Read Stalkers, Secrets & Lies Page 5

  I smiled happily, "Well that's great lover boy because I just spilt half of mine over the counter" I said grabbing a cloth and wiping it up. He slapped my ass and went to the fridge pulling out eggs, proceeding to make his speciality, boiled eggs. Johnny can't cook at all, his food tastes terrible, but he really tries some times, the only thing he can cook is soft boiled eggs. I swear Johnny makes the best boiled eggs in the world. "Yay, can I have three?" I asked happily, he rolled his eyes at me and started making them with bread soldiers.

  He wrapped his arms around me while I ate, "Mmm, I'm loving all this attention baby" I murmured against his lips as he kissed me pulling me close to his body.

  "Well I'm loving giving you all this attention beautiful girl" he said as he kissed down my neck making me horny again.

  I groaned and pushed him away "I need to go to college" I said apologetically.

  He sighed and nodded "Will you stay tonight?" he asked giving me the puppy dog face.

  "Oh crap not the face Johnny please" I said covering his face with my hands, I heard him chuckle as he moved my hands away pulling me closer to him.

  "Stay tonight" he breathed.

  "I can't baby, I agreed with mom I'd go home, I'm already gonna be in big trouble because of last night" I said grimacing slightly at the arguments there would be when I rolled in after college tonight.

  He sighed "Please" he begged.

  I groaned "I can't! Please stop asking, I hate saying no" I said honestly.

  "Then don't say no" he said hopefully as he intertwined our fingers.

  "I can't baby, come on stop now, please" I said as I kissed him trying to make him forget what we were taking about. It seemed to work as he wrapped his arms around me tightly pulling me against his chest. I pulled out of the kiss and grabbed my keys quickly off of the counter, "I gotta go, love you" I said as I pecked him on the lips again.

  "Love you too" he called as I ran out of the door to my car before he could insist I take the Audi.

  Chapter 4

  After college I made my way home, God I hated going home. If I could I would move out, but I didn't want to move in with Johnny, clean Johnny yeah definitely, but he wasn't like that all the time and I couldn't live with drugged up Johnny. So I settled on half way, I stayed at his Friday through till Monday and stayed at my parents Tuesday till Thursday when it was safe for me to go home.

  My parents and I had a very difficult relationship, they thought I was a lying whore and I hated them for not looking after me like they should. I've hated them since I was thirteen years old when they chose to believe someone else's word over mine.

  A deep terror set in on the drive home and I started to feel sick, today was Wednesday so I should be fine but my hands were still shaking lightly making it hard to drive. Please don't let him be there please! I pulled into my drive and saw Ben's car was parked there still. I glanced at the clock, it was only just after three, his shift didn't start until six so he would be here for about two hours or so. I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag of clothes and stuff from Johnny's and my school bag heading inside.

  "Aaliyah, why the hell are you here so late?" my mom cried angrily as I walked in the door, no hello daughter I missed you, how was college nothing, we didn't have that type of relationship anymore.

  I frowned "It's just after three, college finishes at three, it's a eight minute drive plus walking to and from the car, twelve minutes past three fits in perfectly with that" I said sarcastically. She threw up her hands in exasperation and shook her head disappointed in me. I glanced around the living room, Ben my older brother was sitting on the couch smiling at me happily.

  "Hey Ali" he said with a smirk.

  "Hi Ben" I said uncomfortably, I headed to the kitchen to put my stuff in the wash and make a drink.

  I headed into the little laundry room at the back, as I was putting my clothes in the machine I heard him walk into the room and close the door behind him. Bile rose in my throat as the fear settled in.

  "Mom's pissed you didn't come home last night" he said chuckling.

  I nodded "Yeah I stayed at Johnny's" I said casually switching the machine on as fast as I could so I could get the hell out of there. As I was about to walk past him he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. He trailed his other hand down the side of my face down my neck, I turned my face away and held my breath.

