Read Starburst Page 41

  “Giving it up, Trevas is going to build us a house by the lake, and I am going to Utah.”

  “You are?” Peyton asked shocked.

  “Yes, I am, most definitely. There is no reason why you couldn’t walk away from all of this too, you know?”

  “I can’t believe you are going to move to Utah. When were you going to tell me about this?”

  “I don’t know. We can’t do anything for a couple more months, and then we are going to stay at the cabin for a while and start working on plans for the house.”

  “Are you sure that is what you want to do Alley? That place is nothing like Los Angeles at all.”

  “Exactly, and besides, Trevas really wants to get involved with this whole boys home thing.”

  “But what would you do? You’re not going to be happy just sitting around doing nothing.”

  “I am going to go to school and get my teaching degree.”

  Peyton almost swallowed her tongue. “You’re teaching degree? I never knew you even thought about that.”

  “I have been thinking more and more about it, and I could help tutor the kids at the home.”

  “Wow, Alley, I had no idea.”

  Alley was taken away from their deep conversation when her phone rang, and she walked outside to answer it. Peyton was left with her own deep conversation with herself. This changed everything. If Alley and Trevas was going to be there it made it even more enticing to walk away to be with Kevin, and the friends there that she loved. She could play a role in the home as well. She loved to cook and could even teach that if she wanted.

  Alley hung up from her call with Frankie, telling her that she would call her right back. She dialed Trevas and chewed on her thumb nail, nervously.

  “Yes, my evil princess,” he answered, knowing that one of them wanted something else from the store.

  “Trevas can I run into the city and see Frankie? I promise, I will run right in and right out.”

  “Absolutely not Alley.”

  “Please Trevas. I haven’t smoked anything for almost a month. I promise I will go straight there and straight back.”

  “You did too, we did in Utah, remember? Why didn’t you say something sooner? I could have gotten something.”

  “She just called and said that they got some really good shit. I didn’t think about it until she called.”

  “I don’t want you going there Alley, you know what happened the last time”

  “I promise, I won’t get a tattoo or get drunk. I will run in and right out.”

  “That makes me nervous as hell. Wait until I get back and I will go with you.”

  “No, Trevas. They won’t deal with you there. I will be fine I promise.”

  “I don’t like it Alley,” he admitted, and she knew he was giving in.

  “Please,” she begged. “I will even share with you.”

  “What are you going to tell you mom?”

  “I will just tell her that I am going to run over to my dad’s for a minute.”

  “I am giving you exactly thirty minutes, and I am coming after you.”

  “Yes!” she exclaimed, excited. “I love you.”

  Trevas groaned and hung up.

  Chapter 22

  Alley was true to her word and was back within thirty minutes. She did exactly what she said she would do and didn’t even get attacked by the paparazzi. Trevas was on the front step tensely waiting for her to return.

  “You are not allowed to leave the house dressed like that,” he demanded when she got out of her car.

  “What is wrong with this?” she wanted to know.

  “Your shorts are too short and I freaking hate it when you show your nipples,” he told her, and she rolled her eyes.

  “They’re just happy to see you.”

  “Wear a bra, Alley. You look like a skank.”

  “You did not just tell me, I look like a skank,” she angrily spit out.

  “I did, but I didn’t mean it that way. Stop going out looking like that. I don’t want anyone else to look at you like that.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Maybe I am, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you shouldn’t look like that around anyone but me.”

  “It was Frankie, for God’s sake. Lake and Alfie weren’t even there. I was in a hurry.”

  Peyton was leaned over kissing Kevin when they met them at the pool and of course they stopped when Alley and Trevas joined them.

  “I am going to put my bathing suit on,” Peyton told them, and asked Kevin if he was getting in.

  “Maybe later, I better make sure Trevas doesn’t burn the food,” he teased, and Trevas snorted.

  “Alley, you getting in?” Peyton asked.

