Read Starburst Page 21

  “Sure,” he answered.

  She stood directly in front of him, and when he took the beer she held onto it and touched his hand with hers, looking up to him with seductive a smile.

  “Peyton?” was all he could seem to get out, wondering what the hell she was up to.

  She let go of the beer but stayed close to his body with hers. He could smell the expensive perfume that she wore and could see the cleavage from her lose fitting shirt.

  “I was thinking Trevas,” she said with the same look and a small smile.

  “What were you thinking?” he asked, hoping it wasn’t what he was thinking she was thinking.

  “I have to go out of town in a couple of days. Why don’t you escort me?” she moved her hand to his chest to the top button of his white shirt.

  Trevas spun away from her. “Peyton, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What Trevas, you don’t want to spend a couple of days with me?” she asked, walking back to him.

  “NO! Stop it Peyton, you’re really creeping me out here. Are you already drunk?” he asked in disbelief. “Where is Alley?” he wanted to know, not wanting to be alone with her anymore.

  “She is in the shower, and no I’m not drunk. I just find you to be incredibly sexy,” she replied, with the seductive tone again, and this time she found his bare chest with her hand. He removed it and took both of her hands, and pulled her to the other side of the bar, making her sit on the other side.

  “Have you lost your mind?” he asked, once he was safely on the other side and had a barrier between them.

  Peyton laughed. “No… Fletcher, bet me a blowjob, that if given the chance you would have sex with me.”

  “What? Why?” he wanted to know, still a little freaked out by her sudden outburst.

  “It was just a conversation about Alley. He still thinks that you are just taking advantage of her, and it’s all about the sex.”

  “So, we’re good here?” he asked, pointing his finger from her to him, not wanting the awkwardness between him and her to inhibit him and Alley.

  She laughed again. “Yes Trevas, we’re good.”

  “Thank God. You really freaked me out there. Don’t ever do that again,” he demanded with a sigh of relief.

  “Now you’re giving me a complex,” she stated.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel….I mean…it’s just…you know…I do think you are stunning…It’s just…like….Alley….she like came out of there…I mean,” Trevas stuttered trying to let her know that it wasn’t her, and she laughed.

  “Trevas its fine, I get it. I would have thrown you out of my house if you would have agreed. Forget it and keep this between you and I, okay?”

  “No, problem,” he agreed, and things were quickly back to normal between them, and she was bragging on his homemade salsa.

  “What do you think about having a surprise graduation party for Alley?” she asked, dipping another chip.

  “I think she would hate it and be furious with you, and if you do that I want no part of it,” he told her honestly, knowing Alley would not be happy.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right, but I feel like we should do something for her. I mean it’s a big deal. I never thought we would get her through high school.”

  “Don’t have a party, take her some place or do something else.”

  Chapter 11

  Trevas’s eyes met Alley’s as she walked down the stairs, wearing low riding jeans, a tight black t-shirt that of course showed her midsection and bare feet. She walked right up to him, not caring that her mother was sitting right across from them, and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  “Hi,” she said, looking up to him.

  “Hi,” he said back and she kissed him again. “Your mother is watching us,” he stated.

  “I don’t care, I missed you.”

  Trevas smiled. “Good because I missed you too.”

  “I will let you two have a moment. I’m going to grab a shower,” Peyton told them with a smile, proud that Trevas turned her down, and she could tell that he did love her daughter.

  Alley turned her head to make sure her mother was gone and then moved her lips back to his. She stopped just inches from his lips, and he watched her part hers for him as an invitation. Trevas took her mouth and wrapped her in his arms, loving the feel of her body on his.

  “Damn, I should have picked you up and taken you to my house,” he whispered, kissing her neck.

  “I hate you leaving for three days,” Alley told him and tried to pull away from him, but he pulled her back.

  “Where are you going? I wasn’t done with you.”

  “I’m getting away from you before I start taking my clothes off,” she explained as he kissed her again.

  “I like the sound of that,” he replied, moving his hand under her shirt. He moved his fingers through the lace V of her bra and teased her nipple while he shoved his tongue in her mouth again, causing her to moan.

  “Damn it, Trevas…Stop,” she demanded, backing up again.

  “Why?” he whispered, pulling her back again, kissing her throat.

  “You know why.”

  “Tell me,” he whispered, kissing her just below her ear.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she moaned, tilting her head back to give him full access of her throat.

  “Can I see?” he whispered, moving down her neck.

  “See what?”

  “If I’m driving you crazy.”

  “No you cannot see, unless you are going to take me upstairs right this second.”

  “Just let me touch you,” he pleaded.

  “No,” she demanded, and spun around to get away from him, but he held onto her, and she was now standing with her back to his chest. His hand stilled on her stomach holding her to him. He kissed her neck from behind and moved his hand to the front of her jeans. He unbuttoned her jeans and in one quick movement, she gasped and felt his fingers slide up her.

  “You feel so good baby,” he whispered, and her eyes closed. She didn’t want him to stop, he too felt good, and she wanted more but knew they had to stop.

