Read Star Yawns Episode 5. Mirror Image By David & Sabine Williams. Smashwords Edition Copyright 2012 Page 1



  By David & Sabine Williams

  Copyright 2012 David Williams

  Previously in Star Yawns:

  Beani-Poohs and Lid-Lidia were returning from their visit to the planet Karrool.

  “ Two to beam up,” said Beani-Poohs.

  The Captain answered “ I’ll see the two of you in a moment.”

  “ I have a lock,“ said the transporter Chief and pushed the control to activate the transporter.

  Suddenly they both noticed on the instruments that an unexpected ion storm had just blown up. It was very intense.

  “ Should I stop the process Captain? I have already started the transport.”

  “ You can’t, to reverse now could be dangerous.”

  Moments later the two women began to appear on the transport pad, but before transport could be completed they completely disappeared.

  “ Captain I am losing them!”

  “ Try again.”

  The women once again partially appeared and almost immediately vanished again.

  The Captain’s eyes revealed his despair. “ Tell me you still have them?”

  “ I’m sorry Captain, I have lost them.”

  The previous day:

  Captain’s log: Star Date 27.0812

  We have brought three passengers to the planet Karrool and now we are in orbit for a few days. Some of the crew have taken this time for some needed shore leave while we are here.

  The Captain’s COM badge beeped, “ Hemorrhoid here,” he said.

  It was the transporter chief. “ Sir there is an alien couple who would like to beam up here and have a discussion with you.”

  “ Did they reveal what they wish to discuss with me?”

  “ No Sir. They say it’s private.”

  “ Very well. I see no reason why I cannot meet with them. Have them beam up.”

  A few minutes later they were shown into the Captain’s ready room. The male was about average height with dark hair and he had a small bulb at the end of his nose that was a strange colour. The female on the other hand was very tall with brown hair and had the same bulb at the end of her nose. They both had marks on their faces and the Captain suspected they both had had tattoos removed.

  “ Welcome to the Starship DVD. Please take a seat. How can I help you?”

  They sat down politely, adjusting their robes.

  “ Thankyou for seeing us Captain. My name is Mesetta and this is my life mate Accqua. We are from not from Karrool but from another planet many light years from here.”

  The Captain smiled. “ My name is Captain Angus Hemorrhoid, so what can I do for you?”

  “ Did you say your name was Hemorrhoid?”

  “ Yes, it’s a bit of a handle but I’m getting used to it. You can only imagine what it was like growing up that name, school children can be cruel but I’m happy to say the worst is behind me, if you know what I mean.” He had a glint in his eye as he said this.

  There was a silence, as if the visitors were unsure how to handle what could, or could not, be humour. Then the male spoke again.

  “ Captain we have heard that you will be travelling back to the wormhole soon and we were wondering if you would be able to give us some transport back to a planet called Marrana. It is very close to the worm hole.”

  “ Marrana? I think we have been to this planet before, when we first came to the Beta quadrant.”

  “ It is a very nice planet to live on. Almost as nice as Karrool is. We left there many years ago and we are longing to return to our home.”

  The Captain thought for a moment while he studied the two Aliens. “ I think we can accommodate you, in fact it will be a privilege to give you transport.”

  Mesetta put up his hand. “ We are not after charity. We would like to work for you on the way to our planet. We would be happy if you would make us part of your crew until we get there.”

  “ That will not be necessary, you will be our guests while on board,” the Captain assured them kindly.

  Accqua suddenly sat up. “ Captain! I am a very good cook and so is Mesetta. We would love to work in your kitchen and make home made meals for your crew. We can also wait on the tables and dispose of the rubbish….”

  “ That is not necessary…” he tried to interrupt.

  “…and I know you would not like to offend us by refusing…. We have some of the best recipes you will ever encounter… and perhaps we can even cater to some special occasions while we are in the kitchen…

  All the Captain could say was “ but!” before Mesetta continued.

