Read Stalkers, Secrets & Lies Page 4

  He nodded at my car "I like it, you always wanted a black Corsa" he said smiling and running his hand over the bonnet appreciatively.

  I smiled, trust him to remember something I said years ago. "Yeah, I bought it a couple of years ago" I said smiling broadly, I loved my car.

  "You think Johnny will get up within an hour?" Ethan asked curiously.

  I laughed "No" I choked out, there was no way Johnny got up before lunchtime, and when he had a heavy night it was even later than that.

  "Great, I have some errands to run this morning, do you think I could drive you college and then borrow your car if I pick you up again after?" he asked hopefully.

  My heart stopped beating at the thought of being in the car with him again, "Um, can't you take one of Johnny's cars? He's got like four, I'm sure he wouldn't mind, you could take the Audi" I suggested desperate to be away from him.

  He was driving me crazy being this close and yet so far from me. "I don't really want to take one without his permission, I mean today's my first day, I can't just go taking his car, he doesn't know me from Adam" he said grimacing.

  "So it's ok for you to take my car?" I asked annoyed.

  He smiled and stepped closer, "Well you definitely know me from Adam" he said bending slightly so our faces were on the same level.

  I stepped back and looked away from his eyes in case they trapped me there again, I couldn't stand to see all of those memories again. "Oh for God sake, fine but you better be there to pick me up because I'm not walking home" I said venomously.

  He grinned "Thanks Lia" he said happily.

  "Stop calling me that! It's Ali, I don't want Johnny to know that I know you" I said as I got in closing my door quietly behind me.

  "Why not? Would he care?" he asked smiling as he got in the passenger side, God would he care?

  He'd go crazy! If he found out I lied to him he'd be so freaking angry.

  "I guess, he gets jealous sometimes" I admitted.

  "Yeah I saw that, possessive" he said angrily, I nodded and drove to my college pulling into the lot.

  As I got out I saw all of the girls staring at Ethan as he walked around to the driver side, he looked ridiculously hot today in ripped low slung jeans and a fitted white t-shirt with a short sleeve blue shirt over the top which he wore unbuttoned. They were all staring and pointing and adjusting their hair and skirts as they watched him like a predator. I felt so jealous I wanted to smash something.

  He didn't even notice them as he stepped up to me smiling. "Thanks for this Lia, crap sorry, I meant Ali, what time do you finish?" he asked smiling the most gorgeous smile in the world.

  "Um three I guess, I shouldn't be kept after, maybe you should give me your number though in case I get stuck and I'm gonna be late, sometimes my instructor makes me stay and make up missed classes after" I said pulling my phone out. He grinned and punched in his number into my phone, as I took it back his finger brushed mine sending a wave of desire through me.

  Just then someone jerked his shoulder back, "You've got some damn nerve Ethan Scott! How dare you come back into her life like this? She might forgive you but I won't, you're a fucking asshole!"

  Becca screamed making everyone turn and look at what was happening.

  I felt myself go beet red, "Rebecca? Wow ok, you're still loud" Ethan said teasingly as he laughed.

  She pulled back her arm to slap his face but he caught it easily before it got anywhere near him, wow that was impressive!

  "What the hell are you doing back here? If you've come back to hurt her again I swear fast reflexes or not, I will kill you" she said angrily. I choked on my laughter, she looked so angry I wouldn't be surprised if she had burst a vein.

  "Bec's, Shh! People are looking" I hissed as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her slightly away from him so she couldn't try to hit him again, bless her I love my best friend.

  "I haven't come back to hurt her I swear, I didn't want to hurt her the first time" he said sadly looking at his feet. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away towards the college not even bothering to say goodbye.

  "What the hell are you doing with him?" she asked furiously.

  "Nothing honest, he asked if he could borrow my car, Johnny wasn't up so he couldn't take one of his, so he drove me in, he's gonna borrow my car and pick me up nothing else" I said honestly.

  She shook her head, "I saw you two looking at each other, don't let him sucker you in again Ali, I know you were head over heels for him and that you still are in a way, but he hurt you so badly, think about how you felt when he left, how you cried yourself to sleep every night" she said looking at me pleadingly. I nodded and bit my lip, there was no way I was going to let that pretty face sucker me back in, I couldn't hurt like that again.

