Read Starburst Page 17

  “He just gave me his email at the nursing home, I swear.” Alley told her mom.

  She opened it, and it was short, just a paragraph.

  “You at a loss for words? Who are you and what did you do with my Alley? My grandparents were happy that you visited them today. Thanks for that, and stay strong and listen to your parents. They are only trying to do what they think is best for you. Stop crying! I can’t stand the thought of that, and No, more tantrums…GOT IT! I miss you like crazy. Email when you are not at a loss for words.

  Alley let her mother read it after she made sure there was nothing that was going to get her into more trouble, and her mom smiled at what he had said.

  “I’m starving, let’s go make something delicious,” her mom told her, and kissed the top of her head, and it made Alley smile.

  “I’m going to email Trevas back, and then I will be down.”

  “Promise?” her mother asked, wanting her out of her room.

  “Yes mom.”

  “Okay I’m not at a loss for words anymore. What a crazy *&%$#%# day. My mom just left my room, and you are not going to believe this. She is trying to talk my dad into letting me see you. You will be the first to know, WHEN….that happens. Please tell me that makes you happy and you want to be with me. It is the only way that I can promise that the tears will stop. Is that blackmail?”

  Alley waited a couple of minutes and got a response right back.

  “Watch your mouth, and yes that is kind of blackmail because I would do anything for you, to never shed another tear, and yes I want you. I want you more than anything Alley Fletcher. I have spent the last three weeks telling myself that I didn’t, and trying to forget you. You are unforgettable. I am leaving for Chicago this evening for a couple of days, but I have my phone, and will check my emails regularly. I love you, talk to you soon, going to pack.”

  “Wait…who are you going to Chicago with?”

  “Don’t worry, it’s a guy, and I’m not too into men. I love you.”

  “Just checking and I love you too.”

  Alley spent the next couple of days happy with her mother. They went out to a nice restaurant, and were then going to go to the Los Angeles County Art Museum, but because someone had tipped off the paparazzi, they were rushed back to the car surrounded by four body men, they decided to just go home after their meal, not wanting to be followed with flashing cameras.

  This was the part Alley hated most about being the daughter of a superstar. She had never been able to have the normal life that she longed for, and it was worse at times like this when Peyton had a blockbuster movie out, and everyone was waiting for the sequel to her latest movie ‘BLACK.’

  She and Trevas continued to email each other, and she was so hoping that her dad would come through before he got home on Friday. She wanted to see him so bad, and couldn’t wait to be in his arms and kiss his soft lips. She and her mom had fun together for the first time in a very long time, and Peyton was ecstatic about it.

  On Friday night, Peyton and Alley were in the pool, and Alley asked her about her dad.

  “Have you said anymore to dad about me seeing Trevas?” she asked, hopeful.

  “Not really but I have been thinking about something,” she confessed and spun around in the water to her back.

  “About what?”

  “Well, there is one thing that you could use to your advantage.”

  “What?” she wanted to know. She would do anything if he would agree to let her see him.

  “Peanut Silks”

  Except that. “Mom, I’m not going to be in a movie. You know how I feel about all of this. I dream of living in a house like Trevas grew up in, in a neighborhood with a yard, and no cameras or paparazzi. I want to go to the store or to a movie without looking over my shoulder like you do.”

  “Your dad and Lidia told me that you showed every girl that they have auditioned for this part, including Heather Marshall,” she replied, talking about a famous child star that had really come along way. “Alley I think you should at least give it some thought. It’s very addicting, once you do one movie, it’s like a drug, and you want more.”

  “I highly doubt that,” she said, and then dove under the water.

  “Why did you get up there and play the part if you weren’t interested?” Peyton asked as she came up, pushing her wet hair back.

  “I wasn’t trying to play any part. They had all of these dumb girls up there, and none of them were right for Peanut Silks. I just didn’t want them to ruin the book. Will you stop with this? I’m not doing a movie.”