  "I've missed you Ali" he purred as he buried his face in my hair inhaling deeply, a small moan escaping his lips. He guided my hand towards the rapidly forming bulge in his jeans. I tried to yank my hand back but he tightened his grip on my wrist making me whimper as pain shot up my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut praying for this to be over, there was no point in screaming, she wouldn't believe me same as every other time I tried.

  "Let's go upstairs" he breathed as he pressed my hand to his erection through his jeans.

  I whimpered and shook my head, "I don't want to" I whispered desperately.

  He chuckled "I want you too" he said pulling my face round to look at his and pressing his lips to mine holding the back of my head his hand gripping my hair tightly making my scalp burn so I couldn't move away. I forced my mind elsewhere, I tried to think of anything other that this, I ran through my dance routine for the upcoming show, picturing all of the dance sequences and steps as he ran his hands down my body slowly.

  Suddenly he pulled away and walked over to the washing machine just as my Mom came into the laundry room. I swallowed and prayed for her to notice something and finally believe me, she didn't. I was standing there with tears stinging my eyes and she didn't even bother to ask why, she was a sorry excuse for a mother and I hated her.

  "I hope you haven't put too much in the machine this time" she said frowning at me angrily, I shook my head and looked at the floor as I went into the living room and sat on the armchair. I hated sitting on the sofa, that left space for Ben and I couldn't stand him near me, I watched the clock that sat on top of the TV counting down the minutes until he would leave for his night shift.

  He sat on the sofa and patted the space next to him for me to sit there, I pretended I didn't notice and carried on pretending to watch the TV focused on the second hand of the clock. There was no way I was leaving this room until he was out of the house so I sat still as a statue hardly breathing, from the corner of my eye I noticed he didn't take his eyes off of me once and he looked seriously pissed!

  Ben worked in a factory on a twelve hour night shift on Tuesdays to Thursday nights, six pm until six am. I never stayed in the house on his nights off if I could help it, ninety nine percent of the time I stayed at Johnny's or if I couldn't I stayed at Becca's, once I even slept in the car outside school, that was an uncomfortable night let me tell you, but better than being at home. I glanced over to him at five thirty five, he should be leaving any minute and he wasn't even dressed for work.

  "Ben you're gonna be late for work" I said forcing a friendly smile as our parents were sat there.

  He grinned at me, "I'm not on tonight, Greg owed me day so I got the night off" he said smiling happily.

  I felt sick, I could feel my stomach clench up tight. I grabbed my phone and stood up, "I'm gonna stay at Johnny's tonight" I said quickly.

  "Oh no your not! You stay there too much as it is! We've had a call from your college young lady, we know how close you are to being kicked out, your not staying there again tonight, no debates, you'll do as your damn well told for a change" my Dad said angrily.

  "You can't tell me what to do" I said quietly, I didn't have the will to have this fight again, it was always the same thing.

  They let me stay at Johnny's a few days a week and as soon as I stepped out of line they threatened to kick me out. It had been the same thing for the last five years, since I was fourteen. I mean what the hell type of parents threaten to kick their fourteen year old daughter out of her home?

  "You want to live with that damn punk then go ahead, no-one's stopping you, if you walk out of this house tonight d
on't come back" my Dad shouted venomously. I flinched from his anger, I couldn't afford my own place but I just didn't want to live with Johnny, I couldn't cope with him full time.

  His lifestyle didn't suit me at all.

  I closed my eyes and sat back down and didn't speak again for the rest of the night, I didn't eat, I just waited for the time when I would have to be on my own. I stayed downstairs with my parents praying that tonight would be the night that there would be some old crappy film on and they would stay up until two or three in the morning. It wasn't. At eleven they stood up, my Dad slapped Ben on the shoulder as he pulled my Mom up the stairs to bed, not even bothering to say goodnight to me.

  They were disgusted with me, they thought I was a lying little bitch and that Ben was the best thing since sliced bread.

  I jumped up and immediately started to follow them upstairs but Ben caught my hand making me stop, "Where you going?" he asked smiling a friendly smile.

  "I'm going to bed, I don't feel well" I lied, well actually it wasn't really a lie, I felt sick, my head was pounding and my heart was trying to break out of my chest.

