Read Starburst Page 36

  “Oh, boy,” Kay replied.

  Peyton and Kay turned in around eleven and Peyton hadn’t heard a word from Kevin, and for the first time since their first encounter, she was glad and hoped that he was going to stay away from her, and she wouldn’t have to fight with herself to stay away from him. That lasted for about ten minutes when her phone rang, and she answered it with a pout.

  “What?” she asked, answering it, already with a smile on her face.

  “I’m an idiot,” Kevin spoke.

  “Yes, you are,” she agreed.

  “Don’t you want to know why I’m an idiot?”

  “I already know why you’re an idiot, but go ahead, humor me.”

  “I think I would rather hear your version first.”

  “You are an idiot because I could be there with you right now with you inside of me, and now I am going to have to pleasure myself because you wanted to go all dark and crazy on me.”

  “You pleasure yourself?”

  “That would be what you heard of that.”

  “Do you Peyton?” he asked, not letting it go.

  “Yes,” she said as seductive as she could muster.

  “Damn, I’m coming after you,” he demanded.

  “No you’re not, it’s after eleven. I was kidding; I am not pleasuring anything tonight.”

  “But you do?”

  “You are an idiot,” she replied.

  “Can I pick you up after work tomorrow?”

  “No, sorry, I already made plans with Kay to go to that bar again tomorrow night.”

  “The Warehouse?”

  “Yes, and I guess you can come if you want.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much of an invitation. Are you going to come home with me if I come?”

  “Maybe,” she replied with nothing more.

  “Goodnight Peyton,” he said with a smile.

  “Goodnight Kevin.”

  Chapter 19

  Peyton was a nervous wreck the entire next day. She worried about how this would turn out and hoped that Kay didn’t find out that she was behind the whole thing and if she did find out, she wouldn’t be too mad. She had kept her scheme secret from Kevin, afraid that he would warn Kay and be mad at her, which he was probably going to be anyway.

  Peyton and Kay arrived around six, ate supper there, and Kevin joined them shortly after. They both already had a drink, and he ordered a beer and laughed at the picture of the bartender and Peyton with the sign that offered the famous Peyton Paxton drink, and the price had gone up a dollar and fifty cents from the week before.

  He sat at the table with them, and as soon as he was sitting Peyton ran her hand up his leg and gave him a seductive look, and then asked herself what the heck she was doing.

  He gave her the same look back, and she no longer cared about Kay’s love life. She wanted to get out of there and into his bed.

  The bar was starting to fill up, and nobody told her that it was Two for Tuesday and Karaoke night. The entire bar was again drinking her drink, but again she was pleasantly surprised that most people did leave her alone, other than the constant stares. She wanted to flirt with Kevin and hang all over him but didn’t dare, afraid of what would be in the tabloids the next day.

  Peyton and Kay were both feeling pretty good by nine, and she started to get anxious about Don and Carter showing up any second. Kay got up and went to the bathroom, and she wanted to follow her and tell her what she had done but didn’t.

  “Peyton?” Kevin said looking at the door, watching Carter walk in with a very handsome man wearing jeans and a t-shirt, covered by a black leather jacket.

  Peyton turned and looked just as Kay came out of the bathroom and practically ran right into him.

  “Oh shit,” Kevin said.

  They watched as they looked at each other briefly, and she spun and got away from him as soon as she had regained her composure.

  “I’m leaving Kay. Are you coming with me or staying with Kevin?”

  “Why Peyton? Where are you going?”

  “Home, are you coming or not?”

  “Kay, you’re not driving,” Kevin demanded.

  “Kevin don’t. I’m fine, and I think I sobered up instantly.”

  “You’re still not driving,” Kevin demanded and took her keys from her hand. “I will drive you home, and you can get your car tomorrow.”

  “Fine, let’s go.”

  That went well. “Kay, stop. We are not leaving yet. Sit down and get another drink.”

