Read Southern Belles, A Novel about Love, Purpose & Second Chances Page 14

  Chapter 14: Lucy Grace and a Side of Grits

  Today was going to be a long day; I had to work a double at the diner. At least I was done with school for the semester. I’d be off of school until the fall, taking a semester to focus on baby Lucy. I was due in one week and was more than ready to be done being pregnant. It was almost June and hotter than hell. I felt like a whale swollen from the heat and swallowed up by my skin; I was puffy everywhere. I mean everywhere. I couldn’t see beyond my belly button, which now looked like a very large third nipple. Megan reassured me the protruding nipple was normal and that my belly button would return to normal after Lucy was born. She laughed and compared it to a turkey timer—like the kind that pops up out of the turkey when it’s done cooking.

  CeCe finished the school year and had come home a week earlier. She’d hang out with me after I got off work in the evenings. Shortly before the diner closed for the day, she’d come and talk to Trudy and the other diner staff, taking full advantage of the left over fries and sweet-talking the cooks to add cheese to them. CeCe was happy to be home before her first trip to France. She had always dreamed of going to Paris but wished she wasn’t going for the whole summer—so she could be with me and Lucy.

  It was getting harder to carry the platters at the diner, especially when they were full. Trudy always offered to help but I felt bad about having to ask when we got busy. And now all the college kids were back from school and so it seemed we were busy from morning to night with the regulars and the kids with nothing to do but hang out. If I had any pride it was most certainly gone by now as I heard whispers and caught some of my former classmates eyeing my very large belly. I was just glad CeCe wasn’t at the diner during those times or she would have had a fine time starring back and making a spectacle in my defense. Gotta love that girl, I thought to myself as I prepared the silverware for the day, shortly before dawn.

  “Are we ready to put the open sign on?” Trudy asked as she wiped off the counter.

  “I think so.” I added putting the napkin-wrapped silverware into the tubs on the shelf.

  “You feeling okay today?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling pretty good despite looking like the Michelin man.”

  “You are so silly! You are a stick with a low-hanging basketball. By the way, you looked like you dropped. I meant to tell you that yesterday.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked curiously.

  “It means it looks like Lucy is getting ready to pop out any day now.”

  “That would be nice but I’m not due for another week and my mother said we were all at least a week or more late.” I sighed stretching my neck and back out.

  “Well, if you start to feel funny—you let me know. Also, no more carrying the trays—I hired a bus boy last week and he’s starting today. He will carry your trays and clean up the tables.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s great.”

  “Char, I mean it. You feel funny, you let me know. You could go any day now and you probably don’t want Lucy to be born sunny side up at the diner—do you?”

  I laughed, “Preferably not. Besides, I’m not sure if my doula makes diner calls unless you make her a chocolate milkshake.”

  “I’m serious Char.” Trudy said, starring me down.

  “Okay, I got it.”

  That morning was super busy. It was non-stop customer after customer which was good for the tips but taxing on my body. I had been on my feet for five hours already and decided to take a break before the crazy lunch hour herd came in. I had my favorite— cheesy fries and a chocolate milkshake with loads of whip cream and two maraschino cherries. It was so yummy and Lucy seemed to agree.

  “Hey there pretty lady.” I heard a wonderfully familiar voice call out from behind me.

  I turned around to see CeCe. “Hi there lady—what are you doing here so early?”

  “Well, I was bored and figured I’d come by for some lunch. My mom wants me to go shopping with her later and I’m not sure what time we’ll get back, but I’ll stop at your house when we do.”

  “That sounds fun!” I said licking my milkshake covered spoon.

  “Yeah, I could use some new outfits for summer. I think she missed me a little.”

  “She has CeCe. She just doesn’t seem like her usually high-strung self at mass.”

  “I guess that’s a form of love.”

  “CeCe, CeCe.” I started to say as I heard the door open abruptly with the bell ringing loudly followed by familiar, obnoxious female voices.

  We turned to see Veronica Sweetly and several other girls from high school, along with a few new faces, laughing and talking.

  “Oh my gosh—I don’t want to see her today.” I said, hoping she didn’t see me as I quickly turned back around to my milkshake.

  “That blonde twit drives me nuts.” CeCe scowled. “I don’t know what Richie sees in her other than her fake boobs.”

  “Oww!” I said as my stomach suddenly knotted up sharply.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just had a weird sharp pain all of a sudden in my lower belly.”

  “You might be in labor Char.” CeCe said looking concerned.

  “No, I’m fine. It’s gone now and I’m not due yet. Besides I have to get back to work but I wish I could hide instead.”


  “Ughh, I don’t want to see Veronica or any other girls from school. I don’t want them to say anything about my belly.”

  “Just pretend she’s not here and if she says anything, I’ll introduce my palm to her face.” CeCe said sternly, giving Veronica the stink eye.

  “I’d love to but she’s sitting in my section. I have to go take their orders. I feel a little sick.”

  “Maybe you should go home.” CeCe suggested.

  “I can’t Trudy needs me—we are too short-staffed today. I’ll make it through.” I said, feeling another little sharp jab in my lower belly.

  “Are you sure you’re okay Char?” CeCe frowned.

  “Yes, it’s probably just more gas.”

  “Well, I’ll just go find a little seat maybe next to Veronica and her posse to keep an eye on her.”

  “Okay, it’ll be fine.”

  I pulled the order pad out from my small black apron and slowly wobbled towards Veronica’s table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw CeCe heading for the table directly behind Veronica. Just before reaching the table I felt another strange sudden pain stretch across my belly before it subsided.

  “Hi ladies, hi Veronica.” I said in the most cheerfully fake voice I could muster up.

  “Charlotte Renee—what happened? You look like you gained the freshman fifty.” Veronica said in a sickly nice yet counterfeit tone in front of her plastic Barbie-like followers.

  “Hmm, no that would be the fishbowl she accidently swallowed.” I heard from behind her.

  “I’m pregnant Veronica and due in about a week.”

  “That’s strange Richie didn’t mention that you got knocked up.”

  “No, it’s my personal life—he’s pretty respectful in not gossiping about me or other people. What can I get for you ladies to drink?” I asked, trying to end the conversation from going any further and keep CeCe from flying over the booth and strangling Veronica.

  “I’d like a diet Coke,” Veronica smiled in an arrogant way.

