Read Starburst Page 18

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Peyton exclaimed. “We have plenty of room. Pizza, beer and a card game, sounds like a party to me.”

  “He doesn’t need a room mom,” Alley told her, letting her know that she intended for him to sleep with her, and then gave Trevas a look after getting kicked again.

  Peyton blew it off as a joke, and didn’t want to get into it with her again. “We can discuss sleeping arrangements later.”

  “Is he sleeping in your bed?” Alley asked, nodding toward Garland, and then screamed. “Ouch,” when she got a harder kick. “Will you stop that?” she asked Trevas, and her mother knew that she had just gotten kicked.

  “Actually, I have a plane to catch,” Garland announced, and she felt bad.

  “Sorry,” she told him, and he smiled.

  “I doubt if I have what we need for homemade pizza, the house has been empty for a few weeks now, and I haven’t quite gotten stocked back up yet,” Peyton explained.

  “I can go to the store,” Trevas volunteered.

  “I will go with you,” Alley stated.

  “You can’t go with me Alley. You know that, and don’t go throwing a tantrum over it. I will go to the store and we will make pizza if you want.”

  “Fine,” she pouted.

  Trevas helped clean up, and when the last of the dishes were in the dishwasher, Garland announced that he needed to call a taxi and head out.

  “I can give you a lift,” Trevas volunteered, not really wanting to fight the traffic at LAX Airport but thought that he should, since he was heading that way anyway.

  Alley stayed with her mother against her will, and as soon as Trevas was gone her mother started in on her about Trevas.

  “Alley, I freaking love him,” she exclaimed, and Alley smiled.

  “I knew you would, but I have a feeling that you love him because he puts me in my place.”

  “Yes I do love that about him, and you listen to him. I’m baffled, that you don’t tell him to F off like you do everyone else.”

  “Oh I do,” she admitted with, an ornery grin and Peyton shook her head, knowing that she was speaking the truth.

  “I think he really cares about you too, and that makes me happy.”

  “Well, if he is staying here. He is sleeping in my room,” she demanded.

  “No he is not Alley. Your dad would kill all three of us. He wasn’t the happiest man alive when I told him that I invited him for dinner.”

  “Why mom? Do you think we are going to have sex or something?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m afraid of.”

  “Well you’re about fifty times too late.”

  “I’m still not going to condone you having sex in my house at seventeen.”

  “Whatever I will just go to him and have sex, and go back to my bed before morning if you think that me sneaking around is going to make it easier for you.”

  “I have a feeling that Trevas wouldn’t go for that.”

  “I have a feeling you are wrong. Believe me, I know how much Trevas can take before he cracks,” Alley admitted, sending Peyton running, wanting to get away from the conversation.

  “I’m going to grab a shower so that I can stop the images in my head,” Peyton told her and left her sitting at the table.

  Trevas was gone for almost an hour because of having to drive Peyton’s friend to the airport.

  “I think your pool guy is here,” Trevas told Peyton as he carried in the bags, and then the doorbell rang.

  Peyton opened the door, and there was a young boy that spoke no English. He tried to speak to Peyton several times, and the only thing she could make out was grounds and pool and Alley laughed.

  “Stop it Alley, help me out here would you?”

  “He says there is a grounds truck in the neighborhood too. He wants to know if you want the grounds tended to or just the pool.”

  “Oh, tell him just the pool.”

  “Sólo la piscina por favor,” she spoke.

  “Gracias, le gustaría limpieza y tratada?”

  “Do you want it treated too or just cleaned?” she turned and asked her mother after getting his response.

  “He can do both.”

  “Ambos por favor,” she explained, and he left to tend to the pool.

  “You never told me you were fluent in Spanish,” Trevas exclaimed.

  “She is fluent in Chinese and German too,” her mother offered.

  “Alley…is that true?” he asked, astounded.

  “Yeah, kind of and I just decided, I should start swearing in another language, and maybe it would keep you off of my back.”

  “I would know, and if you would just control your language, I wouldn’t be on your back.”

  “I can think of some instances where you never say a word about my language,” she retorted, and Trevas blushed.

  “Didn’t I hear you say you were going to take a shower?” Trevas asked, giving her a look to shut up.

  “No but, I do need to go do that.”

  “Good, go… get the hell out of here,” Trevas told her jokingly, and both she and Peyton laughed.

  Alley left to take a shower and Peyton, and Trevas started to chop up vegetables for their pizza. Peyton opened a beer and handed him one. He was pleasantly surprised at how much he liked her mom, and she was nothing like Alley at all, but then again neither was Fletcher, and he wondered where she got her attitude from.

  “I love how you handle my daughter Trevas,” Peyton told him as she chopped an onion, and he chopped a pepper.

  “I’m not sure anyone is truly capable of handling your daughter,” he replied, not entirely joking, and she laughed.

  “Yes she is one of a kind, and for the life of me, I don’t know where she gets it.”

  “Peyton, I hope you don’t think that I took advantage of your young teenage daughter. I fought my feelings for her ridiculously hard, and I do love the shit out of her. I’m not after anything from her. I just can’t seem to function without her, for some reason.”

