravy woman—Jerry Springer would call me for his next show then.” I continued. “The instructor is really nice and I’m super excited about the Doula too.”

  “Yeah, that doula thing sounds nice. Do you have to watch the birth video with the baby’s head coming out—like in sex-ed?” CeCe asked nervously.

  “Yuck CeCe! Thanks for putting that image in my head!” Richie said in disgust.

  “No, we didn’t watch it because she was afraid some of the dads might get sick and she didn’t want to scare them off.”

  “Wussies!” CeCe said loudly.

  “Shhh CeCe—not so loud.” I said embarrassed by her frankness.

  “Hey there, don’t be hating on us guys.” Richie barked out in between gulping up bits of banana, fudge and pecan sprinkled vanilla ice-cream.

  “It’s okay Richie. I’d still love you even if you are on the floor when Lucy comes out. I’d just tell her that you fainted over her breath-taking beauty.” I said licking my spoon clean of hot fudge.

  “Thanks sis, you know I’m there for you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.”

  “What time did you say your class was tonight parent?” CeCe asked.

  I looked at my watch, “about 6:30 PM—we should leave here soon.”

  “Oh, okay. I just need to stop at home first and change into my yoga pants” CeCe added.

  “Since when did you start doing yoga?” I asked curiously.

  “All my sorority sisters do yoga every morning—it’s kind of like a requirement. You should try it Char. It hurts at first but makes you really limber.”

  “Obviously, she’s already limber enough if you know what I mean.” Richie teased.

  “Ouch! Stop hitting me!” Richie yelled after moving away from my jab to his right bicep.

  “You totally deserved that one!” CeCe said laughing as she we walked out the parlor door.

  A short while after dropping Richie off and changing our clothes we were walking into the large carpeted classroom for my childbirth classes.

  “I can’t believe Richie said that.” I said leading us over to where the Doula was standing.

  “I know, what a turd! It was a little funny.” CeCe said letting out a little chuckle under her smirk.

  “Yeah, he’s so clever. At least he’s on my side even though he loves to give me grief.”

  “Is that your instructor?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to introduce you. She’s really cool and down-to-earth. She didn’t look at me crazy or judge me when I walked in for classes.”

  “Hi Megan, this is my best friend CeCe that I told you about. She’s home from college and is going to be with me for the labor.”

  “Hi. I love your hair—those are really nice highlights. Thank you for being good to my Char—she’s an incredible person with a ginormous heart! She deserves to be around people who are good to her.” CeCe said, holding out her hand to shake Megan’s.

  “Well, thank you. I think Char’s going to be a great mom—she always comes in here, smiling and has the best attitude. I love helping new parent’s discover the awesome gift of parenthood. We’re glad Char’s here.” Megan said smiling and rubbing Char’s back with one hand.

  “Awe, you can keep doing that—that feels really good. Remember I’m the guinea pig tonight.” I reminded Megan.

  “Yes, yes, I remember. Although some of the dads tried volunteering after they heard I needed a guinea pig to exhibit the different types of massage strokes.” Megan said, laughing

  “You know they just wanted you to massage them.” I added.

  “I know. It’s always the dads wanting to be comforted during childbirth.” She said, laughing.

  “That’s funny.” CeCe smirked.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We’ve got to get started—I hope you two have fun.” Megan said, before she walked towards the front of the classroom.

  “I like her.” CeCe said as we found a good little spot in the middle of the classroom.

  “Okay everyone; find a spot quickly so we can get started.” Megan raised her voice slightly above the murmur of the classroom voices.

  “I think almost everyone showed up. There are a lot of people here tonight.” I whispered to CeCe.

  “That’s because they’re all hoping for a free massage.” She whispered back.

  “Probably; I’m so excited I need a little massage. My hips and back are starting to be really sore—especially at bedtime when I’m lying in bed.

  “As promised, we are working on massage techniques and special stretches tonight to help manage pain during labor. Some of these stretches may also help progress labor.” Megan said.

  “So are you doing all natural or having one of those shots in your back to help with pain?” CeCe whispered.

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ve been talking to Megan about it. She thinks that I could probably do it naturally since I’m young and fit. I can always change my mind if the pain gets too bad.” I whispered back.