  I took the rest of their drink orders and disappeared towards the bus station to gather their beverages. I began loading up their drinks when I felt another sharp pain and movement in my lower abdomen. I quickly grabbed my belly as this pain tightened across my entire belly and was more intense than the others. I couldn’t be in labor, I thought, it would hurt a lot more than this. This felt like the cramps I got on the first few days of my period. I picked the tray back up and headed towards the girls table feeling a little perturbed by Veronica’s insolence.

  “I think we’re ready to order now too.” Veronica said as I handed out the drinks.

  “What would
you like?”

  “Hmm, I want breakfast. Can I get breakfast still?” She asked nonchalantly.

  “You can get whatever you’d like my dear?” I said in a bubbly voice.

  “Okay, I would like two eggs over easy, with grits on the side and wheat toast. Please make sure they don’t put butter on the toast. This girl’s got a body to keep up.” Veronica smiled as she handed me her menu.

  “Absolutely, you don’t want your boobs to get any bigger.” I said, before quickly turning to the other girls at the table for their orders.

  That felt a little good, I thought to myself, as I took the rest of the orders and got away from that caddy table as soon as I could. I usually wasn’t rude and definitely not as outspoken as CeCe but that girl, for once, was starting to get on my nerves. I could see why she drove CeCe nuts.

  “Order in.” I yelled as I put their ticket up. “Oh and this one needs extra butter.” I said, pointing to Victoria’s wheat toast.

  I headed back over to CeCe for a few minutes while the order was being made. Victoria’s group was the only table so far in my section.

  “She’s such a you know what—but I won’t say it because I’m a lady.” CeCe whispered.

  “Since when?” I asked smiling.

  “Oh miss, can you get me another sweet tea please?” I heard one of the girls say behind us.

  “Sure, coming right up.” I yelled. “I’ll be back, CeCe.”

  I made my way over to the counter again.

  “Isn’t that Veronica over there?” Trudy asked.

  “Yes it is and she is as pleasant as never.” I said, filling up her friend’s cup with ice.

  “Her boobs look even bigger than last time. She looks like Dolly Parton’s younger sister. Doesn’t she?”

  Trying to hold in the giggles and pee I answered, “Yeah I noticed that too.”

  “Too bad they can’t do brain implants, she could use one.” Trudy snickered.

  “Order’s up.” One of the cooks hollered.

  “Wow! That was fast Jimmy! Good job!”

  “Thanks Char—oh and I put extra butter on the wheat just like you asked.”

  “You’re so good to me.” I said as I suddenly felt another sharp-tightening pain on my abdomen.

  “Char, let the bus boy carry that tray—you should not be carrying or lifting anything heavy like that.” Trudy demanded from behind the counter.

  “I’ve got it. It’s okay. I’ll ask him for help if I need it. Can you hand me a butter dish please.” I said with my tray all loaded and ready to go.

  “Here you go.” Trudy said, frowning at me with disapproval for carrying the tray.

  “Thanks. I’m okay, really.”

  I turned and trudged towards Veronica’s table while CeCe looked onward. The girls were all busy talking, probably about their summer plans or all the fun they were going to have.

  “Okay ladies…” I started to say as I felt a sudden and stumbling pain attack my body, causing me to drop the tray on their table abruptly.

  “Oh my God—you put grits in my hair!” Veronica scowled from behind her grit-covered face and hair. “You idiot!”

  “Char, are you okay? Let me help you.” CeCe offered from behind as she picked up a dishtowel from the bus station nearby and walked over to us.

  “Are you hurting?” CeCe asked as she placed the wet dishtowel on Victoria’s hair and started rubbing vigorously to mop up the grits.

  “Get out of my hair! Now!” I heard Victoria scream as my attention turned quickly downward—towards an unexpected gush from below.

  “Eww! My feet and legs are soaking wet,” shrieked one of the girls followed by Victoria’s grousing of wetness on her shoes.

  “Trudy put your girls in check!” Victoria demanded as she came swiftly over to me.

  “I told you not to carry those trays—are you okay Char?”

  “I don’t know, I think I just wet myself. And I think I might be having contractions.”

  She looked at me and the pool of fluid surrounding myself and the floor under the table as the girls continued to moan and complain. “I think your water broke Char—we need to get you to the hospital right away,” Trudy urged.

  “Her water broke?” Victoria asked disgusted. “Oh my God, you peed on our feet!”

  “I will take her to the hospital.” CeCe instructed, “Trudy can you call her mom and tell her we’re on our way to the hospital?”

  “I sure will; don’t worry Char, you’ll be okay.” Trudy said as she hugged me.

  “Is somebody going to help us?” Victoria said indignantly as CeCe and Trudy were focused on helping me to the door towards CeCe’s car. “Hello, somebody?” Victoria raised her voice, stomping her foot in the puddle of amniotic fluid, causing her to slip and fall in my slimy mess.

  The last thing I remember hearing as we neared the car was Victoria screaming in repulsion, followed by, “Oh my God, Oh my God!”

  The contractions were coming quickly now and I had never felt pain like this before. It was worse than any imaginable pain or cramp. I started to go white in the face, sweating, and contracting every few minutes with them lasting longer and longer. My lower back burned with pain and I was trapped on a wet garbage bag in CeCe’s tiny convertible.

  “I promise we’ll be there in a minute.” CeCe urged, looking very nervous.

  “It hurts so bad!” I said, grimacing between contractions.

  “Just breathe—remember what Megan said.”

  “I’m breathing but it feels like a semi-truck is trying to come out of my vagina.”

  “I’m sorry, we’re almost there I promise. They can give you something when we get there.” CeCe said, mashing on the gas pedal.

  “Ahhh, I want an epidural.”

  “I can see the hospital emergency sign. We’re there, we’re there.” CeCe looked relieved as we pulled under the ER awning.

  “I’m feeling a lot of pressure all of a sudden down there.”

  “I’ll be right back; I’m getting you a wheelchair. Don’t have that baby while I’m gone.”

  “CeCe hurry, please.” I moaned.

  “I’ll be back, don’t sneeze.” She giggled nervously running towards the ER doors.

  “So not funny Ce—hurry!”

  Tears were streaming down my face and I could barely breathe as another contraction struck across my belly, causing a lot of pressure below. As I lay there, trying not to have the baby in CeCe’s car, I heard someone calling my name from off in a distance.

  “Char, honey, we’re here. We’re coming.” I heard my mother say as I looked up to see both of my parents serious-faced, running across the parking lot. “Hold on baby; we’ll be right there.” She said, again, just several feet away now.

  “I got it, I got it!” I heard CeCe saying running towards me with the wheelchair and a lady in green scrubs close behind.