  “I can tell that you love her Trevas, and she is totally in love with you and I know that, because of having to see her, the last couple of weeks, and watching her stop living and crying for hours and hours over you, it was horrible.”

  “I know, she called me and left me message after message, and it killed me, but I wouldn’t answer her because I was afraid of making it worse.”

  “Don’t hurt her Trevas, she is not as resilient and tough as she lets on to be,” Peyton requested in a soft serious tone.

  “Yes, I figured that out pretty quick and I would never hurt her. I know that her age will probably play a factor, and there may come a day that she needs to spread her wings, but I have spread mine. I’ve been with other women, and not one of them could knock me off my feet like she did.”

  Peyton just snickered, not sure how to respond to someone being in love with her daughter.

  “Tell me about this movie,” he requested.

  “It’s from one of Alley’s favorite books. I guess her dad made her go to some auditions a couple of weeks ago, and she ditched every one of the girls. Fletcher told me that one of the guys was getting pretty mad at her remarks, and told her if she could do any better, then get up there and do it. She did, and he said she was amazing, didn’t use a script and was a natural at it. He said they all had to pick up their jaws, including him.”

  “Has she ever done any acting, I mean like when she was a kid or anything?”

  Peyton snickered again. “No, I tried putting her in dance, acting classes, band, gymnastics, you name it, I tried it, and she quit every time. Alley only needed a book to keep her happy.”

  “Stop talking about me behind my back, and I quit because I didn’t want to do it, you made me, and I read books because I could imagine myself being someone else,” Alley scolded, and sat on the barstool to watch. She picked up Trevas’s beer and took a drink, and he looked to see her mother’s reaction, but she didn’t have one and he relaxed.
  The pizza looked wonderful, and Peyton sat it in the refrigerator because none of them were hungry yet. Peyton’s phone rang on the bar and Alley looked down at it.

  “It’s dad,” she offered.

  “Answer it,” her mother told her.

  “Um, no, that’s okay, you answer it,” she replied and handed it to her.

  She took the phone and walked into her office. Alley came to the kitchen and walked slowly to Trevas, and he knew what she was up to.

  “You get back on that stool, right this second,” he demanded.


  “I’m not kissing you,” he told her as she put her arms around his neck.

  “Yes you are,” she told him and stood on the tips of her toes to get closer to his lips.

  “You smell good,” he told her.

  “I taste good too.”

  “I am sure you do.”

  “Kiss me.”


  Alley slid her hand up his shirt and up his ribs and moved in just a little to his lips, but stopped, and he followed through, and parted her lips with his tongue. Her hand rubbing up his ribs and abs made him wish that he could take her right that second, and he wondered when they would get the chance to be alone again.

  Peyton cleared her throat, and Alley moved away.

  “Told you,” she said with a grin.

  “Told you what?” her mother asked, assuming that she was talking about her.

  “That he was going to kiss me,” she answered, and her mother dropped it and Trevas gave her a look for being so audacious.

  They ate the pizza later in the evening, and it was delicious, then they played 500, rummy and then a trivia game, which of course Alley beat them both.

  Peyton excused herself while Alley set up the trivia game, and Alley pulled her feet up under her, leaning toward Trevas while her mother was absent from the table.

  “Sit down,” Trevas demanded, already staring at her lips.

  “No, I want you to kiss me.”

  “No, your mother will be back any second.”

  Alley decided that she didn’t have time to persuade him this time, and kissed him instead, and he had no control, and responded until they heard Peyton clear her throat once again.

  It was almost eleven o’clock and Peyton was yawning.

  “One more and I quit,” she told them as she flipped over the next card. She didn’t know the answer, and it got passed to Trevas, and he didn’t know it either.

  Alley read the card next. “Somalia,” she answered.

  Trevas shook his head and laughed. “How in the hell would anyone know, what country has the most camels?”

  “I told you I read a lot,” she replied.

  “Obliviously,” he stated.

  “That’s it, I’m done.” Peyton told them, getting up and cleaning up beer cans. “I would tell Alley to show you where to sleep, but she has already informed me that she was sleeping wherever you do. So I will see you guys tomorrow, and wherever you end up, I don’t know anything.”

  Peyton left, and Trevas turned to Alley. “You are evil.”

  Alley didn’t reply and gave him the look that he knew all too well.

  “Let’s go to bed,” she whispered.

  “I don’t think we should sleep together Alley, your mother doesn’t approve, and you know it.”

  Alley got up and went to him. She put her leg over and straddled him in his chair. She touched his chest lightly, and then pulled her body to his, taking his mouth with hers. “I have been thinking about getting you in bed all day,” she whispered to his lips. She ground into him a couple of times, and he moaned a soft moan. “Take me to bed Trevas,” she whispered, and got up. He was under her spell and would have followed her through the gates of hell at that moment.

  He watched briefly as she stepped on the first step and removed her shirt and walked up, giving him her alluring stare, and of course he was right behind her.