  “Trevas please stop,” she begged. She knew that her words were the only thing that was going to save her. Her body had given in as soon as she saw him, and his touch was like a magnet, and she was the metal that couldn’t stay away from his attraction.

  Trevas let her go, and she abruptly moved away from him, zipping her jeans. He took his wallet from his back pocket. “I brought you something,” he told her, and she turned back to him to watch.

  She laughed when he held up the rolled joint. “Yes…” she exclaimed, excited. “Where did you get that?”

  “It’s around,” he stated, remembering what she had told him.

  Alley took it from his hand. “Let’s go smoke it now,” she demanded, excited.

  Trevas took it back, placing it back in the crease of his wallet. “No, my evil princess, not until your mother goes to bed.”

  Peyton sat in the recliner, Trevas and Alley sat on the couch, and of course Alley didn’t care that her mother was there and moved close to Trevas and lifted his arm herself. Alley read on her Kindle while her mom and Trevas watched the cooking channel, waiting for Peyton to come on. Trevas discreetly traced Alley’s back from her jeans. He no longer cared about watching her mother on T.V. and just wanted to get her alone. Every emotion in his body was focused on her and she made it worse by seductively looking up to him and playing with the back of his hand with her fingers.

  Trevas took his phone from his jeans when it beeped, letting him know of a new text message. He saw that it was Chase, and opened it. Alley read it too.

  “Can you do a week in New York, leaving Sunday?”

  “No Trevas,” Alley immediately told him, and Peyton looked over but didn’t respond, minding her own business.

  “I will let you know tomorrow,” Trevas text back.

  Alley moved to the other end of the couch and retrieved
her own phone from the stand.

  “Don’t you dare Trevas,” she text and after the beep, he muted it and text back.

  “Alley I have to work.”

  “Work around here!” she demanded.

  “We will talk about it later, okay?”

  “Would you two like for me to leave so that you don’t have to text each other?” Peyton finally asked.

  Alley lay down and breathed an exasperated breath. “No. I’m not talking to him anymore,” she pouted, and he smiled at her amused. She put her bare feet on his lap and continued to read her book. Trevas lay his hand on the top of her foot and rubbed the bottom with his thumb. She ground into him with the heel of her foot, and then gave him a tempting look when he looked at her, telling her to stop with his eyes.

  Trevas text her again, “I want you out of these jeans,” he said, and then got a rush of nervous adrenaline when she stood up and took them off.

  “What the hell are you doing? Your mother is sitting right there,” he stated, shocked at her brashness.

  “So, I would take them off is she wasn’t here, and I would take them off if you weren’t here, so what does it matter? Their uncomfortable, don’t worry, I will cover up,” she said and pulled the thin quilt from the back of the couch while Peyton shook her head at her daughter.

  Trevas and Peyton looked at each other, both with amused looks and Trevas text her again.

  “I’m going to choke you until your eyes pop out,” he said, and she laughed, and Peyton knew that they were still texting each other.

  “I was just giving you what you wanted,” she text back.

  “I didn’t mean right this second.”

  “I know,” she text and smiled an evil smile.

  Finally, it was time for the show and Alley sat up to pay attention, more for her benefit than her mom’s. She needed to see how her mom presented herself and how she interacted with the host and the audience. She was going to have to do these shows, and knew nothing about relating to a group of people or an interview.

  They watched the monolog and Peyton sat up excited when Mickey told the audience that they had a great show tonight. “The beautiful Peyton Paxton and Brady Swift, with the long awaited new movie Black 2, folks don’t go away we’ll be back right after this.”

  Mickey took her hand, and she was dressed in a beautiful red dress that showed a lot of cleavage and her beautiful long legs. Her black stilettos had red soles and were at least two inches high. Mickey Blue kissed her on the cheek, and she did the same as she sat down and waved to the audience, who were screaming and going nuts at her presence.

  They discussed her movie and then he asked about Alley’s movie, and she wanted to know where he got his information. He joked and told her she would be surprised. They watched a clip of the movie and the audience again screamed at the love scene that they had picked.

  “Mom, I can’t do that. You are so natural up there in front of everyone. I would never be able to do that,” Alley told her in a pleading tone.

  “You will be fine Alley, I felt that way the first time too. Trust me.”

  They continued to watch, and they all laughed several times at Peyton’s come backs to him and then when Brady Swift came out, they were both laughing so hard when they explained to him and the audience, how in one, scene, she lost her balance and took him down a bank with her and they ended up using it in the movie. Brady joked and told them that he broke his pinky toe during the ordeal.

  They watched the twenty minute segment of Peyton and Brady and then saw headlights come through the window.

  Peyton got up to look out. “Alley its James, put your clothes on,” she demanded.

  “We’ll just go upstairs,” she replied, and got up and took her jeans.

  “You don’t have to leave,” she told her.

  “I’m sure you don’t mind us leaving you alone with James,” she said and pulled Trevas’s hand up from the couch.

