Read Southern Exposure Page 45

  Chapter 26

  The fog swirled around the back of the car as Jason drove off into the darkness. My gaze followed him until the headlights came on when he reached the main road. When I looked back to the place where the car had been parked, a cloaked figure stood partially concealed by the thickening fog, her back to me.

  "Bella Cullen, I presume?" Her scent was similar—but even sweeter—than Carlisle and Esme's.

  There was no acknowledgement.


  She turned and started cautiously toward me. Slowly the silhouette gained detail.

  "It's you!" I gasped as her angelic face emerged out of the murky, darkness—exactly like in my dream.

  "Then you remember?" she whispered.

  "No, only broken images, and your face."

  "There was an accident, Mike and Jessica—"

  "You say their names like you know them," I rebuked.

  "We went to school together, Jessica was my best friend."

  "Were you like this then?"

  "No, I was the new kid in school. I'd just moved to Forks from Phoenix."

  "Then you met Edward."

  "Yes, how'd you know—"


  She nodded.

  "Wait a minute, we're both named Isabella?"

  "It was your father's idea, but Jessica went along with it, although she preferred to call you Izzy. Mike had a crush on me, but Edward and I were meant for each other—you know—like you and Jason."

  I was my murderer's namesake, how sick was that? "What about the accident? Mom and Dad were in the front seat, something happened and Dad swerved—he lost control."

  "Yes, Mike was killed instantly, but I pulled you and Jessica out of the twisted wreckage, although it was painfully obvious your injuries were fatal."

  "I would have died?"

  "Yes. Jessica died in my arms, but not before begging me to save you. She said she knew I was different—special, and pleaded for me to save you. She died, convinced I would." Bella cleared her throat. "I'd never bitten a human, much less changed someone; but I had to try, for Jessica."

  "You'd never bitten a human, not even in the beginning?"

  "Nor since, you're the only one."

  Bella seemed truly distraught, even remorseful. She hadn't killed me, and while I wouldn't call what she did saving me, I was still here. "Why did you leave me?"

  "I took you away from the accident scene so we wouldn't be discovered, and held you—like I'd held Jessica—while you started the change, but watching you go through that was more than I could bear."

  "But you did."

  "No, after a day of watching you go through that torture, I decided I had to kill you. Save you from my moment of weakness, despite my promise to Jessica, but as I tried to find the strength to do it, Elizabeth and Benjamin found us."

  "So that's how I wound up with them."

  "Yes, I didn't know the Faulkners well, but they had been visiting with Carlisle and I knew they observed our way of existence. Elizabeth begged me not to kill you, said she would raise you like the daughter she always wished for, and your existence would be our secret."

  "How did you know I wouldn't remember?"

  "We didn't, but human memories are hard to hold onto. So Elizabeth thought if she could just keep you away from humans long enough, you would forget. We never even considered you might lose your memory from the accident."

  "Are you sorry you changed me?"

  Bella looked up for the first time and stared intently into my eyes before answering. "Terribly, I even kept it from Edward; but tonight, listening to Jason talk about you, and how he felt about you, I think I did the right thing. You do realize how much he loves you, don't you?"

  "Can that really be enough to justify this existence?"

  "It was for me," Bella said through a smile. "I fell in love with Edward when I was human; and when I figured out what he really was, all I wanted was to be like him so we could be together forever."

  "I would never do this to Jason," I said flatly.

  "That's how Edward felt."

  "I'm not sure I can forgive you."

  "I understand."

  "It does help knowing what really happened, though."

  "I wish I would have known how this haunted you." She thought for a moment. "Can I ask you to do something?"

  "It depends."

  "You mean the world to Jason, and from what I saw here tonight, I'd say you love him just as much."

  "I think I do."

  "Stop fighting it. I know you're afraid of hurting him, but together you can work it out, find a balance, and be together for as long as your hearts desire."

  "Yeah, I was kind of thinking along those lines too."

