Read Starburst Page 22

  “Yes, I really do have to go. I would take her with me if she would go, but I know she won’t.”

  “You’re right, she won’t,” Alley said walking up to Trevas and kissing him.

  He kissed her but shook his head at her audacity.

  “I will go to Trevas’s tonight,” she stated.

  “I have to work for a couple of hours tonight Alley. Go to your dads and if he will let me, I will come and get you when I’m done.”

  “No I don’t need to go to my dad’s. I can stay home alone, I’m not six,” she demanded, and both Peyton and Trevas looked at each other, not liking it. Yes, she was an adult and was plenty old enough to stay by herself, but for some reason, she seemed to find trouble when she was un-supervised. “Just go do your thing and then come back here,” she requested.

  “It could be ten or eleven o’clock tonight before I’m done,” he explained.

  “So,” she said, getting irritated at the both of them.

  “I would rather you go to your dads Alley,” her mom gave her opinion.

  Alley twisted her mouth to the side, trying her best not to say what she wanted to say. “I’m not going to my dad’s,” she demanded, and left them and went back to her room.

  “If you promise you are going to come back here, I guess she can stay here. We are going to eventually have to trust her,” Payton told Trevas after she was gone.

  Trevas gulped the last drink of his coffee. “I better go put the fire out,” he told her and walked upstairs to Alley.

  “I don’t need a fucking babysitter Trevas,” she demanded as soon as he opened the door.

  “I was just coming into tell you that I would try and get out of this thing tonight, and bring us back Chinese and maybe a movie.”

  “You don’t have to get out of it because you don’t want me to be here alone. I’m fine here Trevas. I’m not going to do anything stupid. Go do what you need to do and come back tonight.”

  Trevas did go and stood at the outside entrance of the restaurant with paparazzi waiting to pounce on his famous clients, trying to have a romantic date. He was beginning to hate them as much as Alley did. He text her several times, and she finally told him to stop because she was fine and was going to soak in a hot bubble bath.

  His clients were done sooner than he expected. He went in as soon as he got the text that they were ready to come out. He escorted them to the back seat of the SUV, pushing the cameras out of their faces as he did. He drove them back to the boy friend’s house and made sure they were safely indoors before pulling out and leaving.

  “Evans,” Trevas answered Fletchers call, praying that Alley hadn’t left, and did something stupid.

  “Where are you?” He wanted to know.

  “On my way back to Peyton’s, why?”

  “Just wanted to make sure my daughter wasn’t going to be left alone for too long. I just tried to call her, and she didn’t answer.”

  “She was going to take a bath. I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “Trevas, why don’t you give up this security business and come and work for me full time?”

  “Doing what?” he asked curious.

  “I think you know what, basically what you did for seven weeks. Keep my daughter entertained and out of trouble. I hate to admit it, but I think you are good for her.”

  “I think Alley would get pretty tired of me being with her twenty four seven,” he explained.

  “Well I doubt that. For one, she is the one that called me earlier today begging me to offer you a full time job so that you wouldn’t go out of town anymore, and two, I don’t think she is going to tire of you anytime soon.”

  “She called you to get you to offer me a full time job?” he asked, and it kind of pissed him off. Who did she think she was? He knew exactly who she was. She was a spoiled little brat that got her way, her entire life. She knew that daddy would give her what she wanted. He was going to show her that she didn’t always get her way. He would leave for a few days, just to show her, she didn’t have as much power as she thought she did.

  “Yeah she did, but I want you with us during filming anyway so you may as well do it now.”

  “I will get back to you on that. I’m not sure I’m willing to let your little evil princess dictate when and where I work.”

  “I will leave you to deal with that one,” Fletcher replied, not wanting to touch that at all. “Text me and let me know that she is there and everything is okay.”

  “Sure,” he said and hung up.

  Alley was sitting on the sofa with wet hair, wearing a baggy t-shirt and reading when he came in.

  “Text your dad and tell him that I’m here, and you’re fine,” was the first words out of his mouth.

  “Hi, it’s nice to see you too,” she told him sarcastically, retrieving her phone to text her dad.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he said and started upstairs.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asked, blocking him from the bottom step.

  “I’m trying real hard to be mad at you, but you are so damn cute, it’s not easy.”

  “You talked to my dad, didn’t you?”

  Trevas kissed her quickly. “I did, and we will talk about it after bit. I’m going to grab a shower.”

  “Did you eat?” he asked, coming down in a pair of dark blue running pants with two white stripes running down the outside of both legs and a white t-shirt.

  “I warmed up a bowl of soup. Did you eat?”

  “No, I’m starving. Will you eat something if I cook?”

  “Yeah, I will eat with you,” she told him and walked to the kitchen. “Don’t be mad at me.” She walked into his arms, and he of course wrapped her in his.

  “You can’t demand your dad to give me a job because you don’t want me to work late nights or be gone for a few days.”

  “Yes I can. I hate it when you’re not here.”