  “I don’t know. You better ask Trevas if I am allowed to wear a bikini,” Alley said, giving Trevas a dirty look and Peyton knew that he must have gotten onto her about her apparel.

  “Stop it,” Trevas demanded, pointing the metal spatula at her.

  Peyton and Alley both came back wearing bikinis and Trevas and Kevin both stared from the grill as the mother and daughter walked down the steps into the pool.

  “Jesus, Trevas,” Kevin stated, turning back to the grill.

  Trevas laughed. “That is exactly what I was thinking,” he said.

  They played around in the water until Trevas told them it was almost ready. Peyton pulled on a shirt, and Trevas of course had to make Alley.

  “We are by the pool, where this is the proper attire,” she argued.

  Trevas had to put it to her a different way to make her listen.

  “Alley, I can’t eat and have to stare at your body at the same time,” he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. She went in and pulled one of his too big t-shirts over her, and they sat at the umbrella table and ate.

  Kevin and Peyton cleaned up the mess and brought out the beer and put it in the stainless steel refrigerator by the grill. Peyton brought Trevas one, and they all sat around and talked at the table. Kevin asked Alley how the movie was doing, and she explained to him that the movie had been done for quite some time, and they were just dong the promotion part of it now, and only had six weeks and four days left. They laughed at her knowing the exact days until it would all be over.

  Peyton sat close to Kevin and traced circles on his leg with her finger. She had no idea what she was doing and honestly didn’t care. She couldn’t get enough of him and almost wished that Alley and Trevas wouldn’t have been there, wanting to be closer to him.

  They all turned, and she quickly moved her hand when she saw Fletcher open the door and come out.

  “Damn, I’m starving. I was hoping you guys hadn’t eaten yet.”

  “There is plenty left Fletch. Do you want a burger?” Peyton asked.

  “I would love a burger,” he stated and eyed Kevin as he took the empty chair around the table.

  “Fletcher this is Kevin and Kevin this is Alley’s dad who just walks in and eats here whenever he wants,” Peyton said introducing them before heading into the house to fix a plate for Fletcher.

  “Kevin Uh?” he asked with a peculiar look, and Peyton was trying her best to give him a look to shut up, but he wouldn’t look at her. “So is this the Kevin from Utah that you said you’re in love with?”

  “Shut the hell up Fletcher,” she demanded and Trevas stood trying to hide his laugh. Peyton looked at him too and told him to shut the hell up as well.

  “I didn’t say a word,” Trevas pleaded. “And why are you telling me to shut up? I am not the one that made the Limo driver wait outside so that I could finish doing the wild thing,” he joked, but Peyton didn’t find it as funny as everyone else laughing, and with one, arm she shoved him back and into the pool he went, with his jeans and beer.

  He came up still laughing. “You did not just do that,” he told her as he pulled himself up giving her a look that she was going to pay.

  “Trevas don’t,” she demanded, walking around the table to get away from him

  He didn’t speak and kept walking toward her with squishing noises from his soaked sneakers.

  “Trevas I mean it. I have to get Fletcher a plate.

  “Fletcher can starve, you’re going swimming.”

  “No, I just changed. I mean it Trevas. Alley, control your man.”

  “Uh-uh, I want to see this,” she said, intrigued at anyone throwing her mother into the pool.

  “Damn it Trevas, get away from me,” she demanded as they went around in circles, circling the table. As soon as she was close to the sliding door she ran for it, and Trevas grabbed her around the waist and lifted her feet, soaking her clothes from his as he dragged her kicking and screaming toward the pool.

  He thrust his arm holding her toward the pool, but she didn’t let go and he lost his balance and went with her. She came up cussing him, and thrashing her arms in an attempt to slap him or punch him or something. Trevas wasn’t sure if she was having some sort of seizer or quite what she was doing.

  “Am I still getting a burger?” Fletcher wanted to know as she walked up the pool steps, ringing water out of her wet shirt that she had just put on.

