Read Starburst Page 27

  “I hated that,” Trevas told Alley back in the car.

  “Well, so did I, so don’t feel bad,” she replied, and she really did hate it. She didn’t wear clothes like that, and she hated the attention. What was she thinking? She grew up watching her mother do all of this, and she knew what it was going to be before she ever agreed to it, and it was ten times worse for her. Everyone wanted her because of who her mother was, and they wanted the story of Peyton Paxton’s, trouble making daughter.

  “Why does everything have to be about sex?” Trevas asked.

  “Sex?” she asked, not understanding.

  “Yeah, I mean what was up with the pole and part your legs Alley?” he asked, mimicking the photographer.

  Alley laughed. “You are so freaking jealous,” she stated.

  “I am jealous. What the hell have you done to me? I have never been the jealous type.”

  “You do know that this is going to get a whole lot deeper before this is all over, don’t you?”

  “Don’t remind me. Why didn’t I encourage you to be a mailman?”

  “Are we going to my dad’s tomorrow night?” she asked, after laughing at the mailman remark.

  “Yes, he called me yesterday and wanted me to bring you because this Jerrod Jackson is going to be there and he wants you to meet him.”

  “Jerrod Jackson is playing the lead with me?” she asked.

  “This is what your dad tells me. Do you not like him?”

  “Yeah, I do. I think he is an awesome actor. I’m glad they got him. He will be really good.”

  “Wait. Is this the guy that you are going to be having sex with?”

  “No…you’re the guy that I’m going be having sex with. He is the guy that I will be pretending to have sex with. And don’t go overboard with the jealous thing, it stops being cute when you obsess over it.”

  “I can’t help it. You are so freaking hot, and I don’t want anyone else looking at you, let alone touching you.”

  “You think I’m hot?” she teased.

  “A little,” he teased back.

  Trevas left Alley with her mom and took his mom and spent the rest of the day with her and his sister. They took his grandparents out for supper and after dropping Anna off for her shift at the hospital they went back to Peyton’s house. He was planning on staying at his apartment with her but Peyton, and Alley had other plans. Alley drove him crazy all day texting him and Peyton had text Kay, telling her bring beer or wine home with her. Kay was more than happy to hang out with Peyton and Trevas was starting to have Alley withdraws.

  They played cards and drank too much, and Alley beat them in the trivia game again. They all slept in late because it was sometime early in the morning before they finally went to bed. Trevas and Alley didn’t surface until well afternoon, not that they had been sleeping the whole time but didn’t come downstairs until then.


  “So, Nicholas Fletcher is actually letting you date his daughter?” Chase asked as they stood off from the pool area and watched Fletchers friends mingle and drink too much.

  “Kind of, we have strict orders to keep it hush, hush but yeah I go to bed with that every night,” he said looking at her in her short jean shorts and tight t-shirt, showing off her sexy midsection. Alley looked to him too and gave him the eye.

  “She is a hot little shit, but it’s probably like teacher and student, isn’t it?”

  “As in?” Trevas asked, already knowing what he was referring to.

  “You know what, sex,” he said looking at Alley.

  “Oh hell no, I have never been to bed with anyone as zealous about sex as she is.”

  “Like how?”

  “I’m not giving you details, you pervert,” Trevas demanded.

  “Ah come on Trevas. Tell me what it’s like to hit something that young and blistering. I’ve been married for nine years, enlighten me,” Chase begged.

  Trevas laughed at him. “Let me put it to you this way. She is not afraid to tell you what she wants, or just take it,” he added. “And the noises, the things she says, the looks on her face,” Trevas hissed. “I gotta quit thinking about it before I sneak her off to her room.”

  “Dam Trevas, how the hell do you always rate?”

  “I’m done rating. I want that for the rest of my life.”

  “You really are in love with her?” he asked, not believing it. Chase had known Trevas for three years now, and knew how he got around, and played women.

  “I am Chase. I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help it. I love her so much its senseless.”