  "I won't I promise" I said honestly.

  She nodded looking pleased, "So what are you doing here anyway? You do know it's Tuesday morning right? Johnny asleep?" she asked laughing as I nodded and grinned. We said our goodbyes and I made my way to my morning dance class, smiling as my instructor made comments to the effect of "Do we have a new girl?" and "What's you name I haven't seen you here before".

  I loved my instructor, he was young, very young. Daniel only graduated this year and used to go to this college, he was actually my dance partner for a year before he left, so we were pretty good friends. He was totally gorgeous and was almost twenty two with blonde hair and grey eyes and a totally rocking body where he danced all the time. Becca had a huge crush on him as did most of the girls in the college but there had never been anything between us more than friendship, much to his disappointment.

  At lunch time all the girls in college were asking about Ethan, who he was, if we were dating, had Johnny and I broke up, was Ethan single. Finally after forever and a day the day was over and I made my way to the car park. I could see my lovely little car parked there in almost the same spot as this morning. He jumped out when he saw me coming and ran round to the passenger side opening the door for me. Wow Jesus he is so damn sweet!

  "Thanks" I mumbled.

  "No problem" he said happily smiling at me.

  "Sorry about Becca this morning, she doesn't like you" I said frowning, wow 'doesn't like you'

  doesn't quite cover it, she wouldn't piss on Ethan if he was on fire.

  "No problem, I deserved it after what I did to you" he said as he started the car. I couldn't speak, I didn't want to talk about him leaving, I could barely think about it let alone talk about it to him. "So you staying at Johnny's tonight?" he asked as he pulled out of the lot.

  I shook my head, "No not tonight, I'll go there for a couple of hours though" I said shrugging as he drove towards Johnny's house.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence and when we got to Johnny's house I got out and walked in without waiting for him. Johnny and his boys were sitting around playing PS3 in the lounge as we walked in. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, "Hey baby" I said as I kissed his cheek, he grabbed me and pulled me over the back of the sofa onto his lap and kissed me passionately, softly, tenderly. I felt happiness bubbling up inside me, he was clean today!

  I pulled back and he smiled at me happily. "Hey babe, good day?" he asked rearranging me on his lap so he could wrap his arms around me tightly.

  I nodded and smiled "Yep, you?" I asked snuggling closer to him, I loved him like this, he was honestly a great boyfriend when he was clean.

  "I had a great day, we finally sorted out our tour dates for next month, we got the O2 in the end, you know there was all that trouble with the place being double booked or something? Well that was sorted" he said happily as he laid me back on the sofa still wrapped in his arms as he snuggled on top of me.

  I ran my hands through his messy blonde hair happily. "That's great baby, I'm really pleased for you" I said honestly, the bands tour was going to be awesome, their first big international one and they had been planning it for a long time. He ran his hands down my body as he kissed me.

  "Get a
room!" Tyson shouted pretending to gag.

  I laughed and Johnny pulled back. "Wanna go upstairs?" he asked huskily. It actually made a change for him to ask and although I was still kinda sore from last night I couldn't resist this sweet Johnny, he was adorable. I nodded and he grinned jumping off the sofa as if it was on fire and pulling me quickly for the stairs.

  In his bedroom he pulled my top over my head and froze, I kissed him but he didn't respond.

  "Johnny?" I said looking at his frozen face. He was staring at my chest.

  "I did that didn't I?" he said nodding his head towards me, I looked down slightly confused until I saw the scratches and light bruises on me. I took a deep breath and nodded, he gripped his hands in his hair, "God Ali, I'm so sorry babe, I didn't realise, are you ok?" he asked trailing his fingers across the sore skin.

  I nodded and grabbed his hand stepping so our chests were pressed together, "I'm ok" I said looking into his eyes.

  He gulped and shook his head "I don't deserve you, you should be with someone who treats you right and doesn't hurt you, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" he begged looking at me with regret clear across his face.