  “ What a terrific idea, we will be your new cooks and we will not take no for an answer, we will be very happy to work off our passage….” Mesetta looked at his wife and laughed. “ We will cook the best meals this crew has ever had. What do you say darling, it will be such fun?”

  “ Yes Mesetta darling, we will do an excellent job, as usual. We will just beam down to the planet and get our things, we will be back tomorrow.”

  She stood up, eager to be gone and her life mate quickly followed suit.

  “ But….” The Captain tried to get a word in but in three seconds flat they were gone and the Captain sat there with his mouth open.

  He knew he had been manipulated, but in a very nice way.

  * * * *


  The following morning he was having breakfast with Lieutenant Beani-Poohs. She was having her usual waffles with bananas and the Captain was having porridge with honey and sultanas.

  “ So you’re going down to the planet today with Ensign Lid-Lidia?”

  “ Yes. I wanted to have a last look around before we leave. There is some really beautiful scenery down there and I’d like to take some digital images…. and of course, I can do some shopping.”

  The Captain took a swallow of his coffee and was looking thoughtful. Beani-Poohs noticed. “ That’s a funny look on your face.”

  “ I was just thinking about something.”

  “ Oh really? What are you thinking about?”

  He reached into his pocket and handed her a small case.

  “ Here is something I got for you from the planet.”

  She opened the case and found a gleaming gold bracelet. Beani-Poohs blushed. “ Gus you shouldn’t have! It’s beautiful.”

  He smiled warmly at her. “ I’m glad you like it. It’s just a friendship gift.”

  She bent across the table and kissed him. “ Like it? I love it.”

  “ Beani, I’ve told you before, not in front of the men.” He laughed. “ Turn it over.”

  She turned it over and saw there was some engraving. It said “ All my love, Gus.”

  She clasped it around her wrist. “ I have something for you too.” She said. She handed him a package and he unwrapped it. It was a book of Karrool poetry from the twenty-second century.

  “ Poetry, oh great!” he replied, not looking impressed.

  “ Don’t you like it?”

  “ I like it, it’s alright. I just don’t have a lot of time to read.”

  She looked deflated. “ If you don’t like it I can get you something else?”

  “ No this will be fine.”

  She put her hand out. “ Give it to me and I’ll return it. You clearly don’t like it.”

  “ No I’ll keep it. I may learn to like poetry.”

  “ So you don’t even like poetry? Will you please give me back the book.”

  “ Why are we arguing? It’s just a book.”

  “ Just a book is it?” She snatched the book out of his hand.

  “ I’m sorry I bought you anything. I’m going to return this and get you something better. I didn’t realise you didn’t like poetry, I thought you would because you like history books so much and books are collectable antiques now….but it doesn’t matter, I will get something else.” She stood up to leave, looking a bit upset.

  He felt a bit embarrassed and didn’t quite know
what to say. He should have kept his big mouth shut and pretended that he just loved books!

  “ Aren’t you going to finish your breakfast?”

  “ No! I should never have gotten that second waffle, I can’t eat any more!” she snapped and with that she walked out of the mess room leaving the Captain still sitting there.

  He took another drink of his coffee. He was no good at this relationship business. Perhaps he shouldn’t have bought her a bracelet….maybe a book would have been better because now he was more confused than ever about where he stood with her. Women!

  “ I knew that bracelet would be trouble and I bought it anyway.” He said it out loud.

  * * * *

  It was an hour later and the Captain hurried into the transporter room.

  “ Have the two girls beamed down to the planet yet?” He asked the transporter chief.

  “ Do you mean Lieutenant Beani-Poohs and Ensign Lid-Lidia?”

  “ Yes, have they left yet?”

  “ Sorry Captain you missed them by about five minutes.”

  The Captain frowned. “ Never mind, I suppose I’ll see them when they return.”

  The chief gave a look of understanding. “ Woman trouble huh?”

  “ You could say that. I could live to be one hundred and still not understand them.”