  “What do you want us to do?” My mother asked concerned.

  “I’m in so much pain.” I cried.

  “My name is Beth, I’m a nurse. I need you to tell me how close your contractions are.” She said calmly.

  “I don’t know, they just keep coming, from one to the next.” I said bent forward, holding onto my stomach.”

  “She said she has a lot of pressure down there and her water broke about 20 minutes ago.” CeCe said anxiously.

  “Okay, before we move you into the wheelchair, I need to take a quick look.” Beth, the nurse said.

  “Here, in the parking lot?”

  “Yes, I need to see if the baby is crowning.”

  “Okay, dad can you turn around?” I asked still writhing in pain.

  “Yes honey.” He said tenderly.

  “Okay, I’m going to pull down your pants. I need your help. Stay with me.” Beth said, opening the car door.

  “Ahhh, it really hurts.” I cried, “I need something for the pain. It hurts so badly!”

  “Okay, let me take a quick look and we’ll get you going.”

  “Can you do that inside?” My dad asked quickly.

  “I don’t want to chance having the baby pop out on the way to the delivery room.” The nurse said bending down to look.

  “I need you to spread your legs as much as possible.” She said in a calm and professional manner.

  “I’m trying, it really hurts.” I said sniffling and knuckling the middle console to help the pain shooting throughout my body.

  “Okay, you are crowning but I think we have enough time to get you to the delivery room.”

  “Mom, I forgot to call Megan. Can you please call her? I want her there.” I said, crying.

  “I called her before we left the house. She’s on her way.”

  “Thank you mom—it really hurts. Don’t leave me please.” I said grabbing her hand as she and Beth helped me into the wheelchair.

  “I’ll be right there Char; I’m going to park the car. Hold on sweetie, you’re almost done.” CeCe said as she gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

  “Okay, hurry. I want you in there, CeCe.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything!” CeCe exclaimed as my mother pushed me towards the ER doors with my dad beside me and Beth directing us.

  Bright lights covered my face doubling me over. I just wanted this baby out. It was so bright and I hurt all over. I cried as I had no idea how I was going to actually push this baby out. It hurt so much.”

  “Okay, right in here.” Beth directed us straight into one of the birthing rooms.

  I looked over and caught a glimpse of my father’s face. He looked worried—unlike any expression I had seen before. He stood quietly in the corner holding onto our purses and things as my mother and Beth helped me into the bathroom to change into a hospital gown.

  “Okay, things are going to get really busy in a few minutes. You need to tell me who you want in the birthing room. Everyone else can wait outside.” Beth said firmly.

  “I want my mom and CeCe, my best friend. She’ll be right back. Can I have an epidural—it really hurts—I need something for the pain. I feel like my vagina’s going to explode.”

  “Honestly, you are past the point where you can get an epidural. As soon as we get you on the bed you’re going to need to start pushing.” Beth said.

  I cried harder. I couldn’t take any more pain.

  “I can’t do it. I need something—it hurts.” I sobbed.

  “You’ll be great. This baby will be here in the next 20 minutes or less.” Beth encouraged.

  “Honey, you can do this. We’re here with you.” My mother said.

  “Okay, are you ready?” Beth asked. “Let’s get you on the bed.

  “There you are! Just the pregnant lady I was looking for.” I heard Megan say jokingly as my mother pushed my wheelchair into the delivery room.

  “I’d laugh if I weren’t in so much pain. You’ve got to get me something. It really, really hurts. I can’t take the pain.” I moaned feeling immense pressure and pain radiating throughout my abdomen and down to my feet.

  There were now several people in the room dressed in green scrubs setting stuff up rapidly. There was a large bright light shining over the upright bed, covered with blue and white chux pads, with stirrups. Over in the corner was a tiny clear basket-like table, with a soft light beaming down.

  “Let’s get this show on the road. That baby is waiting to meet you. You can do this, trust me. You are strong and able Char.” Megan said, looking me in the eye.

  “Okay dad it’s time to have you go outside. We’ll keep you posted.” Beth urged.

  “Okay,” my father said obediently.

  “Dad, wait—can you pray for me please?” I asked wanting my father near enough to be the watchful, protective father he had always been to keep me safe and assure me in times I was scared.

  “Sure honey.” He said, walking towards me.

  “Okay, as soon as you are done, it’s time to push.” Megan said.

  My father smiled, gently, at me. This was the first time he had really looked at me or spoken to me in months. “Dear heavenly father, thank you Lord for my Charlotte. Thank you for giving her to me and for the light she shines in our lives. Lord I pray that you would bring her daughter safely into this world, that she may also continue to shine your light and that you keep my baby daughter and Lucy safe from all harm. Lord give her the strength now, we pray, and a healthy baby girl. Lord, we also ask that you give peace and wisdom to those helping her bring this new life into the world. We thank you Jesus and praise you for your goodness and love.”

  I opened my eyes, filled with tears and squeezed my father’s hand as tight as I could. I saw the love in his eyes that had seemed empty these last few months. He too had tears in his eyes.

  “I love you Char.” My father said as he hugged me tightly, sniffling back tears. “You’ll do great honey. I’ll be right outside.” He said as he released me and walked toward the door, with his face shinning back at me.

  “I love you too daddy.” I said crying.

  “Okay, Lucy is crowning. That means I can see her and she’s got a head full of hair.” Megan said smiling.

  Just then the door opened and in came another lady in blue scrubs with CeCe right behind her.

  “I’m back sweetie. Thanks for waiting for me.” CeCe giggled.

  “Yea! This is Barb—do you remember her? She’s one of the nurse midwives and she and I will be working with you to deliver Lucy.” Megan said excitedly.

  “Hi Char.” Barb said as she moved into position beside Megan.

  Another stronger contraction hit and I could barely breathe. My mother stood by my left side while CeCe stood on my right.

  “Okay Char, I want you to take a deep breath in after this contraction and then I want you to give me a nice steady, strong push as you exhale out during your next contraction. You let us know when you’re ready.” Barb said confidently.

  “Ahhh!” I screamed as I inhaled in feeling the next contraction hit.

  “Okay, give me a nice push.” Barb directed.

  “Ughh….ahh.” I screamed again, “it hurts!”

  “You’re doing great.” Megan encouraged.

  “You’re doing wonderful.” My mother said holding my leg.

  “I want her out! It really hurts.”

  “Give me another push when you’re ready.” Barb said.

  “Char, where’s it hurting the most?” Megan asked.

  “It hurts all over; but my back is the worst and my vagina feels like it’s on fire.”

