Read Star Bright - Book 1 Page 4

  "Underwater Nosh is the hottest club in the city right now. Highly exclusive."

  "Oh," I reply. "I won't be getting in there any time soon then."

  "Maybe not. Unless I take you."

  My eyes widen. "You take me? Are you sure?"

  "Of course. Consider it a date. I'll show you around and you can show me around."

  Yes, clearly a bad boy. My type completely. No, I amend in my brain, my old type. I am not supposed to be into these sort of guys anymore. But would it really hurt seeing the hottest club in Hollywood?

  "Great," I reply. "It's a date!"

  Rich smiles. When I turn around, I see that it was Jon who has come into the studio again. His face is blank but it is obvious he has overheard us making plans. I snatch up my purse and head toward the bathroom, my face grows hot.

  It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. He is your agent.

  Chapter Six

  "Wow, Underwater Nosh? I probably couldn't even get twenty feet from the entrance," Kathy says, poking her head into my bedroom.

  "Same here. It sounds so exciting. Actually seeing Hollywood, you know?"

  "Rich - he used to work with Jon. If he likes you, I bet you can totally get a part."

  I freeze. I am holding a dress in my hands but suddenly realize how ugly it is and toss it onto my bed. Get a part? That seems wrong somehow and is not what I am aiming for. Spurred on by what Kathy just said, I follow her to the tiny kitchen. She is making instant noodles.

  "Get a part?" I echo.

  "Yeah, that's right. I mean, he might think you're perfect for something and give you an audition, at the very least."

  "Isn't that?" I grasp for the best word to describe it. "Cheating?"

  Kathy laughs, looking at me over her shoulder. "That is not cheating, Jenny. That's Hollywood. It is all about connections, trust me. If he is really impressed with you, a part just might fall into your lap."

  "That feels? wrong, somehow."

  Kathy shakes her head. "It isn't wrong. It's Hollywood."


  I take a taxi to meet Rich at Underground Nosh. He has offered to come pick me up but I actually feel embarrassed about him seeing the apartment. If he is rich enough to get me into this club, I blanch at the thought of what he would say about where I live.

  I get to the entrance of the club five minutes early. Shoving money at the taxi driver, I get out, steeling myself. The line for the club wraps around the block. It looks as if waiting to get in would take hours, if you were even allowed inside. Kathy has told me this place is the hottest of the hottest. They probably let only a few nobodies inside. I can only imagine the bribes the bouncers saw nightly.

  I wait along the sidewalk for Rich. I feel under-dressed. Everyone in line looks dressed to the nines. Some people are wearing fashions that look as if they cost thousands of dollars and here they are, wearing them out on the street. In comparison, my glittery night dress seems laughable. Not for the first time, I think to myself that I need a new wardrobe.

  "There you are!"

  I turn around and see Rich walking over to me. My heart skips a beat. He looks so good. He is wearing all black, which brings out his eyes, even in the neon colors from the sign. His hair is slicked back, and he oozes bad boy charm.

  "Here I am," I reply, hoping he doesn't think I look as if I have moved here from Smalltown, U.S.A.

  "I've been looking for you."

  Confused, I reply with, "What? Isn't this the entrance?"

  Rich laughs at my question and reaches for my hand. "For the regular people."

  I take his hand and he escorts me away. Everyone is eyeing us, shooting us curious looks. Some people are downright glaring, as if they know where we are going. I sure as hell don't. We round the nearest corner and walk along the side of the club and some coffee shop. Music vibrates through the walls and along the sidewalk. Even here, people mill around, smoking cigarettes, as if just hanging out near the club was enough.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as we turn another corner.

  He doesn't have to reply. As soon as we round another corner, we find ourselves in a smaller line. Rich hands something to me - some sort of badge on a lanyard, which I put around my neck.

  "Make sure you wear this till we get in. You need this to be in line."

  "A badge to get in a line?" I feel very out of my element.

  "VIP entrance. Otherwise this line would look like the one up front."

  "Oh, VIP." I nudge him. "Impressive."