  “Go to McDonald’s,” she yelled and everyone laughed.

  “I will get it for you dad,” Alley offered, and Peyton told her to unlock her bedroom door leading to the pool so that she didn’t track water all over the house.

  “Trevas you have clothes in the dryer,” Alley told him and went into fix her dad a plate.

  Trevas stripped down to his underwear on the patio and went into deposit the wet clothes into the washer. Alley eyed his naked body and see-through boxers as he did. She stopped him before he got to the door and ran her hands up his chest and looked up for him to kiss her. She rubbed a hand over his thin wet shorts and he went from being wet and drawn up from the cool air conditioner, to uncomfortably hard in a split second. She let him go with a seductive stare and turned back to what she was doing.

  “Alley,” he called from the laundry room.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Come here,” he replied and she set the microwave and went to him.

  “Yes?” she asked, and he shut the door behind her and locked it. Standing there with a hard on and she laughed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, but took him into her hand and stroked him a couple times.

  He lifted her shirt over her head and kissed her chest.

  “Trevas stop it.” She demanded.

  “I can’t stop it now until we take care of this,” he said, looking down at her holding him in her hand and she laughed at him.

  She kissed him and let him go. “I will take care of it later, I promise,” she said and turned to leave him. He grabbed her before she could open the door and slid his hand down the front of her bikini.

  “Damn it Trevas,” she said just above a whisper as she felt him touch her.

  “Please baby, I’ll be quick.”

  Alley slid out of her bottoms and turned back to him. He pulled her up to him and slid himself easily into her with a hiss. He walked her to the washer and sat her down. Trevas was moving in and out of her and Peyton knocked.

  “What?” Alley called as coherent as possible.

  “I need to put these wet clothes in the washer.”

  “Lay them down, Trevas is naked. I’ll get them,” she called, and listened for the sliding door to open and close again before continuing to meet Trevas’s hips with her own thrusting hips.

  Trevas brought his thumb down and circled her most sensitive spot and she dropped her head back, giving his mouth full access to her small breast.

  “Ah fuck Trevas,” she moaned as she felt the building of her bliss.

  “You ready baby,” he asked, thrusting deeper and faster.

  “Awe fuck yes,” she moaned and he took her mouth with his as they let go together, not wanting her to scream any obscene words.

  He held himself deep inside of her until their breathing became manageable and lifted her to the floor with a kiss.

  “Thank you,” he told her on her lips.

  “You’re welcome, but now I want to go burn one.”

  “Not yet,” wait until your mom goes to bed.

  “You can go back out if you want. I am going to go upstairs for a little bit.”

  “Oh, no, you’re not,” he demanded, getting dressed. “You are waiting on me.”

  Alley groaned and opened the door and picked up the wet clothes and put them in the washer with Trevas’s.

  Fletcher was already eating the plate of food that Peyton had taken out for them, and she glared at Trevas when they rejoined them.

  “I love you Peyton,” Trevas said with a puppy dog face and a tilted head.

  “Go to hell,” she demanded, getting a laugh from everyone, including Kevin.

  “Mom you should come to this party with me tomorrow night,” Alley told her.

  Peyton was surprised that she asked her and would have jumped on the offer if Kevin hadn’t been there, but she wasn’t about to leave him to go to a party.

  “Yeah Peyton and Kevin can play security with me, and I won’t be so bored,” Trevas agreed.

  “I am not going to make Kevin stand on the sidelines while I attend a party,” she demanded.

  “Why? Dad makes Trevas do it all the time,” Alley scoured.

  “I actually think that might be kind of cool,” Kevin admitted, “besides I would probably embarrass both of us around Clint Eastwood or something,” he admitted.

  Peyton laughed. “Clint Eastwood won’t be there. We’ll talk about it,” she said, letting it go.

  Fletcher left around eight and told Kevin that it would be more than okay if he joined them the following night, whether he wanted to hang out with Peyton or Trevas.