  "I forgive you Johnny of course I do, I love you" I said as I went on tip toes to kiss him.

  He picked me up and carried me to the bed gently laying me down and kissing all over my chest and ribs. He pulled up to look at me as he trailed his hands gently down my body, putting his hand between my legs over my jeans. "Did I hurt you here?" he asked looking horrified, I bit my lip and nodded. He groaned and put his head on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry Ali, why do you put up with me?" he asked as he kissed my shoulder.

  I gripped my hands in his hair and forced his head up to look at me, "Because I love you" I said easily. That wasn't the only reason, I needed to stay here, in total honesty I wouldn't put up with his drug taking if I didn't have to.

  He sighed "I love you too" he said as he pulled my jeans and panties off slowly, trailing his fingers down my legs making me moan with desire.

  He kissed up my legs licking my inner thighs, "Tell me if I hurt you" he said tenderly as he kissed further up and pressed his mouth between my legs gently rolling his tongue over me, making tingles shoot all through me. I moaned and gripped my hand into his hair, I loved this and jeez he was good at it! "Oh God Johnny" I moaned as he worked his magic on me, he nudged my legs further apart and wrapped his arms around my thighs tickling his fingers across my stomach while he was sucking and biting me gently making me wriggle and moan. I could feel my orgasm building inside and I couldn't keep still, I was raising my hips trying to get him closer as my breathing sped.

  Suddenly I climaxed with a loud moan my body shaking and convulsing as I gripped the bed sheet.

  He pulled away and moved to hover above me, "Stay tonight" he asked brushing my hair back from my face. I nodded unable to speak as the pleasure was still crashing and throbbing around my body.

  He smiled and laid down next to me pulling me into his arms gently kissing all over my face. Is that it? He doesn't want sex? I ran my hands down his chest to the waistband of his jeans and I could feel how aroused he was though the material. I pulled on his buttons and he shook his head. "Not tonight Ali, I don't want to hurt you, just stay with me" he asked looking deep into my eyes, I smiled and kissed him again. He was really handsome and so adorable when he was like this.

  "Come on, I bet your hungry" he said as he pulled me up off of the bed helping me put on my clothes trailing his fingertips over my body gently.

  When I was dressed he led me downstairs and sat me on the sofa, "I'll be right back" he said kissing the top of my head. Ethan was sitting with the boys from the band and looked at me sadly for some reason. Johnny smiled and ran off into the kitchen, I played some crappy war game on the PS3, a few minutes later he came back with a cup of coffee and a plate full of biscuits setting them on the table in front of me. "Here babe, I'm cooking tonight too" he said proudly.

  I smiled "Beans on toast?" I asked laughing.

  He shook his head, "No! I'm making spaghetti bolognaise actually" he said grinning, "Unless you'd rather go out?" he asked. I shook my head, I was too tired to go out tonight, I hadn't really slept very well for the last two nights and woke up early this morning considering I didn't go to sleep until well after three in the morning. "You guys aren't staying for dinner, just me and my girl" he said to his band as he plopped down next to me and threw his arm around my shoulder casually. I snuggled into him as I dunked my biscuits in the coffee happily.

  After dinner and watching TV I noticed that Ethan was still sitting there in the lounge, I glanced at my watch, it was after eight, he had already been working for over twelve hours. "Ethan, go home, you were here at seven thirty" I said shocked, he glanced at me and looked at his watch as if he forgot what time it was.

  "Yeah in a bit, I just need to wait for the night guard to call and say he's here" he said shrugging, night guard?

  "What night guard?" I asked confused.

  He smiled "There's another guard to watch the house at night time, he won't come in, he'll be watching from the car outside" he said nodding to the front of the house. Wow ok I didn't know that!

  My phone rang then and I looked at the caller id and groaned, great my Mom. "Hi Mom" I said trying not to sound like I hated her too much.

  "Aaliyah, where are you?" she asked annoyed.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, "I'm at Johnny's, I think I'm just gonna stay here tonight" I said casually.

  "No your not young lady! That wasn't agreed, you already stay there too much as it is" she said sounding really pissed off.

