Read Starburst Page 26

  Trevas kissed her head again. “Yes you can take my car.”

  Alley woke to Trevas staring at the ceiling with his hands over his head the following morning, and she knew he was having some trepidation about the auction. She rolled over to him, and he moved his arm down to hold her.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go through this Trevas,” she softly told him, kissing his chest.

  “Me too, but I will be glad to get it over with.”

  “You know that I’m going with you, don’t you?”

  Trevas smiled, and Alley’s phone buzzed from the dresser, he reached over and grabbed it. “I figured you would,” he replied handing her phone.

  He looked at the text message from her friend Frankie.

  “Haven’t heard from you, you still alive?”

  Alley moved herself a little to text back.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I don’t think I will be getting drunk or getting anymore tattoos for a while, but I’m good.”

  Trevas snorted, but was glad she told her that she wouldn’t be around.

  “The media have been driving us crazy wanting to know if you got a tattoo and what it was.”

  “I’m not worried about that, I know you guys have my back.”

  “Yeah we kind of told them that you were here donating money for the tattoo dying wish foundation.”

  “LOL, good, nosey, fucking bastards anyway, tell Alfie and Lake hey for me.”

  “Will do, you take care girl.”

  “You too Frankie.”

  “Come on, I will make us some breakfast,” Trevas told her when her phone rang, and she saw that it said dad. She let it ring, debating on whether or not to answer it.

  “Answer it Alley,” Trevas demanded and she slid it open but didn’t speak.

  “I know you’re there,” Fletcher said.

  “What do you want dad?”

  “I want to say that I’m still very mad at you, but I’m sorry for overreacting, and yes I still want you to do this movie.”

  “Fine, I’m busy, I will talk to you later.”

  “Alley, don’t stay mad at me. Come over Friday night for a party.”

  “I don’t want to come to one of your parties. You have a party every weekend.”

  “I do not.”

  “Pretty much you do. You have a party because you bought a new shirt or because it’s Friday.”

  “That’s not true, and besides your mom and Kay are coming.”

  “They are?”

  “Yes, so you should come too.”

  “Dad I don’t want to come because Trevas has to pretend to be security and I can’t be with him.”

  “Alley, we made a deal, and it has to be that way, at least until this movie is over.”

  “I highly doubt he is going to want to come and stand on the sidelines at one of your parties, especially with me, mom and his mom all being there.”

  “I bet he won’t mind, his friend Chase is going to be here, they can catch up.”

  “I will let you know. I have to go dad.”

  “Okay, I will talk to you later.”

  “I’ll be down in a little bit, I’m going to take a bath,” Alley told Trevas and kissed his lips.

  Peyton was sitting at the bar with her head in her hands drinking coffee when Trevas came down and poured himself a cup.

  “Rough night?” he asked.

  “Go to hell,” she spat out, and he laughed.

  “Is your friend still here?” he asked.

  “What friend?” she asked, wondering how he knew that James had stayed. He was in bed when they got home, and James left just after daylight.

  “The one that was causing you to make all the noise last night,” he teased.

  “You’re crazy, your just trying to embarrass me because you got caught going down on my daughter yesterday,” she stated, and he felt his face become flush.

  “It’s no wonder Alley is as audacious as she is,” he told her, not believing she just said that out loud to him. “And I had to close the glass door last night because yours was open too,” he added, and she looked up at him.

  “Shit, it was, wasn’t it?”

  “Yup,” he replied sticking it in.

  “Shut up, where’s your mom?” she wondered, wanting her to save her from the conversation that they didn’t need to be having.

  “She went into Arvin to spend the day with my grandparents. She didn’t want to go after the auction, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to hide her sadness after watching their lives being sold.”

  “What time is the auction?”

  “Not until five.”

  “I want to come too.”

  “You do?” Trevas asked shocked.

  “Yes, I think your mom is going to need a friend.”

  “That is very thoughtful of you Peyton.”

  “Not really, I love your mom, and no matter what happens between you and Alley, I think we will always remain friends.”

  “Nothing is going to happen between Alley and me,” he said almost defensively.

  “You really love her don’t you Trevas?”

  “I love her so much it’s stupid.”

  Peyton laughed. I’m glad you love her.

  Trevas was leaned over the bar across from Peyton when Alley came down and scooted her body between his and the bar. He looked down at her with an amused smile.

  “Do you think you belong there?” he teased.

  “I know I belong here,” she retorted, and he kissed her cheek when she turned to look at him.

  “Your mom is going to the auction with us.”

  “You are mom?” she asked, wondering about the paparazzi following them.

  “Yeah I think I should be there for Kay.”

  “You act like you two are best friends or something, but I do think that is very sweet of you.”

  “We kind of are best friends, or something. We have spent a lot of time talking while you two are off doing lord knows what.”

  “You know what mom, you caught us,” Alley joked, and Trevas teasingly shook her by her by her arms.


  Peyton wore a sun hat and dark glasses. She and Alley sat in the back seat. Trevas pulled through the gate and watched out the rearview mirror as the black car pulled out and followed him. He wasn’t about to have paparazzi standing around taking pictures while his grandparents belongings were being auctioned to the highest bidder.