  He shook his head and pulled me back to the couch, "let's talk for a bit, I haven't seen you for weeks, you've been avoiding me" he said disapprovingly. Oh shit he knew what I was doing! I hadn't let myself get caught in this situation for about eight weeks, the longest time it had ever been, I was doing so well and he had to change his damn shift!

  He pushed me down onto the sofa, "Ben, please don't please" I begged trying to push him off, he chuckled and climbed on top of me crushing me with his weight as he got himself comfortable kissing down my neck groping at my breasts harshly moaning and breathing heavy. He clamped one hand over my mouth, but I wouldn't bother screaming anyway, there really was no point no one would help me.

  "Mmm I love you Ali, I've missed you so much" he murmured. I closed my eyes wishing I was anywhere else and the first thing that popped into my head was Ethan, I pictured his face, his eyes, the way he smiled, as Ben did what he wanted to my body.

  When he was finally done he pushed himself up off of me and smiled at me, "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning" he said smiling happily as he zipped up his flies and walked off towards the stairs. I pulled my jeans on and made my way to my bedroom shoving a chair under my door handle, curling into a ball fully clothed in my bed shaking uncontrollably.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point as my alarm went off at seven, I got up and crept to the bathroom quietly taking my clothes with me so I could change behind a locked door. I had the fastest shower ever and pulled on my fresh clothes, I left my hair wet and rushed down to the kitchen not wanting to be anywhere on my own.

  "Morning" I said to Mom as I grabbed some cereal and sat at the table.,

  "Hi, sleep ok?" she asked seeming like she was in a good mood today, usually all I got was disapproving frowns and grunts.

  I nodded and didn't say anything else, she wouldn't believe me if I told her I had laid awake for half the night waiting for my bedroom door to open. Ben came down a little while later and sat next to me rubbing my leg discretely under the table. I choked on my cereal and jumped out of my chair throwing the rest of the bowl down the sink.

  "I'm going to college, bye" I called as I rushed out of the house.

  I sped to the parking lot and was the first one there, I glanced at the clock it was only just after eight thirty, college didn't start for another hour. Oh well that's just great! I pulled out my ipod and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew there was a banging at my window. I jumped a mile and opened my eyes to see Becca laughing her ass off, the car park was now full. I put my Ipod away and grabbed my bag.

  She looked at me and her smile faded, "You look like crap, everything ok?" she asked concerned. I swallowed and shook my head, "Shit Ali! Why didn't you come to mine?" she cried as she pulled me in for a hug.

  "I didn't know, he did a shift swap, I was already home by the time I found out" I said quietly, she hugged me tighter and didn't ask anything about it. She already knew I wouldn't want to talk about it, I never did. I told Becca when I was fourteen what was happening and made her promise not to tell anyone, what was the point? My own parents never believed me when I told them so why would anyone else?

  Becca bought me a chocolate muffin and we sat in the cafeteria with her chatting about random happy events trying to cheer me up like she always did. She really was the best friend in the world.

  My dance classes were exhausting, they were really pushing us hard now ready for the exam in a couple of weeks. I had my routine down and was really pleased with it, Johnny had written me a song specifically for my exam, his band recording it just for me which was going to be awesome.

  My instructors didn't quite understand my dancing style at all and kept trying to get me to be more traditional but I just couldn't, I enjoyed dancing my way, it made me happy, I'd rather fail doing my own thing than pass pretending to be someone else. The only instructor that supported my dancing was Daniel, even though he didn't fully understand it, but he supported me all the same.

  After college I went to Johnny's deciding to spend a couple of hours there, not wanting to chance Ben being home even for a couple of hours today. As I made my way in I already knew he was high, I could hear hysterical laughing coming from the lounge so I made my way to the kitchen instead pressing my head against the kitchen counter closing my eyes. God I hated my life!

  "Hey" Ethan said sounding pretty pissed off.

  I turned my head towards him not taking my head off of the counter, "Hey" I mumbled.