  “Char, can I have you walk up here? She is my first volunteer tonight. I am going to demonstrate on her to show you where to massage and some techniques to employ when massaging. I will have everyone watch and then you can practice these techniques with your partner while I walk around and check on how people are doing.” Megan instructed.

  “Char, I’m going to have you sit on one of our exercise balls. These are excellent to use in the labor room when contractions start to progress. Ladies, you can sit on them like you are sitting on a chair. I like to have you bounce lightly to work through the contractions while holding onto a chair to maintain your balance. Partners—while she is bouncing gently you can begin massaging her at the base of her neck. You can also start at the side of her hips, using your palms, if she is having back labor. Go ahead and watch me demonstrate with Char.” She finished, pausing to sit down on a chair behind me to begin massaging my neck, while I bounced gently.

  Slightly embarrassed by having what felt like a million eyes on me, I tried to relax. I closed my eyes to avoid eye contact with everyone watching. While she rubbed my neck I could feel my shoulders start to drop and my head felt a little heavier as she loosened up the neck muscles supporting my head. It felt so good. I had never had a real massage before—other than the timed massages CeCe and I would give each other when we had sleepovers in high school. We’d turn on MTV and watch videos while we took turns massaging each other for equal amounts of time and watching the clock to make sure it was fair. I hadn’t realized how tight and sore my muscles were. All my time spent at the diner carrying those trays and being on my feet running orders had affected my sore and tired body. I was now quite a bit bigger around with Lucy and it was making it more challenging to maneuver around the diner with trays and chairs and tables sat closely together.

  My head bobbed a few times as Megan continued to massage and give tips to all those watching. I had silenced everything around me and enjoyed the deep-tissue massage techniques that Megan displayed on my back. As she moved farther down, I could feel my belly and back start to settle into the exercise ball as I continued to bounce. She reached my hips and instructed me to slowly roll back and forth with the ball. She took both of her hands and rubbed in opposite directions on my right hip. It was almost like an Indian rub—but the good feeling kind—not the kind your older brothers give you as a kid as they pin you down with a new wrestling move. I started to feel some air pockets shift around in my stomach. I suddenly became aware of how relaxed my body was becoming and panicked a moment as more air bubbles made their way down my body. I discretely squeezed my butt cheeks to avoid any of those air bubbles from surfacing.

  “Okay, everyone give Char a hand. She was a wonderful mannequin. Thank you Char.” Megan smiled as she helped me up from the exercise ball.

  “Thank you Megan. That was so good.” I said floating over to CeCe.

  “You looked like you were enjoying that just a bit.” CeCe smiled as she wrinkled her nose.

  “Oh my gosh—I feel like butter. She could do that all day.”

  “You got a good fifteen minute massage there lady.” CeCe said looking at me and pointing to the clock on the wall.

  “It was so good that towards the end I had to squeeze my butt cheeks so I didn’t fart. I could totally feel gas bubbles drifting down yonder.” I admitted quietly, with a nervous little giggle sneaking out.

  “Okay people, I want the moms to place their weight evenly on their shins, with your behind resting carefully on your calves and your legs spread apart just enough to have your bellies resting in between. Partners, go ahead and get behind them once they are in place.” Megan coached.

  “No fart bubbles Char.” CeCe whispered.

  “Shut up CeCe.” I squeaked, trying to hold in my laughter and my bubbles.

  “You let me know if you feel like one’s going to slip out. I’m right behind you—ya know.” She giggled back.

  “Okay ladies and gentlemen focus. I want to see some of those techniques I showed you. By the time you’re done tonight you should all feel pretty comfortable with these massages and stretches.”

  “Not too comfortable Char.” CeCe whispered.

  “You’re going to make me laugh out a fart bubble if you don’t shut up CeCe.”

  “Squeeze those butt cheeks-those are good exercises I hear.”

  “You are making me laugh and its kegal exercises that are good for you.” I said laughing under my breath.

  “Whatever—no fart bubble sharing this evening, sweetie.”

  “I make no promises. Besides, I had my mom’s white chicken chili with lots of beans last night and the residual effects are still coming down the pipe.”