  Alley crawled into her bed and had an email from Trevas.

  “Hey, baby. I just wanted you to know that I’m home but getting ready to head out for a birthday party. I will email tomorrow. I love you.”

  “You are going to a birthday party?” she answered.

  “No silly, I’m working one.”

  Alley called her dad. She hadn’t talked to him since her last runaway episode, and wanted him to un-block Trevas’s phone number so that she could talk to him.

  “Hey Alley girl,” he answered, happy to hear from her.

  “Hey dad, will you please un-block Trevas’s number?”

  “I knew there was an ulterior motive,” he replied, not entirely joking.

  “Please dad,” she begged.

  “Alley, you know that I do not like this one bit.”

  “Yes I know that, and you know that you are not going to stop me.”

  “Did you think any more about the movie?”

  “No, I don’t want to think about the movie. I don’t want to do it, get one of the dumb girls, I don’t care, just stop asking me.”

  “I will un-block Trevas’s number if you will at least think about it seriously for a few days. Don’t tell me, you don’t want too, just tell you will think about it, and I will talk to you over the weekend.”

  “Fine dad, will you do it now?”

  “Yes Alley, I will do it now, but I still don’t like it. What is your mother doing?”

  “I don’t know, but something smells really good so I would say she is baking something.”

  “Hmm, that is what I miss most about her,” he replied, thinking about her always baking or cooking something. “Tell her to call me.”

  “Okay, thanks dad.”

  “Alley, I expect this thing with Trevas to stay in the dark. Do you understand?”

  “Yes dad, don’t worry.”

  “Mom! Dad wants you to call him,” Alley yelled down, unable to contain the smile from the excitement of talking to Trevas.

  “Come here,” her mother called back.

  “What?” she yelled, wanting to call Trevas and not caring about tasting whatever it was she was baking.

  “Come here,” she yelled again.

  Alley went to her, annoyed. “What? I want to call Trevas,” she stated, wondering what was so important.

  “That is what I wanted to talk to you about. Invite him over tomorrow for dinner.”

  “Really mom!” Alley asked, excited.

  “Yes and I’m going to have a friend over too, so invite him over so I can get a feel of this guy. I can’t decide whether I approve or not until I scope him out for myself.”

  “Yes!” she exclaimed pulling her fist back, and Peyton smiled. “Who is your friend?” she wanted to know.

  “Garland Wright, he is a producer in New York. He is here on business for a couple of days, and I invited him over.”

  Normally Alley would have thrown a fit, and went to her dads, but she didn’t care as long as she could be with Trevas, and she knew that wouldn’t happen at her dad’s house, not yet anyway.

  Chapter 9

  Trevas was a nervous wreck and didn’t want to eat dinner at Peyton Paxton’s house. He was an escort for people like her not the sit down and carry on a conversation type. He had called his mom, and she couldn’t believe that he was having dinner with Peyton Paxton. She loved her and had seen every movie that she had eve
r played in and kept up with all of the gossip online. Peyton was going to have dinner ready at one, and Alley wanted him there by noon. He showered and dressed in nice jeans, a white button up shirt with a thin black tie and brown leather shoes.

  He couldn’t believe he was doing this as he typed in the code Alley had given him to get through the gate. She was waiting on the front steps as he pulled up. She was also wearing jeans and of course a tight shirt that showed her midsection that made her small breast look bigger than they actually were. She was bare foot and met him at his door.

  He had no choice but to wrap her in his arms when she threw herself in his arms.

  “You go change this shirt,” he teased.

  “Why? Does it make you want me?” she teased back.

  “Very much so,” he said and kissed her quickly.

  “Why are you wearing a tie? Take it off,” she demanded, and he laughed.

  “I have to make a good impression on your mom.”

  “My mom is just like your mom Trevas, don’t wear the tie,” she requested again, and loosened it herself while he stared down, amused at her. “You should just take this off too,” she said, and unbuttoned three of the buttons on the white shirt before he stopped her.”