  “ Welcome to the club sir. No man will ever understand women because just when you think you’re beginning to understand them, perhaps just a little, they pull the rug from under you and you’re back where you started.”

  The Captain started to laugh. “ I must say that you have hit the nail on the head. Somehow the thought that this is a common problem has cheered me up. Thankyou.”

  Just then a message came through to the chief. “ It looks like the two aliens are about to board sir.”

  “ Have them beam up. Energize!”

  A few moments later Mesetta and his wife Accqua stepped off the transport pad.

  “ You’re all set for the trip I see,” said the Captain, smiling.

  The two aliens appeared to be a bit flustered.

  “ I keep thinking I have forgotten something, apart from that we are ready to go.” Mesetta replied.

  “ Mesetta did you bring the spices I put on the table?’ Accqua asked.

  “ I thought you were going to bring them. No, I didn’t bring them.”

  “ Perfect! How am I going to cook now without my spices? That was the one thing I really needed.”

  “ Don’t worry,” the Captain assured them. “ We actually have some spices in the kitchen and we can replicate anything else you need. I’ll bet you can cook up a storm using these spices.”

  “ A storm?” she repeated puzzled.

  “ It’s an old earth saying,” he explained.

  “ Oh,” she looked at him a bit doubtfully and then sighed, “ I should send Mesetta back to get the ones we left behind, only it is too far.”

  “ Trust me, we are sure to have anything you need.”

  “ Stop complaining darling,” her life mate admonished her, “ the good Captain has already done so much for us.”

  “ You are right. Let’s go and explore our new work stations.”

  “ Excellent idea darling,” he exclaimed and they were still chattering as they moved through the door.

  The Captain chuckled, “ They are a strange pair.”

  The Chief was smiling. “ Are they always like that?”

  “ They seem to be. But I cant help thinking that they just left without asking directions to the mess hall.”

  The Chief laughed. “ I am sure it won’t take them long to ask someone.”

  The Captain nodded. “ Yes, you are right. But I had better send someone after them.”

  The Captain contacted Yeoman Amsterdam and instructed him to find the alien couple and show them to their quarters and the mess hall.

  The chief turned to the Captain. “ Did you see what I mean about women? That alien Mesetta has been married for years and still does not understand his wife.”

  “ They call themselves life partners,” the Captain explained, “ but it’s the same thing. She went on and on about those spices didn’t she? Just like any other wife.”

  They both started to laugh.

  It was four hours later when the Captain came back to the transporter room.

  “ Chief do we have the crew back on board yet?”

  “ All are back on board except for Lieutenant Beani-Poohs and Ensign Lid-Lidia.”

  “ Well they are certainly taking their time,” he grumbled.

  Beani-Poohs was walking through the town when her COM badge beeped.

  “ Beani will you be beaming up here soon? We intend to leave within the hour.”

  “ Yes, I am perfectly aware of that,” she answered coolly,

  ” I just have to find Ensign Lid-Lidia and we will be on our way. It should not be more than five minutes.”

  “ I will wait here in the transporter room for you then.”

  “ Okay, see you soon.”

  A few minutes later Lid-Lidia joined her.

  “ We have to go,” Beani-Poohs said.

  “ Oh I know,” Lid-Lidia took something out of her pocket. “ but I had to have this necklace for my mother. Look at the workmanship! These are real gemstones and they resemble jade. Isn’t it remarkable?”

  “ I am surprised you didn’t get one for yourself. Its certainly a very attractive piece.”

  “ When would I wear it? We live in these uniforms. Did you get your digital images?"

  “ Yes, I have more than met my quota. Are you ready to leave now?”

  “ Yes.”

  “ Two to beam up,” said Beani-Poohs, touching her COM badge.

  The Captain answered “ I’ll see the two of you in a moment.”

  “ I have a lock,“ said the transporter Chief and pushed the control to activate the transporter.

  Suddenly they both noticed on the instruments that an unexpected ion storm had just blown up. It was very intense.