  “And how long do you think it’s going to be before you’re photographed with her, and on the front page of ‘Kick’ or ‘Spot’ magazine?”

  “We’re careful, we don’t do anything outdoors, and the only thing they would get a picture of, is me driving her someplace, and as soon as this movie is over, I’m done caring about that shit.”

  Trevas watched as Fletcher introduced Jerrod Jackson to Alley, he shook her hand, holding onto it longer than Trevas liked. Fletcher walked away when Peyton called him over to her, and Alley continued to talk to the good looking blond haired kid that he thought to be around twenty, twenty one, maybe.

  After fifteen minutes, he took his phone from his pocket and text her. “You don’t even know him. What could you possibly be talking about? Get away from him.”

  She took her phone from her back pocket and looked straight at him with a glare. “We are talking about the movie. You stop it. I’m right in front of you.”

  “I still don’t like it, and your ass looks extremely hot from where I am standing, by the way.”

  “LOL, behave, and I may just let you touch it later.”

  Trevas laughed, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

  Alley decided that she should get away from Jerrod before Trevas got mad, and text Kay to come and save her. Kay walked over to her, and asked her to show her where the bathroom was even though she had already been there once, and Alley walked away.

  She sat at a table with her mom, Kay and Lidia. She and Trevas gave each other the eye and he snuck a wink in, here and there.

  “I want to leave,” Alley text him.

  “Where do you want to go?” he asked, texting back.

  “Home, to my mom’s or we could stay at your place tonight.”

  “I have to have my mom at the airport by seven in the morning. We better stay at your house.”

  “Can we go now?”

  “We have only been here for two hours. Why do you want to leave?”

  “I can’t stand not having your arms around me anymore, and I want to get you alone and in bed.”

  “You want to get me in bed?” he asked as they smiled at each other.

  “Most definitely.”

  “Why do you want me in bed?”

  “Because I want you to fuck me,”

  “Alley Fletcher!” he text, and gave her a stern look, and she laughed out loud.

  “See what I mean,” Trevas told Chase, showing him her last text.

  “Damn, that girl talks like that?” he asked.

  “Yes but it’s not always cute,” he admitted.

  “It might not be cute, but it’s hot as hell, if you ask me.”

  “Will you two give it a break?” Peyton asked, turning to Alley, knowing that she was texting Trevas.

  “We’re going to leave,” she told her mom.

  “Why? Aren’t you having a good time?”

  “Not really, I want to be over there, not here,” she stated, nodding toward Trevas.

  “Well Kay and I are not leaving yet. This is her last night here, and we came to have a good time. Simon will drive us home later. Go tell your dad, he’s probably not going to like it very much.”

  “And I care?” she replied, sarcastically.

  Alley found her dad and told him that she and Trevas were going to go.

  “You should go Alley,” he said, and it surprised her. “You two haven’t ta
ken your eyes off of each other since you got here.”

  “You’re the one that cares that someone might see us together. If you would quit with all of that, we would stay.”

  “No,” he said kissing her on the forehead. “Not yet, I will talk to you tomorrow.”

  Alley looked at Trevas and nodded toward the door. Trevas shook Chases hand and told him that was his Q, and he was out of there.

  Trevas opened the car door for her and as soon as he was in the car she pulled his buttoned up shirt from his jeans and ran her hand over his six pack abs. She kissed him with all tongue, followed by a soft moan. As soon as she pulled away he looked around to make sure no one was around and thankfully there was nothing but the dark night. Alley unbuttoned his jeans and slowly unzipped them.

  “Alley what are you doing?” he asked, but didn’t stop her.

  “Just drive,” she demanded, and took him in her hand, causing him to gasp.

  “Jesus Alley, I can’t drive with you doing that.”

  “You’re doing fine. Back your seat up a little,” she demanded, quietly in a low raspy voice that drove him crazy.