  “Okay, do you trust me?” She asked

  “Yeah, just get this baby out.”

  “Okay, she’s ready to come but it looks like she might be stuck on your pelvic bones.” Barb said.

  “What does that mean? I don’t want a C-section.” I cried, feeling another contraction taking over my body.

  “Char, we’re going to try another position. It should help the baby come out easier. We will not do a C-section unless you have to but you can do this.” Barb instructed.

  “Do you want her to get on all fours?” Megan asked, looking at Barb.

  “I think that would be a good start.”

  “Char, do you remember the momma elephant stretch we practiced in class?” Megan asked.

  “I do.” CeCe said anxiously.

  “Yes, will that get her out—I want her out! I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, it should help. Slowly cross over your left knee over the right to turn to your side so we can help get you into position.” Megan said.

  “The gravity in this position can make a baby quickly slide out and we want to be ready to catch her.” Barb said.

  “Okay, please hurry though.”

  “Okay, good job. Go ahead now and bring your other leg around and push onto your knees.” Megan said.

  I felt a small sense of relief as I got into position. The pain lifted, slightly, from my back and I felt her even lower in my crotch.

  “Oh this is perfect, her head is much lower now. Does
this feel better Char?” Megan asked.

  “Yes, it feels better on my back.”

  “Okay, we’re ready for you to push. Are you ready to meet your daughter?” Megan asked happily from behind her blue face mask.

  “Yes,” I cried. The time had finally come that I had been waiting months for. I was suddenly overcome with emotion and could not control the tears from falling.

  “Okay, push.” Barb instructed ready and waiting to catch Lucy.

  “Ahhh.” I screamed feeling fire from below as I gripped the sides of the bed, sinking my head deeper into the soft pillow.

  “Oh my gosh—there’s her head!” CeCe cried.

  “You’re doing great. I want you to just breathe now and not push.

  “Is she almost out?” I asked when suddenly I heard a tiny little cry rise up into the air.

  “We are suctioning her mouth and nose Char—you’re doing great. You’re almost done. When I say push again, this will be it. I want you to give me one strong push to get her out. As soon as she’s out, we will help to turn you over. We still need to deliver your afterbirth, but we always strive to get baby as close to mom as possible. So we will put her on your chest and work on delivering the afterbirth right after, Okay? Are you ready?” Megan asked.

  “Yes, I just want her out now. It burns; it really hurts!”

  “Okay, push.”

  With one final vigorous push, with my nails dug into the pillow, I felt her slide out and a tremendous sense of pressure and pain relieved. I could hear her crying. She sounded pretty mad.

  “Oh she’s so beautiful honey.” My mother cried as I turned around and saw this tiny little, loud human being for the first time.

  “Oh my goodness—look at all her hair! She’s so cute Char!” CeCe elated.

  As the other nurses in the room helped me to turn around all the way, I sat up in bed. Megan moved towards me with Lucy, still voicing her presence wrapped in a white, pink, and blue newborn hospital blanket. She laid her on my chest with her face starring up at mine. I felt tears begin to gush uncontrollably. She was so tiny and so loud and all mine.

  “I want you to rub her to help get her circulation moving and keep her warm.” Megan said as she wiped the blood and wetness off Lucy.”

  “She looks like you Char—she has your nose.” My mother said stroking Lucy’s hair.

  “Awe, she’s got dimples just like us mom.” I said, still teary, watching Lucy yawn.

  “In just a minute, we will move her over to the table in the corner so we can weigh her, do an Apgar test, and keep her warm. We will return her as soon as she’s done and Barb has delivered the afterbirth. It won’t take long.” Megan added.

  “Okay.” I couldn’t believe she was here. For months I felt her rearranging my insides and keeping me up at night. I was so tired and sore but all I wanted to do was stare at her. Her nose and lips were so little. As she squirmed in the blanket I saw her tiny little neck and her deep dimples as she yawned again.

  “Are you going to be breastfeeding?” One of the nurses asked as she came closer to me.


  “Okay, I’ll send the lactation consultant down to meet with you. It’s good, especially for first-time moms to have some extra support with nursing. She’s really nice and can give you a few helpful tips that should make nursing your baby easier.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry to ask but I’m so tired but really hungry. Is there any way I can get some food to eat?” I said, feeling almost lifeless.

  “Absolutely, there’s a menu beside you. In a few minutes, if you want to look in there you can order from the kitchen downstairs and they’ll bring up your food.” She smiled nicely.

  “Thank you so much.” I said as I held little Lucy close.

  “She’s so cute, I just want to smooch her.” CeCe said, rubbing her blanketed feet.

  “She’s so perfect.” I starred at Lucy as she was now quiet and seemed to be sleeping.

  “I can’t wait for your father to see her. She’s really beautiful Char. You did a great job honey.” My mother said kissing the top of my head.

  “Thank you mom.” I sniffled as I leaned my head into her side, from the bed.

  “Okay Char, we’re going to take Lucy over here and Barb’s going to finish up with you. Then you can order some food and hang out with Lucy. Sound okay?” Megan asked.

  “Okay.” I said, handing my little sleeping bundle to Megan.

  “What a pretty baby.” Megan said as she carried her over to the small weight scale enclosed with clear see-through plastic sides.

  “Alright, I’m going to need you to push, just like before. You’re going to feel some pressure. I will also be applying some pressure on your stomach to help bring it all down.”

  “I’m so tired. Is it going to hurt more?”

  “It’s not going to be comfortable but it’s much smaller and just tissue with fluid so it’s not as difficult to push out.”

  I pushed and worked with Barb to deliver my placenta while my mother and CeCe stood near Lucy whispering, pointing at her small body, and smiling. I couldn’t get past how small she was and yet still her own little being. I began tearing up again as I couldn’t believe the miracle I was witnessing.

  “Alright, she weighs 6 lbs. 3 oz. and is 19 ½ inches long.” Beth, the RN said proudly.

  “She is really little.” My mother said smiling at her first grandchild.

  I could see Lucy’s fingers flexed out with her arms waving in the air as they continued poking and prodding her.

  “Just about done Char; you did a wonderful job.” Barb grinned.

  “Thank you. Can I have Lucy back?” I asked feeling a wave of fatigue rolling over me.

  “Almost; are you feeling okay Char?” Barb asked.

  “I’m just so tired and I feel like all my blood just drained out of me.”

  “You’re looking a little pale. We’re going to get you on some Iron supplements right away. You might want to order some red meat from the menu too. It will help to start replenishing your red blood cell count from the blood loss during delivery.”


