Read Star Yawns Episode 7. A Few Good Cadets by David & Sabine Williams Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Page 9

Several teams beamed down to the planet to locate missing crewmembers. Sub-Commander Kazzie-Spockers, Commander La Trenne and Oh-No the shape shifter were coordinating most of it but their focus was Flip because of the sensitivity issue. He had been forced into labor with the other two cadets and that was something the Captain was not going to let go lightly. Armed with Scout’s list they began searching all the areas where he was last seen.

  On arrival on the planet surface La Trenne split up with the others and went to see the even Authorities. Meanwhile Oh-No and Kazzie-Spockers went to the restaurant.

  The manager of the restaurant was not helpful at all and they ended up paying the ten credits the cadets owed before they left. Now they had been made to realise that they were in fact searching for two people so they decided to go the home of Ynnej648622.

  On arrival Oh-No knocked on the door. A few moments later an attractive older woman opened it. “ What can I do for you?”

  “ We are searching for a young cadet named Flip who has been keeping company with your daughter Ynnej648622. They both disappeared after being at the restaurant your husband manages.”

  She stared at him. “ I don’t know where Ynnej648622 is. She never came home the last two nights. But that is not unusual. My daughter is very strong willed and often stays away overnight.”

  “ Have you any idea where she might go? It is important that we find our crewmember, our ship will be leaving orbit in a few hours.”

  “ I have no idea where she could be. Sometimes she does not come home for days and she never tells me where she has been. It is not like her to associate with an alien though.”

  “ Who does she often associate with?”

  “ I don’t know. I am not privy to her personal business.”

  Oh-No was about to finish the conversation when a voice came from inside the house. “ I know where she might be.”

  They all turned towards her. She was a tiny creature with thin bones and a fragile face. It was obviously a younger daughter and 22’s younger sister.

  “ Where is she?” her mother demanded.

  The young girl hesitated and then revealed: “ She is most likely to be at the odd people’s compound. Do not tell her that I told you but I know she goes there. She has a male friend who is of the odd numerical designation.”

  Ynnej648622’s mother was shocked. “ What are you saying! An odd male friend? That is impossible!”

  “ No Mother, it is not. It has been going on for some time.”

  “ It is not lawful nor is it appropriate! This is shocking, just wait until your father hears of this outrage. Why am I just hearing about this? Why am I never told about these things. Oh this is just like your sibling to humiliate us like this. That girl never thinks of how her actions affect her family.” She took deep breaths, her eyes frankly horrified. But her reaction did not appear to worry the young girl.

  Oh-No turned to the girl. “ We are strangers to your world. Will you show us where the odd people’s compound is?”

  “ Yes I will take you there.”

  The mother looked very worried at hearing this. “ I am coming as well and do not try to stop me. I hate being the last person to be told anything. She will have to explain to her father and I about her shameful behavior.”

  A few minutes later the four of them set out for the odd people’s compound.

  * * * *