  “ Should I stop the process Captain? I have already started the transport.”

  “ You can’t, to reverse now could be dangerous.”

  Moments later the two women began to appear on the transport pad, but before transport could be completed they completely disappeared.

  “ Captain I am losing them!”

  “ Try again.”

  The women once again partially appeared and almost immediately vanished again.

  The Captain’s eyes revealed his despair. “ Tell me you still have them?”

  “ I’m sorry Captain, I have lost them.” Moments later the storm disbursed as quickly as it had started.

  “ Try again chief.”

  “ But I lost the lock sir.”

  “ Scan everything, perhaps you will get it back.”

  The transporter chief scanned again. “ I’m getting something Sir! Suddenly I have a lock.

  “ That’s wonderful. Don’t lose them.”

  “ I won’t this time.” He squinted anxiously at the controls.

  A few seconds later Beani-Poohs and Lid-Lidia appeared on the transporter pad. The Chief wiped sweat off his brow in relief and the Captain’s tense frame relaxed.

  Beani-Poohs looked at Lid-Lidia. “ I thought I was standing on your other side.”

  “ Never mind that,” said the Captain as the two women stepped off the transporter pads. They looked as if nothing had happened.

  “ You’ll never know how relieved I am that you are both safe and sound.” He said it lightly, but the expression in his eyes was disturbed. He had the urge to hold Beani-Poohs close, this had been a very close call.

  “ Yes we are safe and sound. It was not a pleasant feeling though,” Beani-Poohs replied, looking at him solemnly. It would not do to fling herself into her Captain’s arms while in full view of other crewmembers.

  Lid-Lidia took the necklace out of her pocket. Surely it had been in the other pocket before they be
amed up? She frowned.

  “ Are you alright?” asked the Chief anxiously. He of all of them appeared the most shaken. It was his responsibility to make sure all members were safe while transporting and it had not been a pleasant few minutes.

  “Yes, I think so,” she nodded.

  “ We had better get you both down to sick bay and make sure you are alright.” The Captain preceded them out of the transporter room.

  A few moments later they headed down to sick bay.

  * * * *

  “ Doctor Flusher will you give these girls an examination? We lost them in the transporter due to an ion storm, but luckily we have them back.”

  “ You lost them? In the transporter?”

  “ Yes, while we were beaming up from the planet, during the ion storm. Can you make sure they are alright?”

  “No problem Captain,” he escorted the women to the sick bay bunks and when they were both lying down he smiled and said, “ We must make sure our favorite officers are happy and healthy.”

  He waved his medical scanner first over Beani-Poohs and then over lid-Lidia.

  “Everything seems to be in good order… Hmmm that’s strange… Ensign do you remember I told you about a fleck in your left eye the other week?”

  “ Yes, I remember.” Lid-Lidia nodded.

  “ Now it has changed eyes and is in your right eye.”

  Lid-Lidia slipped off the bunk and walked over to the mirror to examine her eyes.

  “ You must be mistaken, Doctor. It looks like it’s still in the same eye to me.”

  The Doctor looked confused. “ Are you sure?”

  “ Positive. It has always been in the right eye.”

  “ Hmmm. I may have to have my sub-routines checked then.” He tapped the instrument against his cheek and then waved his arms. “ Well! The good news is that you are both in good health. There doesn’t seem to be any lasting effects of your experience.”

  “ That is good news Doctor,” the Captain was relieved. “ Are they able to leave now? ”

  “ Certainly. If anything changes or you notice anything out of the ordinary please feel free to return to sick bay. Other than that, you are free to resume your duties.”

  “ Thank you Doctor,” said Beani-Poohs as both girls headed for the door.

  The Captain took up the rear. “ Why don’t we go to the mess room? We have some new cooks and I am anxious to sample their food.” He pushed his COM badge. “ Mr. Sook, we can leave orbit now.”

  “ New cooks?” asked Lid Lidia, “ when did that happen?”

  “ I shall tell you all about it on the way…”