Read Star Yawns Episode 5. Mirror Image By David & Sabine Williams. Smashwords Edition Copyright 2012 Page 6

  “ Did your friend tell you anything about the General?”

  “ Yes he said that Quistane left Narwee six months ago. He had joined some group that had tried to take over this government but had failed. Before he could be arrested he took off in a stolen space ship with a small group of people who Quistane had brainwashed into helping him. It looks like he betrayed these people to the pirates.”

  The Captain sighed. “ The more I hear about this man the more I dislike him. I can’t believe that he could have lied to me so much. We have to find him now so he can be handed over to the authorities on your planet.”

  “ Yes Captain that is something that must be done.”

  It was an hour later and the Captain walked down the hall to Beani-Poohs quarters. He rang the bell and waited patiently. When she opened the door he could see Lid-Lidia standing behind her.

  “ The transporter has been modified for the transfer so I came to get you.”

  Beani-Poohs was not smiling. “ What if we don’t want to go back to our dimension?”

  “ Surely you can’t be serious, a lot of people have gone to a lot of trouble to make sure you could return safely.”

  “ You can’t guarantee that it will be safe. Lid and myself are very nervous at the fact that we may be killed.”

  “ I have brought a scientist up from Narwee and he has done this before. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Beani-Poohs became angry. “ Where have you been? As far as I know we were an item and you have hardly spoken to me since you found out that I was the other Beani’s mirror image.”

  The Captain stood there in silence for about a minute. “ May I see your bracelet please.”

  She took it off and gave it to him. He turned it over and read the inscription. It was back to front and the letters were backwards.

  “ You see this is why I have been distant.” He held it up to her. “ You can read this easily.”

  “ Yes I can.”

  “ The Beani I know wouldn’t be able to. We are not an item…I mean, I am an item with her, not you.”

  “ Gus, this is ME!”

  “ Yes but if I were to become romantic with you I would feel like I was dating her identical twin sister and that would never work. Surely you can understand what I’m saying.”

  Beani-Poohs nodded her head and sighed. “ Yes I understand. It is so confusing because I don’t feel any differently. I suppose Lid and myself have felt out of place in this reality.”

  She turned to her friend still standing behind her. “ Yes it’s time to go home Lid. What do you say?”

  “ Let’s do this thing.” Lid-Lidia walked through the doorway.

  On entering Transporter room 3, Beani-Poohs felt suddenly nervous. The Captain noticed and took her hand, “ Don’t worry it will soon be over and you will be home. This is Dr. Camerata from the planet Narwee and he is very confident everything will be fine.” She shook hands with the man.

  Beani-Poohs looked around the room. Mesetta and his wife were there and an alien who she had never seen before was standing there as well. Mr. La Trenne, Mr. Sook and Mr. Base, as well as a security detail.

  “ It’s time, please take your positions on the pad.” Said Dr. Camerata.

  Beani-Poohs and Lid-Lidia both walked onto the pad and stood in position.

  “ Before I start the transmission I want to tell you that this is a one way journey so please do not move during the beaming process. If there is any movement of any kind it might jeopardize what is happening so please be very still. This is different from any other transport that you have taken part in up till now.”

  He walked behind the controls and started to push the lever upwards. Just as the lever reached the top the door to the transport room flew open and the General ran in. He tried to throw himself onto the transport pad but the security crewmembers were able to subdue him. As this was happening the women started to turn to into molecules.

  “ What are you doing?” shouted the Captain, “ Are you trying to kill these two officers?”

  At that moment the women disappeared together, while the security officers kept the General under control.

  “ Doctor do you think that the incident with the General caused them to move? Everything will be ruined and the girls will be killed.”

  “ Calm yourself Captain, I don’t think they moved but even still there is nothing we can do. Just wait until the process is over and then we will evaluate.”

  They waited for about thirty seconds more and then the two women beamed back onto the pad. When it was over everybody stood in silence.

  Then the Captain walked over to Beani-Poohs. “ May I please see your bracelet?”

  She took it off and handed it to him. He turned it over and read the inscription, ‘All my love, Gus’. It was not backwards.

  She beamed at him, “ It’s really me now.”

  “ I’m so happy to see you,” he said “ I’m so glad it’s finally you. Oh, welcome to you too Ensign Lid-Lidia.”

  Lid Lidia sketched him a salute, with a big grin on her face.

  Beani-Poohs gave him a hug.

  “ Remember I told you, not in front of the men.” He laughed.

  The Captain turned to the Doctor. “ You did a great job and I’m very impressed with your work. If you don’t mind I will need to make record of what happened here today so if you could make a short note of these facts I will be most grateful.”

  “ I understand Captain. I will be happy to do this for you.”

  The Captain turned to the General, “ What were you thinking of. If you had jumped onto the transporter pad you would have been killed. Besides the fact that you might have killed these two officers as well.”

  “ I am sorry Captain I thought they were beaming down to the planet and this would be a good way to escape.”

  Mesetta walked up to the General. “ We have learned that you are now considered a criminal on Narwee. Why did you keep asking for the codes to the planets wealth, it would have done you no good.”