  "There's one more thing about the accident." Bella's tone dropped. She sounded even more dejected.

  "What's that?"

  "I caused the crash that killed your family. It was late, the roads deserted, but the deer I was hunting caused the crash—Mike swerved to miss my deer."

  It seemed that fate had really doomed my family that night. I can't see how anything else could have propelled them to that exact time, on that lonely road. Maybe this was supposed to be my destiny. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

  "We should go, Jason will be worried," Bella finally said. "Forks is not far."

  We ran silently though the woods in a generally, north-east direction. It wasn't long before I could see the lights of Forks, my mortal home. Bella led me around the outskirts of town and then finally up a street toward a sign that read, 'Foley's'.

  "That's where Jason is staying," Bella said.

  "Yeah, he told me."

  "You should be fine as long as you stay out of sight. There are people here who might recognize you." She peeled off her cloak. "Here, take this in case you want to reacquaint yourself with Forks."

  "Thanks, I think I will."

  "Jason will be a good tour guide, he's done his homework." She turned to leave, but hesitated and turned back. "Can I ask one more thing of you?"

  "I guess."

  "I know you can't forgive me now—I hope one day you will—but when you and Jason decide to leave, will you stop by the Cullen place?"


  "I've lived with your secret for too long. It's time I tell my family what I did, and I think if they can meet you, it will help them to understand."

  "I'll have to see if Jason is okay with it."

  She smiled. "He reminds me of myself. Not at all freaked by the whole vampire thing. Well, I'm glad we finally got to meet."

  "Yeah, me too."

  I waited while Bella slipped into her big black car and drove away before looking up—Jason was standing at the window. He surprised me by stepping back when I slipped inside the room. Was he afraid of me?

  "Wait, don't move," he said, holding his hands out like he was measuring something.

  "Jason, are you alright?"

  He winked. "You know the whole cloaked vampire thing is pretty hot."

  I took off Bella's cloak and threw it at him. Jason stumbled back from the impact, falling onto the bed. "Whoops," I said apologetically.

  "That's my girl."

  We talked—well, Jason talked—for the next hour or so about his trip, but mostly about Forks. I can't say memories came flashing back, but the things he told me about Isabella Newton seemed to fit. He told me about Charlie—Bella's dad—and how he knew, but didn't, and what Jason had learned in the library. It was all very interesting; but as time passed, he began to yawn more and more.

  "It's time you get some sleep," I ordered.

  "I'm not tired," he said through a yawn.

  "Right. You're going to lay down in that bed and sleep."


  "I'm not going to leave Jason. I'll be here when you wake up."

  "Will you lay with me?" He batted his puppy, dog eyes and pouted.

  I took a deep breath so I would have air to speak if there were any more discussion, an
d crawled onto the bed next to him. Jason slid one arm under the pillow, behind my head, pulled up close to me and draped his other arm over me.

  "This okay?" he whispered.

  I nodded and he leaned up and kissed my cheek, then nibbled his way down my neck.

  "Sleep, Jason, sleep."

  He cuddled up against me and within minutes, his breathing slowed—he was asleep.

  He didn't move for hours. I spent the time reacquainting myself with him, stroking his cheek, and running my fingers though his hair until the fire became too much. He was every bit as magnificent as I remembered. I think I could have stayed with him like that forever.

  The gray day passed and I listened to the various conversations as people passed outside the hotel. I did hear the name Newton mentioned once, but it was quickly corrected as someone was giving directions to an outfitter on the other side of town. As daylight waned, the conversations became sparse. It had been almost twenty-four hours when Jason finally stirred.

  "Good morning," he groaned.

  "Technically it's morning, but it's really the middle of the night."

  "Is it raining?" he said, sitting up.


  "Excellent. There's a lot I want to show you."

  "Okay. Oh hey, your phone rang a few times while you were asleep."

  "Mom! How long was I out?"

  "You slept the whole day."