  He walked up behind me and put his hand on the small of my back making heat spread through me.

  "Are you ok Lia?" he asked his voice husky, I took a deep breath and nodded not trusting my voice to speak out loud, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me everything was gonna be ok, that he'd never let anyone hurt me. But to be honest I knew he still had the most power to hurt me anyway, he still had my heart whether I wanted him to or not.

  "Is he high?" I asked sadly nodding towards the lounge.

  He groaned "Yeah" he growled a little angry again. I sighed and concentrated on the feel of his hand on my back wishing he would slip it under my top so I could feel his skin on mine. He rubbed my back silently and I tried, unsuccessfully, not to enjoy his touch.

  After a few minutes I pushed away from the counter, "I'm gonna make something to eat, you hungry?" I asked heading to the fridge to grab some chicken strips that I had bought so I could make enchilada's.

  "Yeah actually, want me to help you?" he asked smiling a half smile.

  I threw him a lump of cheese, "You could grate some of that, quite a lot, maybe half" I said shrugging and refusing to meet his gorgeous blue eyes. We cooked in silence, he was standing close beside me and I could feel the heat of his body crashing into mine sending waves of desire through my bloodstream. After twenty minutes I dished up the enchilada's and the small salad we had made to go with it.

  "You not gonna take any in to Johnny?" he asked tucking in to his food.

  I shook my head "Not if he's on a powder diet today, he doesn't usually mix it with food" I said shrugging.

  Ethan frowned annoyed probably at my casual reference to Johnny's drug taking. "Why the hell are you with him? He's not good enough for you" he said angrily.

  I stared at him, how dare he tell me what to do or who I can do it with! "You don't get to interfere in my life any more Ethan, you gave up that right six years ago" I spat back as I grabbed my plate and moved into the dinning room, God I wanted to cry so badly. Damn boy coming back and making me feel like this! A couple of minutes later Ethan came in and sat next to me quietly, he didn't speak to me again just sat there watching me as I ate and refused to acknowledge him.

  After I had finished eating and had washed up everything while Ethan dried, I grabbed my bag, "I'm going home, see you tomorrow I guess" I said frowning.

  Hhe grabbed my hand pulling me to a stop. "Lia, you haven't
even said hello to Johnny, did you just come round here to eat so you didn't have to go home?" he asked curiously.

  My heart sped up, damn it why the hell does he keep asking me things I don't want to answer? "No I came here to see my boyfriend but if he's high then there's no point in me going in there, I don't like him when he's like that" I said nodding towards the door. Actually I hated it when Johnny was high, he was mean and aggressive, possessive and really really kinky which wasn't me at all.

  Ethan sighed, "Well maybe we could go out somewhere tomorrow if you don't want to go home after college, that's the reason why you've just spent two hours in your boyfriends house without even telling him you're here, isn't it?" he asked watching me intently looking at me like he could see all my secrets.

  I ripped my hand from his and glared at him angrily, "You don't know me anymore Ethan Scott so stop butting into things that just arent your business" I cried angrily.

  The lounge door opened and Johnny came out with his lopsided smile, it quickly turned into a frown as he looked at the tiny space between Ethan and I. I stepped back quickly and smiled at him,

  "Hey baby" I said ignoring the anger on his face, he glared at me as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around me keeping his other hand away from me as he had a cigarette in it.

  "I came to see you baby, I made you some dinner, it's in the kitchen" I said trying to make the anger from his eyes fade.

  He glanced at the kitchen and his scowl got deeper, "You've been here long enough to cook but you haven't even come in to tell me you were here?" he asked annoyed, ok wow that didn't help at all!

  "Um yeah, I thought if I came into you that you'd distract me with your hot body" I lied as I slipped my hand down to squeeze his ass.

  That did it, he smiled a seductive smile and pulled me closer to him looking at me lustfully. "Well then that's ok, all forgiven" he said as he crashed his lips to mine with a small moan in his throat. He ran his hands down my back and grabbed my ass lifting me off of my feet and carrying me to the stairs, shit, not tonight, I need a night off!