  “I’m going to get some ice for your bottom, some tucks pad and some numbing spray—this will help with the soreness. The good news is that you didn’t need any stitches. Your skin is very elastic and should stretch back to normal because you’re young and healthy. But you’ll be feeling some discomfort for a week or two so I want you to take it easy. No sex or exercise yet-not at least for the next six weeks anyway. Okay?”

  “Not a problem.” I smiled facetiously, looking at my mother as she smiled back at me, nodding her head, with one eyebrow raised while CeCe smirked.

  “Can I have her dad come in now?”

  “Oh sure. We are all done and so is Lucy.” Megan said as she handed me Lucy back.

  “Make sure to get some red meat, okay Char.” Barb said. “You did great, enjoy that precious little one, she’s a looker.” She smiled as she patted my shoulder before heading towards the door.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get your dad.” My mother said.

  “Thank you Barb and Megan so much.” I said as they both opened the door to exit the room, followed by all but one of the nurses.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” A nurse, whose name badge read Joyce, asked.

  “Can I get a cup of ice water?”

  “Sure, or we also have grape, apple, or orange juice?”

  “Oh, grape juice sounds really good.”

  “Okay, I’ll bring you some ice water and some grape juice. Would you like anything?” She asked kindly looking at CeCe.

  “Oh no, that’s okay. Just worry about her.”

  “It’s okay, I’d be happy to get you something too.” She pressed.

  “Well okay, since you’re so pushy.” CeCe said jokingly. “I’ll have a grape juice too please. Thank you.”

  “You are welcome ladies,” she smiled, “I’ll be right back with your
drinks. Don’t forget to look at the menu and order some food for yourself.”

  “Thank you Joyce, I will.”

  “I’ll be back shortly, ladies.”

  “I hear I have a really pretty little granddaughter with dimples a mile deep.” My father said in a reserved voice, as he slipped through the open door behind Joyce leaving.

  “Hmm…Yes, she’s gorgeous. She looks just like me.” I joked.

  “Well, let’s hold her and compare.” My father joked back, walking over to my bedside.

  “Where’s mom?” I asked, noticing that she didn’t follow him back in.

  “She’ll be right back; she had to get something.” My father said, pulling a chair over to the bedside.

  “Come here little one. Meet your papa.” My father said as my eyes filled up with tears all over again.

  “Sweetie, I’ll be right back. I’ve got to go get something.” CeCe said excusing herself.

  “Okay, I’ll see you shortly.” I heard the door close behind CeCe before whispering to my father, “She’s so little, isn’t she dad?”

  “She’s beautiful.” He said without taking his eyes off her. “She looks just like you did when you were born but with a black wig. You were bald for at least the first two years.” We laughed.

  “Thank you dad,” I said feeling a heaviness in my heart.

  “It’s true.”

  “Dad”…I started but struggled to continue.


  “I’m sorry Charlotte.” He interrupted before I could muster up the strength to finish my sentence. “I’m sorry that I ignored you and that I hurt you honey.” He said with a single tear dropping onto Lucy’s blanket.

  Fighting back the tears, “I’m sorry too. Dad, I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  “Charlotte, you’ve always been the apple of my eye. I just want the best for you and your brothers. I was mad that you didn’t listen to us—you know I worry about you. I just didn’t want you to have this responsibility all on your own. But she’s absolutely perfect. You couldn’t have done better than her.” He said stroking her tiny pink cheeks, all nestled in the bundled blanket in his arms.

  “Thanks dad.” I said wiping my eyes.

  “I love you honey.”

  “I love you too dad.”

  “Knock, knock.” I heard my mother’s voice behind a bouquet of bright pink and orange flowers.

  “Awe, they’re pretty mom.” I said feeling a wave of drowsiness sweep over me.

  “I thought you could use some pretty flowers. Did you order your food yet?” She inquired as she set the flowers down by the sink.

  “No, I’m going to right now. I think I’m going to have a big juicy burger.” I’m so hungry.”

  “Good choice—the nurse said red meat would be good for you right now.” My mom said pulling a chair over to be closer to Lucy.

  “Isn’t she beautiful? Her little nose and tiny mouth are perfect. She’s got our dimples too dear.” My mother said to my father.

  I looked through the menu quickly so I could order and take Lucy back. I just wanted to hold her and kiss her small oval face. I thumbed through and found a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate pudding for dessert. I picked up the phone and pressed three for the kitchen and ordered my food.

  “They said my food should be up in about fifteen minutes.” I said, feeling starved and sleepy. “Can I hold her?” I, shyly, asked my dad.

  “Oh sure, sorry.” He said, standing up slowly to place her back into my arms.

  “Hello.” I heard an unfamiliar female voice.

  “Hello.” I said, peeking around the curtain towards the door.

  “Hi, I’m Amber. I’m a nurse from post-partum. I’m going to help transfer you to your new room and get you out of labor and delivery. Just stay there—when we have all of your things ready to go I will get a wheelchair and take you and your little bundle over there.”

  “Okay, will they know where to deliver my food? I’m so hungry and they’ll be up soon.”

  “No problem; I’ll call them from here and let them know your new room number. It should probably be waiting for you once we get everything packed and ready.”

  “Oh good; I’m hungry and so tired.” I said, yawning while rubbing one of Lucy’s tiny fingers.

  “Once we get you over there and you have a chance to eat some I’ll call the lactation consultant to come and meet with you. I’m sure that when this pretty little baby wakes up, she’s going to be hungry.” Amber said sweetly, while getting things ready for the move.

  “Okay. Hey mom—where’s CeCe? Did you see her downstairs?”

  “I saw her run out to the parking lot. She said she’d be back in just a bit honey.” My mother said packing up my purse, clothes and shoes.

  “Oh, that’s weird. Mom, is grandma coming?”

  “Yes dear—Rose is watching Evi and will bring her shortly when the boys are done at the farm.”

  “Good, thanks.”

  “It looks like we have everything ready. Char, I’m going to help you into the wheelchair. Can we have your mom hold baby?” Amber asked.

  “Sure, I’d love to.” My mother piped in.

  “First, I want you to sit up slowly and then we’re just going to slide your legs over the edge of the bed and let them dangle. I don’t want you to get up just yet. Sometimes with all the blood loss after delivery people are just a little weaker at first. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded just let me know.”

  “Okay,” I said as I sat there with my legs hanging.