  He grins at me and my mood lightens. As nervous as I am about getting into a high-end club like this, it feels like it will be okay when he smiles at me. The music is vibrating along the walls. I am suddenly anxious to get inside.

  The line moves rapidly. Before I know it, we are staring at the bouncer.

  "Mr. Dawkins!" the bouncer says, shaking his hand. "Nice to see you again. Come on inside."

  I mouth, "Impressive."

  Rich laughs and then we step inside the club. It is clearly the coat room, but I am amazed at the detail that went into it. There are lights that mimic being underwater along the walls and even the ceiling is painted to look as if we are underwater, looking up at the sun.

  We walk past the coat check, continuing further along. I take a deep breath and step onto the main floor. I keep my mouth closed, even though my eyes widen in awe at the sight in front of us. The dance floor is absolutely jammed with people. It actually looks like an ocean wave, filled with people. They dance and move against each other, lost in the ear-splitting dub step beat that is playing. It is so loud that it feels as if it is worming into my brain.

  The d?cor of the club is five steps further than the coat room. There are patterns of moving waves near the top of the club, but this time with lights, so it appears as if it is moving. Fish dart along the walls, swimming in giant aquariums. Something about them seems off, although I can't pinpoint what.

  Rich leans over to me and gets close to my ear. "Fish are robotic!"

  It makes sense, I think, as I watch one of the robot fish dart in its aquarium. Way easier to maintain. Plus fish will not appreciate the vibrations from the music. They look so lifelike though. Rich takes my hand again, and we move through the crowd. People bump into me non-stop, so I stop excusing myself and just focus on making sure not to lose Rich's hand. I feel as if I let go I'll be swallowed up by the human ocean.

  We pass one of the bars, which is absolutely packed. We pass it and walk up a spiral staircase toward the second floor. There is a bouncer here as well. VIP entrance and now the VIP room? Rich knows how to spoil a girl on the first date. Our passes get us past the bouncer and into the VIP area.

  This isn't as crowded, although it is just as lively. The floor is translucent as if I am standing on the ocean. If I look below my feet, I see more fake fish, as well as coral reefs and even a fake lobster. Above my head, the ceiling is made to mimic the look of sky, with a fake sun shining down on us. The sky is illuminated and changes colors with the music.

  Entranced, I try to soak in the rest of the VIP area. I swear that I see at least two popular singers at one table. The dance floor is crowded here as well, with dancers in cages that mimic being underwater. The effects of the water elongate their features. They glow like jellyfish in the dance cages.

  Rich pulls me toward one of the smaller tables and we sit down. A waitress comes by to take our drink orders almost instantly.

  "Better than trying to get a drink at the bar downstairs," Rich says to me before he orders.

  The waitress then turns to me, and I find myself stumbling over my own drink order, still entranced by the club. "Do you have anything that has alcohol in it but you can't actually taste the alcohol? I'm a lightweight."

  "The house drink is the Jellyfish Juice. I swear you won't taste a thing."

  "Sounds great."

  I watch her go, thinking that Jellyfish Juice is a corny name for a drink. I'm relieved to notice that the music is a little softer by our table so we wo
n't have to shout at one another.

  Rich looks at me. "What do you think?"

  "It's uh? overwhelming," I answer nervously. "I mean, the theme is effortless. It really feels like I'm partying in the Little Mermaid's mansion or something."

  Rich chuckles. "It really is breathtaking. Of course, I'm sure in a year or two this place won't be nearly as packed."

  "Why is that?"

  "There is always another club that comes along and piques everyone's interest. You're hot till you're not, basically."

  The waitress comes back with our drinks. Mine is overly decorated with a light up jellyfish hanging off the straw. I watch her leave, wondering what it must be like to work here day in and day out.

  I turn back to look at Rich. "So, you must have been here for a while now, right?"

  "About eight years. Moved here right out of high school. Wanted something new. Most people who end up moving here do."

  "I hear you. That's why I did, too."

  "There is so much to do in the city. This place is unlike anywhere else I've ever been. I feel like I'm really making something of myself here. You will, too."