  Trevas watched her walk upstairs in her skimpy lace panties, and she again was causing quite the stir in his jeans. She walked right to the window and opened it up, sitting on the padded bench in front of it.

  She held her hand out to Trevas, and he knew exactly what she wanted. He took the joint from his wallet and she lit it, tapping the bench beside of her for him to sit.

  His hands automatically went to her bare legs, and she moved them.

  “You’re not letting me touch you?” he asked, taking the joint from her.

  “Not unless you promise that you are not going to leave me for a week,” she replied, trying to hold the smoke in.

  “You can’t use sex to get me to do what you want, that’s extortion.”

  “Yes I can,” she said, taking the joint again. “What are you going to do, have me arrested for extortion?”

  “Alley, I have to work. Why can’t you understand that?”

  “I can understand that, but you already have a job. We are going to Australia in two weeks, and you are going too.”

  “You are extremely difficult, you do know that don’t you?”

  “Trevas, I just don’t want you to leave for a whole week. I hate it,” she whined.

  Trevas took a deep breath and couldn’t believe that he was going to do what he was about to do. He took out his phone and text Chase.

  “I think I’m just going to work around LA next week, but thanks for the offer.”

  Alley smiled at him as he hit send.

  “I didn’t do that because you are a spoiled brat. I only did it because I’m dying to get you naked.”

  Alley got up and hid the half of a joint in her desk drawer. “What are you waiting for?” she quietly said, standing across the room from him.

  He stared at her half naked body and Peyton knocked on the door, interrupting.

  “What…don’t come in here,” she protested, turning the little knob to lock the door.

  “Alley, she is going to think we are having sex,” Trevas whispered.

  “Would you rather her think we were in here smoking pot?”

  “Oh shit, I forgot about that.”

  “Come down and eat ice-cream with us,” Peyton called through the door.

  “We don’t want ice-cream mom.”

  “Come on, you have all night. Come down.”

  “No mom. Goodnight.”

  “Fine,” she called and left.

  “We are not smoking in here again,” Trevas demanded.

  “Come here,” Alley whispered, and lay on the bed.

  Trevas stood at the end of the bed and watched as she took her shirt off and then slid out of her panties.

  “You’re kind of irresistible,” Trevas told her with narrowed eyes.

  “I am irresistible, and I need you right now,” she stated, and he came to her.

  He kissed her long and passionate, and she rolled him off and straddled him. She unbuttoned his jeans, and he slid out of them. She took him and stroked him several times not taking her eyes from his, except when he closed them in a pleasurable moan.

  Alley moved up him and continued to move up until she was over top of his mouth. He slid down a little to get better access. Her hands held the headboard as her head fell back and she felt the implausible feeling of his tongue.

  “Awe, fuck Trevas,” she moaned, twisting above him, which made him even more excited. He penetrated her with his mouth until she was complete, and couldn’t handle another second of his torture.

  “Fuck…Fuck…Fuck,” she moaned, and he quickly flipped her over.

  “Uh-uh,” she said, and made him roll back to his back. She stroked him a couple more times and straddle him again, but this time she didn’t face him and slid him into her sitting backwards on him.

  “Hmm,” she moaned as she took all of him.

  She felt amazing, and Trevas thought he would release in a matter of seconds. And although she did feel incredible, he didn’t want her on top, he wanted to be in control, and after what he thought was ample enough time for her, he spun
her off again and moved between her legs.

  “Why do you think you always have to be in control?” he asked, pushing deep into her, causing her back to arch, her eyes to close and her hands to clinch the sheets all at the same time.

  “Awe fuck, control me,” she begged in just above a whisper, and he did just that. He took her fast and hard until she was calling out sacrilege again, and he escaped with her.

  They both breathed hard and rapid as there heartbeats kept perfect rhythm and they came down from their glorious high together.

  Trevas kissed her lightly. “I love you,” he whispered to her lips.

  “I love you too,” she replied.


  Peyton was sitting on the stool at the island separating the dining room and kitchen when Trevas came down. Her friend James was standing between her legs, kissing her when Trevas awkwardly cleared his throat.

  “I’ve got to go,” he told her, kissed her once more on top of the head and saw himself out.

  “Where’s the coffee?” Trevas asked. “And go put some clothes on. What is it with the Fletcher girls running around half naked?” he asked, not looking at her, wearing nothing but a short t-shirt as he started the morning coffee.

  “I’m not a Fletcher,” she demanded, and left to pull on a pair of sweats.

  He poured them both a cup of coffee and stared at her.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “James Brazen uh?” he asked, amused.

  “Shut the hell up, you’re in my house remember?”

  Trevas laughed. “And the claws come out. Like mother like daughter,” he teased, and she had to laugh at him.

  “What are you two doing today?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Whatever Alley tells me I’m doing,” he joked, sort of.

  “You’re probably right. I need to go out of town for a couple of days. I need to know what she is doing.”

  “I have to do an escort tonight for a dinner party,” he told her.

  “Well I guess she is going to have to go to her dads then.”

  “You really are going out of town?” He asked, thinking about her disturbing request the day before.