  I looked over at my mother and caught her rubbing Lucy’s cheek as she swayed slowly from side-to-side, humming softly. My father stood beside her, smiling, watching Lucy as she squirmed slightly when my mother stroked her tiny pink cheeks.

  “Are you ready? I will help you down and into the wheelchair.” Amber said.

  “I’m ready. I’m ready for my burger too. I have never been so hungry in my life.”

  “I’m sure it will be there just as soon as we get to your room.” Amber reassured me.

  Amber rolled me down the hall and into my new room where I would stay for the next two days. I had a private room with a sea-green loveseat that pulled out into a small bed. There was a large window with the late afternoon sun peeking through and a small white board that read Welcome, today is June 1st. Below it read Amber, RN will be your nurse and Kirsten will be your nurse’s aide. Amber rolled me close to the bed and put the wheelchair locks on each wheel. She helped me up and onto the bed in a sitting position, again, with my feet dangling over the edge.

  “Ughh.” I murmured.

  “Are you okay?” Amber asked?

  “I’m kind of hurting down there. It’s really sore.” I quietly said as I didn’t want my dad hearing all the personal details.

  “I’m going to check you in a minute and get you set up so you can be more comfortable.” She said.

  “Good, it’s really uncomfortable.” I said in a low tone.

  “Grandma and Grandpa, I’m going to have you step out of the room for a minute. You will need to put her in this little bassinette here while you step outside.” Amber said as she helped to pivot my legs up and into bed.

  “Oh that’s fine.” My mother said laying Lucy in the bassinette.

  Amber waited until the door closed behind them and pulled the curtain around putting a barrier between me and the door. “Okay, so I’m going to get an ice pack for your peritoneum and some spray that will help numb the area some. We will check you every few hours today and will change out the ice packs then too. Getting the swelling down from the trauma of having a baby will help to ease the pain. We will use some tucks pads too to help cool the sting.”

  “Will it feel better soon?” I asked hoping for something to take away the pain.

  “Yes, Barb also ordered some Ibuprofen to help with the pain and inflammation but the ice should be a nice addition.” She added as she prepped the ice-pack, tucks pad, and spray to relieve me.

  “Oh good.” I said, lying back as she eased the mesh-like disposable hospital underwear with ice pack up my legs.

  “This will be cold at first but you should start to feel pretty good soon. I’m going to spray this numbing spray on you before I place the tucks pads in place. I’m going to get the Ibuprofen and,” she paused as she read her sheet, “it looks like Barb ordered some Iron supplements too. Your mom and dad can come back into the room now.” She said pulling open the curtain.

  “Wow, that’s cold but it feels good.”

  “Hey honey, we’re back.”

  “Hello, Charlotte?” I heard another unfamiliar voice behind my dad say.

  “Hi.” I said, seeing a petite blonde-haired lady standing in the doorway. “I’m Teyah, the lactation consultant. I am getting ready to leave for the day and wanted to see you and your little blessing before I do. Is this your first baby?”

  “Yes and her name is Lucy Grace.” I said feeling a burst of pride roll up from the depths of me.

  “What a beautiful name. Are you interested in breastfeeding or bottle or both?”

  “I want to breastfeed unless I can’t.” I said, watching Lucy in her little bassinette through the clear sides.

  “Well, I can show you some different types of breastfeeding positions and give you some tips. Have you had any leaking from your nipples?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” I said, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment as my father stood nearby.

  “I’m going to go get some coffee downstairs.” My father abruptly interrupted as he disappeared just as quickly.

  “Oh thank goodness. I’m a bit embarrassed talking about that stuff with my father in here.” I said, looking at my mother and Teyah.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Teyah apologized.

  “Oh no, it’s okay. He was probably just as embarrassed.” I said as my mother and I let out a giggle.

  “Most women’s milk takes a few days to come in after childbirth but that’s okay because you are producing colostrum which has the important nutrients your baby needs now. It’s not much but Lucy’s tummy is so small that for the first few days she only needs a very tiny amount to satisfy her. Also, a newborn will sleep quite a bit the first few days—recovering from the birthing process. So, you do not need to worry about her not eating much as long as she is wetting her diapers regularly.” She finished.

  “That’s good to know because I don’t think my milk has come in and I was worried.”

  “I can show you some breastfeeding positions right now if you’d like. We can wake up Lucy.” Teyah suggested.

  “Okay, mom will you hand me Lucy?” I asked ready to take Lucy back into my arms so I could cradle her and kiss her tiny face again.

  “Sure, nana will hand you Lucy.” My mother smiled, looking down at Lucy as she took her back into her arms.

  “Thank you mom.” I said as Lucy’s tiny figure melted into my embrace.

  “Okay, the first position is the traditional nursing hold that you see most of the time.” Teyah said as she propped a pillow below my left arm and positioned Lucy right at my breast.

  I heard Teyah speak almost as a bystander. I ran through the motions all the while adoring this most perfect being in my arms. I was so tired and felt like I was on sedatives—feeling a slight wooziness as I attempted to breastfeed Lucy for the first time. I heard her cry again as we nudged her gently awake from her deep sleep to feed. She opened her little mouth wide and latched on after a few moments before crying some more and again finding her way back to my breast. She kept her eyes closed with her tiny hand perched on my chest as if she were holding on.

  “She seems to be nursing but it’s a little uncomfortable. Will it always feel this way?” I asked hoping the soreness would go away.

  “You’re doing great.” I heard Teyah say. “It is normal for your nipples to be sensitive especially as a new mother. It will get better with time.”

  “Oh good, thank you,” I said yawning.

  “Knock, knock, food service. Your dinner is here.” A lady in a white apron announced as Lucy jumped with the sudden break of noise.

  “Oh good, I’m so hungry.” I exclaimed smelling the medium-well done burger wafting in my direction.

  “I will be back tomorrow and will check on you two. If you have any questions about breastfeeding the nurses are pretty knowledgeable so you can ask them or let me know tomorrow.” Teyah said as she backed away from the bed.

  “Thank you for your help.” I said as I concentrated on the bedside tray, with my food, rolling towards me.

  “You are welcome. She’s beautiful and you’re doing a great job.” Teyah smiled as she neared the door.

  “Thank you, have a good night.” I called to her.

  “You too.” She said disappearing quietly.

  “I’ll take her if you want to eat.” My mother offered.

  “Thanks. I wonder where CeCe is. I thought she was coming right back.” I said, stuffing a ketchup-soaked French fry into my mouth.

  “She’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”

  “I’m sure she will. I just wanted her to be here.” I said, feeling slightly annoyed that she was here briefly and gone already.