  “This is going to be a long night. So, how’s your dad doing?”

  “You mean is he still pretending that I don’t exist?”

  “Yeah, I guess so?” CeCe said sliding her hands down my back towards my hips.

  “He doesn’t talk to me unless my mom kind of makes him. She did tell me that he asks about how my appointments went afterwards.”

  “That’s a good start Char. You know he loves you. As soon as Lucy comes out, he’ll have to talk to you so he can hold her and love on that little beauty.”

  “I know he does. I caught him looking at my ultrasound pictures one day when I walked into the kitchen. When he saw me he quickly put the pictures back on the fridge and walked out of the kitchen.”

  “You know he just can’t get rid of the idea that somebody took his little girl’s peaches away.” CeCe whispered as she pressed on my lower back.


  “You know it’s true.”

  “Ladies, how are you doing over here?” Megan asked loudly.

  “Very good—this one’s a model student!” CeCe said pointing at me, curtly.

  “How are you feeling Char? How’s your lower back feeling?”

  “Very good—these exercises are really loosening me up.”

  “Yeah, really loosening her up.” CeCe added.

  “Good, I’ve got one more exercise that I want to show everyone. Do you mind being my guinea pig one more time?” Megan asked with a slight devilish smile.

  “Sure,” I said warily.

  “Okay everyone. I need your attention one more time. If I could get everyone’s eyes over here; I’ve got a great exercise for you ladies when you’re having bad back labor. I also like to use it during active labor for women who just need that extra push.”

  I looked at CeCe as she sported a half-
cocked smile and raised eyebrows. I had a feeling I was about to embarrass myself. Soon the whole world would be seeing my lady space in the delivery room—what was one more thing to keep my pride in check, I thought.

  “Char, I’m going to have you get down on all fours—with your hands palms-down and knees on the ground.”

  “Thanks Megan.” I whispered.

  “I know what you’re all thinking…this is how you ended up here tonight.” Megan laughed loudly, blushing ever so brightly.

  I could see CeCe obviously laughing as she covered her mouth with one hand and held her stomach with the other.

  “I like to call this the Momma Elephant stretch. It’s excellent to do, for a minute or so to take the stress and weight off your lower back. To protect baby, I recommend making sure you have a good, stable stance. Once you do, you can swing your hips side-to-side, slowly, like a momma elephant to continue the relaxation of those lower back muscles. When you are ready to get up, gently lean your belly back over your legs and do a slight down dog yoga move. I will have Char show you.”

  Megan manipulated my body, first with the side-to-side movements and then onto the down dog position.

  “Once you get to down dog slowly raise your upper body up off the floor.”

  The momma elephant felt really good on my back. I hadn’t realized how much strain this little lady put on my back.

  “Thanks Char. I’ll have you all practice this move now. Partners, you are there to support them. You can ask your partner what she needs.”

  “So, I was checking out your butt while you were doing the momma elephant and I honestly couldn’t even tell you are pregnant when I was right behind you.” CeCe said earnestly while shaking her head.

  “Thanks for that. It actually feels really good. You should try it CeCe.”

  “As I mentioned a few minutes ago, I’ve used this position many times to help the baby down the birth canal. Especially, when you are dilated to ten and are pushing but just can’t seem to get past a certain point. Naturally, gravitation does its job and helps the baby, usually, slide right out.”

  “Good to know.” CeCe whispered.

  As I swung my hips back and forth I felt more tiny bubbles moving until silently finding their way to the surface.

  “You’re supposed to be asking me what you can do for me.” I said, jokingly to CeCe.

  “What my dear queen can I do for you?” She asked in an English accent.

  “I need fresh air.” I laughed.

  “What? Oh my gosh Char—ugh! CeCe choked as my silent but deadly air bubbles had finally reached her nose.

  “Alright everyone, you did a great job. I will see you next week. Class is excused.”

  “Are you okay CeCe? Should I get Megan over here?” I laughed hysterically, squeezing my butt cheeks as tight as possible to not share any more of my warmth with anyone else.

  “Not unless she’s got some oxygen I can use.” CeCe said as she crawled away in slow motion, pretending to be in a gas chamber.