  She stripped herself of her clothes, and lay on the bed, and he removed his shoes and shirt and went to her, wearing only his jeans. He took her tender body in his hands and kissed her so passionately that she thought she would faint. He moved to her throat and her breast, and he knew that this was not going to last as long as he wanted it too.

  “Trevas,” she whispered, and he moved back to her lips.

  “What baby?”

  “Go down on me,” she requested in between his kisses, and he smiled.

  “Alley, he whispered back.

  “What?” she softly spoke with erratic breathing.

  “Spread your legs,” he whispered, and was more than happy to kiss her all the way down to the destination she wanted.

  “Awe fuck,” she said, as soon as she felt him. Trevas didn’t know how much more he could take of her squirming beneath his mouth, and the lustful noises that were driving him crazy. He wanted to be in her, right that moment.

  Her hands robotically reached for the headboard, and she called out in pleasure. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she screamed in rapture, and as soon as Trevas knew she was good, he slid out of his jeans and moved in between her legs.

  “Wait a second Trevas,” she panted, and wanted the quivering between her legs to have a moment.

  “I can’t,” he admitted honestly and thrust into her.

  “Fuck,” she said again, arching her back as she felt him enter her.

  Trevas was right, and it was over way to soon. He took her quick and forcefully, and as soon as she was calling out profanity he went with her.

  Once their breathing was manageable, Trevas shifted his weight to her side and lay his hand on her stomach. He propped himself up on one elbow. “I love you,” he whispered, and she smiled over at him.

  “I love you too, and I’m so glad you are here.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “You do know that you are way over zealous in bed don’t you?”

  “Are you insinuating that it’s too much for you?”

  “No way, I love it,” he admitted.

  Alley laughed a short laugh. “I’m glad that you love it because I’m not sure that I could control it.”

  “I do wish you would control the language, you are way to pretty to talk like that.”

  “Well, I’m probably not going to, so you may just have to deal with it.”

  “Just come up with a new word, I hate hearing the F bomb coming out of your mouth.”

  “I’ll try,” she replied, with very little encouragement.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this movie?” he asked, massaging her stomach and hips.

  “I haven’t talked to you in three weeks, remember?”

  “That’s an escape. We talked until two o’clock in the morning last night.”

  “It wasn’t worth bringing up. I’m not playing in a movie so why does it matter?”

  “You’re not even going to think about it?”

  “No, I’m not, and I don’t need you on my back about it either,” she said, staring at him, and he sensed the attitude but didn’t much care, he was getting used to it.

  “What are your plans Alley? What are you going to do with your life? Are you going to college?”

  “No I’m not going to college. I’m going to buy a house in a quiet neighborhood on a cul-de-sac or something.”

  “That sounds like a good plan, but how are you going to do that? I mean, are mommy and daddy going to pay your way? This movie would give you your own money to do with what you want, and nobody said you ever had to do it again. You’re not even eighteen. It would be over in a year.”

  Alley was staring at him in disbelief. “Did you just use reverse psychology on me?” she asked.

  “No. I’m not trying to. I just want you to think it through before you just say no to something.”

  “Trevas, I hate this life. I don’t want to be like my mom, and be chased by the paparazzi my whole life.”

  “You don’t have to do it your whole life. It’s one movie.” Trevas kissed her lips.
“I’m not trying to sway you to do it at all. I just want you to kick it around, and not be so ambiguous about it. Don’t make it out to be more than it is.”

  Alley took a deep breath. “I do have my own bodyguard,” she teased.

  “Yes you do, and he loves guarding your body,” he teased back kissing her. She rolled over into his arms and cuddled her naked body against his.


  Trevas woke earlier than he cared to, but always did. He walked downstairs hoping that Peyton was an early riser too. She was not, and he searched through the cupboards to find coffee. He made the coffee and stirred up a breakfast casserole, and Peyton emerged. He got up from the stool and she sat on one herself, looking rough.

  “Coffee?” he asked.

  “Please,” she requested holding her head. “How much beer did we drink last night?”

  “Eighteen, between us, but I think you had a few up on me,” he joked, and slid her cup of hot coffee.

  “Right above your head there, is a bottle of ibuprofen, I need about three of them too,” she explained, and he took the bottle and gave her two, along with a look of, you’re not getting three. She smiled and shook her head.

  “Something smells good,” she exclaimed, thinking maybe food would settle her pissed off stomach.

  Trevas and Peyton talked while they enjoyed their coffee, mostly about Alley and her attitude, and then he told her about his mother being her number one fan. He took the casserole out of the oven and sat it on top of the stove, and his phone beeped in his pocket.

  “Come up here,” Alley text.

  “No, you come down here. Breakfast is ready.”

  “Get your fucking ass up here!” she demanded, and he shook his head, knowing that the talk he had with her the night before was long forgotten, and turned his phone to Peyton.

  “That’s our Alley,” she stated with the same look.

  “What do you want, you evil little princess?” Trevas asked, coming into her room and jumping on top of her. He kissed her and then tickled her, causing her to scream and thrash about, shouting for him to stop.

  He shifted his weight, and she snuggled up to him. “I wanted to talk to you about something very important,” she told him, loving him being in her bed and in his arms.