Read Starburst Page 37

  Kay cleared her throat and Kevin backed away.

  “What are you two planning on telling Trevas and Alley?” she asked.

  “About what?” Peyton answered her question with her own.

  Kay tilted her head and gave her a repellent look. “Really Peyton? Do you really think you are going to hide all of this chemistry from Alley? She will pick up on it in about five minutes, and you know as well as I do, she is not going to wait until you are alone with her, to call you out on it.”

  Peyton didn’t have to answer when her cellphone rang, and Kay looked down at it on the table.

  “Paula,” she said, telling her who it was, and Peyton had a peculiar look and picked it up.

  “Hey Paula.”

  “Peyton can you meet with Craig Jenson tomorrow?”

  “Craig Jenson?” Peyton repeated, knowing that he was one director that she had always wanted to work with, and her hopes were automatically enlightened.

  “Yes, he wants you to play a part in his new movie.”

  “What part?” she asked, and Paula laughed.

  “You always have to have the lead, don’t you?” she joked. “And it is the lead.”

  “I am in Utah Paula. I won’t be home until Friday.”

  “What the hell are you doing in Utah?”

  “Visiting a very good friend,” she replied and smiled at Kay. “Plus I was bored out of my mine with Alley gone, and ‘Black’ being finished.”

  “Well get your ass back here, you’re not going to be bored anymore. I will see if I can’t arrange it for Friday evening. What time will you be in?”

  “I think I land at LAX at three in the afternoon.”

  “Okay, I will pick you up and set up something later on in the evening.”

  “Okay, that sounds great.”

  “Yes…” Peyton yelled, excited and then looked to Kevin leaned up against the sink with his hands in his pockets sad smile.

  This was exactly what she needed. She needed to get back to work and forget all of this romance crap. She didn’t do the romance scene, and was happy to get back to who she really was and stop pretending she could be anyone else.

  Kay left them to grab a shower, and Kevin stared at her.

  “What Kevin?” she asked in a soft tone.

  “You’re leaving me.”

  “I was never yours,” she said, sullenly.

  He knew she was never his, but for just a fraction, his mind did deceive him, and led him to believe that she could be.

  Their seriousness was interrupted when Kevin heard the car doors and looked out the window. He didn’t say another word and they went out to greet Trevas and Alley.

  “Kevin!” Trevas exclaimed, excited to see him there. He shook his hand, and they hugged a manly hug, and then Trevas introduced Alley to him.

  “Alley this is Kevin.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.”

  “I would like to say the same,” Kevin told her honestly, “But being that Trevas here never calls me, I can’t.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that, and you can call me too, you know?”

  Peyton hugged Alley and Alley hugged her back.

  “Please tell me it’s time to eat,” she said in her mom’s hair.

  “Yes, as soon as Kay gets out of the shower. We can go in the kitchen and set the table.”

  Trevas and Kevin stayed in the living room, and Peyton and Alley went into the kitchen.

  “How is everything going?” Peyton asked Alley, and she knew she was talking about the promotion for the movie.

  “It’s almost over,” she replied and was excited about it.

  “I am meeting with Craig Jenson Friday for a role in his new movie.”

  “Really? I thought you would take a break.”

  “I tried, I don’t do well with not working, and it’s even worse with you gone all the time now.”

  “Now you know how I felt my whole life.”

  “Well that stung a little,” Peyton admitted, putting the plates out on the table.

  Alley shrugged her shoulders. “Have you ever known me to sweeten my words with kindness?”

  “Nope, not since you learned to speak,” she admitted. “How long are you staying here?”

  “Nine days and I am so excited not to have to deal with people, we are locking ourselves in the cabin the whole time.”

  “Yes that has been a welcoming relief. People here are different, I have signed autographs and taken pictures with people, but they respect you a lot more it seems.”

  “I thought I hated the paparazzi before I did this movie, but now I absolutely despise them. Nobody should have to be rushed from the airport because of stupid papz, it is utterly ridiculous.”

  Kay, Trevas and Kevin joined them at the table, and they talked around the table, bragging on Peyton’s home cooking. Peyton tried her best not to look at Kevin, and of course didn’t succeed particularly well. She would catch herself gazing at him as he did her, and Alley finally had to say something.

  “So mom, you found a friend here too uh?” she asked, and put the word friend in quotation marks with her fingers.

  “Shut up Alley,” Peyton replied, and Kay laughed. Peyton told her to shut up as well and then Trevas after he laughed too.

  “Are you guys staying here tonight?” Peyton asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Why because you need to know whether or not you are spending the night with your friend?” she asked, not dropping it, and again using her fingers to quote the word friend.

  “He is sitting right here, you know?” Peyton told her, and looked to see the amused look on Kevin’s face.

  “Tell me I am wrong.” Alley demanded.

  “Alley…stop.” Trevas said, coming to Peyton’s defense, and Peyton was happy that she let it go with the rolling of her eyes.

  Trevas and Alley did not stay, and told them that they would see them the next day. As soon as they were gone, Kay looked at both of them and told them to get out of there.