  “Peyton, do you see that guy right there with Carter?” she asked, nodding toward Don and their eyes again locked. “That is Don, and I am not going to be in the same place with him.”

  “So you are going to let him dictate where and when you can come here?”

  “What? No, he’s not dictating anything. I don’t want to be in the same state as him, let alone the same bar.”

  “If you leave because he is here than that is exactly what you are doing. Just sit down and drink your drink.” We don’t have to leave because he is here,” Peyton begged, and pulled her arm making her sit back in the chair.

  “I am going to go say hi,” Kevin said, and got up to go to the two men.

  “Kay, why are you so shook up over him being here? I thought you said you were over him.”

  “He is a hard one to get over Peyton, and I hate him.”

  “You don’t hate him.”

  “I want to,” she admitted.

  “Maybe you should just talk to him, get it out of your system.”

  Carter walked over and said hi to Peyton and Kay while Kevin talked to Don.

  “How could you bring him here Carter?” Kay asked as soon as he sat, and Peyton’s heart fell, in anticipation of his answer.

  “It’s Tuesday night Kay. How was I supposed to know you would be here?”

  “You wouldn’t Carter. I’m sorry; it’s not your fault.”

  “He wants to meet you Peyton,” Carter told her, and Peyton looked at Kay.

  Kay shrugged her shoulders. “I’m a big girl. I can take it,” she told Peyton, but she wasn’t a big girl, and she didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

  Carter directed him over with his head, and he sat across from Kay, who was looking at the floor of dancers, avoiding his eyes at all cost. Kevin sat back down, and gave Peyton a dirty look as he did.

  “I can’t believe it. Peyton Paxton in the Warehouse,” Don said, and she shook his hand with a smile.

  Carter left when some guys from the pool table yelled for him to come over, and after signing an autograph for Don, Peyton got up and took Kevin’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor, without looking to Kay first, afraid of the look she would get.

  “I can’t believe you Peyton,” Kevin told her pulling her into his arms.

  “Well don’t be too mad at me. I really need to go home with you tonight.”

  Kevin just shook his head. He wasn’t about to fight with her. He too wanted her to come home with him.

  She turned so that she could see the progress of Kay and Don.

  “How’s Trevas doing?” Don asked Kay, and she turned her glare from Kevin and Peyton, mad that they left her, to him.

  “He is fine Don,” she replied.

  “Does he come home much? I’d like to see him.”

  “He will be home this week. I will tell him to give you a call,” she replied, coolly. “What are you even doing here? I thought we agreed that I wouldn’t go into the Roadhouse, and you wouldn’t come here.”

  “I wasn’t going anywhere tonight actually. Carter made me come, and now that I think about it, I kind of think I was set up.”

  “Why?” she asked, with narrowed eyes, wondering if Carter knew she was going to be there.

  “He told me that Peyton Paxton was going to be here tonight, but I didn’t know that she was here with you.”

  “Kevin and Peyton knew that,” she stated, and turned her glare back to Peyton who quickly turned her head.

w in the world do you know Peyton Paxton?” he asked, dismissing her last statement.

  “Trevas is dating her daughter.”

  “Alley Fletcher, the one all over television right now?

  “Yes but that doesn’t go anywhere but here.”

  “Wow, Trevas dating Alley Fletcher, how did that happen?”

  “Don, we don’t need to do this. I will tell Trevas to call you. You can talk to him about this.”

  “Okay, I deserve that,” he admitted.

  “Yes, you do,” she agreed.

  “Kay, if I could go back and do it over, I would have stayed right here with you.”

  Kay snorted. “Yeah, well we don’t get do-overs in life.”

  “I didn’t take you serious Kay. I thought once I was gone for a week or two, I would call you and you would be over being mad. If I would have known I was going to lose you if I left, I would have never left.”

  “Bullshit Don,” she yelled, angry with him. “You knew when you left that you were not choosing me.”