  I fiddle with the straw in my drink. "Will I? The odds are against me on every level, aren't they? No experience in acting and compared to everyone else, I feel like the ugly duckling."

  Rich reaches across the table and holds my hand tightly, looking in my eyes. "You are anything but the ugly duckling. You'll find your way. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything that might suit you."

  "You haven't even seen me act," I reply, not wanting to point that out so clearly but having no choice.

  "Jon said he's setting you up with some casting tapes later this week."

  Jon had mentioned that at the photo shoot when I had first arrived. The thought makes me nervous, and I am trying not to think about it.

  "Besides," Rich goes on, "I don't mind calling in favors for my girls."

  I take a sip of my drink, smiling weakly at him. Calling in favors for his girls? Plural usage, by the way. What the hell did that mean? I think back to what Kathy has said about getting an audition from this date. I know she has said that is how things worked in Hollywood but it makes me feel? dirty. He didn't think I would sleep with him for an audition, did he? This is why you were supposed to call off bad boys.

  I clear my throat. "Girls?"

  Rich waves his hand at someone, yelling hello before looking back at me. "Don't look at me like that, sweetie. Come on, finish your drink and we'll go dancing."

  I smile back uncertainly and take a sip of my drink.


  Once we get out on the dance floor, all my concerns fly away. It has been ages since I have let loose like this. The music swirling in my head and Rich's body pressed against mine is all I need to let go of my concerns. Everything faded - living in the dollhouse, concerns about how I feel about Jon, concerns that Rich is out of my league, and concerns about my own taste in bad boys - go to the backdrop as we dance crazily together on the floor. It really does feel like I am dancing underwater.

  We leave the club at close to two a.m. Too tired to take a taxi, I agree for Rich to drive me home. He pulls in front of my apartment complex but luckily doesn't say anything about how rundown it looks. Instead, he gets out of the car to walk me to the front door.

  I wonder if he is going to try to kiss me. Dancing with Rich had been very sensual. We had lost ourselves to the music. It has been a long time since I have been with someone who was so good at dancing. His hands on my hips sparked a desire in me I had thought was dead. But his words of girls and auditions still rang in my ears. I like him but didn't know if the feeling is mutual.

  We stop at the front door and Rich smiles at me. "I had a great time tonight."

  "Me, too," I reply honestly. "That club was amazing."

  "Can I call you again?"

  "Yes," I reply, feeling as if every nerve in my body is wide awake waiting for him to touch me.

  As if sensing this, Rich leans down and kisses me. I hesitate for only a moment before I kiss him back. I think back to his hands on me at the club, running down my hips and along my ass and I kiss him hard. He presses me against the door and kisses me hungrily. Then he pulls away from me, smiling.

  "Goodnight," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

  I watch him leave, feeling slightly confused. I'm so attracted to him. It feels as if he has a ton of secrets that I wish he would tell me. His hands on the dance floor had felt so good. Maybe I just need to get laid. But he's already driven away. Maybe he really isn't the bad boy I thought he was.

  I suddenly need to catch my breath. I realize that maybe part of me wanted him to take things further.

  Chapter Seven

  A couple of days after my date with Rich, I head up to see Jon, who had called earlier and told me he had some news for me. I haven't heard from Rich yet, which makes me a little nervous. I had a nice time with him. Did he not feel the same? Maybe I am so blinded by my attraction to him that I didn't notice he had been bored.

  My audition tape had been yesterday, and Jon had not been there. I couldn't help but be disappointed. He had only organized the meeting. The taping went okay. The director had me do a couple of readings and filmed it. At the end, he told me that I had a "natural love affair" with the camera, which I took as better than hearing I treat the camera like an ex-boyfriend.

  I smooth out my hair in the rearview mirror. Kathy has let me take her car to see Jon. She asked me for non-stop details about Rich when she saw me but seemed to drop all conversation whenever I had brought up Jon. I am still convinced that something strange is going on.

  I tell myself there is no need to be worried about seeing Jon. I clearly am not into him anymore, since I had such a great time with Rich. That is what I keep telling myself, anyway, as I walk down the hallway behind his assistant to his office.