  “Hang on ladies, we’re going for a ride,” he announced and tromped on the gas. He drove in and out of traffic, down a couple of Alleys and pulled into a parking garage to wait a few minutes. When he pulled back into traffic the coast was clear, and he drove to the older neighborhood where his grandparents’ house was. There were quite a bit of people there, and it completely pissed him off when he saw trucks pulling trailers, waiting to get their hands on their stuff so that they could flip it and make a profit.

  Alley wanted to hold his hand as they closed in on the crowd and found Kay and Trevas’s sister Anna. Kay introduced Anna to Peyton, and she could hardly contain her excitement, not believing that she was standing next to Peyton Paxton. She had already met Alley at the nursing home and said hi to her. Nobody seemed to recognize Peyton or pay any attention. There was a lot of stuff, strung about the many tables. The garage was full, and there were boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations.

  Trevas and his mother exchanged a glance as they auctioned off the decorations, both remembering how much her mother had loved Christmas and spent weeks decorating for the holiday. The auction was going on and on, and by the time they got to the rabbit figurine collection that Grandma May had collected for years, Kay was crying, and Trevas had to walk away. They were down to the garage stuff, and he had, had enough. Alley started to follow him, and he politely asked her if he could have a minute, she smiled a warm smile up at him and nodded.

  Kay took Trevas’s car and followed Anna to spend the night with her. Trevas drove home with a very quiet somber ride. Peyton
and Alley both felt horrible for Kay, Anna and Trevas. Alley couldn’t imagine having to auction off her parents belongings. Peyton’s mother had passed away when Alley was only four, but she made a pact to herself that she was going to fly to Florida to see her father as soon as she had a chance.

  Trevas shut the car off and got out and opened the door for Peyton and Alley. Peyton went inside when she saw that Trevas wasn’t coming.

  “Can I borrow your car for a little bit?” Trevas asked Alley.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just for a drive.”

  “Yes you can take my car,” she replied, looking up to him and wanting to lean into his arms and hating the fact that she couldn’t in fear of their pictures being taken. “You don’t want company?” she asked, wanting him to need her.

  “I love your company. I just need to get away, alone for a little bit.”

  “Trevas please don’t push me away. Let me be here for you.”

  Trevas studied her for a minute. “Fine, go tell your mom we will be back in a little while,” he said giving in. He did feel like he needed her at that moment, and wanted her to change his gloomy mood, which she always did.

  Trevas drove to the Hollywood Reservoir and parked the car.

  “What are we doing?” Alley asked, after not speaking the whole ride.

  “Going for a walk,” he smiled, and got out to open her door.

  They walked along a path and through some brush, Trevas held her hand to help her over a tree lying over in the woods.

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to leave the trails here Trevas,” Alley told him ducking from briars and stepping over rocks.

  “We’re not going to tell anyone,” he teased.

  They walked for about twenty minutes, and finally came upon a stone wall, overlooking the city.

  “You’ve been here before?” she asked, more of a statement than a question.

  “Yes, I have been her a few times. It’s quiet here.”

  “Do you want me to be quiet?” she asked, not sure how to be there for him.

  “No, I want you to park your skinny little butt right here beside of me,” he answered, squatting and dangling his feet from the stone wall about thirty feet from the ground.

  Alley pulled a neatly twisted joint from her shirt pocket, and handed it to him with a smile, and he leaned in and kissed her.

  “I love you,” he quietly told her.

  “I love you too,” she replied, and he took her hand as she pulled the lighter from her pocket. They sat on the wall and talked for two hours, and ended up smoking the whole thing. It was pitch black out by the time they had left, and Trevas had to hold her hand the whole walk back, and after stumbling his way through the weeds and brush, he wished they would have left earlier.

  “Thank you for insisting that you come with me,” he told her on the ride back.

  “I didn’t insist. I was just hoping that you needed me.”

  “I always need you baby,” he said kissing, her knuckles.

  “Your mom is here Trevas,” Alley said, seeing his car parked in the drive.

  “Hmm, I hope everything is okay,” he replied.

  Alley and Trevas entered the house, and Peyton and Key were by the pool drinking beer and listening to music. They heard them laughing through the screen, and knew everything was okay.

  “What are you doing here mom? I thought you were staying with Anna tonight.

  “She got called into work for surgery, so I figured I may as well come back here with you, but you weren’t here.”

  “Your sister is a doctor?” Alley asked, from his side.

  “No, she’s an operating room nurse.”

  Trevas and Alley visited with them for a while, and then left them to their party and went to bed. Alley had to be at the ‘Spot’ studio by nine the next morning for a magazine photo shoot that she was not looking forward too.

  Chapter 14

  “Come on, sleepy head,” Trevas called, shaking Alley to get up. “We have to leave here in an hour, get up.”

  Alley moaned and rolled over to her stomach, and Trevas pulled the covers off of her, which was his first mistake, when his eyes automatically went to the hot pink thong. He threw the covers back over her butt and got up, knowing that if he didn’t, they were not getting up for a while.