  He moved his seat back as far as he could go, and still reach the pedals. She waited until they were out on the road and moved over and took him in her mouth. He wanted to protest, but his body wouldn’t let him. He moved his free hand over and pulled her shirt up from the side and caressed her breast, teasing her nipples, she moaned as she took him in and out of her mouth. Trevas couldn’t stand it and didn’t think he had ever been so hard in his life. He took a less traveled road along the coast and pulled behind a big wooden sign and shut the lights off.

  She didn’t stop nor pay attention to where they were. He moved his hands to her button on her shorts and slid his fingers in. She squirmed with an erotic moan at the touch of his fingers. They continued to penetrate each other until Alley had to pull her mouth away from him, but kept up the momentum with her hand as he brought her to ecstasy with his fingers, and she was calling out in profanity.

  “Fuck Trevas,” she yelled, and as soon as she could handle it she removed the lower half of her clothing and straddled him. He backed the seat up more and guided himself into her and thought he was going to let go as soon as she slid down him. Trevas held her hips still, and he moved in and out of her at a rapid pace, and in seconds not minutes it was over. She bent to kiss him and whispered that she loved him.

  “I love you too, and you are an amazing lover.”

  Alley snickered, and shifted off of him and got dressed.

  Peyton and Kay made it home around two in the morning, and they both stopped at the end of the sofa and stared down at their sleeping children. Trevas was on his side, and Alley was backed up against him. He held her so tight, they wondered how she could breathe. The cooking channel was playing in the background, and Peyton turned it off.

  “Should we wake them?” Peyton asked Kay.

  “You can if you want, I’m too drunk to care,” she replied, and they laughed, which woke Trevas.

  Trevas sat up, shaking his numb arm from Alley sleeping on it, and she woke too.

  “I don’t think you two should hang out together anymore,” Trevas told them.

  “Let’s go to bed Trevas,” Alley told him and stood up.

  “I’ll be up in a minute,” he told her, and she sat back down beside him, raising his arm so she could snuggle up to him. He kissed her head and Payton and his mom sat in the chairs across from them.

  “I take it you guys had fun,” Trevas said.

  “Yes we had a blast. Kay pushed Fletcher in the pool. It was great,” Peyton said, laughing.

  “I did not push him. I didn’t push him Trevas,” Kay pleaded t Trevas.

  “You pushed Nicholas Fletcher in the pool?” Trevas asked, and looked down to Alley to see why she had nothing to say about it, and she was sound asleep in his chest.

  “No, I didn’t push him, hell I’m not sure I even touched him,” she added, thinking about it.

  “I like to think that you pushed him,” Peyton teased.

  “You might as well, everyone else thinks that I did.”

  Trevas yawned. “Do you realize you have to get up in like four hours mom?”

  “Yeah, I don’t care though. I had a blast with Peyton, and she really isn’t the stuck up bitch that the internet says she is,” she slurred, and Peyton busted out laughing.

  “I’m going to bed,” Trevas said, not able to get the humor after being asleep, and still feeling half asleep. “Alley, come on, let’s go to bed.”

  Trevas’s alarm went off at five thirty. When he emerged from the bathroom Alley was getting dressed.

  “What are you doing baby, you don’t have to go with me, go back to bed.”

  “No, I want to go see your mom off if it’s okay with you,” she added, thinking maybe he wanted to be alone with his mom.

  “Yes, it’s more than okay with me.” He replied, and waited on her while she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

  They were both surprised when they came downstairs, and Peyton was up and dressed too. She wanted to ride along to see her off as well.

  Anna met them at the airport, and they all had breakfast before seeing her off. Kay had to go down the line, hugging all of them, and quickly turned and walked away, trying not to cry in front of them.

  Alley and Trevas flew to Australia the following Monday to finally start shooting. They shot the middle of the movie and some of the end. Fletcher had two rooms booked for them, but as soon as the hall was clear, she went to him or he would go to her. Trevas was amazed at her performance and how easy it was for her to step into the shoes of her character. He talked to Peyton every day because she wanted to know how she was doing, and Trevas thought she was bored and lonely being home alone.