  “I did not know that Kay. I didn’t think you would really give me an ultimatum.”

  “No you thought that I would be sitting here by myself waiting on you.”

  “Yes, I did think that.”

  “I guess you thought wrong.”

  Kevin sensed the tension, and although Peyton wanted to wait at the bar after their dance, he refused and told her, they needed to go save Kay.

  Carter waited for them and rejoined the group as well, and wished he would have stayed away when Kay drilled him a soon as he sat down.

  “Who told you that Peyton was going to be here?” she asked, demanding to know.

  “What are you talking about Kay?” he tried, and knew he was indeed going to be stuck in the middle.

  “Kevin?” she yelled at him, and then looked back to Carter when she didn’t get an answer.

  “I did Kay,” Peyton spoke up, and she looked at her with a look of total shock.

  “Peyton? You did this?”

  “Yes but not to hurt you Kay.”

  Kay stood up, not believing that Peyton set her up. She thought she was coming here to forget about men and have a good time. She couldn’t believe Peyton, collaborated this whole operation.

  “Did you know about this?” she asked, angrily down at Kevin.

  “Kay, he didn’t know anything about it, and it’s not Carters fault either. He tried to tell me to mind my own business.”

  “Carter will you take me home?” she asked, not wanting anything to do with the other three conspirators at the table.

  Carter looked at Don, wondering how he was going to get home, and Don nodded his head for him to go. Kay followed him out, and Kevin crossed his arms and looked to Peyton.

  “Don’t say a word Kevin,” she demanded with her finger, knowing that he was dying to say I told you so. She got up and followed Kay.

  “Kay,” she called, and Kay turned around, and she felt horrible when she saw the not angry but hurt look in her eyes.

  “Please just go home with Kevin tonight Peyton,” Kay begged, not wanting to talk about Don.

  “Peyton, I’m sorry,” Peyton apologized and meant it, wishing she would have listened to everyone that tried to tell her, how bad of an idea this was and minded her own business.

  “Peyton what did you think was going to happen by doing this? Did you actually think that I was going to see him and forget the past?”

  “Yeah, that’s kind of what I was hoping, pretty stupid uh?”

  “Yes, very. Call me in the morning and I will come and get you,” she said and walked out.

  “Have you had enough for one night?” Kevin asked, wanting to get out of there.

  “Yes, and I am sorry for this Don,” she replied to Kevin and turned to Don.

  “Awe, don’t worry about it. How can I be mad at Peyton Paxton?” he asked, letting her off the hook. He wasn’t sorry that he got to see Kay, and he wished with everything in him that she would forgive him and let him back in her life.

  The ride home was once again quiet and neither, Payton nor Kevin spoke, and she was sure that she had ruined their intimate night as well.

  They went to bed together, and she was right he never touched her, which was fine by her she had kind of lost the desire as well. He did pull her into his arms and held her tight with a few kisses to the top of the head here and there. He didn’t mention her meddling, and they didn’t really talk.

  When his alarm went off the next morning, and he tried to wiggle away from Peyton. She held onto him and moved up to his lips.

  “Make love to me before you leave,” she requested.

  “Make love?” he asked, surprised at her choice of words.

  She smiled. “You’re the one that called it cheap.”

  Kevin turned her so that he was now towering over her and kissed her while running his hands up her shirt and to her breast. Peyton let out a pleasurable moan and parted her legs for him to move in. He helped her slide out of her panties, and wished he had set the clock a half hour earlier. He was of course ready for her and moved into her with slow force. They climaxed together and once they were back to real life, Peyton moaned, remembering the reality of facing Kay.

  “I have to face Kay,” she said, looking up to Kevin, and he moved off of her and swatted her on the butt when she turned to her stomach.

  “Good, I hope she puts you in your place.”

  “What?” she asked, sitting up.

  “You deserve it Peyton. I tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t listen.”