  “I’m not going to leave you with the mess,” Peyton told her.

  “I have nothing better to do, get out of here,” she insisted, and Peyton and Kevin left.

  Kevin held Peyton’s hand on the drive. “So I still have tomorrow night with you right?” he asked, hoping.

  Peyton smiled at him. “Didn’t I hear you and Trevas make plans to go shoot hoops tomorrow evening?”

  “That will only be for a couple of hours. I want you all night.”

  Peyton leaned over and put her hand on the side of his face and kissed his neck. “You can have me all night,” she whispered, and he moaned in anticipation.

  Kevin didn’t let her out of the kitchen before he had his hands all over her and was kissing her everywhere there was exposed skin. Peyton too was all over him, and every part of her body was overpowered by sensations she couldn’t explain. He helped her out of her sweater and then her jeans before laying her back on the table. He slid her panties off and touched her between her legs, and she squirmed beneath his touch. She sat back up to him, and he kissed her and unfastened her bra as she stood up.

  “We’re not having table sex,” she demanded, and pulled him by the hand to the stairs, where he again stopped her and laid her back on the steps, towering over her naked body.

  “Stop it, we are not having stair sex either,” she demanded and led him to his bed.

  Kevin took her naked body in his arms as she helped him out of his shirt. He kissed her down her body and came to his knees in front of her where he took her with his mouth. She moaned and parted her feet, opening her legs for him.

  “I can’t do this standing up Kevin,” she said between her erratic breaths.

  “Then lay down,” he replied, placing his hand on her stomach to move her back to the bed.

  Peyton did lay back, and he moved in and continued until she was arching her hips into him, screaming out in pleasure. He came to her mouth, and her excitement began again as soon as
she tasted herself on his lips.

  “Come up here,” she whispered, wanting to take him in her mouth as well. Kevin rose above her, and she took him in her mouth, and he now moaned in pleasure. He let her continue until he could no longer manipulate his body and pulled out of her.

  He moved down her body, and she parted her legs begging for him as he pulled her naked body to his and explored every part of her with his hands. Kevin rolled her on top of him, and she rode him while staring deep into his eyes with the most sensual, lustful look he thought he had ever seen. Peyton cried out again, arching her back and dropping her head, and he quickly rolled her over and thrust deep into her and let go with her.

  They lay panting in each other’s arms as they came back to reality. He moved a strand of hair from her face and kissed her.

  “I love you Peyton,” he whispered.

  “God damn it Kevin,” she replied, but didn’t try to move or get away from him. She loved him too, and she knew it, but he wasn’t supposed to say it out loud. They had one more day together, and he was going to ruin it by getting into something that wasn’t possible again.

  “I’m sorry, and I don’t expect you to change anything for me, I just wanted you to know that.”

  “I’m not going to reply to that,” she told him, and he only smiled down at her.

  Kevin made love to her again before they got up, and he took her back to Kay’s before work. He kissed her long and passionate before he let her out and then told her he would see her later.

  “Your stupid friend told me that he loves me last night,” Peyton told Kay as she poured her a cup of coffee and sat it in front of her.

  “He told me that the other night while you were in the shower,” Kay admitted to her.

  “He did?”

  “Yeah, but I am surprised that he told you. He said that he wasn’t going to. What did you say to him?”

  “Not a damn thing. I told him that I wasn’t going to reply to it.”

  “Oh, the webs that we weave for ourselves,” Kay said and they both shook their heads.

  Chapter 20

  Trevas dropped Alley off at his moms so that he could meet Kevin to play ball. Alley sat at the table with her mom and Kay and they talked about her and Trevas, and about the movie. She told them how tired of all the traveling and the cameras they both were, and couldn’t wait until it was all over.

  After about an hour, she was bored and wanted to go find Trevas.

  “Where is the gym? Let’s go there,” she suggested.

  Peyton was more than happy with that idea as well, and Kay drove them to the school. They opened the side door to find five men running around, sweating in shorts and no shirts.

  “Holly shit,” Alley said, and they laughed. “That’s a lot of sexy ass testosterone.”

  “Fuck,” Kay said when she saw Don on the court as well.

  Alley looked at her with her mouth opened. “Kay I have never heard you talk like that.”

  “I learned it from you,” she joked.

  “Kay we can go if you want,” Peyton told her, letting her know that she didn’t expect her to stay.

  “No Peyton, I’m fine.”

  Trevas came over to them pulling on his t-shirt.

  “You can leave that off,” Alley told him, and he smiled and kissed her.

  “Mom, are you okay with this?” Trevas asked, and was going to volunteer to get her out of there if she wanted.

  “Wait, what is this Kay? Which one is he?” Alley wanted to know.

  “I am fine Trevas, go play,” she demanded, and he did.

  “He is the one in the black shorts with the white stripes,” she answered Alley, once Trevas had resumed his game. “But you keep your mouth shut around him. We broke up over a year ago.”

  “Why? He is freaking hot for an old guy,” Alley asked.

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Okay, I will just make Trevas tell me about it,” she demanded.

