Read Starburst Page 38

  “Kay,” Don tried to talk to her from the door.

  She turned and glared daggers at him. “You go to hell Don. We were a couple; we were supposed to be in this together. I discussed everything with you before I did it, and you just run off for two years in a row, and buy a God damn school? You lied to me,” she said, pointing her finger in his face and then turned to Kevin. “You lied to me,” she said, and spun Don around a little when she stormed off, hitting his shoulder with hers.

  Peyton looked at Kevin. “You need to explain to me, what just happened here, because if I just understood it the way it sounded than I am right behind Kay.”

  “Peyton, this is none of your business.”

  “Did you let her think Don left her without telling her that he really left in order for you two to buy this school?”

  “Three,” he corrected her. “Trevas is part owner too.”

  Peyton laughed and shook her head. She walked past him, and hoped that Kay hadn’t left yet. She had to call her to come back and get her when she was already gone, leaving both Don and Kevin standing in the school with foolish expressions.

  “Did you have to tell her today Don?” Kevin asked. He was hoping to spend Peyton’s last night here with her, and he knew that he would be lucky if she ever even talked to him again, after that.

  “I want her back Kev.”

  Kevin ran his hands through his now dry sweaty hair and took a deep breath.

  “Kay, you have every right to be furious with all three of them,” Peyton told her as she squealed out of the parking lot for the second time.

  “How could he do that Peyton? How could Kevin and Trevas go along with it for over a year and not tell me?”

  “They are pigs, even Trevas,” she commanded.

  “And I bet you a hundred bucks that Alley knows nothing about him buying a school for a boy’s home in Utah either,” Kay said, driving white knuckled toward her house. “She will though,” she added, and she did know as soon as Kay stormed into her house.

  “Does your girlfriend know that you bought a school Trevas? Or have you lied to her for the past year too.”

  “Mom, not now,” Trevas requested, and she knew that Alley didn’t know.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she responded with a sour look.

  “Trevas, what the hell is going on?” Alley wanted to know.

  “We’ll talk about it later Alley.”

  “No, no, we won’t Trevas. We will talk about it now. You bought a school? When?”

  “A few months back when you were filming, and I stayed back to take my grandpa for some test.”

  “That was a lie? You came here and never took your grandpa to the doctor?”

  “Alley, let’s talk about this later.”

  “Fuck that Trevas, it seems like everyone knows but me. What the hell are you going to do with a school?”

  “It’s not all mine. I went in with Kevin and Don, and we are going to turn it into a boy’s home.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck Trevas? I thought we were together, you don’t think this is something we should have discussed before you did it?”

  Kay grunted, knowing exactly how she felt.

  “Nobody was supposed to find out yet,” Trevas said glaring at his mom.

  “You’re a fucking idiot. Are you staying here in Utah to run this home?”

  “I don’t know yet Alley. I was trying to wait until you finished with all of your responsibilities before I said anything.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I am interested in moving here and running a boy’s home.”

  “Nobody asked you to move here and do anything.”

  That was the wrong thing to say, and the next thing Trevas knew he was being picked up by Kevin and Don.

  Kay pulled out a bottle of vodka and a jug of orange juice and the three women sat at the table and ditched on all three of the men.

  Alley ignored Trevas’s call several times and Kevin didn’t even try. After two, hours, the three men showed up and the guys made Trevas knock, and Peyton and Kay made Alley answer his knock.

  She opened the door with crossed arms and didn’t speak.

  “Can I please come in?” he asked.

  “No, go away,” she demanded.

  “But this is my mom’s house.”

  “Oh, yeah,” she remembered. “She is mad at you too.”

  “And she should be and so should you.”

  Alley looked at him. “I am,” she admitted, and walked back to the kitchen, and all three of them followed.

  “You suck Alley. We sent you because we knew you would be the one to tell them where to go,” Kay told her as she sat back down.

  Kevin, Don and Trevas all stayed standing and Don was the one to start.

  “Kay, I am so sorry that you feel like I sacrificed you to buy the school. Had I had any inclination that would be how you felt, I would have walked away from it in a heartbeat. Had I known that I really did have the slightest chance of losing you, I would have walked away. I am sorry that I betrayed you, your feelings and your trust for me, and I don’t blame you if you never talk to me again. I love you Kay and I will walk away from this project right this second if you will just love me back.”

  Kay didn’t speak and didn’t look at him. She couldn’t, the tears were already stinging as she tried to keep them from falling.

  Kevin spoke next. “Kay you are my best friend and the only person that I can call day or night and I feel horrible about being a part of this. None of us set out to hurt you. We thought if we waited and you saw how much good we were doing that you would forgive us. We should have never lied to you, and I am sorry Kay. Please forgive me because I can’t stand the thought of you not being in my life. Peyton I am sorry for putting you in the middle of it,” Kevin added, turning to look at her.

  “Mom,” Trevas began next. “I am your son, and I shouldn’t have gone along with any of this either, but like Kevin said, none of us would ever do anything to intentionally hurt you. If we could do it over again we would, but we can’t. All that we know how to do is beg for you to forgive us, and say that we are sorry.”