  “ That is where you are wrong, I could have ransomed this information.”

  Mesetta turned away disgusted.

  The Captain turned to the security officers. “ Take him to the Brig and we will deal with him later.”

  The Captain turned to Mesetta who was standing with his friend. “ I must say that I am impressed with the people of your planet and I think they are the friendliest that we have come across.”

  “ Thankyou Captain, perhaps you and your crew can spend some time here and really get to know the people of Narwee.”

  “ That sounds like a great idea.”

  With his arm around Beani-Poohs he walked out of the transporter room.

  “ Did you ever return that poetry book Beani?” He asked with a smile.

  * * * *


  It was two weeks later and the DVD was still orbiting Narwee. The crew had been taking some shore leave and everybody was feeling quite rested. The General had been taken into custody and was now awaiting trial.

  The day was bright and sunny and Mr. La Trenne was walking through the market deciding if he was going to get some fruit to take on board when Kazzie-Spockers came walking toward him.

  “ It’s a nice day to be out and about Sub-Commander,” he said as he walked past her.

  “ Yes it is,” she replied “ do you like these sun glasses I bought? They will be of good use the next time I visit Vulcan.”

  He felt a little uncomfortable around her. “ Yes they look very nice.” He started to walk away.

  “ Commander did you give any thought to my suggestion the other week? I have not mentioned it because I knew that you have been busy.”

  He turned around and walked back towards her. “ Yes I have been thinking about it.”

  “ So what is your decision?”

  He still wasn’t sure what he should say right up to this point. “ I have been thinking that we should…” He never finished the

  “ You have been thinking that you should not become distracted from your work at this point in time. Am I right in saying this?”

  He was relieved to hear her say this because even though she was a Vulcan he thought he might hurt her feelings. “ Yes. As much as I would like a companion at this time I think we should wait for now.”

  “ So you are thinking that in time you would like to become romantic with me. I can live with that. I know it will not help me with my fear of spiders now but rest assured that when you want me in your life I will make you very happy.”

  Mr. La Trenne thought for a moment. “ In the meantime Sub-Commander why don’t you call me when you see a spider and I will come to help you.”

  “ What if I don’t see one and I get this fear that I have.”

  “ Then you can still call me. Call me anytime, twenty-fours hours a day. Preferably not when I’m on duty. I will be a friend to help you through your spider trouble.”

  “ Do you think I am an illogical Vulcan to have this problem?”

  “ Sub-Commander I really don’t know a whole lot about Vulcan’s but I have observed that they get angry sometimes and frustrated so I don’t think you’re the only Vulcan to have some type of emotional trouble. At least now you can call on a friend to help you through the rough times.”

  “ Thankyou Commander I can’t tell you how grateful I am. What is your first name?”

  “ It’s Vincent, Vincent La Trenne, but you can call me Vince.”

  They walked over to the fruit stand together.

  * * * *


  The Captain was sitting in his ready room and Beani-Poohs was sitting in the room with him. It was only a short time before they would be leaving Narwee.

  “ Did I tell how happy I am that I have you back here.” He smiled at her.

  “ Yes you told me but I don’t mind hearing it again.”

  “ I need to know, what was it like being in the fourth dimension on the other side of the mirror?”

  “ It’s hard to say, it’s really the same as being in this dimension but different. It’s like walking into a room backward, only you didn’t walk in backward, you came in forward. It’s very complicated. Also I didn’t like the other Angus Hemorrhoid he didn’t seem as strong as you. I would never have had a romance with him.”

  “ So he was a weak type of man?”

  “ No not really, he is a star ship Captain remember.”

  “ Sorry I forgot.”

  “ It’s hard to explain. All I can say is that he is not you. He looks like you and acts like you but he is someone else.”

  “ Please don’t explain it anymore, I’m sorry I asked in the first place.”

  He went quiet for a moment. “ I want to tell you something and I have to think carefully so I can get the words out correctly.”

  “ Oh really!”

  “ That day when you and the Ensign appeared and disappeared on the transporter pad worried me very much. You actually were lost for almost a minute and that was probably the longest minute of my life. When I thought you were gone a type of terror came over me. Of course relief followed it when you finally appeared, but for that minute I was miserable. Although I never let on to the transporter chief.”

  “ Of course, you kept your emotions in check.”

  “ I did, although I remember yelling at him to do something. I realised at that moment that I love you and I never want to be without you.”

  “ Oh Gus, I love you too.”

  “ I know I said I wanted to take things slowly, but now I feel differently. I want to marry you. If you’ll have me? I’m sorry if that sounds like a badly worded proposal.”

  Beani-Poohs became very emotional. “ Look who’s rushing things now.”

  He stopped. “ I’m sorry, is this too quick?”

  “ I was joking, of course I’ll marry you and that was a lovely proposal.”

  He pulled her towards him and kissed her. Several very satisfying minutes passed.

  “ That’s what I’m talking about!” she said happily another full minute later.

  Suddenly the beeper pinged at the door. “ We will talk more about this later and I’ll get you a ring.” He said. “ Come in!” he called out.

  Mesetta and his wife Accqua walked in.