  Jon looks up from his computer. He is typing away, wearing glasses. My chest tightens. He looks amazing. I shake my head and step inside.

  He looks up and smiles. "Jenny. Great, you're here."

  "Hey, how are you?"

  "Busy. But what else is new? Sorry I couldn't have been there yesterday, but I had a big event going on with one of my other clients."

  I sit down. "No problem."

  "Well, the director really loved you. Said you were a natural in front of the camera."

  "That's good. Glad I have some sort of natural talent or else I'd have to be a waitress and tell everyone I really am an actor."

  Jon laughs, and his eyes crinkle in an adorable way. "Well, I have some great news. I sent your video off to some different casting agents. One of them wants you to come in and do a reading."

  "You're kidding!" I blurt out.

  "Nope! I told you you're impressive, Jenny." His eyes stayed on me a beat too long and then he cleared his throat. "It's for a soap opera."

  I try to recall the last time I had even watched a soap opera but nothing comes to mind. Don't they always have over-the-top plots with evil twin sisters or something?

  I shrug. "Not a problem. I'll take what I can get."

  "This is a big audition. I have to admit that I didn't think they'd call you in, due to your inexperience."

  I think of Rich. Is he behind this? I want to ask but am afraid Jon will know instantly what I mean.

  "Anyway," he goes on, "The audition is this Friday at two. You should make sure to bring your head shots and everything."

  "You're not coming with me?"

  Jon blinks. "That isn't the process normally."

  "Oh." I say, disappointed.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. I ? I know sounds stupid, but I just didn't want to go alone."

  Jon gets up from his desk and walks over to me, pulling a chair closer to mine and sitting back down. "Hey, don't worry about it. You'll be great. I can spot talent when I see it."

  I smile a little back at him, aware at how close we are together. When he looks at me like this, he re
ally does make me feel as if I can nail the audition.

  "I didn't know you wore glasses," I say, pointing to his frames.

  His hand goes to his face, and he looks embarrassed. "Oh, I didn't even realize I had them on. I usually wear contacts."

  "They look good on you," I say without thinking.

  Jon pauses for a moment and then smiles. "Sounds silly, but as a kid I was picked on for my glasses. So I stopped wearing them. I used to go to school and couldn't make out anything that was on the board. Stupid, right?"

  "No, not stupid. I think everyone at that age really cared what kids in the class thought. I was bullied once for bringing this Barbie doll to school."

  He frowns. "Wasn't that normal for little kids to do?"

  I cringe. "It was actually in the eighth grade. I was completely mocked."

  He laughs. "Well, I wouldn't have mocked you. Mostly because I wouldn't have been able to see you or your Barbie."

  We laugh together this time, and I relax. He is easy to talk to. I'm glad I don't have some weird stuck up agent.

  "So, what happened with your glasses?"

  Jon leans back in his chair. "They sent a note home to my mom about my grades. I admitted the glasses story. She was so pissed. I told her about being teased but ultimately being grounded from video games was scarier. So I just dealt with it. Eventually the guys lost interest."

  "How stupid. They're just glasses. Not exactly amazing bullying material."

  "Are you saying your Barbie was?"

  I wrinkle my nose. "My Barbie was flawless. They just didn't realize it."

  A comfortable silence fills the room. I feel warm all over. I know there is absolutely no way that I should even read into my feelings for Jon. He is my agent. I'd had a fun date with Rich. But the ease of us swapping bullying stories and how confident Jon has sounded when he says I'd nail the audition makes my throat tighten.

  "Who is the casting director on the soap?" I ask, trying to make my tone light.

  But I can tell instantly that Jon knows what I am asking. "Not Rich. Why?"

  "I was just curious," I lie, trying to back away from the subject. The last thing I want is for Jon to ask me about my date with him.

  Jon looks at me closely. "Jenny, I'm your agent so I can't tell you how to live your life. But Rich is bad news."

  "Why? Didn't you guys work together?"

  "Yes. That's how I know he's bad news." He looks as if he wants to say more but cuts himself off.