  Trevas got everyone another round and literally spit his first drink of his bottle, clear across the table when his evil little princess opened her big mouth.

  “Mom can we smoke a joint?”

  Trevas was afraid to look at Peyton or Kevin’s face. Kevin would kill him. He watched him shaking in bed, all while sweating and throwing up at the same time, when he was withdrawing from drugs.

  Trevas was even more shocked at what came next. Kevin laughed at her, and Peyton shrugged her shoulders and said, “It’s not like I don’t know you two do it anyway.”

  Trevas looked to Kevin, still waiting on the lecture.

  “I caught you guys smoking it too, when you went outback at your moms,” Kevin stated. Trevas told her it was a bad idea to smoke it there, and of course she wouldn’t listen and lit it anyway. “I won’t say anything about an occasional joint, but if I ever find out that you so much as looked at anything else, I will personally kill you,” Kevin threatened.

  “I am going to kill you,” Trevas said looking at Alley, who was already up disappearing to get her newly purchased bag of weed that she had been dying to smoke.

  Trevas along with Peyton and Kevin watched as Alley rolled a perfect joint, without a care in the world. All Trevas could do was shake his head at her audaciousness.

  Alley lit it with all eyes on her.

  “What?” she finally asked, trying to hold in the smoke.

  “I don’t even know what to say to you right now, so don’t look at me,” Trevas retorted.

  Alley rolled her eyes at him, letting him know that she thought he was being ridiculous, and she passed the joint to her left, rather than to her right where Trevas was sitting.

  Trevas was shocked again when Kevin hit it and passed it to Peyton who also hit it. He could only shake his head in disbelief and Alley laughed. What the hell was going on here? Kevin was so adamant about this boy’s home, where he was going to help young boys stay off of drugs and here he was getting high. And Peyton, what? Really? Something was certainly happening right now.

  Peyton coughed and passed it to Trevas who of course hit it. He needed something stronger than that after witnessing what was going on in his own eyes.

  The thre
e of them ended up smoking it all the way to nothing and Trevas did relax after smoking it. They were all laughing and having a good time. Peyton told stories of Alley when she was younger, and some of her tantrums that they had survived and Alley laughed with her and didn’t get mad, like she normally would.

  Peyton went in and brought out chips and dip and between the four of them they devoured the entire bag. Alley moved over to Trevas’s lap, and he gladly opened his arms for her. She sat sideways on his legs and had one arm around his neck. Trevas put one hand on her bare leg, and the other traced the skin at the top of her shorts on her back.

  Kevin had moved Peyton closer to him as well and had his hand on her bare leg under the table. He was tracing letters with his fingers and she kept looking at him with a, do it again look and he would. She finally got it and knew that he had just written, ‘I want you’ on her leg.

  Finally, around ten o’clock Alley leaned into Trevas’s ear and whispered to him. “Take me to bed,” and Peyton was never so happy to hear Trevas announce that they were going to bed.

  Kevin and Peyton stayed on the patio and moved to the glider, where they could both sit and be closer to each other. Kevin raised his arm, and she snuggled up to him.

  “Does your ex-husband come here often?” he asked, tracing her arm with his fingers.

  “Maybe once or twice a week, he usually doesn’t want anything but yeah he stops.”

  “You must have good relationship with him.”

  “I guess so; we are much better friends than we were as a couple, why?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I just figured you must talk to him. Did you tell him you were in love with me?”

  Peyton snorted. “I knew this was going somewhere,” she replied.

  She sat up so that she could turn and look at him. “I actually made him kiss me because I wanted to see if it felt the same as it does when you kiss me. And yes Kevin, I did tell him that I thought that I am in love with you.”

  “What was the verdict?”

  She smiled, and slowly moved toward his lips with hers and his eyes went from her eyes to her moistening her lips for him, and he kissed her softly, and then more passionate when she parted her lips for his tongue.