  “This girl is freaking amazing Peyton,” he told her. “I think this is her calling, and she shouldn’t stop after this one. She is that good.”

  Peyton beamed with pride, and Fletcher too was giving her the scoop on how she was doing. He too told her that she was a natural, and not once has he yelled cut because of her. They were in Australia for two and a half weeks and had to fly back again a week later to reshoot a scene that Fletcher wasn’t happy with.

  They spent the next almost three months traveling to somewhere constantly. If it wasn’t for shooting, they were flying somewhere for promotional photo shoots or interviews, and Alley soon became very popular, plastered all over the internet and magazines. Finally on November 16th Ally turned eighteen and they could shoot the sex scenes which Trevas was not at all happy about.

  He stood in the background as he had for the past three months and watched the girl that he loved, make out with the boy that she had become friends with. He watched as they set up and started with the kissing scenes. He hated it and hated it even more when Jarrod Jackson was between her legs pretending to make love to her, and he had watched the expressions on her face and the noises that she made while her naked hips thrust into his. It was a look that only he was supposed to see. As soon as Fletcher yelled cut, she was off the bed, and a robe was being thrown around her. She looked to see Trevas’s expression, and could tell that he was having a hard time with it. She smiled a warm smile and snuck a wink telling him it was okay.

  They spent the next two weeks shooting shower and sex scenes, and Alley didn’t seem to be bothered at all that her breast were exposed to nineteen people standing around holding cameras, lights or microphones. She played her part, and as soon as cut was called, she was Alley again.

  The time went faster than Trevas had anticipated. They flew home from a photo shoot in Paris just in time for Christmas and spent it with Peyton, and Kay flew in as well. On February 12th, they were finally shooting the last day and had a wrap party at a country club in New Orleans. Trevas prayed that all went well with the filming, hoping they were done. He seemed to hate it more than Alley but never said anything. She was constantly getting scripts, and would toss them away not interest
ed, and Trevas was grateful that she was sticking to her plan and only doing the one movie.

  Trevas stood in the background and watched as the cast and crew mingled and drank too much. Jerrod was being overly friendly with Alley, and they laughed and were having a good time. He wasn’t worried at all about the guy anymore. He had seen her around him enough now to know that she wouldn’t give him the time of day, and the only thing that genuinely bothered him was keeping their secret. He knew it wasn’t for too much longer, and Alley and Trevas both had told Fletcher that as soon as the movie was out, they were done hiding, and he meant it. He only had to wait three more months and hoped that now that filming was finished he could take her to Utah for a couple of weeks and get away from all of it for a while.

  Peyton’s new movie had just come out in theaters and was a big hit. She too was ready to stop and take a breather. She had been flying all over the place promoting it, doing the carpet events and talk shows. Alley was right behind her and would be doing the same thing very soon. No matter how much she protested or didn’t want to do it, she knew she had too, and neither she nor Trevas was looking forward to it. His hopes of getting away were all he could think about and Alley couldn’t wait either. She had four weeks with a clear schedule unless there had to be a reshoot. She was so excited about going to the lake cabin and being locked in, for at least two weeks with just her and Trevas. And they had it planned in just two short weeks.

  They did get to spend their two weeks alone at the lake cabin and had a much needed quiet two weeks. Kay visited often, and they visited her. They spent the majority of their time inside the cabin due to the cold weather and loved every second of it.

  Chapter 15

  Peyton Olivia Paxton

  Payton’s new movie was a big success and was now out on DVD. Things had settled down for her, and she wasn’t being offered any scripts that caught her attention. She was missing Alley and Trevas being around, and was tired of spending so much time home alone. James did stop by a couple of times a week, and that too came to a halt when he got involved with a female friend of Peyton’s, and told Peyton that he couldn’t see her anymore because things were getting serious with his new love and he wanted to make a go at it.