  “Alley, I am so sorry to you too. I should have talked to you about it too, and I didn’t and you are right, we are equal partners, and I promise to never make another decision without you. You know how much I love you, and I would never expect you to move here if you didn’t want to, and I would follow you anywhere you wanted to go because I can’t live without you.”

  Alley stood and leaned into Trevas, and he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her head. “You are not off the hook, and we are still discussing this later,” she demanded.

  “Peyton, can I talk to you for a minute?” Kevin asked next, and she got up and followed him to the living room.

  “You don’t have to talk to me, and you can be mad if you have to, but will you at least leave with me for a little while so that Don and Kay can talk.”

  “Yes,” she smiled up at him.

  Trevas and Alley said goodbye and Peyton told them to come and see her before she left. Kevin and Peyton left next, leaving Kay and Don alone in the kitchen. He stayed standing and she stayed sitting at the end of the table.

  They stared at each other for the longest time before either of them spoke.

  “Kay, come here,” Don finally said.

  “I can’t Donnie.”

  “Yes you can. Get up off of that chair and come to me, please Kay.”

  Kay looked at him and sighed. “I can’t. I don’t want this. I think it is best if you just go.”

  “You can’t because you know that you do still love me, and you are afraid of feeling like you should feel.”

  “Like I should feel?”

  “Yes, happy and in love, Kay I love you, and I swear that I will spend the rest of my life making up for what I did to you, these last fourteen months. Please let me.” Don knew that she wasn’t going to come to him, and if he was going to get anywhere, he was going
to have to go to her, and he did. He went to her and took both of her hands, pulling her up to him and wrapped her in his arms.

  “Kay, please tell me that you want me as much as I want you,” he begged, and pulled her away from his chest and wiped her tears away with both his thumbs.

  “I don’t know if we can fix this Donnie.”

  “We can baby, I know we can. I told you I will walk away from this project right now if that is what you want.”

  “It’s not about that. It’s about you doing this behind my back, and letting me think for months that something was more important to you than I was, whether it was the school or the work, you still didn’t choose me and that hurt more than you could imagine.”

  “I didn’t know that Kay. I really did think that you would stay mad for a little bit and get over it. I never dreamed you would ignore my calls, and then have your number changed.”

  “I am true to my word Donnie. I told you that if you left and did this again that I wouldn’t be here waiting on you when you got back the next time.”

  Donnie didn’t respond with words, and lifted her face to his and kissed her until she thought she was going to pass out. She didn’t think it was possible to still feel this way about him, and she did. She was so confused by this point that she didn’t know whether she was coming or going, and it was temporarily interrupted when her cellphone rang. She figured it was Peyton wanting to know if she should come and save her and she hit the end button when she saw that it was Ken.

  Peyton did call right after Ken, and Kay told her that she was fine, and she would see her in the morning. Don took her phone out of her hand and started to kiss her again when her phone rang again, and it was Ken again.

  Don answered. “Hello,” he said.

  “Um…is Kay there?” he asked, not sure who it was.

  “Yes she is here, but she is not interested in talking to you and I would appreciate it if you would stop calling her. She will not be accommodating your bootie calls any longer.”

  “Who is this?” he wanted to know.

  “It’s the guy who will be servicing her from now on, maybe you should go home and service your wife,” he added, and hung up.

  Kay had and amused look and was shaking her head. “You know about that?” she asked pointing to her phone as if it was Ken.

  “Yes I knew about the married Ken, stopping by and baking cookies with you.”


  “That’s what I had to tell myself to keep from knocking on your door and ripping his head off. And I really want to lecture you right now about you letting him use you like that, but I am going to refrain and let it be whatever it was.”

  “It was being safe.”

  “Safe?” Don asked, not understanding.

  “Yeah safe, as in unable to get close, unable to love and unable to be hurt.”

  “Kay I am so sorry,” Don said looking into her eyes, and wishing he could change what he did to her.

  She smiled a warm smile. “Are you spending the night?” she asked quietly.

  “Is that an invitation?”

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I am going to take that as a yes,” he said, smiling and he swooped her up, causing her to scream and carried her to her bed. He laid her on the bed and took her in his arms and kissed her. He ran his hands up her shirt, and she felt like it was her first time ever. She had made love to this man hundreds of times and still felt like a nervous teenager.

  “Kay I love you,” he whispered, to her lips as he helped her slide out of her jeans.

  Kay had forgotten how good it felt to be with him and how much she loved being in his arms. He kissed her throat and then her breast as his hands wandered down her body, resting between her legs. She quivered at his touch, and he brought her to bliss with his fingers because unlike her, he had not been with anyone since her, and was afraid that as soon as he entered her he would let go, and he wanted to make sure she was satisfied before he was.