  Trevas wondered if she was too attached. Did he need to distance himself from her some? He knew it wouldn’t work. He was just as attached to her and couldn’t wait to be with her, even when he was only gone for a couple of hours like tonight.

  “When do you leave for Australia?”

  “When do we leave?” she corrected him, not about to go without him. “We leave not this weekend but the next,” she added.

  “Let’s go to the cabin next week,” Trevas requested.

  “That sounds awesome, but I’m not sure it will work for my dad. I think he has things I have to do next week.”

  “Well find out, if I’m not allowed to work, we may as well get away from here before our world is flipped upside down.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not,” she wished, kissing him and sat at the bar so that he could cook.

  “I have a feeling we both might regret our decisions,” he stated as he separated bacon to fry.

  “Don’t say that Trevas, it will be fine, and we will be finished in no time,” she replied, trying to convince herself more than him. She knew what she was getting into. She had been rushed to vehicles and vacant rooms many of times with her mother, trying to get away from the fans and the cameras. She just hoped that she didn’t become as popular as her mother and decided a long time ago that she wouldn’t be as friendly and outgoing with the public as her mother, hoping it would help.

  “And then what?” he asked, moving the bacon around with a fork, not looking at her.

  Alley stared at him intently. “I don’t know Trevas, you tell me and then what.”

  Their serious conversation was interrupted when Trevas’s phone rang on the bar in front of Alley.

  “It’s your mom,” she said, looking down at it.

  “Answer it.”

  “Hello Kay. How are you?”

  “I’m good Alley. How are you doing? Are you ready for your big movie?”

  Alley groaned. “I guess, as ready as I will ever be. I still can’t believe I agreed to this.”

  “I’m excited for you. You will do great, don’t worry abou
t it.”

  “I know I will do great,” she said modestly. “That’s not what I’m worried about. It’s the publicity that I don’t want.”

  “I think you have to take one with the other dear.”

  “Yes I know. I just hope it goes fast.”

  “It will. I’m coming there for a few days next week. We are going to do the auction at my parents place next week, and I would love, love, love you forever if you introduced me to your mother.”

  Alley laughed, “Okay, but only if you promise to love me forever.”

  “Yes,” she exclaimed excited, and Alley laughed again.

  “Do you want to talk to Trevas?” she asked and then saw Trevas shaking his head as he cracked eggs. “Never mind he said he would call you back. He is busy cooking.”

  “Okay tell him to clean his apartment, I’m staying on his couch for a few days.”

  “Got it,” she said and they said goodbye.

  “We are not going to the cabin,” Alley told Trevas, and he looked up puzzled.


  “Your mom is coming in. They are doing the auction at your grandparents next Wednesday. Are you making breakfast?” she asked, watching him flip eggs.

  “Oh well, it was a thought anyway, and yes we are having breakfast for supper. Is that okay?”

  “No,” she said with a serious face and he turned to look at her.

  “Really?” he asked, thinking, now what?”

  Alley laughed. “Yes breakfast sounds and smells really good. I just wanted to see if you would make me something else if I said no.”

  “What do you think?”

  “Hmm, I guess it could go either way. If I was being an evil princess, as you say, you would tell me to eat it, but if you really thought I didn’t want it, I would say you would fix me whatever I wanted.”

  “I would say you are right on both accounts,” he smiled at her. “And I love the shit out of you.”

  Alley laughed, and he sat her plate of fried eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast in front of her.

  “Do you really expect me to eat all of this? Can I have some ketchup?”

  Trevas sat the ketchup in front of her. “Please tell me you want it for the potatoes and you are not one of those people who eat it on their eggs.”

  Alley looked at him, and he knew she was going to dump it on her eggs, he just shook his head as she did.

  Trevas and Alley were in bed pretty early and after arguing over the cooking channel or MTV Alley turned it off and lay in his arms. He kissed her hair and pulled her close to him. Her legs felt warm and soft on his as they entwined them together.

  “You never answered my question earlier,” Alley asked, and although Trevas knew what she was talking about he asked anyway.

  “What question is that?”

  “The one that you were going to tell me what we are doing after all of this is over.”

  “I can’t answer that. Can you? I don’t think it needs an answer. We don’t know what is going to happen in nine months or a year from now.”

  “I want to move to Utah and buy a house there. With you,” she added.

  “That is an option but let’s not make any plans. I have to be able to find work and you need to figure out what you want to do with your life.”

  “What do you mean what do I want to do with my life? I just told you what I wanted.”

  “And you think that you would be satisfied just moving to Utah and not working? I mean what do you want to do? What have you thought about doing when you grew up?”

  “When I was a kid I always wanted to be a mailman.”

  Trevas laughed, “You can be a mailman if you want.”

  “I have thought about being a writer and I have also thought about being an English teacher, but I’m not sure my personality could handle that.”

  “I think that your personality would be an asset to you teaching English.”

  “Well, I guess you are right, and neither of us can answer that question yet, but I do know that whatever we do, it will be together, right?”

  “I hope that too. Now stop talking and take your clothes off,” he teased.