  "Crap, she's probably worried sick." He grabbed the phone and called. "Hey Mom, sorry I missed your calls. I found her... Yeah, just like I thought, she was trying to connect with her past... We're still in Forks... I don't know, but I'm sure it will be soon. You get some sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow... Yeah, luckiest guy in the whole world. Goodnight, Mom."

  "So what you said back at the clearing wasn't just a story."

  "No, I call Mom at least twice a day, and I did find you. Just like I promised her." He hopped up and started for the bathroom. "I should take a shower and then we can go. Care to join me?"

  "Not even close," I said, although I would have loved to.

  Jason had just gotten in the shower when there was a knock at the door. "Would you get that?" he called.

  I got up and opened the door without thinking. "Yes."

  A gray haired policeman stood gawking at me. It only took him a second to regain his composure. "Well, you must be Izzy. I've heard a lot about you."

  I was certain he recognized me, but for whatever reason, decided he didn't want to know anymore than he had to. "I'm afraid Jason is in the shower," I said, lowering my face toward the floor.

  "His mother called the station. She hasn't heard from him—afraid something happened."

  "Oh, he just got off the phone with her before the shower. He slept through the day."

  "Well, if Mom's happy then I'm happy." He hesitated before continuing. "Nice you two 'hooked up', as you kids say." He started to turn away, but stopped. "You and Jason plan on staying in town long?"

  "I'm not really sure, but I don't think so."

  He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "Well, you should probably keep a low profile—folks tend to be a little suspicious of strangers."

  "Yeah, we planned on it. As a matter of fact, we were getting ready to go out and do a little sightseeing when Jason's ready." I glanced up.

  He nodded with a definite glimmer of familiarity in his eyes. "Well, I'm glad you're okay."

  Jason came out of the bathroom as I flopped back against the closed door. His eyes widened in sudden awareness. "Crap, who was it?"

  "A policeman."

  "The Chief?"

  "I guess, he didn't say his name, but he had a pin that said Swan. I think he recog—"

  "Whew, that was lucky. He's Bella's dad."


  "Yep, Charlie's the reason I found her."

  "How so?"

  "She comes by to visit him and as luck would have it, I happened to see her—well not exactly—and then Charlie detained me—then there was breakfast and the note. It's complicated. So, you ready?"


  "Jeep's out back. Let's go."

  I grabbed Bella's cloak on the way out.

  We spent the remaining hours of darkness touring Forks. Bella was right, Jason had done his homework. Some of the places I vaguely recognized, but there was no great epiphany like I'd expected. We stopped at the cemetery last. Jason snuck across the street and cut some flowers for me to lay on my parents graves. The oddest part was seeing my name engraved in the headstone. To the human world, I was dead. We got back to the room just before first light.

  "You okay?" Jason asked after closing the door. "You seem a little distant."

  I slid in next to him and kissed his cheek. "I'm fine, just a little confused."

  "Yeah, well the whole finding Bella thing—"

  "No, not about that. I expected to remember things and it didn't happen. Oh sure, I recognized—at least I think I did—some of the places, the school, the outfitter's, but there was no sudden flood of memories."

  "Maybe it takes a while to sink in."

  I caressed his cheek and brushed back his hair. "Maybe."

  "That's okay. We can stay as long as you need."

  "You'd do that, wouldn't you?"

  "Of course." He kissed the top of my head, his hand gently tracing the outline of my cheekbone.

  "You know what I remember?"


  "I remember I spent the last five years hating someone for something I totally didn't understand."

  "No one blames you for that. It was all just an unfortunate sequence of events—what am I saying? It was a fortunate sequence of events—for us."

  I leaned up and kissed him. "You know what else I remember?"


  "I remember a romantic night under a tree filled with lights and the one I love. I think that's the perfect place for my memories to begin."

  The End

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  Other books in the Southern Exposure Saga

  Book II - Take My Breath Away

  Book III - Till Death Do Us Part

  Other books by Lari Smythe

  Perpetual Motion - Mature rated romantic adventure

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