  I inhaled my burger as if I hadn’t eaten in weeks. My fries were gone within a minute or two of finishing my burger. I had never been that hungry. The energy it took to bring little Lucy into this world had taken just about all the strength out of me. But she was here, finally, and she was so beautiful and so tiny. I sat back and drank my grape juice while my mother hummed you are my sunshine to Lucy.

  “When you were little I use to sing you are my sunshine to you too.” My mother said looking up at me with a smile.

  “I know, I remember. You would sing it to me after my Bible story until I fell asleep.” I recalled fondly.

  “I sure did. I know Lucy will bring as much joy to you as you continue to—to us. Parenthood is not for the faint of heart but it can be very rewarding too.” My mother said in her gentle and wise way.

  “I’m sure I’ll screw up. You’ve always been a great mom.”

  “Not always. I make mistakes and you will too. But if you ask God for wisdom and direction and not beat yourself up when you make a mistake, you’ll do just fine.” She said looking down at Lucy.

  “Thank you mom for everything—especially for helping me through all of this. I couldn’t have done it without you. I still feel alone in this but I’m so thankful for your support.”

  “God knew what he was doing when he created mothers and fathers. I’m here for you and I’ll always be your biggest fan. One day, I know, there will be the perfect guy for you and Lucy. God’s always got a plan for us even when we don’t see one—He’s the God of second chances.”

  “Thank you mom, I may need these reminders for a while. I know God has the best laid plans for us—I just don’t see one yet. And I’m thankful for Lucy; I still can’t believe she’s here. She’s kind of intimidating, I mean, I just want to do right by her and I still have a happy ever after. I wish Skylar was here.”

  “All good things in good time. For now, you have a beautiful gift in a tiny package.” She grinned, flashing our infamous dimples that Lucy shared with us.

  “I know; she’s kind of awesome isn’t she?”

  “Hi there,” Amber popped back in. “I need to take Lucy back to the nursery for just a little bit and then I can bring her back. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m sleepy but I feel so much better. Dinner was good for hospital food.” I yawned.

  “You could probably benefit from some rest. We can keep her in the nursery tonight if you want to try and get some sleep.” Amber offered.

  “I’m not sure. I just kind of want her to be with me. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, we’ll continue to check on you every few hours for vitals and make sure the bleeding stays under control. If you decide you need help, then we can take her back to the nursery.” She replied.

  “Okay, I
guess that works.”

  “Char, once you get home, it’ll be a while before you get normal sleep. And then normal sleep becomes a different kind of normal sleep.” My mother interrupted.

  “I’ll think about it.” I said leaning forward to smooch Lucy before Amber rolled her to the nursery.

  “I love you Lucy. Don’t you go talking to any boys in there,” I jokingly whispered.

  “Unless it’s your papa,” My mother chimed in.

  I leaned back watching Amber roll Lucy out of the room.

  “You could take a little nap while she’s in there. I’m going to go find your dad and see where your grandmothers and brothers are.” My mother said standing up to kiss me.

  “That sounds good, I guess. I’m so tired.” I yawned again.

  I pulled the covers up to my neck and positioned the pillows under my arms just right and squirmed into a comfortable position. I don’t remember my mother leaving and I was out shortly thereafter.

  “Char, let’s make tonight last a lifetime.” I suddenly saw Skylar’s bronzed face appear. I was speechless. The cabana—the smell of warm vanilla and beach sandalwood—it was all floating around my head. He was wearing the cardigan and holding a bouquet of flowers.

  “What’s happening? Where have you been? Skylar?” Confused, I looked around.

  I reached out to grab him and suddenly found myself nearly falling out of bed.

  “Ouch.” I writhed back in pain. I was quickly reminded that I had just given birth a few hours ago.

  I had only been dreaming. Why now? I hadn’t dreamed of Skylar in so long. It had helped that I hadn’t. Every time I dreamed about him it brought me back to that night. As much as I tried to let it not affect me my heart still ached when I thought of Skylar. A dream was worse—he was so real and close, again. I sat there, silent, for several moments arguing, internally, whether or not I wanted to feel that part of myself or to fight it so I could protect my heart. I looked over at the clock. It was 7:30 PM. Wow, I had fallen asleep for some time. Where were Lucy and my parents? Where was CeCe—did she ever come back? I sat up and contemplated getting up. It was so quiet. I spotted balloons and more flowers over in the corner by the window. Someone had been here. The bassinette was still gone. I reached behind me and felt my cool skin. I found the strings and tied the hospital gown as tight as possible. I pivoted my legs over the side of the bed. I could feel the ice had melted somewhat. I wanted to go find Lucy and my parents but I didn’t want to drip water down the hall. I pushed the call light to the nurse’s station.

  “Hello,” a nurse called back over the speaker.

  “Hi, I want to get up and go to the nursery but I need to use the bathroom first.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right down.” She replied.

  I sat there with my legs dangling. I was still a bit lightheaded. Images of Skylar flittered through my head while I waited. I could smell his scent—the one I smelled on his sweater and neck that night and a strange feeling of contentment fell upon me.

  “Hi there, I’m Rebecca. Amber’s shift ended and you were sleeping so she didn’t want to disturb you. I will be your nurse till seven AM tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay, thanks. I want to go to the nursery, if that’s okay and see Lucy.”

  “That’s a pretty name—is that what you named your little one?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yeah, Lucy Grace,” I smiled, attempting to stand.

  “What a sweet name. I’m going to help you over to the bathroom and we can get you all cleaned up and then you can walk down to the nursery if you’re feeling well enough.”


  “I will be out here and you let me know if you need anything. I’m going to get your bed ready again for when you come back.” She said from outside the bathroom door.

  “Alright,” I said feeling a chill from the cold tile floor.

  I sat on the toilet, resting a moment, and flipping back to the Skylar, standing on the beach, with flowers. I hadn’t seen him with flowers before. Usually he didn’t speak and it was just a quick image of him before some other bizarre part of my dreams took over. It was the most I had seen of him since that night. It was vivid and I could almost feel the emotion that filled his eyes that August evening. It was painful thinking of him, knowing he was supposed to be here with me for this monumental moment. I would think of him every day when I looked at Lucy. I hadn’t thought about it till this dream but that one event caused our night to last a lifetime with this small, sweet soul I was responsible for raising, now. Had he known something that I didn’t? Had he planned on getting me pregnant? I wondered. I guess I’ll never know I thought to myself as I smiled thinking of Lucy’s tiny fingers.