  “Behave yourself,” he demanded and took the bottle of wine from the car.

  Peyton was waiting at the door to officially meet Trevas, and he shook her hand. She did seem to be a lot like his mom, only knock down gorgeous. Her hair was a little lighter than Alley’s, but they were the exact same build, and pretty close to the same height as well. Trevas pictured her to be in some fancy dress or expensive pant suit, but she too was in jeans, with the same slices and holes as the ones Alley wore. She too had on a knit shirt that was a little tight, and showed her midsection as well, and her breast, were definitely bigger than Alley’s.

  “Dom Pérignon,” she said as Trevas handed over the bottle. “I haven’t had Champaign since my birthday.” Peyton took the bottle, and Trevas noticed that she too was in her bare feet as she walked away.

  “Trevas, this is Garland Wright,” Peyton introduced her friend.

  “I think we may have met in New York a time or two,” Garland said shaking his hand. “How are you?”

  “Good and yes we were at the same New Year’s Eve party.” Trevas remembered him from a celebrity’s ball in New York City where he had worked. Everyone was drunk, except of course the security, and he had to wear a tuxedo that he remembered not being happy about.

  “Come on Trevas, I will show you around,” Alley told him, pulling him by the hand.

  They walked out to the pool, and it was a bigger pool than the one at her dad’s. It was a lot wider and had more privacy with a huge stone wall surrounding the small grassy area. He eyes lit up at the massive outdoor kitchen with a stone grill, which he would have loved to get his hands on it. She took him to her favorite room in the house, and it was an enormous library with big comfortable chairs, and book shelves that lined the walls.

  “I take it your mother is a reader too?” he asked.

  “Yes, and she will not graduate to the e-reader yet. She thinks she has to hold the book in her hand, and be able to turn the pages.”

  There was no game room or theater like at her dads, but Trevas sensed that she enjoyed her books more than the entertainment anyway.

  “That’s my mom’s room,” she said pointing to a closed door downstairs but didn’t open it. The dining room was in the open floor plan with the kitchen and living room. She took him upstairs, and into her room next. She closed the door behind them, and before Trevas had a chance to tell her to behave, she was in his arms, kissing him. She forced his lips to part with her tongue, and he had no choice but to respond. He walked her toward her bed and lay her down with his hands already up her shirt. Her hips were responding as well, and thrust into his. He moved down her neck, and kissed her throat and then her chest.

  “Fuck Trevas, get off of me,” she whispered.

  He kissed her lips one more time and then took her hand, pulling her up. Her legs felt like they were going to crumble, and her heart was beating way too fast. He held her in his arms and relished the feel of her.

  “We better go before your mom thinks we are up here doing something,” he told her, kissing her head.

  Trevas let go of her hand before they got to the bottom of the stairs, not comfortable holding her hand in front of her mother.

  “Sit you two,” her mother told them as she placed an appetizer of seaweed rolls on the table.

  “That looks amazing,” Trevas exclaimed.

  “That looks disgusting,” Alley retorted.

  “Alley Fletcher,” he scolded.

  “Sorry, but I’m not touching that.”

  “I am,” Trevas said excited and pulled Alley’s chair out for her.

  Alley’s mother watched the two of them interact while she finished up the last of the afternoon meal. Trevas used his fork and cut a slice of the seaweed roll, and held it to her. She tightened her lips and shook her head no.

  “Open your mouth or I’m going to hold you down and make you try it,” he threatened, and Peyton smiled as she watched them.

  “Trevas I don’t like it,” she demanded, and closed her mouth quickly so that he couldn’t sneak it in.

  “Open your mouth. You can’t say that you don’t like it if you don’t try it.”

  “I don’t even know what it is.”

  “It’s a seaweed roll,” he told her, still holding the fork to her mouth.