  “ Please sit down.” The Captain said. “ Mesetta before you say anything I want you to know it was a wonderful two weeks having you two as cooks. I really don’t know how we are going to get along without you.”

  “ Thankyou Captain, we too have enjoyed being on your ship and we like the crew very much.” He paused for a moment. “ If it were not for you we would never have come back to Narwee. Now we can live here with the knowledge that we are not criminals.”

  “ That’s great, and what about the codes, did you divulge that information?”

  “ Yes I did and it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have been in meeting with members of the new government and out laid a trust fund, which will release a certain amount every now and then to be used to benefit my people. This way the wealth will not be misused or appropriated”

  “ I’m very happy to hear this. It was a wise decision. I am also happy that the both of you are happy to be home.”

  “ So am I.” Beani-Poohs added.

  “ Actually I am here to ask a favour of you Captain Angus.”

  “ Just name it, if you would still like to go to Marrana we can take you there.”

  “ No Captain, that is not what I was going to ask. Accqua and I have been talking and we would like to remain onboard the DVD and go back with you to the Alpha quadrant.”

  “ I don’t understand. I thought you were happy to come home after all this time.”

  “ We are happy to come home, but here is the thing. Accqua and myself have been on the run as it were for ten years. We have always been in fear that someone like Quistane would come to take us back and then to prison. Now we are welcome on our planet again…but we wish to travel for pleasure and see all the places we were in too much of a hurry to really see...we would not be worrying all the time. If you will take us with you, we will love every minute and there is so much that we have not seen as yet.”

  The Captain thought for moment. “ I will talk this over with my officers but I am fairly confident that you can come with us and join our crew.”

  “ You already have my vote.” Beani-Poohs beamed.

  When she said this Accqua started looking at her in a funny way. “ There is something about you that is different, you have some type of good news. If you were married I would think you were pregnant.”

  Beani-Poohs turned to the Captain. “ Can I tell them?”

  “ Yes, why not!”

  She turned back to Accqua. “ You are the first people to know that Gus and I are getting married. He just proposed before you came in here.”

  “ That is wonderful news, I hope you will invite us to your wedding.” Mesetta shook the Captains hand.

  “ If you are married on board the ship I will make you a beautiful wedding cake. “ Accqua promised.

  “ Mr. Base can help you with that, I’ve heard he makes wedding cakes,” said the Captain.

  Beani-Poohs turned back to the Captain, “ Gus you have made me very happy but there is one thing I want and I hope you’re not angry?”

  “ Nothing could make me angry.”

  “ That’s good because I want to keep my maiden name.”

  They all burst out laughing.

  * * * *

  Captain’s Log: Star Date 20.0912

  We have now spent two weeks orbiting the planet Narwee and it has been the best part of five months since we started this journey. With two extra crewmembers from the Beta quadrant we are now going to head back to the wormhole.

  It was a couple of days later when the DVD passed Marrana and headed on towards the wormhole. The Captain remembered that the wormhole was just a few hours on the other side of that

  He was remembering the first time they had arrived in the Beta quadrant and how they had encountered the alien Harrison who had tried to take over their ship.

  It seemed so long ago now.

  The Captain wandered onto the bridge and sat down. Beani-Poohs was at her post and she gave him a smile as he passed her. Somehow he felt a little sad to be leaving the Beta quadrant, but he knew they would most likely return in the future.

  “ Captain!” said Ensign Follicle, “ I never had a chance to congratulate you and Lieutenant Beani-Poohs on your engagement. I wish you both all the best for the future.”

  “ Thankyou Ensign, I appreciate the sentiment.”

  Just then Mr. Sook turned to the Captain. “ That goes for all of us Captain, we all wish you both well.”

  The Captain stood up. “ Thankyou everybody, Lieutenant Beani-Poohs and I…” he never finished his speech.

  “ Captain I have just detected Warp emissions from a space ship nearby.” Mr. Sook said.

  “ Raise shields, on screen and magnify!” the Captain commanded instantly.

  He looked at the screen and up ahead he could see that the wormhole was open. “ How far away is the wormhole and how long before we will get there?”

  “ According to my instruments it is just over a million kilometers away. We will be there in eleven minutes at this speed.”

  “ Sound battle stations, I think we have caught up with the pirates finally.”

  They traveled closer towards the wormhole and suddenly the pirate ship became visible and fired at them. Their ship was sitting just near the entrance to the wormhole. A few seconds later the alien who the Captain had spoken to previously appeared on the screen.

  “ You will lower your shields and prepare to be boarded, we intend to take your ship, if you do not comply we will blow you out of the sky.”

  The Captain was still standing and now he looked angry as he took a defensive stance. “ Then it looks as though you have a fight on your hands. There is no chance whatsoever that we will surrender this ship.”

  The alien signed off and the DVD took some more phaser fire.

  “ Mr. Follicle target their weapons array, I want to really hurt them.”

  “ I’m not sure if it will sir, they have their shields up.” Ensign Follicle responded.

  “ Fire anyway and keep on firing until their shields fail. Mr. Sook, how are our shields holding up?”