  “Are you okay?” Rebecca asked. “I’ve made your bed so it will be ready when you come back from the nursery.”

  “Thank you, I’m done; you can come in.” I said, abruptly dismissing my previous thoughts.

  Rebecca helped me get ready and back on my feet.

  “Do you think you can walk down to the nursery? It’s not that far but I want to make sure it’s not too much for you.” She said tying my gown a little more snugly.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.” I said as I put my feet in the blue colored hospital socks.

  “I believe you have some family members down there.” She said, trailing me out the door.

  I slowly walked down the long beige hallway. It was as quiet as if it were the middle of the night. We passed the nurse’s station and two nurses were chatting as we neared. As we caught their attention they stopped, smiled, and said hi. I smiled and said hello back as I now trailed Rebecca, in tow to the nursery. As we came closer, I saw the almost 360 degree glass nursery. On the other side of the glass circle stood four tall young men, two older ladies and a gigantic tan teddy bear. My brothers and grandmothers had shown up and I could see their lips moving as they all looked down into the glass window in front of them. Suddenly, I saw CeCe’s head pop around the teddy bear. She had spotted me. She pointed to the teddy bear and then towards the glass and smiled her over-exaggerated smile showing both her upper and lower teeth. I smiled back feeling a quick warmth zip up the back of my gown. She hadn’t left for Paris yet. In fact, she was better than I gave her credit for—reappearing hours later with the biggest teddy bear I’d ever seen.

  “I’m going to bring her to you so you can take her back to your room and visit with your family before visiting hours are over. Just remember to keep her in the bassinette until you get to your room; it’s a hospital rule to keep her safe.” Rebecca issued.

  “Okay, thank you. That sounds good.” I smiled back at CeCe.

  “She’s so pretty honey.” I heard my grandma Rose say as she walked towards me with grandma Evi beside her, holding her hand.

  “Thanks grandma.” I said holding my arms up to hug both of my grandmothers.

  “You feel okay, you look a little pale.” Grandma Rose said sizing me up.

  “I’m a little weak; I guess I lost a lot of blood. It’s okay though, I’m on iron supplements.

  “I heard you did good sis.” Edward, my oldest brother, said from the clan of my family and CeCe that were following our grandmothers.

  “Yeah, I didn’t have any pain medication to deliver that little squirt.” I smiled looking down at Lucy, lying perfectly still all cozied up in her bassinette.

  “She was a rock star in there!” CeCe said loudly from behind the massive teddy bear that seemed to be taking her for a walk.

  “Here are some flowers for you and Lucy? Is it?” Jason, my third oldest brother, asked, as he handed me a bouquet of fresh pink Gerber daisies with white and light green mums of various sizes.

  “Yes, it’s Lucy Grace and thanks Jason, you’re my favorite brother.”

  “Wait a minute—those are from all of us and I’m your favorite brother.” Richie said pushing his index finger into Jason’s chest before quickly moving away from any retaliation.

  “Thank you guys; you’re all my favori
te brothers.”

  “That’s better—you mean I’m the most awesome and they’re okay.” Richie shook his head.

  “I need to sit down. Do you guys want to come to the room? Then you can sit and hold her if you want but you have to wash your hands first. I don’t want any pesticide on her.”

  “Don’t worry; momma and Grandma Rose already told us we had to wash up and change our clothes before we came down here.” Peter, my second oldest brother and Edward’s twin, stated.

  “Oh good,” I said turning Lucy’s bassinette towards my hospital room as our mom and dad entered through the double doors down the hall.

  “Perfect timing, we are going back to the room with Lucy.” I shouted to them.

  “Where’d you guys go?” I asked as we met up by my hospital room.

  “We just needed to finish up a little business.” My mother said trying to be inconspicuous.

  “Business?” I pushed.

  “Yes, something came up that your dad and I needed to take care of it. We figured you needed your sleep so we let you be for a little bit.” She pushed back, gently.

  “Alright,” I said leading the pack into the room.

  I got back into bed, with my mother’s help as the rest of my family ogled Lucy. It felt good to be back in bed. I had started to feel the soreness creep up again as I stood in the hallway. Rebecca came back in while I was getting into bed and offered more pain medication to help with the soreness and swelling. She also made the rest of the group stand outside a few moments while she re-checked me and iced me all over again. The coldness shook my system before eventually comforting me.

  “Okay, I will let the others in.” Rebecca notified me. “Is there anything else I can get you right now?”

  “No, I’m good. I’ve still got water. Thank you though.”

  “Sounds good, if you need something just push your call light.” Rebecca pointed towards the remote connected to my bed.

  “Thank you, I will if I need to.”

  “Okay y’all—you can come in now.” Rebecca instructed as she stepped out of the room.

  I sat back, comfortably propped up by the bed full of pillows everywhere, as my brothers, grandmothers, parents, CeCe and a very large teddy bear filed into the room. All the chairs and most of the floor space, in the room, were now taken up. I was so tired and ready for bed but I watched quietly, like many times in the past, as my family laughed and told stories and now—admired Lucy. I sat still appreciating the peace in the midst of my loud, Southern, family. It was like old times. No one was whispering or avoiding eye contact with me. Lucy had brought us together again with her small but vibrant light.

  “Hello?” I heard a full-bodied voice call into the room.

  “Oh Father John, come on in!” My mother exclaimed, happily, as she rose up to greet him.

  “Hi Charlotte, congratulations! Your mother called me and asked me to come down and say a prayer over Lucy. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, that would be great. Thanks Father.” I said, surprised by his appearance.

  “Here she is Father; her name is Lucy Grace.” My mother said, carefully handing Lucy over to Father John’s embrace.

  “Hi there young lady, you sure are a beauty.” He said to Lucy as he swayed her gently in his arms.

  “Would you all bow your heads and close your eyes?” He started. “Dear wonderful heavenly Father of all creation. We give you thanks today as you have safely brought Lucy Grace into our presence. We thank you that your wisdom and your gifts are beyond our ability to comprehend and that no surprise to us is a surprise to you—that babies are not mistakes but are made in your image and given life by the Almighty God of the universe. Father God, we pray that you would forever place your favor and hand of protection over this little one and that you give Charlotte the wisdom and the courage to raise Lucy Grace to know her Creator as her savior, her friend, and her daddy, whose love is never failing. Lord, we thank you that you give us everything we need to live fully and that in no way will Charlotte or Lucy be lacking in anything but blessed and full of joy. Lord we pray your mighty hand to bless and protect this family, we ask, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”