  Trevas yelled for her again, and then left her, and was going to start breakfast, but when he got downstairs, Peyton and his mother were already in the kitchen cooking. He smiled, happy that his mother was having such a good time with her and enjoying her week there.

  “Good morning,” he said and kissed his mom on the cheek.

  “What about me? I don’t get a kiss on the cheek?” Peyton teased, tapping her cheek with her finger.

  “Hell no, you scare me,” he teased, and bent down to her cheek, kissing her too.

  “Are you ever going to let me live that down?” she asked, stirring the eggs in the skillet.

  “Yes, I’m never going to mention it again,” he lied.

  Trevas poured a cup of coffee and sat at the bar across from them. He picked up his phone and text Alley.

  “Are you up?”

  “Yes, getting in the tub, come here.”

  “I can’t”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re naked.”

  “LOL, get up here.”

  “Not until you tell me what you want.”

  “I want you inside me.”

  “I knew it was a conspiracy. I’m not coming.”

  “Fine, I will just take care of it myself.”

  “Now where are you going?” Kay asked when he got up and darted up the stairs.

  “To go see what my little evil princess wants.”

  “How do you know she wants something?”

  “They sit and text each other Kay,” Peyton explained, “even if they are sitting right beside of each other.”

  Alley was leaned up against the countertop, naked with her hands on each side of her holding the ledge with her ankles crossed waiting for him.

  “You are evil, you do know that right?” he asked, taking her naked body in his arms and kissing her. She didn’t reply and moaned at his touch and his kiss. He lifted her to the sink, and she unbuttoned his jeans.

  “I knew you would come,” she teased, biting his lip.

  “And so will you,” he promised, thrusting into her. She dropped her head back and arched her breast into him. He ran his fingers all the way down her body from her throat, and held both hips with his hands as he moved in and out of her. He was hoping that she was real close, he was, and he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to hold out, and as soon as she whispered.

  “Fuck Trevas,” he thrust deep into her and she moaned louder. She dropped her head to his shoulder. “Thanks, I needed that,” she said, and he smiled and shook his head.

  “Any time, now get a bath, so you can go get your picture taken, pretty girl,” he replied, and she groaned at the thought. He gently brought her feet to the floor and kissed her. “I love you.”

  “I know you do,” she teased.

  Trevas had to go back upstairs again after forty minutes to make Alley get ready so that they could leave. “What are you doing? We have to go.”

  “I’m coming,” she said, and pulled on her black combat boots, leaving them untied.

  Trevas took a deep breath when she stood up. He could deal with the short white shorts, but the shirt had to go. She was wearing a spaghetti strap, black knit shirt with no bra and he knew he was going to have an argument on his hands, but wasn’t about to let her walk out the door dressed like that.

  “Alley, change your shirt,” he demanded.

  Alley kissed him and smiled. “Chill out there buddy,” she said, and picked up the short sleeved button up black and white checkered shirt and put it on. “You’re so overbearing sometimes.”

  “Aren’t you going to button it?” he asked, and she shook her head and buttoned the botto
m three buttons.

  “Where did you get those boots?” Peyton wanted to know.

  “At a thrift store in Arvin,” she replied, and Peyton shook her head.

  “My daughter has beer taste on a champagne budget.”

  “You like beer,” she said, and Peyton again just shook her head.

  Trevas waited in the studio while Joel Stamper, her makeup artist for the day did her makeup and hair. His jaw dropped when she emerged wearing a short black dress that fit her tight. The top covered her right up to the top of her bellybutton and then had tiny strings connecting the top with the bottom, about every inch or so. Her hair hung down and was curled in wide curls, and her eyes were dark with eyeliner and smoke gray eye shadow. She wore bright red lipstick, which he had never seen her wear, and she looked smoking hot. He knew how much she hated to wear heels, but the two inch stilettos with the black straps wrapping around her ankles were beyond sexy.

  She rolled her eyes at him as she walked to the middle of the room with the photographer, and he knew she wasn’t enjoying any of this. The photographer sat a plain white stool with black polka dots in the middle, and another guy adjusted lights. He sat on the stool first and told her what he wanted. Alley sat on just the edge of it and crossed her ankles. He did a few shots in this position and told her when to flip her hair, when to look in a certain direction, when to smile and when to look serious.

  He had her sit on the stool and put her feet on the top support. Trevas wanted to slug him when he told her to part her legs, and he pulled the dress up high on both her legs, pushing the material down between them. She rested her elbows on her knees and dangled her fingers between her legs. Another guy turned on a fan, and her hair blew from the wind.

  “Nice,” the photographer said, and started snapping. “Turn toward the left, narrow your eyes, yes that’s it don’t move Alley,” he told her giving her directions.

  He did a few more in that dress, and then they had her change into tight black leather pants with a black leather vest. The low-cut V ran half way down her chest and Trevas took a deep breath, not liking it or them taking her picture. They had her standing by a pole and posing in provocative protocols. He wanted to tell them that she wasn’t a stripper, but held his tongue and waited for it to be over.