  She groaned again. “I do deserve it. Do you still have her keys?”


  Peyton leaned over and kissed Kevin before getting out of his car and into Kay’s.

  “Are you sure, you’re not going to get lost?” Kevin asked, hoping she could find her way back to Kay’s.

  “Yes Kevin, I’m sure. I will see you later,” she assured him.

  “Will you see me later?”

  “I will see you tonight, but Trevas and Alley will be here sometime tonight, and I will be with them on Thursday, and then I am flying home Friday.”

  “So tonight is the last night I’m going to see you?”

  Peyton hadn’t thought about it, but he was right, this would be their last night together and she didn’t think she liked how it felt. “I guess it is,” she smiled a warm smile. “Come and get me after work,” she added, and with one more quick kiss, she got out of his car.

  Peyton had to knock on Kay’s locked door. Kay knew that it was Peyton and opened the door, turned and walked away without a word.

  “Kay, I’m sorry,” she begged for forgiveness.

  Kay looked at her and tried to stay mad. “Do you want coffee?” she asked walking away and into the kitchen with Peyton following.

  “I am really sorry Kay,” Peyton said again, pouring coffee and joining her at the table. “I promise, I will never, ever pry in your business again.”

  “If you were going to be here more than a couple more days, I would give you the silent treatment,” Kay replied, giving in. She knew Peyton didn’t mean any harm, and just wanted her to be happy. “I am not mad at you for making me face him Peyton. I am mad at you because you made me remember how happy I was with Don, and I have tried for fourteen months now to forget that.”

  “Don’t you think maybe that you are selling yourself short? I know he would jump at another chance Kay.”

  “Peyton, he didn’t choose me. You have no idea how much that hurt or how many months I went through hell, trying to forget him.”

  “Okay Kay, I am not going to try and change your mind. I said I wouldn’t meddle and I won’t.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, glad that she was going to drop it, or she hoped anyway.

  Kay and Peyton went to the mall, and Peyton was again surprised at being able to move in and out of the stores without cameras and people yelling her name or questions at her. They even ate in the food court without being bothered,
and then their shopping spree was cut short when Alley phoned her mom.

  “Hey Alley girl,” she answered.

  “Mom we will be there around six, please cook us some good food. We are starving and are so sick of eating out, and we are both going to puke if we have to one more time.”

  “Tonight?” Peyton asked, sounding disappointed without meaning to. She was happy that they were coming, she just wasn’t happy about not spending the evening with Kevin.

  “Um…yeah mom, tonight,” Alley replied smartly. “Is that a problem?”

  “No, not at all, and I would be happy to have a nice supper ready for you when you get here.”

  “Good, I will see you later, love you bye.”

  Peyton and Kay went to the grocery store before going home, and Kay started cooking her extravagant meal. Kevin came over right after work, and was disappointed when Kay let him in, and they talked briefly before he went to the kitchen to find Peyton. She told him about Trevas and Alley coming, and he tried his best to sound excited to see Trevas, but was really disappointed, wanting Peyton all to himself.

  Peyton was wearing jeans and a black sweater that hugged her slender body and was cut in a V and showed off her cleavage with a hint of a black lacey bra. The white apron she was wearing did little to conceal her sexy body, and once Kevin saw her he was even more disappointed.

  “Hello sexy,” she said, holding a wooden spoon and stirring a white sauce.

  “I was going to say that,” he replied, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck. “Please tell me that you are coming home with me,” he added.

  “I want to,” she said, turning the stove eye off and turning to him. “Kay is not sure the kids will go to the cabin because of having no fire built.”

  “I will go build them a fire,” he joked, and really would have done it just to insure his night with Peyton wasn’t lost.

  Peyton ran her hands up his shirt, and he moved toward her lips as she moved toward his.

  “Do you know how many times I have thought about making love to you today?” he asked.

  “Probably about as many as I have thought about it,” she replied and felt his smile on her lips.