  “No,” she answered, not moving her head from his chest to look at him.



  “You do realize that I am trained to take you down don’t you?”

  “But that would be against my will.”

  “Okay,” Trevas said and moved her off of him, turning his back toward her. “If that’s how you want it. I wouldn’t want to force you to do something that you didn’t want to do.”

  Alley rolled over too, putting her back to him to the far side of the bed. “You know you will crack before I do,” she accused, sounding very confident.

  “We’ll see, my evil princess.”

  Alley rolled to her back and tossed her shirt over his face from her side of the king size bed. Trevas pulled it off and turned to look at her, and she smiled back with an evil grin.

  “I’m still not cracking,” he promised, and watched her remove her skimpy panties from under the covers and toss them to him as well.

  “You are very malicious, but guess what? I’m still not giving in.”

  “Okay,” she said and pulled the covers down to the top of her hips, exposing only her breast. His mouth started to water as he watched her slide her hand beneath the covers. She moaned and closed her eyes as he watched her arm moving, doing what he knew she was doing, and his own parts were reacting out of control. Trevas watched the covers move up and down and tried to move the covers down more, but she stopped him, and held them over her with her free hand.

  “Uh-uh,” she said with narrowed eyes. “You’re not cracking, remember?”

  “But you cheat.”

  “I don’t think so. There are no rules, so it’s not cheating without rules being placed.”

  Alley moaned again and arched her back, and he was giving in. He didn’t care if he lost anymore. He would give the evil little princess her way if it meant he would have his way with her.

  Alley meant to just tease him and she wasn’t really planning on finishing without him, but the more she penetrated herself, knowing that he was watching, enjoying the show, the closer she got to igniting. Her breathing picked up when the speed of her hand picked up, and she too was ready to give up, he could win, and she didn’t care anymore.

  “Awe fuck Trevas, I forfeit,” she called out getting closer wanting him inside her.

  “Don’t stop baby,” he pleaded and removed the covers and his shorts. He moved between her legs and waited for the finally so that he could enter her.

  “Fuck…fuck…” she called, and with one more loud, erotic and lustful moan, he knew she was there and pushed himself deep into her causing another moan. “Wait,” she tried, putting her hands on his chest to stop him, needing a second to come down. Trevas couldn’t wait, and moved forcefully into her deep and hard, and it was over way too soon. He was breathing with the pace of her breaths.

  Trevas kissed her long and passionate, and he didn’t think he could possibly love anyone as much as he loved her. “You have got to be the hottest evil princess on earth,” he told her to her lips, and she smiled on his.

  “Yeah but I lost, so now you can rub it in and say that you’re stronger than I am.”

  “You didn’t lose. I cracked as soon as you took your shit off.”

  “I love you,” she whispered to his lips, and she meant it. She didn’t think it was possible to love anyone as much as she loved him and she knew he felt the same way, she could feel it in every part of her being.

  Alley fell asleep with a smile, snuggled up to his warm body and Trevas held her tight loving the feel of her just as much.

  Chapter 12

  Alley woke to her phone ringing and looked at the clock reading seven thirty in the morning.

  “Dad, what?” she answered, agitated.

  “Come downstairs,” he demanded.

  “What? Why? Where
are you?”

  “Downstairs, I would have come up there, but I was afraid of what I would open the door to.”

  “Well that was smart on your part. What do you want?”

  “Will you just get your skinny ass down here?”

  Alley groaned. “Trevas get up. My dad is here.” She shook him, trying to wake him and got up, getting dressed.

  “You go,” he said rolling over to his stomach, pulling the pillow over his head.

  Alley shook her head in disgust but left him to find out why her dad was there so early and what he wanted.

  “This better be important,” she demanded as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail, descending the steps.

  “It is, you’re mother and I talked about having a graduation party for you, but we decided you would hate us, and probably not come if we did.”

  “Good thinking,” she replied.

  “So I thought about what I could do to make you realize how proud of you that I am, and the only thing I could come up with is outside.”

  Alley looked at him in a peculiar way. “What did you do?”

  “Come on,” he exclaimed, sounding way too excited for this time of morning.

  “What do you think?” Fletcher asked, with his hands palm up, directing her eyes to the new pearl white Acura ZDX, with red trim.

  “You bought me a car?” Alley asked, more puzzled than excited, mainly over the fact that he was blowing up her phone the night before because she was home alone, and now today he shows up with a car? She pressed her lips together and twisted her mouth, trying to keep from spatting off something about being bipolar. She walked down the concrete steps to the sporty looking SUV.

  It was a beautiful car, and she loved the black leather seats, trimmed in thin red lines. The dash was sleek, and it felt like it wrapped around you as she sat in the driver’s seat. Fletcher got in on the passenger side with a ridiculously huge grin. Alley started it up, and the dash came alive with soft neon blue lights. She turned on the radio and looked at her dad when she cranked it up to see what kind of sound it had, and it was incredible.

  “You would be excited about that,” he stated, still carrying a big smile.