  “CeCe, it’s not that bad.”

  “Sure, no one minds their own stink.” She said now laying on her back, collapsed, with her hands holding her throat, coughing, and laughing at the same time.

  I held my stomach as I laughed at her overacting. I hadn’t laughed this hard since the last time I was with her. CeCe has always been the sister I never had and always wanted—ever so blunt, stubborn, funny, and a heart a mile wide.

  “Ladies you are having way too much fun over here.”

  “I couldn’t help it Megan—she shared her fart bubbles with me.” CeCe laughed as she picked herself off the ground.

  “Well, you know if have to fart now’s the best time. Pregnancy gives you a free pass to let it all out. When I was pregnant I always got the worst gas when I was in church. I would squeeze and try to keep it in. The more you squeeze the sicker you feel. Of course, we never sat on the end of the row so I either had to get past like five or six people to get out, all along passing gas in their face as I tried to get out or I could just sit there and fan myself to help dissipate the gas more quickly.”

  CeCe and I burst out laughing. My stomach began to tighten up and Lucy wiggled around.

  “And when people or mostly my husband would give me the stink eye, I just pointed to my belly and acted like it was nothing before avoiding the rest of their stares and sickly-green faces.” Megan continued, laughing as she reminisced.

  “I’m not the only one then who does that?” I added, straight-faced.

  “I like her.” CeCe said pointing at Megan.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty much awesome. But I’ve got to kick you ladies out. I’ve got to get home to relieve my husband from all the monkeys at our house. Be safe out there and remember to take good care of yourself Char. It was great to meet you CeCe.” Megan said as she walked us to the door.

  “Bye!” We said in harmony as we closed the door behind us.

  “I had a lot of fun tonight. Who knew that a whole bunch of hormonal women and childbirth classes could be entertaining?” CeCe said facetiously.

  “Who knew, right?” I confirmed her glib comment.

  “I can’t wait for Lucy to be born.” CeCe said a bit more serious now.

  “Me too. It’s going to change a lot of things though.” I said looking down, as we sat in the car, parked in the parking lot of the pregnancy care center.

  “Yeah, but not our friendship—I’ll always be here for you bestie.”

  “Thanks,” I said squeezing CeCe’s hand. “I’m excited; it feels like I’ve been pregnant forever.”

  “What’s on your mind? I can tell there’s more floating around up there.” CeCe said squeezing my hand back.

  “I don’t know. I just always dreamed of a different life for me. I expected to be done with school, happily married to my prince charming, and then pregnant. I just feel like I may never get that chance now to have the happily ever after I’ve dreamt of since I was a kid.”

  “Charlotte Renee, you are gorgeous, smart and have the most beautiful heart of anyone I know. Somewhere out there is a man who will be perfect for you and is crazy-mad for this sexy mommy.”

  I couldn’t help but let a tear slip out. “Thank you CeCe for your kind words. I hope it’s true.”

  “You know it’s true. You’re too good of a person to not get the best.” She said warmly.

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.”

  I was glad that she thought so. I hoped so but wasn’t convinced that I would end up with a happily ever after with the man of my dreams. I just wanted—needed to feel loved by a man for who I was—baby and all. I prayed that man was still out there somewhere.

  “Let’s get you home. Mrs. Megan will be unhappy with me if I keep you out too late young lady.”

  “Okay, I am kind of tired after all that stretching. My body feels pretty good now—I think I got most of my gas out too.”

  “Man are you telling me—I thought I was going to pass out.” CeCe giggled.

  Letting out a small chuckle, I turned towards CeCe, “Thank you, by the way, for coming with me tonight. I know this was not on your list of most exciting things to do.”

  “Girlfriend, you are always on my list of people to do the most exciting things with. Where ever you are, there’s life…and that’s where I want to be.”

  “I love you Ce! You are the bestest friend a girl could have!”

  “Awe, that’s enough sap for tonight. I love you too—no more crying, I don’t want to mess up my mascara, lady.”

  “You’re a softy under all that tough girl stuff.” I said, leaning back into my seat.

  “Whatever—just don’t tell anyone.” She exaggeratingly pursed her lips as she put the car into drive and headed towards my house.