  “I’m not eating seaweed,” she demanded, and Trevas and Peyton both laughed.

  “There is no seaweed in it, try it, please,” he tried begging.

  “Trevas, please stop before I get pissed,” she countered, not about to eat it.

  “Open your mouth and try it before I get pissed,” he retorted, and she groaned but opened her mouth, and he quickly shoved it in, not giving her time to change her mind. Peyton was impressed, and couldn’t believe that he actually got her to try it.

  Alley smiled at him.

  “You like it don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, it is actually very good mom,” Alley said, turning to her mom who was carrying in the main dish and Alley groaned again.

  “Can’t you make normal food?” she asked.”

  “Hmm, is that coconut curry shrimp?” Trevas asked.

  “Yes, with spicy peanut noodles and vegetable pakoras,” she replied and was a little impressed that he knew his food.

  “You are not making me eat that,” Alley demanded.

  “Oh yes I am, so you might as well put it on your plate,” he demanded, right back, and she gave him a dirty look but dipped out one small helping. She snarled her nose again at the vegetable pakoras as Garland passed the plate around to her. She got one of those too when she looked to see the look on Trevas’s face, telling her to eat it, and Peyton watched amused.

  “This is amazing Ms. Paxton,” Trevas bragged.

  “Thank you, but please call me Peyton. You make me feel old.”

  “It is very good,” Alley agreed, taking another bite of the shrimp.

  “Oh, I almost forgot the Champaign,” Peyton exclaimed, and got up to get it. Garland opened it, and the cork shot across the room. He filled Alley’s glass first, and continued to fill the rest.

  “Trevas is a food nut too mom,” Alley told her. “He drove me crazy for weeks, watching the food network, just like you do,” Alley told her mother.

  “Really?” Peyton asked, surprised. “You like to cook?”

  “Love it,” he replied. “And I never heard you complain once about my cooking Ms. Alley,” he said turning to her.

  “Have you ever made Shrimp Fra Diavolo?” Peyton asked him.

  “Yes, I love it.”

  “I almost made that today, but I have only made it once and something just wasn’t right. It didn’t taste like it did when I had it in Fiji.”

  “Try replacing the white wine with Sherry,” he offered.

  “Really? Sherry?” she asked, thinking about it.

  “Yes it totally changes the taste.”

  “Are we really going to talk about food?” Alley asked, bored with their conversation.

  “Trevas did Alley tell you that she is being sought after to play a lead role in a movie?” Peyton asked, and Alley was instantly fuming.

  “You really needed to fucking mention that?” Alley asked, instantly pissed.

  “Alley…apologize, to your mother, and stop acting like that,” Trevas demanded.

  “No, fuck that. She knows how I feel about that, and its bullshit that she would bring it up right now.”

  “Come here,” he demanded, and made her walk outside to the pool with him. He was surprised that her mother let her talk to her like that, and didn’t even seem to be fazed by her outburst.

  “Trevas don’t pull me away from the table like I am some child,” she yelled, as soon as the door was closed.

  “Then don’t act like one Alley. You want to be an adult then act like one.”

  “Fuck you,” she shot back.

  He stuck his hands in his jean pockets and stared at her without a rebuttal.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “Are you done?”

  “You make me so mad sometimes,” she blamed.

  “And you make me just as mad, and I would never, ever talk to my mother like that, and I’m not going to let you do it either. I have missed you like crazy, and I want you to stop, I don’t want to fight with you.

  Alley sighed deeply. “Fine, I’m sorry, you’re right.”

  “Good, now let’s go finish our dinner.” Alley came to him, and he kissed the top of her head and opened the door for her.

  “I’m sorry mom,” she apologized, and her mother looked utterly shocked.

  Peyton didn’t mention the movie again, and they finished up their meal with pleasant conversation.

  “Trevas you should stay here tonight and make your pizza for my mom.”

  Trevas kicked her lightly under the table, and gave her a look for suggesting that he spend the night.