  “I am sure you will,” Kay replied, and knew that she would.

  Kevin looked to Peyton as she looked to him and winked at her. “Come on, you ladies can play too,” Kevin called to the three of them.

  “I assure you that you don’t want me or my daughter on your team,” Peyton called back.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Alley asked, looking over to her.

  “Like you know how to play basketball,” Peyton replied.

  “I am sure I can make a basket, I know that much.”

  “Well I can’t, count me out,” Peyton excused herself.

  The guys wouldn’t let them out of it and divided them up making sure Kay was not on the same team as Don. They were more in the way than anything, and the guys played around them.

  “Kay,” Don said, speaking to Kay while they waited down court for the ball.

  “Donnie,” Kay said back, and squinted her eyes shut, saying ‘shit’ to herself. She was the only one who had ever called him Donnie, and hadn’t called him that in a very long time, and he smiled.

  Kevin threw the ball to Kay, and she caught it and ducked around Don who tried to block her shot. Kay turned and tossed it back to Kevin when he was closer, and he made the layup.

  “Take it out Alley,” Trevas told her and tossed her the ball.

  “Take it out where?” she wanted to know and he explained to her that all she had to do was stand behind the line and throw it to one of the players on her team.

  She stood behind the hoop. “I’m not throwing it until you take your shirt off,” she said, and everyone laughed, and Trevas gave her a dirty look with blushed cheeks.

  “Throw the ball Alley,” he demanded.

  The guys gave him a hard time, and were chanting to him to take it off.

  Trevas stood in front of her. “You’re going to pay for that. Give me the ball,” he demanded.

  “Am I going to be naked, while I am paying for it?” she asked to his lips, where only he could hear her and then kissed him quickly.

  “Yes, now give me the damn ball.”

  Carter had to leave and took his friend Hank with him, and Trevas and Alley told Kay that they were going to her house to shower and would meet them at Kevins where they were going to cook steaks.

  Kevin put his shirt on and walked over to Peyton. “Let’s go for a walk,” he told her and she looked at Kay for permission, not wanting her to be left alone with Don if she didn’t want to be. Kay nodded for her to go and sat on the bench beside of Don.

  As soon as Kevin and Peyton were out of site, Don turned to Kay. She looked up at him with narrowed eyes waiting for him to say something.

  “What?” she asked, and was taken aback when he quickly moved in and kissed her. She wasn’t sure why, but she didn’t stop him. She told herself it was because she was in shock but knew that she was lying to herself when she parted her lips for him and kissed him back. The feelings that she had tried so hard to forget came at her like a tsunami and flooded her completely.

  He pulled away but stayed close to her lips with his.

  “What are you doing Donnie?” she asked, and then realized that she had just called him Donnie again. What the hell was wrong with her? She wondered.

  “I need you in my life Kay,” he confided.

  “And you thought you could just come back after a year and pick up where you left off.”

  “Don’t do that Kay.”

  “Do what?”

  “Push me away over something that I would give anything to change. I have never stopped loving you. You are what got me through over there, even the second time when I knew that if I went, I could lose you. I still had hope, and when I got home I planned on doing everything in my power to get you to forgive me.”

  “I forgive you Don, but I am still not willing to forget it, and pretend like you didn’t choose work over me.”

  “I chose this place Kay.”

  Kay looked at him puzzled. “What place?”

  “This place right here, this school. I knew th
at if we were ever going to do this I had to.”

  “What are you talking about Donnie?”

  “Kevin is going to kill me.”

  “Donnie?” she badgered, wanting the truth.

  “I was paid very well for going out to sea to work Kay. We couldn’t have bought this school, let alone do anything with it, without me sacrificing a little.”

  “You sacrificed me to buy this school? And what does Kevin have to do with it?”

  “Me, Trevas and Kevin bought this school, and you already know what our plans are with it.”

  “Trevas too?” she asked, not believing what she was hearing.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Would it have made a difference?”

  Kay thought about and knew that it wouldn’t have. She didn’t want him to leave her again for a whole year, and she would have reacted the same way. That didn’t change the fact that all three men that she loved and trusted, betrayed her.

  Kay got up and stormed out toward the hall to find Kevin.

  “Kay, wait,” Don tried, and she jerked her arm away from him, demanding that he not touch her.

  Kay burst through the doors and found Kevin in front of Peyton sitting on a desk, making out, just three doors down.

  “You knew about this Kevin?” She yelled, and he pulled away from Peyton.

  “What the hell are you talking about Kay?” he retorted.

  “You know damn well what I am talking about. You let me think that Donnie left me for money, and all along it was all about this stupid school?”

  “Kay I never wanted to lie to you.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “Because I knew that you would never let him go, and it was the only way we were going to be able to do this.”

  Peyton looked puzzled, wondering what was going on as the two yelled back and forth while Don stood behind Kay.

  “Do this Kevin? Are you kidding me right now? This place is more important to you than my life?”

  “Kay, it’s not like that.”

  “Then how the fuck is it Kevin, and when was anyone going to tell me what was going on?”