  He pulled her legs up before she was concluded from her first orgasm and came between them. She moaned in pleasurable agony when she felt him enter her, and it instantly started building again, unable to contain her desire as he plunged in and out of her. He held onto her hip with one hand, and held himself up with the other so that he could see her face. He never wanted to take his eyes off of her again. As soon as Kay threw her head back and pressed her breast toward him from arching her back, and that one last scream of ecstasy, pushed him over the top and he thrust deep into her and moaned his own pleasurable moan.

  “God I’ve missed you baby,” he said, panting like an overheated dog.

  Kay reached up and touched his hair, and he kissed her. She knew this was right, and she knew that she was never going to feel like this with any other man, and the truth was she didn’t want any other man. She wanted Donnie Beckett, and she wanted to wake up in his arms for the rest of her life. So, was she willing to throw away all of the pain and suffering that she had endured for months to have him there? Yes, she was willing to do that, and she knew that she would.

  Peyton stood across from Kevin as he sat at the bar. “Go ahead, Peyton. Let me have it,” he told her, meeting her glare.

  “You lied to me?”

  “No, I lied to Kay. I just didn’t tell you.”

  “No, you lied to me. When I asked you if you knew how to get a hold of Don, you told me no that you were loyal to Kay, and you didn’t talk to him anymore. You have been talking to him the whole time, haven’t you?” Payton accused, with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.

  “Okay, you’re right. I lied to you too, and I am sorry.”

  “I feel like you helped him hurt Kay.”

  “I feel like that too Payton, and I wished we would have just been honest with her, but I am like Don, I never dreamed she would end it like she did. I thought just like he did, and figured as soon as he was gone for a couple of weeks, she would miss him and talk to him, and when he got home he would go home to her. She didn’t talk to him, and he didn’t come home to her.”

  “That is because you both underestimated her. Kay is a very strong woman, and even I am smart enough to know that when Kay says something, Kay means it.”

  “That she does,” Kevin agreed. “Can we make up now?” He asked with a grin.


  “On what?”

  “On whether or not we are eating anything tonight, we were supposed to cookout with everyone, remember?”

  “If I feed you, can we make up?”

  “It’s a good possibility. What are you going to feed me?”

  “Pizza, Chinese or I can order subs from Frazier’s.”

  “Let’s do the subs. Do they have an Italian sub?”

  “Hmm, the best one you have ever tasted,” he boasted about the local sub shop.

  Peyton and Kevin ate there subs, and Peyton did agree, it was the best sub she had ever tasted. She cleaned up their trash, and took a drink of his coke and then turned to him sitting on the couch with a very sneaky grin. She straddled him and pressed her breast against him as she kissed him.

  “I still need a shower from playing basketball,” he told her, knowing that he had to smell.

  “I think you smell sexy as hell, but we can go to the shower if you want,” she replied on his lips, and then forced her tongue between his lips before letting him respond.

  “If you get in the shower with me, there is no way you are getting out without me taking you.”

  “Do you know how long it has been since I have had sex in the shower?”

  “No, tell me.”

  “A long time,” she smiled and stood taking his hand. “Come on, show me what you got,” she teased with a sexy expression.

  Kevin was ready before he ever touched her, and she pressed her naked, wet body against his as he entered the shower with her.

  “It’s too hot,” he winced.

  “It is hot,” she replied, taking his mouth with hers, talking about two diffe
rent things.

  Kevin pulled her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her. It was hot and, she thought it was the most erotic scenario, she had ever had. She had, had shower sex before, but the sexual tension that the two of them shared was not even in the same ballpark. Peyton put her hand flat against the wall and surrendered in record time.

  Kevin shut the water off and pulled her from the walk-in shower, kissing her the whole time. He backed her up to the counter and lifted her gracefully as he entered her again. He took her with great force and speed, and as soon as she was ready he was ready with her, and they came together as he pulled her close.

  Kevin pulled back to look at her, and she smiled a warm smile and touched his cheek with the back of her hand. They were both feeling the effects of saying goodbye and each of them knew it.

  “What if I asked you to stay with me and move here?” he asked the rhetorical question.

  She smiled again. “I would say no. What if I asked you to move to LA, with me?”

  He kissed her and smiled. “I would say no,” he admitted, and they both knew that this was the way it was, and she would say goodbye to him when he left for work the following morning.

  Peyton lay in his arms with her naked body next to his and they talked.

  “Your daughter is a feisty little thing,” he told her, and she laughed.

  “Yes she is most definitely a feisty little thing.”

  “She is very pretty too,” he admitted to her and kissed the top of her head. “She takes after her mama.”

  “She is a very pretty girl and thank you. She hasn’t had the easiest life, and I find myself wanting to be around her more and act like a mother now that it’s too late.”

  “I’m sure you were a good mom,” Kevin assumed.

  “I wasn’t a mom at all. Fletcher got me pregnant when I was eighteen, and just starting out, trying to make it in showbiz. I had the lead role in the movie ‘Support’, do you remember that movie?” she asked looking up to him.

  “Only because I have recently watched every movie you have ever been in.”

  “You have?”

  “Yup, and I don’t think there is one that I didn’t like.”