  "Mom, seriously, I'm not a fucking child, I'm staying here and that's it" I said annoyed.

  I heard her sigh in frustration, "It's not your night to stay there so come home, you haven't been home in four nights" she said angrily.

  I gulped "No, I'll be home tomorrow night, I'm just gonna stay at Johnny's tonight, we just ordered a takeaway, by the time it gets here and we eat it'll be late, I don't want to be driving home tired" I lied closing my eyes.

  "Arg! Fine, but you better be home tomorrow young lady" she said hanging up without even saying goodbye.

  I groaned "Yeah bye to you too" I muttered as I snapped the phone shut angrily, b!tch!

  I looked at Ethan who was looking at me slightly shocked. "You don't get on with your parents?" he asked confused.

  Johnny laughed "Hell no, you hate your parents right babe?" he said as he squeezed me gently. I nodded and looked anywhere but Ethan, I didn't want him to ask me anymore, I couldn't talk about it. When Ethan left I adored my parents but that all changed pretty quickly after he left, I forgot he wouldn't have any idea about that.

  His phone rang and he answered it still looking confused, "Yeah, ok right yeah great" he said snapping it shut. "Right, your night guards here, I'll be back at seven thirty tomorrow" he said standing up.

  "Ali, you think you could give Ethan your key and I'll get another one cut tomorrow?" Johnny asked, I nodded and stood up following Ethan out to grab my keys from the kitchen.

  "What happened with you and your parents?" he asked when we were alone.

  I shrugged "Not really any of your business is it?" I asked sarcastically.

  He frowned "No I guess not" he mumbled as he walked to the door.

  "How are you getting home if your car's in the shop?" I asked frowning out into the cold night.

  "Cab" he said shrugging.

  I sighed and handed him my bunch of keys, "Take my car I don't need it, your coming back before college anyway right?" I said shrugging.

  He smiled making my heart skip a beat, "Really?" he asked gratefully.

  I nodded "Sure, just don't scratch my baby" I said grinning.

  He laughed "I'll look after your baby don't worry, thanks Lia" he said happily.

  "Ali" I said my smile fading, if he called me Lia in front of Johnny he's going to know I've been lying to him.

  "Right yeah sorry, night Ali, and t
hanks" he said as he turned and walked off towards my car.

  I went back into the lounge just as Johnny was turning off the TV, "Early night?" he asked smiling, I grinned and nodded, I knew he wouldn't be able to go a night without sex. I followed him into the kitchen and watched as he put the dishwasher on and locked all of the doors. He held my hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom.


  I woke in the morning with a smile on my face, I rolled over and looked at Johnny, he was still fast asleep. I kissed his mouth gently, he was so adorable last night, and I was wrong, he did go all night without sex. He made me scream a few times though as he kissed all over my body apologising over and over for hurting me. He refused to let me touch him last night saying that it was my night.

  I snuggled closer to him and traced my hand over my favourite tattoo on his chest, 'What goes around come around' in big bold letters. I loved that one, that was Johnny's philosophy in life and I truly wanted to believe it.

  I crept out of the bed and showered before heading downstairs to make some breakfast. "Good morning" Ethan chirped, wow I forgot he was such a morning person.

  "Hey" I muttered grabbing a bowl and some cereal, he pushed my keys across the kitchen counter and a cup of coffee. "Thanks" I muttered again.

  "So what happened with your parents?" he asked curiously.

  I snapped my eyes to his, "Is that a joke? I told you it was none of your business last night" I snapped angrily.

  He nodded frowning "Right yeah sorry, thanks for the car" he said obviously trying to change the subject. I nodded and stuffed my ipod in my ears turning up the volume and eating in silence.

  Two arms went around me and I jumped a mile spilling half of my breakfast over the counter. I pulled out my ear buds to see Ethan laughing his ass off, I turned back to glare at Johnny who was trying not to laugh. "Not funny baby, you scared me" I said frowning and pouting, he smiled and kissed me deeply tangling his fingers in my hair.

  When he pulled away we were both breathless, "I came to make you breakfast" he said waggling his eyebrows at me.